Point of View: Time with Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams

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[Music] you [Music] hello and welcome to a City TV special today we'll be talking to one of the most well known faces in the African Christian move as Bishop Nicholas Duncan Williams has been in ministry for over 40 years has been traversing the continent and other parts of the world with the gospel of Christ this dish is very interested in kingdom and wants to empower the continent to prosper in other ways we'll be talking to him about his journey over the forty years his friendship with Bishop Tilly Jaques a man he's very close to his forests into America and the african-american community and why he thinks that this is Africa's time it's organized an interesting program that he will tell us about as well it's gonna be an exciting interview stay with us [Music] [Applause] so welcome back to city TV for STD TV special as we said we're privileged to be talking to his Eminence the eyes Bishop Nicholas Duncan Williams on a variety of issues and on the 16th of March he was in a very important summit invited is very good friend wish of TD jakes to come and help and power the kingdom we'll talk about that we also talked about his passion for Africa and the kingdom who speak about his special relationship with the African American community and also discuss on contemporary ganon issues at which shop is great to have you thank you for welcoming us to your your beautiful office my pleasure how are you doing I'm wonderful what have you been up to a lot we are only privileged to come here when you are doing an important summit and it seems to me as if these African business and Kingdom leadership summits are very important to you what is it and why do you care so much about this program I believe that leadership is everything and if Africa the private sector or the kingdom is going to go anywhere we need to have selfless leaders and visionary leaders to lead without that we in trouble so we need to empower potential leaders of tomorrow and equip them with the message with skill and understanding to discover the potential that they are capable of making a difference and that they are game changers they were bound to make a difference and that awareness is so necessary with some it likes disconnect is that what you mean by the Dominion mandate yeah the Dominion mandate simply has to do with God's already not in tanked for mum to govern and to rule the climate according to his protocol he's already 9/10 some how some way somehow we've missed it by transgression the the sense of one thing to be independent from God and doing her own thing we see that that dominio Monday to the adversary in lost it and so we've been stranded since and Jesus came to to get us back into the garden to reconnect us to the Father to reconnect us to the Dominion mandate and to God's original intent to awake the spirit man that is within because man is to appetite man is a spirit is a soul and he lives in a body some people think we need to spend a lot more time with a spirit because a lot of Christians don't understand spiritual living yet and that we need to finish that before we start teaching them the tools of business and all the other things that are additions what is your view on where the church is in Africa and whether this message is rightful now I disagree with that hmm biblically speaking I am NOT a man neither are you a man biblically speaking I am a spirit I live in a body I have a soul and I live in a body and I'm trying to understand the human experience rather than being a human trying to have a spiritual experience if we look at it that way then we on the right foundation so the mentality that we have to apply to become spiritual or to have a spiritual experience we already a spiritual so that we must make it clear I'm a spirit when when when somebody dies it's clear that the person has left his body departed what has left the person is not the soul is the spirit of the person then the body goes back to dust from darkness now unto dust shalt thou return so what I'm seeing is not you this is your etting vessel of vehicle or house you live in the rear you spirit and your soul is embodied within your spirit so we are spiritual beings trying to have a human experience therefore we must understand that we are spirit soul and body we live in a world and you can't just be spirit spirit spirit spirit spirit and not understand the rules of engagement or the dynamics of being human so when did this next level leadership and Kingdom business idea come to you and for how long have we been doing it for the past three years and Asthma fact the idea was my wife okay you know it came from him because she was very concerned on how the leadership situation in the church and also having dealt with Africa for over thirty years with a lot of heads of state she believed that we needed to empower the next generation of leaders we have to start working with them now we can't wait we have to start working with them now to empower them so the next generation of leadership you know will have what it takes so that they don't have to struggle like this generation of leadership so what informed the choice of Bishop genetics the speakerphone not just this year because I believe he's been here before what informed his choice what what does he bring to this conversation he's one preacher who's not just a preacher but he's into business and he's a free Madusa he does a lot of businesses he is into real estate he has investment he does a lot of things and he's one preacher also that understand spirituality any social practical as a human being understand your environment scanning your environment and understanding how to wet your environment with your spirituality the spirituality gives you an advantage anyway but it's not a sign of the de spiritual the spiritual must empower the natural for you to excel and do better than do that those who just depend on the natural wood down spirituality or the spiritual and it's one person that is very practical