Celebrating Mama Francisca #TheStandpoint

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[Music] [Applause] welcome to the point yes I'm coming in with all the vim have you heard that song he has given me victory they would laugh at me I don't have it well but you know the song I'm talking about my guests today some few years ago she was about the most vilified woman when he comes to Ghana hmm nobody would give a platform yes my name is gift aunty I said nobody would give her a platform when the media or churches nobody if you wanted to hear her name meanwhile this God that we serve Allah the God that I keep telling you all that I have super cultivating he change the situation change the death equation last year alone 2009 18 alone she won ten Awards they say woman 10 Awards today we are about to celebrate an amazing woman 8 much was International Women's Day their theme was balanced for better yes we talk we keep talking about it on the standpoint and we'll talk about it but today we are dedicating it to an amazing woman a role model for all of us both male and female because she's proved that when you rely on God when I'm talking to my lady saying then to my guest today is the one and only mama Francisca ah [Applause] my friend sit back and you anyhow we take your time I'm coming ah before they let me say thank you to gtp for my cloth freely across land design sold for me my weave on today my wig is by Chris el beauty saloon and spa they are easily gone very easy to find them take you to Baba cosmetics for giving us their makeup product and my maker was supplied by the new kid on the block not cebiche salud I'm so grateful to her and of course my shoe do you know by I yes boutique online I ins would think online look for her and she will sort you out I'm still looking for a beats ones are so if you want to sponsor me I'll be grateful to to you but we take a break when we come back we get to meet the women we are celebrating today mama Francisca what I mean we'll be back [Applause] [Music] Neil octopod amass from GTV the name we know and trust premium quality fabrics with a smoother feel new designs and richer colors new art epidermis for the woman who knows her worth GTP quality fabrics printed in ghana GTP timeless if you just joined us please please please call people around and I hope you're seated with your family with your husband with your wife with your children with your friends with your father whoever needs to hear this amazing and story must be told to tune in to Joy prime right now remember the joy prime repeats the standpoint on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. when you watch it on Sunday at 6 p.m. let's say at 10:00 a.m. it is repeated and of course don't miss it on our YouTube channel the strength point site for it you get it our website www.stampingmadly.com the are well let me say thank you to GTP they are our sponsors and GTP says our sow is ageless patent limitless and designs are endless our beauty never fails GTP still timeless just like my guest today the one and only reverend Francisca Duncan Williams pasta of Doha Citadel mummy welcome to this thank you thank you very much it's a great joy for me I'm so excited to have you here you know you are my pride in amis age I mean everybody knows who you are my pride you're my joy my everything when I found out that ice I break my back on the city welding I just knew that like that mommy yes dear who are you who I mean who how did you how did you get yet wonderful god bless you thanks for having me on the standpoint I would say that God always has a purpose in a plan for his people if I'm here today I'm here because I believe God created this beautiful woman he had a plan for her and his partner into the world to fulfill her purpose and so right at a very tender age my mother offered her whom are the test methods for United Church which has now become a very big church at the session where seeds but at that time in the 70s there was no church in the area and so it was my home our home where every Sunday my mother opened up her home and with the children you can imagine every Sunday was cleaning chest Karen chest doing whatever and so I believe that God before I was born as very much after one advice verse five says that before I was in my mother's womb God already had a plan for my life yes and so this love for the things of God was already me as a child believe this at a very tender age I would make sure my dress for Sunday service was ready days before I'm talking about probably three years old Wow my dress should be ready before Sunday and and and so that is how its continued by age nine I remember telling my mother I said mommy do you know what when I grow up I want to be a Catholic nun of course those days all we knew was the conflicts and I said mommy I want to be a Catholic nun and and so this love has been there in me since I was child to a child well mommy hold on you know talking about you knew your mother opening up her home for a change you know it just came to mind like that I should know by the woman who open her house for the Prophet exactly though she didn't have you know a child of her own she had her own issues a husband right open up and through that her blessing came so your mother laid the foundation my son later found a my giving up here home and not just that after church my mother who cook for everybody the pastor's will gather we'll all eat and of course me that showed me how to do the cleaning up I wasn't nice it wasn't nice at that time my especially when he trained all my dear because it was our home yeah you know there was no church hall how was that Church whole so everybody brought their shoes there with the mud and everything and and I used to walk about an hour and a half to go to the third Junction if you know anything about that anyway because we were the first Junction so I had to walk to his Sunday School and I would go there to Sunday