Renegade Platinum With Only Shiny Pokemon! (Rom Hack)

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well hello everyone my name is wigo and welcome back to another video this week we're once again going to be taking on pokemon renegade platinum which we have already taken on in the past with cyrus's team but this time we're going to be checking out one feature of this game and that is the increased shiny odds feature the shiny eyes in this game have actually been changed to one in 512 so not too hard but also not too easy it can still take you hours to get shiny pokemon but that's exactly why you guys are here probably so today i'll be showing you my shiny journey in pokemon renegade platinum this is not a nuzlocke though if a pokemon dies i can still use it because i don't want to lose my shiny pokemon but i am only going to be able to allow myself to get eight pokemon so my starter and then seven others so that i have eight pokemon for eight gym badges besides that let me know what your least favorite shiny pokemon is and also why mine is definitely garchomp because i feel like they could have done so much more with it and instead of doing that they gave us one of the worst shiny forms ever where barely anything changes and while you guys are down there also don't forget to leave a like and subscribe and with that out of the way let's jump right into pokemon renegade platinum with only shiny pokemon since we're going to be seeing a lot of shiny sparkles in this video i decided to name myself the shiniest thing on earth a diamond hopefully that will increase our odds just a little bit more and our rival's name will be mark i don't know i just picked mark this is mark okay don't question as you can see from the gameplay i also recorded this run with a timer so you can see exactly how long this run took me do take in mind that this is with speed up so at the end my in-game time will definitely be a lot different than my real timer in this game you have the three normal sino starters third week jim char and piplup and i decided to just pick between the three of them so that i would get a random shiny after going for about half an hour though i decided to scrap piplup because i don't really like his shiny and i just went with turtwig and chimchar and after going back and forth between the two the entire time i eventually managed to get myself a shiny chimchar at one hour and four minutes into the game this was also definitely the one that i wanted the most because i feel like chimchar's shiny is probably the best of the three after then burning the little penguin with some embers we had some nice penguin meat and went on over to the professor's lab where we could name our little monkey and i decided to name him wes the west by our side we also get our pokeballs so we can capture even more shiny pokemon and we then headed to the trainer school to gather some more knowledge after finding out the meaning of life we went back into the tall grass to beat up every pokemon that we saw and eventually my chimchar reached level 14 so that he would evolve into a monferno and his added fighting type will definitely help us against the first team leader rourke because he will of course have rock types before he can take on rourke though my monferno first has to destroy our rivals starly with flame wheel pipple up with mack punches and then munchlax with a mack punch too after this we also find out that gym leaders are apparently underpaid because some of them have to work down in the mines that doesn't mean that he isn't generous though he's still giving us a free stone of our choice and i decided to go with the water stone not that we're ever going to use it though after he's done in the mine he goes back to his full-time job as being a gym leader which means that it's time for us to beat him luckily for us he just leads with a nose pass which is very heavy so we can just low kick that thing into oblivion low kick and mac punch to judo 2 theonix shares the same fate and basically the rest of his pokemon all share the same fate because you know what they say about rocks if you punch them they they die so that's our first gym badge acquired already which means that we can use another shiny pokemon but before we decide to go and hunt again we have to carefully choose what we want and this lady in the pokemon center actually gives you three pokemon at once which is very nice because that means that we have even more chances of getting a shiny and the three pokemon that you get from this lady are torchic trico and mudkip yes you heard that right mudkip is available so you know i'm gonna have to go for it so anyway i started resetting and despite this lady gave me three pokemon at once it still took me the longest to get this shiny than any other shiny in this entire video it actually took me around two hours and a half before i managed to get my first of the three shiny pokemon and guess which one i got mutt kip i definitely would have taken trico as well i just wouldn't have been happy with torchic because we already have a firefighting type but mudkip i am the happiest man on earth right now i mean look into his eyes and tell me this isn't the most adorable shiny ever with my two sparkling pokemon in hand i went ahead and took on this region's evil team team galactic which is all about space and stuff so we just shoot him off into space with our mukkip and shortly after my mudkip also evolved into a marsh tom also is it just me or does marshtrom's 3d design in the later games look very cursed the next thing we have to do is chase team galactic out of the power plant because they're trying to steal the energy there or whatever i don't know what they're doing anyway