down to add on the stand spirituality and understand how to deal with the business world and how to do well in excel at the marketplace so who is the target what kind of person should be at this event and what would deal and we are looking at leadership at all levels anyone that influences others is a leader you a leader in your own way because you have people that look up to you and people you influence and in that sense you are a leader in your own right so we are looking at people from the political the economic social and also religious leaders because one of the things that disadvantage me over the years was the fact that I did not separate the spiritual from the business aspect of the church you know and I realize as the years have gone by the have done a lot more than haven't have accomplished if I separated the spiritual from the business aspect of the running of the church you know so I think that men of God and spiritual men and women must take advantage of this next level of leadership to understand that to be a leader you have to know where your strengths and your weaknesses are and leadership depends on information you cannot grow beyond your level of knowledge and knowledge is progressive in this an ongoing thing so you can't stop learning and you can't stop having knowledge because leadership Ames had a place of your knowledge and it ends at the place of your understanding the continuity and the longevity of every leader is the permanent it is determined by one's level of knowledge and understanding when you like that you begin to diminish or you begin to die you made a point I need you to elaborate on your saying initially you did not separate the spiritual from the business no why do you have to separate the two because one would imagine that the Spirit is fist and based on the principles you get from being a believer and then having the Holy Ghost you then apply those principles in business so explain a bit what you mean by having to separate the spiritual from that it doesn't mean that if it's business and somebody says somebody comes for your money see this one will put Church outside and would do with you is our thank you think I explain that property are you you have to be religion out by usual after the transactional when I said transactional is for instance we live in a country to dealing with laws and rules you don't live independently of the laws of the country and you run in a church or in being a spiritual person you you need to develop a lot of compassion and you need to deal with a lot of sympathy you know there is that aspect of the church but there is also the business aspect of how things are done how things are wrong that you need people will inform in those areas with understanding of how the rules of engagement wax what are the laws of the country what is required how do you deal with issues of taxes and so many other things when you lack knowledge in these areas he can imagine he can really hurt you and I think that as I said in the beginning I could have done more than have done so far or achieve if art separated both but some people think that Christians in running business ought not play by the rules of the world because they the perfect example of Christ suggests there's a higher in a better way so that yes you're a Christian businessman but you you you may not you may you may have to do things in a different way talk to me about that and whether that's the kind of thing we are going to be talking about because if you are believers running business yes they have to obey the rules and pay tax and everything else but you expect them to be more compassionate you expect them to be more honest you expect them to be more transparent than their non-believer because if you Christ is the highest standard business bill on what Christians believe definitely Bible says we are the light of the world so we bring clarity illumination vision direction that is the rule of the Christian and we are the salt of the earth where we bring balance change check decade you know so definitely all those things if said is right is true but to succeed in business you don't succeed with compassion or sympathy in business in business you use your head you don't use your heart and that is a whole nother issue we can talk about another time and that is where over the years I fell that I didn't separate the two because you wouldn't you won't do well in business if you're pretty business by compassion and by sympathy I'm not going to go anywhere but Priya was still working in business Priya will work in business but you got to use your head use your heart to pray but when it comes to business the transactions and everything you have to use your head some of the people I see on the brochure perform yourself in Rosario tika Bishop TD jakes I've seen I shall see see ya and Joelle Nettie and I've also seen external advisors including dr. Jo Whitaker and dr. Lisa Samara talk to me a bit about what these people are bringing in who are these guys when I did bring into the coalition she will be dealing with managing media crisis how to manage and respond to media crisis which is part of the if you are going to do well in business you must know how to Wed the media you know and those were things done as I was coming up I was very ignorant about when it comes to dealing with the media and when it comes to dealing with them it's not a matter of compulsion or spirituality you must have understanding and clarity you have to stand your environment and and know how things work and and then respond accordingly on that media note we'll take a break because I know you were talking to somebody we're having a chat with admission Akaka Williams on the upcoming Africa business and Kino Leadership Summit is dear friend bhishan city dicks is going to be here Razak with the guy's wife is also going to be part of a program and it's happening on a 16th of March we'll also talk about other things it's heart beat for the African continent Hoosick about Ghana Ghana's and it cannot subject on his part the state of the chest appears wealth of disunity and