School and then come I was a child myself but but the love of God was in here embraced me enveloped me gave me the passion for the things of God and I've always loved the things of God guess what when I also went to secondary school career high school bullying you know from one yeah you are afraid of the forum fights yeah and so where was my refuge s you my refuge was s you so every time when he was break time of course it was a day school yeah so break time run into su meeting closely from go home and that is how I a skilled you see they keep that I was running away from bully not knowing that the war Word of God granted into my life yeah and and and this is what has brought me to where I am today it's been a journey it's been a Jay being through our Lord mm-hmm and what kept you going when you know that God has a purpose for your life I remember when the Lord spoke to Abraham Abraham shut up take your son the only son Isaac and sacrifice him to me the Bible started by saying Genesis 22 said and God tested Abraham I have come to realize that everybody will go through a test doesn't matter who you are if you do not go through your test you cannot have a testimony so you need to pass class one to be able to go to class two so I have this attitude and my attitude is that whatever test comes my way I don't see it as a defeat I see it upside as a victory I don't see myself as a Vicki victim I see myself as a victim and so when the test comes I'm looking for the opportunities to make life better I'm looking at what is this that has come my way and what does God want to do so when God Abraham not took the knife to kill his son the voice of the Lord spoke to Abraham said listen it's not your son that I want I just wanted to see the state of your heart let me see whether you truly love me say you know what there's a ram there go take the RAM and of course Jesus was the one who shed his blood for us so I always say to think that a testing comes not to kill you but their testing comes to build you and their testing comes to show you what you are but mommy when you're going through that test and is no z is easy people throw stones at you people say all kinds of things your friends leave you they mock at you people you fed before you close people you give money to people you make them who they are they turned their backs on you because they feel God has finished with you and you said God is the thinking of man but that is not the thinking of God because I always say that if the devil had known you wouldn't have crucified you Judas who crucified Jesus he thought he was crucifying Jesus he thought he was bringing Jesus to an end he thought when is this Jesus Jesus Jesus this man is becoming to my less finishing what did they do they helped Jesus to fulfill his purpose and so when that type of testing comes the Bible says Jesus was there even his own disciples you can appear so you could be prayer with me for one hour but you see the thing is that when their testing comes on you the testing is not about somebody else so don't express somebody to sympathize with you don't expect somebody to cut you know they do not understand because the testing is not for them the testing is for you you have to go through your test you all have to pass your exam you all have to make sure and then when you pass your reward also comes and it doesn't go to anybody else so tell me what comes to you so during those difficult times people say all kinds of things people do here and there you know what I did I decided to go back to school and so I was in London for almost eight years yes got my bachelor's in theology got my masters in theology and got my masters in divinity as well and then came back four years of and I did not know that masters and at the moment last year by the grace of God I also got a doctorate in theology so I can't lie for Masse's plus doctorate throw in your trying times yes do you decide I'm not come look I tried not to listen to anybody because at the end of the day nobody is called mama Francisca is just one mama Francis and the entire word my Francisca one pick but the whole world Rockefeller one so this one mama Francisca will have to make her life what God has made her life to be so what people were saying that you have run away and you can't stay in Ghana and you are miserable you were actually going to you want her to say but I was I didn't value to myself by the grace of God as I'm talking to you now I am also taking I know that doctrine in Bethany International University my me thank you don't know who take your time now and oh yes and last year when we went for that doctoral seminar I was the only woman from Africa in 29 years since the school has been established who has been invited for that program there's only African in 29 years with the Bethany International University and I was there sitting there and I was like wow you see is it the same me mama sa mama Francisca but you see certain things have to happen so that God can have his way to do what he wants to do in your life and so what people will say I'm runnin away now I was busy studying getting my degrees are devalued myself doing what I need to do and then when I came back to Ghana I also decided I was with suffering yeah mommy hold on let me think every can come on people they like up which will be back let me say thank you to ha Caprica huawei purified a water for supporting us Roya drinks thank you so much go go to your gods we are so grateful to you and then of course yet clearly service they keep our environment clean house of foods at Vera we are grateful always grateful to you for your support and then cake techniques as well we'll be back to continue this interesting testimony by mama Francisca Duncan Williams Reverend doctor about to be doctor again where for master's degree drying 80s of hair trying times and you say with you movie back water gives life water is life enjoy the pure refreshing taste of a