LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP - Archbishop Duncan Williams

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physics this is historic and is prophetic and is very strategic to see what we see here today and to see what God has done in the life of pastor Steve and Stanley how far he's brought in for these past 25 years I have known them more than 25 years and I have no doubt that this is just a beginning of many [Applause] of many beginnings that is yet to come it is my prayer and desire that after 25 years that the rest 25 years ahead of you will be your best years ever in the ministry and I'm so grateful and thankful to God to see Steve and Stanley still together [Applause] [Music] the fact that you are twins and you came from the same womb don't guarantee that you should still stay together if taking maturity understanding grace humility sacrifice and everything to keep the two together that far [Applause] I want to thank the two wives for being wives and not interfering in the relationship thank you my girl thank you my girl for being wives and for allowing the brothers to be brothers thank you put your hands together for them thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's a big big big blessing in to all of you who have stood with this house and the leadership of all these years thank you for sticking and for being around in good times and in bad times you've been around and asked the increase you will increase as they go forward you will go forward as the up bless you are also going to be blessed say ma'am I brought some few books yay one of my passions over four years in been in ministry as much as I love preaching many things is I just can't stop praying I can't I can't stop running and I don't know why but I can't stop praying the other day David said when my heart is overwhelmed somewhere from the ends of the jungles of Africa I will cry out lead me to a rock that is higher than I and I just can't stop crying out because I have a lot of issues and I came from a very interesting background 43 brothers and sisters and I've come a long way so I can't help it battle cry out every now and then for help I don't know about you but every now and then I need to cry and say lord help help somebody screaming say hello hey need help lord I need help been to the palace of Kings and I've walk in the corridors of power and I've experienced great things and have experienced believes and seen some levels of achievement on success but yet loves help I have some I have some prayer-book sea air and flossing prayer decrease or prophetic decrease it's simple he speaks about the fact that every prophecy is conditional and it's not enough to just hear prophecy and believe that is done no it's not done every prophecy is conditional and it needs to be enforced so I have enforcing prophetic decreased volume 1 and I have volume 2 and 3 the hour here it's out there by the truth sell it not this is 40 years of insights and keys I have acquired receiver the Lord through my personal afflictions and adversities of life through ups and downs of a quiet keys that has helped me to come back far and to empower so many others I put them at your disposal it will help you if you can get all of these keys it will unlock some mysteries and it will help to dismiss defy the mysteries of your life to help you solve at the attitudes of life where you belong and not to be overridden by the forces of darkness so ladies and gentlemen acquire these materials will help you once again is my pleasure to be with you on the 25th anniversary and I think that you should separate the evangelistic ministry from the church yeah like we have CFM we we have Christian eccentric ministry that is the ministry but we have the church which is different from the ministry and I think you should have a church a name for the church and separately from the evangelistic ministry the evangelistic ministry is the outreach wing of the church but let the church stand as a church and lead evangelistic ministry which is also a ministry and a denomination of his own span the violent we finally make it very clear this is not an evangelistic ministry this is a church and it's two different things [Music] we have Kristen accented ministry we have action Chapel we have action Worship Center now we have action City Church action City Church pretty soon you'll see it everywhere action City Church is another denomination I don't see piece of dark speech are here where is this picture very important very important [Music] you can you can have all these pictures here with a piece of da especially in the life of this church he's been very strategic and a blessing you can't talk about the charismatic movement who down be shocked by he what meals he's the best and don't forget he's the mega Bischoff he's the mega that everybody else is playing Bishop doggy's the mega you know and you gotta give it to me and pastor Steve knows what I'm saying is true so I'll just I just flew down from America to Europe to get here so I can be with you today I couldn't fail you the weather the weather in Washington was bad they canceled off flights and there were all kinds of things to keep me from being here and I said to him I said to few friends and I said you know something Steve will overlook anything any service I don't attend about 25 anniversary I'm not sure he will overlook it you know and I said I having a friend and Steve yet and this is one time I don't want to offend him he's always smiling and laughing but he can also be some way but when you cross him so I said I don't want to cross him you know so I'm glad I'm here [Applause] [Music] and Elsie thank you for thank you for blessing us thank you for reminding us that he made a way I'm here because he made a way my bag was to the wall and it was all for me he's been over for me many times in life and in ministry when I was written off and many said