all those issues would come back after this don't worry [Music] [Applause] it's inspiration it's the word the teachings unit the voice of inspiration with ARC Bishop Nicholas Duncan Williams every Sunday at 6:30 p.m. on City TV [Music] [Music] so so far we spoking about the Saturday business conference but I know you will not bring this opportunity to Ghana to just come and do a one-day event so surely the program is more elaborate can you walk us through the rest of the probe yeah we have the Saturday the 16 is from 8:30 in the morning we unbreak France and then we go on then we have lunch and then we end by 4:00 okay and so that's why we have different speakers then on Sunday night hmm the 17 we have the grand finale and you don't have to register to come open to the public is open to everybody this particular one or the 16 you register and get a ticket so you can go online and register you can and I am totally dinner for partners and things like that yeah dinner for partners and especially for sponsors mmm we'd be subjects on Sunday on the on the Saturday night he's coming with a lot of business men and women footballers I mean some heavy guys you know who so the Sunday program will be at the church avocados are the charge inside enjoy yeah so we have to come in otherwise it'll flow in the turn brilliant yeah let's talk about the african-american community because when President Trump was elected you are one of the few African leaders who went to pray you've been at a prayer breakfast a few times I also know that are the first African preachers to really be accepted by the African American community what is your relationship with that part of the world why are you so emotionally attached to the African American group I live in America for a number of years and why I lived in America I did a lot with the American African American community I spent a lot of time working with them I understand them and be a pain you know they've been to a lot and they have a lot of unanswered questions on their mind and coming from Africa you know it reminds them of their roots hmm I've learned to identify with them as in relate to their roots and also the opinion and so we we build a strong bond and relationship during the times I live in the United States for about eight years mmm how do they feel about Ghana I was reading recently that Ghana is the African country with the most slave thoughts and some people say that means that a lot of the people who left came through here and I noticed a lot of them when they want to come to Africa Ghana is somehow very special how do they feel about Ghana and the role we played the role our ancestors played in the slave trade it's it's positive is not negative okay you know they are not bitter mmm they just want answers and the they are very excited about leaders died dr. kwame nkrumah and then President Mandela you know they they get excited to see black leaders standing tall doing well leading their people visionary leaders selfless leaders creating things and because it's like in the United States they've been through so much of being ostracized look down upon as people who your slave you have nothing to offer you know they call them different names you know so when they see African leaders doing well for their people it gives them a lot of Hope it gives them a lot of confidence and they feel like hey listen all hope is not gone we can do something we are capable of doing something we have what it takes we are good people we are not good for nothing you know we are just here by some kind of a default but it's not that we on our own if we are in Africa we live in Mars houses and we sleep with lions and all those kind of images that is do you think you can play a role the President of Ghana has declared 2019 as the year of return you have a very strong relationship with influential African Americans what rule do you think you have in driving a lot of African American traffic backed back to Ghana in Africa to take part in tourism to come strengthen the church to come and be part of the development is that part of your mandate I wouldn't say that that is part of my mandate I'm a preacher and I preach to African Americans Caucasians I preach to Japanese Chinese you know Filipinos anybody know so but I do bring a lot of African Americans to Ghana like the visit of these objects is coming with it almost about 80 people ate there yeah some big on the street on district Wow Eva max to do something definitely I can use my influence to pull strings to talk to a lot of Bishops the African American community to encourage them to be part of this national vision some people think there's a prophetic role African Americans have in developing become continent some have even had people say that what the ancestors went through to get to that country was to learn some of the tricks of prosperity and come and strengthen as here we will go as far as say that there's that sort of prophetic link between what they went through and the road they have and Africa's development definitely that possibility is there because the african-american community is a lot of them are wealthy a lot of them are really blessed and have come into a lot of prosperity that if if leaders of Africa can engage them and invite them to come here and give them a sense of belonging to our citizenship certain privileges here and there we'll be able to bring a lot of them down and they have some deep pockets you know if we can entice them and encourage them to come find some some people were not happy that you went to pray when Trump was having that prayer initial prayer program because some people feel Trump doesn't like black people and of course many Africans were happy with Obama but they felt that you've been a leader from the continent when to endorse his alleged dislike for black people by going to pray for him what was your thought process in agreeing to be at that very important event I didn't go to pray for him as an African or a black person I did it as a man of God and as a spiritual person that my services work was needed and I rendered my