wake purified drinking water which comes in a uniquely designed bottle with lm-1 green tap water is your preferred way to stay hydrated and remember for every bottle you by an amount to be donated to the National - thoracic center Ghana awake purified drinking water one for life for Bob PJs contact zero two six two three five one two five one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] next year God willing on the 23rd of January 2020 money will be 60 years and I'll be 15 years yes on the same day yes so if you love us go and look for the one who sang this song to come and sing for us a surprise song it is mommy's testimony and it is my testimony - it is a testimony so if you love us that preparation and then you buy the pheasant to rewrite what is named grab em Evan Evan yes contact you to come and surprise us money God has given you victory victory big one big big big one now you have your church you have a school I have a theology yes okay before we get there so your doctor it's the doctor Reverend doctor it's not an honorary doctrine I have two honorary doctorates you have 208 one from Living Word Church in the US and one from topic in the u.s. in the UK yes one from UK one from the US and you have one that I and one that I just graduated last year from you 80 organizations from us and so I have that and I'm currently undertaking the one in Singapore as well from the Bethany international invest in Singapore money this one you know okay so money when are you remarry that's um you know some might be some money waiting I can't what good woman beautiful we want somebody to talk that dealer ah once you spoken I don't want my mouth to God's ears and I said you have a your check now sit at Doha am so that's a Luxor drugs iodine Greek means glory so it's like the glory house is like you know this is the glory of the Lord mmm yes okay yes and you have a school of see we have Frances the Institute of theology Institute of the other currently we are running diploma in theology okay and on this program anybody listening to me you want to acquire a diploma in theology I will offer you a free scholarship oh wow yes and and amazingly we have lecturers like Professor Spencer Duncan who's one of our lectures yes we and and other other lectures as well today yourself myself yes okay Kostabi who is also has a master's from but that Bethany International University we have dr. tici who is also has a doctorate from Bethany International University so so it's a good place to be and we are feel elated to Bethany internationally so all a scholar as certificates come from with an International University amazing yes I mean so me when you were going through your difficult times did you think you'd get here it wasn't easy my darling I had to start from Ground Zero it was it was like you know when when the plane hits the the Twin Towers in the US I was then the US at that time everything came to grant zero I was at Ground Zero there were times when I asked her as a good wife if in job how many daisies what is this thing going to end but one of the things I decided to do was not to kill myself in my challenge a man and I want to speak to everyone listening to me don't kill yourself don't end up in the mental home because of one challenge because of some challenge because of some disappointment I believe as I sit here today you started by saying years ago nobody even mentioned my name a new one now but last year known 10 awards some of which you you are the same platform with me you also received some of the awards 10 so just allow God to have his way in your life and realize that the same God who created you will strengthen you that is where my strength was I am a very prayerful person and so most of the time God in me shows me things that will happen before they happen and so he gives me the grace to go through it and when times are difficult one of the things I will encourage everyone to have is have a network you can have people who can pray with you when you cannot water away have people who will encourage you there were people who called me in times when I didn't know what to do it turns when I had setting things that you know will just mess you up and if you are not careful you react in there where you shouldn't react there were people and when I say people I'm talking about elderly people people who have been through it and have succeeded you must have Mentors you see the reason why Esther was able to make it Esther had a mental motorcar I was there for her motor cars a young lady if you don't do it this way go this week let's do it this way so you have some other cards in your life you must have people who have been through it who have survived who have gone through the grace and then they can tell you that you know what never mind these two imposters never mind what you're going through find out what God is doing with your life through that through my years of whatever people were saying what about today I have what I have I never had degrees in theology before but today I have it I never had a ministry of my own today I have it I am also bringing up the less generations my place I don't call it Church my place is a training and equipping ground now when you come there I have taken the people in the vicinity some of the people in the area some of the young people some people who don't have money some people who nobody wants to be their church because they will not bring you big tides yes they won't bring you are not free in fact after Sunday service they'll come to you money can I have my transport home after Sunday we have lunch for everybody who comes every Sunday we cook for everybody who comes all the children or the adults everybody eats before they go home because some of the people who come to my place and this is what gives me the greatest joy to be a blessing to somebody's life because whatever you sow you will also reap and so they come there and some of them