marshdom destroys zubat wes easily takes care of the big fat cat bronzor dies to a single flame wheel and then for yanma we just rock to nothing once four times super effective another easy win for me let's move on over to the forest one thing that's very cool about renegade platinum is these added battles that are not in regular platinum but they actually should be so i hope gamefreak kinda considers these in pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl but i highly doubt it also cheryl's team is pretty trash so we just sweep that entire thing and made our way through the spooky forest together with her and after reaching the next town we also found ninja from fortnite then while i was just picking up some items and walking through the grass i found a random shiny so i don't even have to hunt for this one it's a pretty bad one though i don't really like chingling or chimeko but it could have definitely been worse after capturing the little bell we named drake and we then went to the snowy mountains to find the grass type gym leader gardenia and as you may know we have a fire type on the team so we can just flamewheel flame wheel flame thrower flame thrower flame wheel flame wheel flaming flip up dead two gym matches acquired which means that we can now use our third shiny pokemon chingling and we're immediately just evolving it into chimecho with chimecho we have to go and do a rescue operation because team galactic has once again been up to no good and stealing people's pokemon i still don't really get why they steal pokemon since they can just capture them in the wild themselves which would be a lot less of a hassle but hey i'm not an evil team leader i can't decide what these people do and chaimeko immediately puts in the work destroying her first pokemon golbat with a single extra sensory west then killed sablai with flame wheels skunk tank went down to my marsh tom's bulldozes and she then had another tangala which i destroyed with whis once again one flame wheel and we have won the battle shortly after on our journey we found a little girl stuck in a cave we just left her there after leaving my monferno evolved into an infernape and i got chased by a ghost of a hiker i'm pretty sure i don't know what this is probably just karma for leaving that little girl in that cave next up on the list is actually a battle with dawn which you never get to do in the regular platinum so that's pretty cool or marsh tomp manages to destroy paolo swine with aqua tail and bulldoze the next two pokemon clefable and grottle got killed by flame wheels from infernape and the final pokemon lowpony just took one mag punch to the face which meant that we could already move on to the next part which was an attack on my life after talking to the lady with a fan strapped to the back of her head we also got permission to beat her up before we do that though we evolve our march tomp into the best pokemon of all time swampert even though he's the best pokemon of all time he does have the worst shiny of his evolution line in my opinion with this beefed up team i went and took on fantina so i just started with infernape against her driftblim set up her sword stance and i started sweeping nothing on her team could outspeed me or survive a single hit from my boosted flame wheel so we acquired our third gym batch as easy as the second one i'm actually pretty happy that we got infernape as our starter because turtwig definitely wouldn't have been able to sweep this much now in normal platinum you would just be able to go through the next gym leader quite easily without many backtracking while in renegade platinum you first have to do the regular rival battle and then do an entire detour the rival battle itself really wasn't that hard shy mikko destroyed saraviya and heracross pretty quickly while infernape took care of snorlax with some mag punches and primplub actually managed to burn my swampert and then kill me with a skull but shortly after chimecho could just swoop up the print plot with psychic after this we get a call from a maid who needs some help with a team galactic situation so we send all of the baby pokemon upon it and since these boys are pretty scary team galactic is going to be running off rather quickly sadly enough for us though they're not going down without a fight luckily for us we had mark on our side and his snorlax combined with my infernae put in a lot of work in order to kill both of their teams not really with much cheese because they managed to kill two of my three pokemon but in the end we did overpower them we also got our third gym badge a little while ago which also means that we can get a new encounter and this time i decided to just go in the grass and hopefully find myself a scyther and even if i didn't get scyther i could get rapidash i could get pincer i could get tauros in this area so there's a lot of good pokemon available here this encounter took me about an hour of clicking the left and right button and in the back of my mind i was just hoping for that site they're hoping for something good and in the end they gave me the dele delewoop which on one side i'm happy about for the memes but on the other cricket tune is really bad so it's not going to be too useful it does have a really good looking shiny though i love the gold on it with my qriket in hand i went on over to maylene the fourth gym leader i mean lean's leading pokemon is going to be medicham which can do a lot of damage to me with fake out and high jump kick but my swampert manages to hit back with a knockout tail to kill drake manages to kill machamp with a single psychic she then swaps in toxic rock for some reason which is four times weak to psychics so that's definitely