services with spirit of excellence so if anybody has a problem with the black man here is a black man to them who comes and delivers and excels at a level and a frequency they are not used to and they have to they have to deal with it so it wasn't an emotional decision to go pray because you I support you has sent there to go and deliver a service of course and to represent the kingdom as an ambassador of Christ so it wasn't a matter of being black or being white I'm a man of God it's like a man of God is like a doctor okay I may not like you but if you have a problem and I'm called upon as a doctor to fix you up I mean I'd like to talk about the service you had to perform was prayer you know it means your prayers a legendary we've seen footages of a prayer you prayed add your friend to job you do suck till he takes his church people have some of your prayers on your mobile phones as ringtones I'd only be pay for a ringtone no you're you seem to have a love and a revelation of Prayer which is different from some of your contemporaries why is prayer so important to you because to me by my personal revelation and conviction prayer is a meeting place between divinity and humanity a meeting place between divinity and humanity is it is in the place of prayer that humanity engages divinity so he's a most powerful place to be it is the secret place of the most high but it's a ritual in many churches it can be but it's to me is revelation his revelation and it shouldn't be ritual it should be revelation in the sense that Jesus said men ought to always to pray and not to faint always to pray and not to faint when you we talked about the Dominion mandate in the beginning in the Garden of Eden prayer was not necessary because man hadn't lost the Dominion mandate or seemed supreme was it necessary as soon as man lost the Dominion mandate through independence from God he ceded it to another personality Satan so Satan then second Corinthians 4:4 became the god of this world and hijacked the Dominion mandate and therefore man lost his original place on this earth and as a result of God God cannot deal with man without an invitation for man the Lord the Almighty God he cannot why because man sought the Dominion mandate that give God the right to visit with man like in the Garden of Eden to fellowship with man was taken out of the way and Satan is now in charge of this world so God even though he can overrule it by the rules of engagement God cannot on his own come into town without the invitation of man and prayer is the invitation of man to God and it also gives God authorization to intervene in the affairs of men for instance nobody can come into this world without the womb of a woman you can be born you can come into the planet would had a womb of a woman the womb of a woman is the lead legal entry point to the death that's why Jesus himself being God had to be born to come in the league away other than that Satan will accuse the Justice of everything and God is a judgment God cannot be accused so God himself had to wrap himself in the womb of a Virgin Mary to come the legal way so prayer is one thing that gives heaven authorization to come to act to act on the behalf of humanity so when we don't pray we deny God the authorization and the right to intervene in the affairs of our lives and to act on our behalf a few years ago you prayed for the Ghana cedi and some people thought that was misplaced as I'm talking to you the city is still struggling and I think they are different views about that now why did you think prayer could affect the exchange rate of occurrence pria is a spiritual weapon and it knows no limits and there are different levels of Prayer all kinds of Prayer but bottom line here is when you pray I engage in God divinity and you are pleading with him to intervene in the affairs of men or to intervene in the economy of a nation to give to leaders and to those who make decisions concerning the economy to take the right decisions that will help the economy to do well and to do better I don't see why we shouldn't talk to God about the state of our economy and our currency if we talk to God about other matters and God can do anything all things and the Bible say for with God nothing is impossible nothing including the exchange rate in our currency and all things are possible to him that believes I believe I'm sorry we're still having chats with his Eminence adversive Nicholas now how Williams trying to of course understand the upcoming conference is organizing man also his mind on set interesting points we'll talk about the African continent now and I know you travel around a lot and it would appear to me that these days you are very interested in the Africa issue so you what are you and dr congo or Nigeria or Ethiopia you seem to carry some sort of bedding tell me a bit about how you see where the continent is to be honest with you prophetically I believe that we are in a good place prophetically and what we need to make a difference is having selfless and visionary leaders leaders who are generous napintas who think about the next generation and not themselves leaders that are willing to be misrepresented to sacrifice and give up their comfort and whatever they like and want in this line for the benefit of others like for instance and Madiba Mandela when he was in prison apartheid had asked him to go home at a particular time to be with his wife kids and grandchildren and he refused to go home because he said that if going home to be with his family will still keep these people for which he's been in prison for all these over 20 years then he doesn't want to go home he will still remain in prison until the people for which he had been in prison and suffered all these years are set free those are the kinds of leaders we are looking for who are willing to sacrifice their freedom they are their lives they are comfort for the benefit of others and for generations yet unborn so does rebellion for Africa then we need selfless leaders we need leaders who have a heart for their country for their people and have a vision for their people if