have nothing some of them I took them in fact you had to eat or even buy than toothpaste and to brush Wow anything excuse me toilet room but a year after these people are becoming business minded remain I have told them in Venice five years yeah some of them are going to be business tycoons all your shakes they are going to have their own businesses and we are training them and we are creeping them when you come to the Bible School some of them are there they don't have any big cause they've gone all over the place they cannot even pay their school fees as I come is its application you want because the Bible says that we perish not because of money but we perish because of lack of knowledge and so if we can equip people give them knowledge then tomorrow by my reward is that somebody was done and say you know what mommy saw me through Bible School yeah today I can also become a man of integrity a pastor with integrity because I gained some knowledge so that is what is bringing me joy and so throughout my challenges I saw my challenges as my stepping stone as my stepping stone I don't know how many of the people who set things and we're laughing and said that and said I have gained degrees yes I'm not on the same level no I was eight years ago now I sit with doctors I sit with people in higher places by the grace of God amen go add some value to your life you know one thing I always say Ranieri I say that nobody can make you nobody can break you nobody can make you you make yourself and so in difficult times think what can I do my life let me say to everybody listening to me you don't need all the money in the world to start start from where you are I started in hard - yeah where people would you want to go - I started with the kind of people nobody want to in fact people waving like I got to my knees place the only the youth day I said never mind give me this youth in the next 10 years to come this are the ones who are going to occupy the governmental seats in the nation these are the people who are going to be troubling this are going to be the next great men and women of God main great CEOs but if you are not willing to pay that price then you cannot get there but would you say yes yes your challenge change do you my challenge changed me a lot it changed me a lot because you see III was before living under another shadow but now I am Who I am whatever I am is what I've been made out of right you know mama Francisca today is mama Francisca what you're getting the Bible School the ministry the empowerment all that is Raya so right now I see myself in what I do because you can never give what you don't have that you only give to people what you have and so whatever I am doing now I never knew I was going to receive ten I was in a year woman of excellence a most outstanding spiritual women or by tompa I didn't realize it Wow sorry I'm Oprah Tampa so I am an outstanding woman all these ten awards reflected some part of my life and I sat back I was like wow if this is what I got in 2018 then 2019 is a great idea amen and so I started the year knowing that my 2019 must be greater than by 2018 remain on 1st March 2019 doctor Citadel choked - yes - yes yes that's why the Lord has brought it will be back [Applause] [Music] when cleaning your vehicle by vomiting steaming waxing or polishing make sure the engine is also sound servicing your vehicle will fall synthetic oil and any quality gone oil massages the engine removes deposit protects it from wear and tear for longer lasting performance and makes your vehicle fuel pump air made for diesels and super angels remember after every 15,000 kilometers of enjoying your ride service your engine with gold synthetic oil were a champion that's why I am announcing three times word Dawson champion and a patron always choose for a shinny panca coil good energy [Music] [Applause] welcome back we're still talking to Reverend dr. Francisco Duncan Williams pasta of the one and only mama Francisco Duncan Williams pasta of dr. Citadel I nearly I don't University well let me say thank you to gtp they are Alfonzo and gtp says our cell is ageless our passion limitless and designs are endless our beauty never fades gtp still timeless there's a lady from makalah institution she wants to sing um para una de Morocco and near the zoo si se [Music] [Applause] Yaya Mia boy Hannibal Dewey Oh yummy Adam I require me and yummy money I you know I guess surprised that you are able to tell your story without crying because at least me I saw small I so small when you know where I knew of you and I seen you that's right minister and talked up before but that day that forgive me my love respect and adoration for you hits the roof level was the day I brought to you on that then GTV breakfast sure to tell your side of the story yes and you never spoke a word and wet against your then husband you never spoke a word I tried to ask you questions you never said a single word against and every time you said he's my husband it's my pasta you know god knows what he's doing and everything is this woman what why did you do that you know what I have a principle and the principle is from the Book of Luke chapter 17 after Jesus Hilda 10 Lopez won came back to say thank you Jesus to there and Jesus asked where they're not thankless but where are the nine even the one that came back was a Samaritan the Samaritans and the Jews were no friends which means that his own brothers his old friends the Jewish people these people didn't come back to say thank you after they got what they wanted they were gone I'm sure ready to go and testify hey come and see what the Lord has done for me but they forgot the one through whom they got the miracle that one that came back Jesus now say go your faith has made you whole he got to a higher level than the people who forgot you to come to say thank you there were cleansed but this one got his wholeness It was as if he had never been sick my principal