not surviving one for lucario i decided to swap in my own fighting type wiz two mag punches later and it's down already for glade i decided to stay in and kill with a couple of flame wheels while i got hit with a zen headbutt her last pokemon is an infernape of her own imac punched once more before going down to her own mag punch and shortly after chymeco could just clean it up with one more psychic giving me my fourth gym batch and another opportunity to get a shiny pokemon before we do that though there was another incident with team galactic but have no fear lookers here and after the man does absolutely nothing like always we then go to the move tutor to get some new moves on our pokemon we find the big wrestling water guy standing in the rain because where else would he be and before we actually take on the big water wrestling guy i decided that i needed an electric type for the next gym because we have nothing that's good against water i only knew one place to get consistent electric types and that was at the valley wind works here i could get voltorb electric pachirisu ellicott magnemite and so on this was definitely one of the fastest shinies that i've ever gotten up until this point it only took me about five minutes of walking before i got myself a nice little shiny magnemide which is not the best looking shiny but magnezone is a lot better we then named it tron because i mean it just sounds like an electric type pokemon name doesn't it and before we took on crush awake i wanted to grind up my magnemite so i went down to the haunted mansion where i could take on some ghastlies for special attack evs i wasn't even in here for an entire minute and i already ran into my next shiny pokemon which was rattata you heard that right i got a rattata as one of my encounters amazing that's also the exact reason why i named it please y it isn't too bad though because it has the guts ability and if i can get a toxic orb and maybe facade on him he can definitely be usable shortly after my magnemite evolved into a magneton and i then just had to go to mount coronet to grind him up one more level in order to get magna zone as well getting magna zone wasn't enough though i still had to catch him up to the rest of the team and i did that by going to the route next to crash awake and over here while i was grinding i found another shiny this time a crow gunk another fighting type which is definitely not what i needed because i already have infernape but then we also get the poison typing which isn't that useful so despite it being a good looking shiny i'm not too happy with it as a pokemon i did decide to name it brock because brock also has a crow gunk in the anime and after magnus zone catched up to the rest of the team we had another rival battle just in front of crasher wake's gym swampert kills star raptor with ice punch braylon got destroyed by my infernape's fire punches he then swapped in a starter of his own empoleon but i could just close combat it once they get ourselves some penguin filet the big fatty snorlax was no different but then he swapped in arcanine so i decided to go into swampert then in chimecho and kill the arcanine with two psychics he then went into heracross and with a combination of my magnezone thunderbolt qrikatoon slash and infernape's fire punch we managed to overpower our rival so we can now enter the swimming pool do some swimming and take on crasher wake i do hope for this battle that he's more of a crasher woke though he does have permanent rain up in this gym so i learned my cricket tune sunny day lit off with him and made it all sunny so his water type pokemon would dry out i can now take way more water type moves than before so i set up some swords dances with dilla dele whoop and then killed the quaksire with leech life his gyarados was up next and after he set up a dragon dance and did some decent damage with aqua tail i also destroyed him with two slashes and his floatzel then ultimately finished off de la delewoop with aqua tail i then swapped in the boy that i got especially for this gym magna zone thunderbolt the float soul it's down and out this ludicolo then almost took out my magnezone so i swapped out into chimeko to go and kill it with some psychics and his final pokemon was a sharpedo i tried to kill it with grass notch from chaimeko but sadly enough it had a focus sash and killed me but i could then just swap in swampert and kill with earthquake getting our fifth gym badge which means that we can now use rattata as our next pokemon so that's what i do next evolve him into raticate he isn't fully caught up to the team though but before we start grinding him up i went ahead and followed the team galactic grunt so that cynthia could give us a spray to spray in the side excise after doing so we then had to go through everybody's favorite round in pokemon platinum and diamond and pearl the fog route in this game though they managed to actually make this the best route ever because it doesn't have fog at the end of the round we do run into don again and she wants to battle us so we're going to be showing her my fancy little sparkling team and we immediately get a good matchup against her alakazam which we can kill with one leech life from dilla de la whoop she then goes into mama swine who i try to kill with my swampers aqua tail but before i can do so she swaps out into vaporeon who i can hit with an earthquake before i have to swap myself and bring in charmeko after using recover until it runs out of hydro pumps i then kill with psychic she then brings in her starter torterra so i go into de la della whip to kill with bleach lives the mammoth white comes back out and for some reason i thought that my cricket tune