you look at the hours with the president of Kagame Rwanda here one died spend some time with Kagame and pray with him and I stunned the guy the man and you can tell that this is somebody who is determined to make a difference for his people for his country and he has a clear vision and it's not about him it's about how Rwanda who stand up and tall among the flags of dishes and how his country and people can be different from even other African countries and we need many of that kind on the continent and I believe they are here and we need to we need to empower them we need to discover them we need to wake them out we need to provoke them good works this is still a city TV special chicken to a special tank I will be right back to wrap up with some more interesting points stay with us [Music] [Music] the conversations that help you shape your spiritual journey as a Christian find the answers you seek catch the 700 club with Pat Robertson every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. on CD TV [Music] [Music] welcome back we're still talking to a special new class Duncan Williams who is organizing the Africa business and Kingdom Leadership Summit with TD jakes and of course it's a program that worked on a 16th of March we're talking and picking his brain on a couple of issues you celebrate at 4060 this was twenty seventeen forty years in ministry you've seen a lot are you concerned about the state of Christianity in Ghana some people feel that the church is not it's too divided some people feel the impact of the church a lot of corruption in the country and they are not the Christians are not being the salt they should be so for at least 40 years of Kairos Matteson and the number who profess Christianity we should have a lot more honest society and they feel we are not feeling the salt what's your assessment of the road the church in Ghana I disagree I think the church in Ghana has done a lot apart from building hospitals and schools and many other things we do and there is room for improvement and there is more we can do anyway so I would say that but the church has done a lot the issue of division among the churches and all that is a maturity issue and I think that a lot of people are coming to the place of maturity and realizing that we need one another there is no room for some of the insecurities and the fears that people used to have maybe 10 20 years ago when we were young I'm in a place right now where I have relationship with some of the bishops that if you leave my church and go to some bishop I release to check it doesn't matter it won't affect my relationship with him at all they say the question has arisen to it you said the church is building schools and churches and things some people feel we are not transforming believers well enough so there's a lot of people who come to check as change goers they are not shining they are not excelling at work they are not honest they are not living by example they are not impacting their communities they are not changing the social fabric well enough and people trace that to the watered down messages they are receiving because this is where they are spiritually fit I disagree with that if you look at America they've had Christianity for over 200 years they succeeded through the founding fathers to institutionalize truth where it operates and it it literally goes across the entire system the culture of the country is a culture plane we need to find ways to institutionalize truth to the extent where we have structures that compels people not just to live by what they are taught our church but what are you eyeing church or you're out of church the same truth is confronting you are there and I strongly believe is going to take time for the church in Ghana to be able to raise up a generation that will bring them into that level of honesty and integrity you are talking about and that's why my focus have always been the youth because if we can catch them at a young age and work with them and instill in them the principles and the protocols of the kingdom and understanding of values and consequence before they get out there at the marketplace where ice polities or whatever they are doing they will be the salt and will be the light of the world I like the concept of institutionalizing truth some people feel that because of that our church leaders need to spend more time focusing on imbibing Christ's likeness in followers than in building monuments and the contrast even unloving our National Cathedral yet a lot of judges focus on the buildings the projects the programs and yet law supporting the church don't do anything when you when you engage them on a simple discussion about even they are being born again they don't they can't say anything and they're even want to pray don't you think the church leadership has has not focused well enough on don't forget it says we should keep the main thing the main thing right he spoke to the Pharisees and he chastised them for not prioritizing the wiki on matters of the law is as numerous is your hypocrisy you pay the tight on the undies and the cumin don't hang up for cutting the witty matters of the law messy judgment and faith is that message not relevant to the judge dealership in Ghana today it is you know it is relevant it doesn't take just the teaching of faith and justice judgment or even holiness sanctification justification purity all those things have been taught the Bible says you've made the Word of God of none effect through the traditions of your father's you must understand that we are dealing with strong traditions over here dad when you are preaching the word and teaching people the world you have other things that contradicts what we are hearing when they live judge and go home and they go out there and we've seen a lot of great people good people from the twenties now in their 40s and 50s living for Christ and making a difference I mean people like you you were brought on by the church you know I heard you speaking out saying I see among the prophets you know so you are you are a testimony of the the wake of the