I took from there never turn your back on anyone who has been a blessing to you I wasn't a preacher I didn't know how to talk in fact the first day my brother had me speak in London he was then in London and so I invited him I said come to the unpretty of this church he looked at me I said Olivia Monica in other words now you are so eloquent you can speak people thought I didn't know how to talk because if it's a good morning good morning how are you fine are you okay yes that was how far away but being married to a man of God transformed my life the anointing began to rub on me I stood there never been a woman of God do we know how to preach nothing today when I stand to Minister signs and wonders take place things happen we must learn to appreciate the people God has used a longer way and I also believe that when you have a heart of appreciation God adds onto in it Bible says pursue peace with all men that is my principle I pursue peace with all men it doesn't matter what it is promotion doesn't come from man promotion comes from above promotion comes from God so if I walk in the ways of God trust and obey for the no way to be happy in Jesus but interested when you trust and obey when you walk in his ways he opens doors for you amen look at me sitting here today see how joyful it is my heart is so appreciative and so I will keep on appreciating the man of God a bishop Duncan Williams for allowing himself to be a blessing to me as I said by the grace of God we were blessed before children or we are blessed before children wonderful wonderful children of God all working in God's by God doing God's work I'm grateful to him I would never ever sit anywhere and mention anything doesn't matter eyes none of your business everybody has something in where they come from now talking about your children what's your relationship with them wonderful let me start from my baby he's my teddy bear he's the wahoo just throw his big hand around my neck and I said mommy you know what you must stop sitting here every day like this and all you do is you every day and and watching your telling money but you know he's there I call him my profit he's so spiritual always forgive dogs always pray I give him his space my darling you just keep on praying yes do what you have to do and then my Ella her my my white lady oh my god from help from childhood [Laughter] [Laughter] baby sleepy I said I don't worry I might be touching the baby dumpy I call my mother Elsie she is the mother money why didn't you tell me you wanted this and you want to take that you know you should say you want this money so that birthday so you say you want what you have you called the restaurant I call him I run in your life my money this is the number you caught me on this one and you know so so yes I have a wonderful relationship man my children one of the things I've come to realize is that the other tie was just telling Elsie about a month agresa I'll see what the devil meant for evil God has tended to go amen the enemy wanted to destroy my relationship with my children but a wise woman knows how to build her family amen I never gave them the opportunity man I never allowed the devil who did my children and I you rather birthday yes everything you saw yes from from food to everything was catered by the new season restaurant yes which we are food in and shake excellent laughs the food was like a professor food drinks everything was just and you know what that's a testimony to weigh in man when when Elsie was just the young about 12 years old she had come to me say mommy do you know that you're smart by said yes say mommy when I grow up you give me a slumber and today she has taken the snack bar I had a snog manner but she now has a restaurant or which has built a three-story what and the same restaurant is what is feeding us today man so I have come to realize that everything you do succeed listen do not harbor any envy jealousy bitterness the reason why we may not dine before they are Thai in the mental homes is because they have a loud poison and the cancer of bitterness the cancer of unforgiveness the cancer of this one did this and that one hurts me and that one did what it's not the end of the world you are divorced others will be divorced you know there was a divorce before you there will be a divorce after you somebody disappointed you there was a disappointment before you there'll be a disappointment after you but when you keep on trusting God I believe in God's own time he's going to make everything so beautiful so keep that smile on keep your prayer on trust in your Lord and let's see what God would do this is okay follow me before I let you go you've you've answered well my last question I was going to ask but can I ask you to pray for any woman out there who is broken yes I thinks her world has come to an end yes and she's so bitter and angry and frustrated because of some disappointment yes some pain in married no divorce some children who obtained you back on a something she's Suffolk you know some job loss something that as a as a pain and a head and like a cache she feels she's even cast yes can you pray for such a woman such a woman out there letter to risk for her to receive her healing and let her know that she can be you know I'll say these days one Mason I mean God I'm not saying in a negative way but we have the estus we have the Rebecca's we have the harness but in that time we have the mama first we can save that I mean remember the god of mummification no tell her story around we don't need to go far we have our own mama Francisca currently for such a woman to also understand that her testimony woke up yes hey turn around hey turn around will come even before I pray I want to speak to every woman out there it doesn't matter what you're going through look up and say that if God did it for Mama Francisca God can do it for you amen whatever you are going through if you keep on holding on keep