could out speed here and that's the death of della delewoop luckily for us we still have wes on the team who's still alive and can kill mamasan with dream punch and low puny with dream punch too and with the dawn battle out of the way we have to fight the fortnite ninja this battle was pretty easy though magna zone destroys crowbad with thunderbolt hunch crop gets killed by swamper's ice punch and rockslide he then has a magnezone of his own and we all know that earthquake is the best thing to deal with magna zones so it goes down rather quickly and his last pokemon is a wee vile which we can take out with a rock slide and an earthquake after saving the old woman which is apparently cynthia's grandma we also get the hm for surf but before we can go and take on byron the sixth gym leader we have to go to the ballpark in order to get some tea from this guy but i have no idea who this is i've never seen him before i think the girl to the right of him is from black and white the psychic type elite four member but him never seen him before after acquiring the t we then give it to the guard so we can go through and pull up on the bridge to fight our rival mark again he still leads with star after just like in the regular platinum so we're just going to kill that with thrawn's thunderbolt arcanine went down to swamper's aquatail but not before hitting an extreme speed and a close combat army drake manages to take care of braylon with psychics and normally we would have been able to take down heracross 2 but it sadly enough outspeeds me and kills with night slash so wes can come in and this time i still don't have a fire type move on him i really should have changed that so i set up a sword stance and then killed with thunder punch and the last two pokemon empoleon and snorlax also got destroyed by my infernapes the rain punches normally we could just take on the next gym leader now but before we can do that we have to go to iron island and take on riley which is also something that i don't really get why don't we get a regular rally fight in the normal pokemon platinum this is definitely the closest that we're going to get though so let's take him on he leads with an absol which dilla de la whoop can kill with leech life salamance gets destroyed by my magnezone's thunderbolt lucario then first kills my cricket and then gets destroyed by my fire monkey's drain punches my little bell kills his metal giant with shadow balls he then has a big bear who my fiery monkey once again kills with close combat and the final pokemon slacking shares the same fate that's a riley battle out of the way now we have to battle with riley to stop some team galactic goons and after doing so byron finally gives us consent to take him on and i wish this battle went really hard for me but yeah no i really didn't i just set up swords dances with infernape drain punched bronzong steelix agron survived with sturdy but then got killed by another one for fortress i wanted to be sure so i killed with close combat and then magnus zone and bastion both just died instantly so we get six gym badges rather quickly which means that we can now use crow gunk and i think i'm going to be using him instead of dele delewoop because really isn't that useful then go to the library to watch the lakes go boom and went to the lakes to destroy both admins which i would say is very easy so we're just going to be skipping over these battles since i took krogan to these battles and gave him the exp share he is going to be evolving into toxic roak since the lakes are now dealt with we can go to the next point of interest which is snow point city it might be a bit cold here but that doesn't stop melee from coming here in a tank top since she's wearing a tank top though she can put reggie gigas to sleep and since we did a help a little bit we also get consent to take on the seven gym leader candace or canned ice because she's a nice type gym leader luckily for us though we have the perfect counter for this a fire fighting type monkey without any setup can easily just kill one christmas tree with fire punch for wolverine i swapped in toxic croak hit one vacuum wave but apparently it had a berry which lowered fighting type moves so my big toad or whatever toxic rock is got killed by blizzard i then brought in magnezone who killed the big walrus with thunderbolt but then she had a mammoth i knew it was going to go for a ground type move so i swap in my levitate chimeko who can kill with a single critical hit psychic weave i don't think killed me with crunch so i went into my eradicate who somehow knows flame wheel so a flame wheel and a sucker punch later and the wii vile is now dead glacion also took one more flame wheel before taking me out with blizzard and infernape good thing clean up the last two pokemon with drain punch and fire punch seven gym badges acquired which means we can get another shiny pokemon if we want to but we're going to wait a little bit since this will be our last shiny pokemon i do want to choose something very good so we go and watch mark lose to the purple haired admin head on over to watch a useless cyrus speech what the dog doing and we then go to his office to tell him how bad his speech actually was and he isn't too happy with that he's taking us on luckily we're good though magnuson takes care of crowband with thunderbolt infernape kills ham doom with drain punch punch chrome kills my magnazone with heatwave why does it know heatwave i don't understand is it a hot bird do they want to turn it into kfc chicken probably doesn't really matter though we're just taking it out with my swampert's ice punch we also kill magnuson with earthquake and the final pokemon wii vile kills my infernae