he's finished he'll never rise again and there were times when I quit I give up myself in my heart and I said okay god I a separate sponsibility this is it for me and I said God I came from nowhere you made something out of me and it dis is it at least you've shown me some mercy I can understand and God said who told you your feelings we are not yet finished tell somebody you are not yet finished and and and and you know Madiba Madiba Nessun Mandela said don't judge me by how I look and where I am today but judge me by the many times I fell and I got up again and President Richard Nixon said the other day he said a man is not finished when he falls but Amami finished when he quits tell somebody don't quit and Sir Winston Churchill said a sign of success is one that walks through failure to failure and yet maintains an attitude of audacity ah tell somebody have an audacity have an audacity cause in this life even face situations that you got to have an attitude of audacity say I hear you lift up your hands all over this place you soon Oh [Music] Oh hallelujah [Music] sink it now [Music] [Applause] [Music] with your hands lifted up Heavenly Father all about this place we have gone we've come from different walks of life we've come from different upbringing we've come with different needs and experiences and belief systems this house the leadership has come that farm of 25 years ups and downs times and moments of encouragement and discouragements tons of adversities times of danger yet you have proven to be true and faithful to your sevens to your word that fire has now brought us a benissa now for the next 25 years we lift up our eyes and we look up to you Lord for direction for the renewing of strength for the renewing of vision for a new sense of direction for fresh air fresh fire and for fresh utterance now quicken the mortal body of your manservant that I may speak as I ought to speak by the wheel and bouncing and inspiration of the Holy Ghost overriding every argument and overriding negative currents and satanic energy wrenching strains fires and fiery darts intercepting every arrow of darkness in the name of Jesus dismissed darkness dismiss logic dismiss philosophy I bring every argument and talk and reasoning on that divine subjection make it obedient to Christ by divine authority from the global perspective a commando app aims to be silenced and every need to bow to the obedience of Christ not a command demonic entities and powers seen and unseen to hold their peace stand down relinquish your powers and your weapons in the name that is above every or done in Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God we put him above all things now that Jesus Christ is Lord a man put your hands together and give Him praise are you clapping you can't clap without shouting you may be seated in heavenly places thank you you know for few minutes I I believe that if all I did was to just be here and pray that that is it but I will take some few minutes to speak some few words and pray and then I have to leave for another service but I must say that after 25 years there is the possibility of soft consciously relaxing and believing after all the achievement that you have and all that God has done so far by this house the leadership and this ministry is this there is that tendency of subconsciously believing that you've done well and especially when you have people who haven't seen greatness before and having achieved the level of excellence and greatness you have achieved there is the tendency of relaxing and believing that God we've come that far and is true and we've done great and that is true but may I take the opportunity to say to all of you that irrespective of the achievement and the successes and the accolades and triumphs triumph is different from victory victory is winning the war triumph is celebrating the victory and you've celebrated a lot of victories and we found God for that but I came to tell you these precious Sunday morning that there is more beyond you're in here because if you did had it and believed it you have done something I said there is more beyond there is more beyond what you have achieved and so this is not a time to relax because we are expecting Jesus you know I stand song many many years ago over 40 years ago I used to sing a song got pray meeting and title be bad in your fate don't be tired in praying we don't know when don't be tired in your wegs don't be tired in your fate don't be tired in crane we don't know when he's Shaka we are expecting Jesus we are expecting Jesus we are expecting Jesus we don't know when he's sure come we aren't expecting Jesus we are I don't know about you I am an expecting Jesus I don't know when he shall come are you expecting Jesus well we don't know when he succumbs oh we can be tired of working the works of God we can be tied in our fate fighting the good fight of faith and we can be tired in praying because we expect in Jesus so I want to say to you this morning pastor Steve Stanley and all the leadership of these hours there is more beyond there is more beyond give somebody a high five and say there is more more more there is more beyond all of this we see is great but there is more beyond tell somebody dream yet another dream dream yet another dream it's time to dream another dream this is great my dream another dream so we want to look at Luke the fifth chapter reading from the first of the seven verse of Luke the future are talking about Peter the fisherman Peter the fisherman and it came to pass that us the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God he stood by the lake of Geneva read and saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were gone out of there and we're washing their nets and he entered into one of the ships which was Simons and prayed him that he will thrust out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of the ship now when he had left