charismatic church that we've done and so many others thousands and millions out there who have come to the knowledge of the truth the light and the Son of God I think when our greatest problem is is the area of our politics and our political parties the way it's set up the way it's handled and the fact that a lot of Christians have seen that they are right to go into politics and have this notion that politics is bad is it's evil and therefore they don't want to get involved in it and they've just left it for whoever wants to go there and do politics and so we we have seated our Dominion mandate again by saying that politics is a bad thing now you will go into politics and at the same time you are condemning those who go into politics so who should go you will go you say you are righteous the holy you are the light of the world that the salt of the earth so you don't know both politics politics is bad and other people say hey we can go into politics then when they go you are condemning them them seeing the icon of the abyss they are done via dot so you that is the light and the salt why don't you go in there and change things I'm stopped completely maybe because the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one and as you yourself said the enemy is the one in control because you said man see that is the minimum under to the statistics it on so that the political system is is controlled by forces that don't like light yeah but there's the weakness of darkness is light so that's why light so it is elevated Christians who enter politics well of course absolutely absolutely well I think they have the calling going to politics is not a calling everything is a calling everything well my god you can't race or what you define how you define a calling you had a calling to be ministry you knows doesn't ghosts mandate for you I agree so I'm gonna cut interpolate this without a calling if you are believer no no you see this is spiritualizing things so so you see there you see there and a lot is going wrong in your community and you you claim I'm the light of the world I'm the salt of the earth and God is giving you capacity to make a difference to be a game-changer you see needs in your community there's something you can do about it and you don't do anything governor's begin at the level where you are I went to a community recently in Ghana and I saw all these beautiful homes over hundred of them beautiful homes and beautiful cars and they rolled so bad and I said to myself how can they build houses like this and not come together and do the road is a mentality that is where governance and leadership begins from somebody must take the initiative to engage the people in the community and say hey nice let's come together let's put our money together we live in a beautiful community like this the roads are bad let's fix the road I remember I used to live in an area and the rules were so bad that I went house-to-house talking to the people that we should come together and do the route they weren't interested in doing it and one person as a model he sorted me that I mean who appointed me to come and disturb them about of doing the rules and everything you know let the government do it so after a while I got some friends of mine who helped me out and some people in the church who were contractors and became and they helped me do the road and they did the route to a point and some people were angry with me that I stopped the road at a particular point and I should have continued anyway the same people who criticized you for coming to attend to the road you know so it's a mentality okay you know so leadership is at every level okay you can't go to the national level change anything if you have been done anything at the level where you are in your community I'm going to wrap up by going back to the question I asked which I feel you didn't really address the issue of the focus of the checks leadership on the extent house when this the internals are weak and I'll say for example I can guess that in the 70s and 80s when you started this movement the believers in your churches knew more of the word could pray better and live earlier lives and were more content they're probably more influential than a lot of people who occupied some of the big churches today some say is a failure of focus because as the church grows and the organization becomes large the kinds of things you were able to teach when they were smaller you are not able to do so and therefore a lot of people are just nominal in the church not true we ourselves through the home sales we break down the world at that level among maximum ten people so we have five seven eight maximum time and if they grow beyond ten we divide them so we can break bread and fellowship and bring down the word and feed them you don't agree that a lot of Christians is this are gullible to false professors cuz they are weak whedbees how they flock to very dubious people who do all kinds of things in the name of church a lot of people who come to the mainstream churches to go to these places where they don't even properly account for the word is that not a question of lack of substance but you can't say that daddy's the state of the church every church member in the SU days in the 80s who had gone through proper weight schooling where they could test the spirits and they could check like the Bereans what they were thought you didn't have some of the things happening so you need to admit that a lot of believers today are not as savvy in the wet as the windows do you know have you been to some of those churches we see them on TV yeah you see them on TV we see the wrong they do so scan and see the kind of people who go there see the kind of people who go there some of the members here too good no no no no III wouldn't accept that okay because we we bring a lot of clarity on the prophetic the spirit of prophecy that gift of prophecy and the office of the Prophet mmm and the purpose of prophecy you know so there is no body that is in this house that is grounded that will go to certain places the one to blame here a