with aerial ace and also kills my radicate with crunch and ice shard luckily we still have brock with vacuum wave to clean things up we then go to the top of mount coronet to see a portal open up just like always after jumping in we then go on the sideways waterfall which is definitely the coolest feature in the entirety of platinum and at the end of the distortion world we have to fight cyrus again he first has the alga and palkia at level 70 so i am going to be going with my chimeko and swamper to deal with them with dazzling gleams and earthquakes eventually my swamper does fall but chaimeko can finish them off with one last dazzling gleam and after this we have another cyrus battle that's three in a row maybe he can win now because it's third times the charm but i highly doubt it just like always magna zone deals with crowbad after one thunderbolt hand doom gets killed by dream punch from infernape choimeko tries to take down gyarados but sadly enough doesn't succeed and he swaps out kyridos for magnizone so i go into swampert and kill with earthquake hunchgro then proceeds to take me out with brave birds so i go into magnazone and he somehow lands a thunder wave on me i don't know how you can electrify an electric pokemon but we still kill with thunderbolt after i also misclick on the next pokemon weave mile i meant to go for flash cannon but hit a thunderbolt instead which is the downfall of magna zone but we still have toxic rock with vacuum wave who can out speed and kill because it's priority and i can then also kill the last pokemon gyarados with two more sludge bombs this now grants us access to a giratina so i decided that my next shiny pokemon was going to be the box art legendary not only because it is a legendary but also because it has one of the best shinies in the existence of pokemon this one actually took me about 50 minutes to get so not too long and since the trade-off is a legendary with amazing stats and an amazing looking shiny i'm not going to complain i named them what the dog doing and after saving the world from a certain demise we went on over to the last gym leader faulconer and he starts off with his thrusty jolteon who takes down my toxic rogue pretty quickly so i decided to swap in an electric type of my own magna zone and then bug bus the jolteon which doesn't do too much but it almost takes him out and as i try to go for another one he swaps in rodom heat and with this microwave looking ass staring down my magna zone i knew i had to go into the fire type of my own infernape drain punch it and destroy the magnetron he then has even more house appliances going to his washing machine next so i try to go into magnezone because i feel like this is my only answer here but i get killed by two hydro pumps without being able to do anything so i go into eradicate set up a swords dance he makes the mistake of paralyzing me which triggers my guts ability and i then kill next turn with the strength elect the fire is up next which is a fighting type in this game i'm able to hit one more sucker punch but then go down to wild charge it's them fighting type against fighting type i drain punch him again to kill raichu then comes in and almost kills me with a serve but i can kill with two drain punches since he decided to use a full restore the second turn but i did get paralyzed by the static ability jolteon then shares the same faith as his right shoe and his last pokemon is lux ray who destroys me with wild charge since i can't out speed now but luckily for us i still had swampert in the back one more earthquake one more kill one last gym badge this gives us the ability to move on over to victory road after showing this girl around the cave because she wanted a house tour we then find don looking at a rock this apparently triggers her and starts a battle and this is also the first time that you guys are going to see giratina in action immediately destroying her alakazam with shadow force i then swap out giratina for toxic rock to deal with her clefable with only one sludge bomb i can then hit the next pokemon mama swan with one more vacuum wave before going down to an icicle crash wes can then kill with fire punch before she brings in vaporeon so i go into magnazone managed to paralyze on my first thunderbolt and then kill with the second i also try to take out torterro with bug buzz but he manages to survive and hit me with stone edge to kill infernape can then finish it off with fire punch before she swaps in la pony which i can then kill with two more drain punches and that is the end of the dom battle which means we get access to the pokemon league but not to the elite foreign champion yet we first have to take on mark one final time i decided to grind up my team up to level 75 which is a pretty decent level for the elite four and my swampert is going to be matching up against this star raptor one ice punch later and it's down and out breylum is next and one dragon pulse from giratina already takes out the mushroom chicken emporion gets killed by a single aura sphere arcanine by an earth power for herocross i finally decided to swap out into infernape to kill with fire punch and last and also least we punched snorlax in the gut and that caused it to faint so we can now move on over to the first elite four member aaron since he has a full book type team except for drapion we are going to be starting with infernape and kill his first pokemon scyther with fire punch ian mega is going to be sharing the same faith as the scyther for drapion i decided to switch it up a little bit and go for dream punch which still killed by the way he then has a flygon and in this game flygon is bug dragon which he in my opinion actually should be so i