30 Times Pokémon LIED to Us

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[Music] I've been a few times while playing a Pokemon game but I felt betrayed I felt like I couldn't trust anyone anymore I felt lied to I was told one thing but it turns out that thing wasn't true in the slightest and because this is happen so often I decided to show off a list of 30 times that Pokemon has lied to our faces but before we get to that allow me to talk about this video sponsor moot the Moot app is a free to use mobile app that allows anyone to interact with other videogame lovers for an ultimate gaming experience on the app you'll find things ranging from news guides and even memes about almost any of your favorite video games whether it be fortnight's apex Call of Duty and of course Pokemon not only that but the app contains a looking for group feature that allows players to search for specific teammates and other players that are best suited for you by either filling out exactly what kind of teammates you're looking for or even just joining a group for a specific game whatever you do you'll definitely be able to find people to play with Moot also has a state-of-the-art Pokemon trading tool which is located by visiting the trading board in the Pokemon lounge or if you're looking for a specific Pokemon whether it be for competitive or just completing the decks you're bound to find someone who'll be able to trade with you as you use the app and make posts you'll earn moot coins overtime which can be used for things like customizing your profile and cosmetics and there's even some extra stuff like moot tickets that can enter people in giveaways for headsets accessories and even entire consoles and the best part is as I said it's completely free to use root is available on Android iOS and pretty much any browser a link will be in the pinned comments and the description if you want to try it out and now onto the video 30 times that pokemon light to our faces let's start off with some lies from the Pokedex lullaby their wings are too tiny to allow them to fly it can't fly [Music] cubone a West skull of its dead mother on its head no back Victini it is sent that trainers with a Victini always win regardless of the type of encounter asked of Illya they fly around at high speed while first off they can't learn fly and second here are some Pokemon that are faster than a Scoville air here's Ivysaur a red and blue dex entry when the bulb on his back grows large it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs lambent this pokemon appears just before someone passes away so it's feared as in a misery of death once it finds someone whose death is near it will trail quietly after them so should I be worried right now okay it's been a while I I think I might be good and the last section we will look at is Tentacruel it has 80 tentacles eighty ten to eighty ten eighty tentacle eighty tentacles one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen one two three four five one two three four five six one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen four where are they where are they where are they next up is lies in Pokemon advertisements you all remember the very first gameplay trailer for sword and shield right if you do you'll remember that the first wild encounter ever was a Pikachu on route 1 but you can't find Pikachu on route 1 and gala you mean this was a lie what if someone bought Pokemon sword and shield thinking they were able to capture Pikachu on the trout and are still searching for and to this day they'll be a real shame going back a couple of generations we have the X&Y trailerware Pokemon announced the fairy type along with some already existing Pokemon gaining the very typing we also got a glimpse of a fairy move fairy wind used by Gardevoir but Gardevoir cants learned fairy wind so this is all lies well going forward a bit more when omega ruby and alpha sapphire was coming out some images were shared of Blaziken using ice punch to which people are freaking out because Blaziken can't learn i spun Shh Oh moving rails good thing I didn't learn it because they'll be busted next up we have lies told to us in game in the first generation games the Cinnabar Island Jim puzzle was literally a multi choice Pokemon pop quiz one of the questions asks the players does Caterpie evolved into Butterfree well as we all know that's obviously not true because Caterpie evolves into meta pop what now that's just not fair in Viridian City at the beginning of the game there was an old man that blocks your path and wouldn't let you pass his reason is that he hadn't had his coffee yet however this isn't really true in the Japanese versions of the games the old man doesn't refuse to let you through because he hasn't had his coffee yet instead he was drunk I don't care if you changed this because it's a kids game I still feel lied to this dream is great is full of women this gym is great it's full of strong trainers a common allah some BS i'm getting a gift for copycats in cerulean city you mean the copycat girl who's in Saffron City trying to get me to go to Cerulean City nice try here is one of the more interesting lies told in the Jen Wang games there's a scientist in one of the houses in the safari zone that tells the player you can keep any item you find on the ground here but you'll run out of time if you try for all of them at once however if you take a specific path through the safari zone as long as the player can also you surf when they acquire the HM getting every item in one go is actually possible so as you can see pretty much all the NPC's and pokemon are complete liar [Music] that's not need arena cry that's not an alone erotic a cry the poly while you treated me went and evolved but Paliwal doesn't evolve fire trading the wretch you traded me went and evolved but right Jude doesn't evolve period psychic pokémon only fear ghosts and bugs sake Pokemon only few bugs teehee finally let's take a look at some and I'm being a bit risky here lies within the Pokemon anime who remembers the baccarat who remembers that the poker up is full of lies as well for example this is not Poliwrath this is not gravel ax and this is not how you spell liquor tongue next up we have one of my personal favorites the trainers choice that played journey ads let's start with the most well-known one let's go well togetic and gravel would technically be the same Combusken is the only bad choice here well that's definitely not correct I mean I can tell you answer it's not which is survivor but fortress is immune to poison also you spelt fortress wrong nurse leaf this is stupid [Music] well let me take a wild guess camerupt okay so what you're saying is that in order to get that quote-unquote correct answer here you have to go for the answer that's completely wrong okay of course is explode how could I be so foolish place a market place a market please please say look it's so obviously the incorrect choice so it has to be right please please say mug it please [Music] [Applause] okay I'm gonna give you a chance to redeem yourself Pokemon or whoever made this quiz I'm speaking to you which of the three Pokemon would last the longest against a psychic attack which of these three Pokemon one of which is a dark-type would last the longest against a psychic-type attack I know what answer it is you should know what answer it is just because one type is strong against another type doesn't mean it's gonna last long against that type so keeping all that in mind the answer must be and finally the biggest lie in all of Pokemon something that has deceived us for so many generations can you guess what is well if not here you are all right for alligator you surf wait a minute that's not my fur alligator that's a Lapras what the f-- and those are 30 examples of untrue information giving to a spy Pokemon I'm sure they'll be even more things to cover in the future as Pokemon continues and if there is decent chance that I'll probably want to cover it as well thank you so much again to Moot for sponsoring this video again a link to try the mute app will be in the description and pinned comments and if you did enjoy the video please do leave a like subscribe for more Pokemon content in the future and until next time thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 1,665,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, theauraguardian, pokemon lied, pokemon trivia, pokemon facts, pokemon facts you didnt know, pokemon lied to us, the truth about pokemon, gorochu pokemon, trainers choice mistakes, pokemon trainers choice, pokemon cinnabar island, lapras, raichu evolves, pokemon route 1, moot app, pokemon copycat
Id: K5xZWmYsiAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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