on trusting your God it's not going to kill you it's going to better your life it's going to enrich your life I am sitting here today with the experience I have because of what I've gone through many people cannot speak the way I'm speaking because they've not walk this path but I have certain experiences that I can share with others and I can tell you the same God who did the forest that same God who did it for Hanna save God who did it for Mama Francisca and he's still doing it because he never changes he's a friend God who would do it for you if I have a testimony today at Bible School and ministry it's a national local people who look down what did if you want to talk to you now want to struggle to come near you then my darling you also have a testimony that is coming your way and so I want to encourage every woman today wipe your tears what I want to say to you is that it is difficult where their days when I wept on you will say what you can say your testimony without crying because I have already cried I cried but you know what when I came to see what God was doing with my life I asked myself why did it why did I even cry for a day yes because you realize that your life is even more beautiful than what it was so why why did I think right when this is what God had in store for me this one thing I want you to know will be may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning life I love people to sit in the offices and tell all the stories they know about you ones that are true ones that are not true let people go viral let them do whatever they want to do there's nothing I want to end by saying that what God has purposed for your life no man can stop it no demon can stop it and so look up to the Lord hold on to God and of course anytime there's a woman out there you feel like talking to somebody I'm here man you can call on me or he never will tell you how to do it you can contact us she is telling me she looks out to me I also look up to her she is also one of my success stories and today I am so proud of her and and we share our birthdays together with Sandra for what God is doing in our lives come join us man let's empower each other man let's let's do what God has called us to do and forget about everything else at the end of it or before you leave this world make sure that you have run the race you have finished your courses I want to pray right now whoever is listening to me man whoever is going through some form of challenge whoever fills her life is over I want you to know that God has not finished with you yet if man has finished with you God has not finished with you yet God is still doing a work in your life man and God will see you through Father in the name of Jesus and pray for every woman for every month for every young lady yes for every young man at the sound of my voice some pretty cool things his life is over somebody who thinks her life is over somebody who thinks oh I live with this person for all these years but look at it today I'm nothing to write over forget about what it is for whatever you did was a seat and if it was a seat it's actually Germany in the name of your would be better yes so then your beginning yes well I pray that God will lift you up amen God will comfort you a man at this stage of your life may the Holy Ghost since of minister to use walking the grace of God and the Lord who made you will surely bring it to a successful end I speak these things into the life of everyone assault it does anyone right now with tears in her eyes with tears in his eyes I pray that those tears will be wiped away a man I speak joy into your spirit you salt Bible says with joy will you draw out of the worlds of salvation Lord we reviewed the voice of the enemy of a liar slow that voice that is telling you you are nobody that voice that is telling you it is over that voice that is telling you you cannot make it we speak against the lie of the enemy the name we hold on to the word of the Lord yes well that we will be gonna good Wagner will surely bring it to a buffet and Lord we thank you Lord for all that I listening to me and I know father the greatest mornings are coming yes out of this in the name of Jesus as anybody who has any form of infirmity yes because of any pain any concepts or anything that has affected them physically India health I pray healing into the abode in the name of Jesus name of Jesus Lord and I turn things around let the will of God be done in your lighting man from today walk as a man and a woman of God and fulfill your purpose in Jesus name Amen amen [Applause] let me all I have to say is I love you I love you too god bless you in there thank you for speaking your heart yes through the nation a man and I'll say that nation's because I know this program many will get healing from those who watch us on YouTube those who watch us on a bee and TV and across the world I know that you will get feedback and will get free hallelujah you know normally I do a bit of me at the end of it but today I will know that we have ended the program and may you be blessed thanks for watching and keep revisiting this program on our youtube channel anytime you are down anytime you feel the devil speaking to you that it's over have a review of it and be rekindled we be rejuvenated and revived in the name of Jesus amen thanks for watching see you same time next week bye for now [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The StandPoint
Views: 52,663
Rating: 4.7967916 out of 5
Keywords: The Standpoint, Oheneyere Gifty Anti, Naana Dansoa, GDA Concepts Production, women, children, educative, influential, enlightening, discerning, comforting, francisca duncal williams, mama francisca, francisca duncan-williams, doxa citadel, international womens day
Id: TdjxJgh1-Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 48sec (3348 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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