prophecy and we also have in house prophets you know so I wouldn't say that the state of the church in Ghana is bad as a result of some of the prophetic waves because at every generation you deal with this way you know when Tom's games beginning Tom's it was a wave was a whole confusion about it and it died down take the faith movement it was a wave everything was straight having faith in God and then having faith in your faith you know then the prosperity prosperity it was a wave was a whole issue on prosperity and after some years it right now even the charismatic church when I came on the scene they used to call me Muslim Church you know we are no more mushroom now so this thing about the prophetic is a wave it will pass and I think we shouldn't dwell on it so much at the point where we we now believe that is the failure of the church or the leadership of the church no because some of the people who go to those stretches assume that it is God's house and I've dealt with a lot of people who come around like I dealt with the situation where a prophet came to see me and said he had a dream and in his dream he saw that he was giving people butter you know this butter from the north or the god helmet share butter and people were getting hill and cripples were with him up and away get in here so he's going to start giving people share bata so what do I do and I said yeah it was is a powerful revelation but the interpretation is wrong so he said what do you mean and I said the Bible says when I washed my feet with butter then the rocks would give me rivers of oil with his Jesus so I said you know what God is telling you God wants you to feed the flock with the word give them more of the scriptures give them the West future bubbles this is entangled aware and the healing and the miracles and the prosperity would float he said if God 13 you are rare prophet you see he means well okay I'm not holding brief on false prophet it means well but I was sitting there NASA can you imagine what this guy would have done if he didn't come to talk to me and minimal are doing because he for me to give him direction so after Shibata he would not have another dream about something else that is all in the dream that he has to do so some are genuine that are looking for direction and are misled because nobody wants to speak truth to them good I think we will make more time to talk about that later how you can organize to bring those people into proper schooling but let's end with the National Cathedral why is it important at this time I think one is a god thing for us to have a National Cathedral I believe is a god thing and as much as it's been dragged into politics my motive for being part of it is for God and country because I believe that we have a window concerning this National Cathedral and if we fail to take advantage of the opportunity we have and make it happen prosperity will cause us why must it be state led why can't the Christian leaders with all the resources they control come together and put up a monument for themselves and invite whoever is President to come and do a program there why must it be the other way around twice not strictly that is there but the president was in the u.s. recently to to raise funds for the cutting raise the funds I raise the funds please not raising funds I raise the funds so as he doing there he just came he said is his testimony and vision of how important he believes in this National Cathedral and that it was a vow he made before he came into office that if God gave him the opportunity to become a president he will see to it that a National Cathedral is built for God I think that as time goes on he even though he initiated it is the visionary and you may say that was his found we are taking it away from from him and state and bringing it to a place where the church leadership will take ownership of it but I think that we should not ignore or forget the fact that God use him to initiate it and and I think we should come to a place and be very honest you give credit to where credit belongs and honor to whom honor belongs he should have come from any one of us but he didn't he came from him and I realized where we missed it that right from the beginning we should have involved in stakeholders and everything so if you realize the other time we went to talk to president Rollins we also went to talk to president Mahama president who for wasn't available at that time so we are yet to see him and we trying to engage stakeholders to make it more national but I think that people should disabuse their mind about the fact that this is and national team and tell what you call it is a it's a state-owned thing is the state and he states money and it's government that is doing it you know I think that sometimes we should be fair you know nothing sometimes we we we are very suspicious you know of everything and anything that has to relate to a particular individual is politics you know and I don't know why setting people I involve in the National Cathedral but my reason and motive for being part of the national culture guys know politics is God and country thank you for talking to us we wish you well in the program and we hope we get the chance to talk again soon my pleasure we're speaking to the archbishop is eminence Nicholas Duncan Williams on a variety of issues including his upcoming Africa business and Kino Leadership Summit starts on the 16th Saturday there's a big Sunday event which the public is invited we're also picked his mind on many things that adorn the church in Africa our relationship with the u.s and the black american coming and also the African continent and the window for development we have enjoined my name is Bernard Avila thank you for watching CCTV have a good day [Music]
Channel: CitiTube
Views: 53,935
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Keywords: Action chapel, Action Chapel International, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, ghana christianity
Id: nEywaAB-Vo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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