went into giratina expecting a ground type move but he went for draco meteor and that is basically the end of my giratina is the turn after we don't outspeed and we get killed by another but i decided to go into swampert after that and just kill with two more ice punches he then swaps in pincer so i go back into my butt killer and fire punch it and last episode which is four times weak to fire punch so it's definitely not surviving one of those with aaron out of the way we now have bertha next up on the list which is probably my least lead four member and she leads with a hippo down which sets up the sandstream immediately so i'm going to be leading with swampert and while she sets up stealth rocks i can kill with two waterfalls she then makes the mistake by going into torterra so he can kill that thing with a nice punch ryperior somehow survives a waterfall hits me back with an earthquake doing a lot of damage but the turn after she uses a full restore and this time we do one shot sudowoodo then also survives a waterfall because of a berry that he's holding and he kills my swamp bird with hammer arm to turn after infernape can then come in and destroy it with drain punch before she swaps in glyce core so i go into giratina and finish it off with two dragon pulses camerupt is our last pokemon and two more earth powers seal the deal that concludes our battle with berta which means that we can move on over to the hot head flint he starts with rapidash so i'm going to be leading with giratina because i thought earth power was going to be a good idea somehow it didn't really one shot and after i try to go for my second one he swaps in drifblim to cancel it out luckily we're a ghost type to ourselves so we can then kill with shadowball steelixx then takes an earth power and two aurospheres to go down so it wasn't too much of a hassle to take down steelix rapidash then killed itself with flare blitz so that was that goodbye horse we also take down infernape with earth power after it hits itself with flare plates and of course the little pony takes down by giratina not that it matters too much because we have our own infernape here two more drain punches because she had a focus sash on her and flint is also out of the picture and the next trainer is lucian with his psychic types which shouldn't be too hard to take down since we have giratina and he already finishes off the first pokemon hypno with some shadow balls the next pokemon is gardevoir and it outspeeds me and somehow also one shots me with a single moon blast so i bring in toxic rogue and kill with one single sludge bomb for slow bro i swap in tron to kill with thunderbolt for glade i sold back into toxic rock to take the close combat and then hit back with sludge bomb but it doesn't quite take it out and we get destroyed by a cycle cut luckily my radicate can come in to eradicate it with a return then eradicate the jinx with sucker punch and the bronzong with two flame wheels that solution destroyed let's move on over to the final battle of this game with cynthia the final showdown let's see who's going to win she leads with a clefable so i'm going to be leading with toxicroak and i set up three nasty plots and then proceed to kill the clefable with sludge bomb she then brings in her guard chomp and i sadly enough don't outspeed so i get killed by a single earthquake but i do still have swampered on the team and with my ice punches i can bring it down into red health and also freeze it but then she uses a full restore and the turn after i don't kill with my ice punch and i get destroyed by earthquake so i swap in radicate who can then kill with a return luckily enough he also manages to one shot her low penny with return and also do a large amount of damage on my lodic but it doesn't quite kill and we get taken down by hydro pump so i bring in my water type killer magna zone thunderbolt of melodic twice and that's the end of it her next pokemon is rose rate so i hit one more flash canon because i thought this thing couldn't hit me apparently it has shadow balls so two of those can finish off my magna zone but i still have an infernape on the team so we can fire punch it to turn after since our last pokemon is miss magus i try to stay in and hit a fire punch but it somehow outspeeds and kills me with moon blast but we still have our gear atina as our last hope one more shadow ball is all we need sadly enough we get paralyzed and we also managed to not kill with our first shadow ball she uses a full restore but the second one hits and finishes off miss maggias this the throne cynthia as the champion of the sinnoh region and gives us the crown of the best shiny pokemon trainer in this entire game that was my shiny journey on pokemon renegade platinum let me know in the comments down below what your favorite shiny pokemon in the video was and if you have a shiny pokemon team of yourself on any pokemon game please send it to me on twitter i would love to see all of your teams also let me know what game you would like me to play next i also want to thank my membership and patreon supporters as always they really do help me out if you want to help me too you can sign up in the link in the description it is always appreciated but not needed and as always people don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends i'm zwiego and i'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 728,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pokemon, #shiny, #shiny only, #rom hack, #platinum, #shinies, #shinypokemon, #romhack, #nintendo, #gamefreak, #gen4, #giratina, #swampert, #smallant
Id: e2Rux9z8DJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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