speaking he said unto Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a drought and Simon answering said unto Him master we have boiled all the night and have taken nothing nevertheless and I word I will let down the net and when he and when they had done this they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and the Anette break and they beckoned unto the apartness which were in other city that they should come and help them and they came and filled both ships so that they began to sink there are so many things here in the scripture that I can preach on and all a camp-meeting on it but I just want to be specific by picking one or two things here Peter was very good at what he did as a fisherman he understood the depths and the rules of engagement of the fishing industry in his days and in his time and he had been at it for many years he fed his family paid his children school fees and his mortgage and his taxes to the IRS and did everything from the business of fishing for many years and so he was very good at it and this particular time he are told or night and he came up with nothing so he gave up and he was washing the net threw in the towel tell somebody don't throw in the towel yet don't owe him tell somebody don't wash their net yet don't wash the net till somebody is too early to give up knowledge to Eliot Akiva that somebody is too early to quit is too early to quit when the Bible said that he has done everything he knew how to do the best I knew how to and he had concluded that it was finished there was nothing else he could do on and he was washing the net he was afraid to go home because he had some bills waiting for him in the house and the wife was waiting to taxi meant to say we have some bills to pay how much did you bring so he was struggling with going home decided to wash his neck too and just hang around wise it was washing his net and hanging around the son of god who stepped out from eternity into time stepped on the scene shifted the horizon and said hey I need your boat he said you can have it Jesus used his boat to preach and impact people with the Word of God and after that he had impacted people by preaching the Word of God the unadulterated uncompromising Word of God he said you have maybe a good available to touch lives and there is no way you can go wrong when you give so he said I know what your situation is longed out into the deep tell somebody what God has for you for the next 25 years is in the deep it stands to reason logically dog people said we have tall or night you know I wish I had a planted stage I could have stand here to preach I feel a little barrier here so if not it's okay but anyway listen he said he said I've taught all night and have nothing Jesus said I know you've taught you've tried everything you know how to you've done your best but we were at the surface you are the surface but I see 25 years or great achievement is great but may I suggest to you that these 25 years you were on the surface so if this is what surface can achieve for 25 years can you examine the next 25 years going deep oh come on somebody come on somebody tell somebody the next 25 years of your life is in the deep Jesus appear before before this time you were doing it by might and by power but right now the reason why you couldn't touch that thing is because you were leaning on steel and you were leaning on intellectual capabilities you are leaning on the rules of engagement you were living on technicalities and no vows and legality but he said now I want to take you beyond self I want you to go past here I want you to go past your physical senses and know-how and logic I want to take you into another Ram I want to take you into another pets and these deaths and this new dimension and level I'm taking you to it to require Rima tell somebody Reema is to require advanced knowledge so he said he said I need you to launch out take a calculated risk tell somebody take a risk take the risk you see life is full of risks and folks we don't take risks don't go anywhere hear me coming here 25 years ago was arrest he said it very nicely but me myself I was worried at the time because he believed me and because he believed me I got worried at the time and I said lord I can take that risk but I don't know if this son of mine can take the same risk I can take so what happened if things don't work out for him these twins I would have messed up their future and and and the lady that did that document of this place is here I'll be there we talked few times and I say every nerve I mean you know I didn't tell him that that was me dealing with me are you hearing me somebody but he acted on the Rema he said he said I have issues with your decision of issues with going there my wife and my Elba signed this agreement but I died somebody you know this next 25 years there are things you must do there are dimensions you must eat and attain and there is enjoyment is going to take more than skill it's going to take more than than know-how and modern sense knowledge of the word of God you need some Rhema word from God what is a Rhema the Rhema word is a word spoken to a specific individual at a specific time for a specific silent you need a word a word the prophetic word you need that says 'add una you need that SAS Elohim you need that word that comes out of the womb of eternity into the womb or time to give you a sense of divine direction a word that goes beyond reasoning and the logic of man a word that overwhelms your fears your doubts and your insecurities Peter said Lord I've tried everything I know how to put all the extracts together I've done all the feasibility studies I've known I've done all I know how to but nevertheless against all contradictions against my fears and out against my failures and my setbacks God Almighty and I worried and I worries I will reach out to the deep where you are going from here this is a beautiful auditorium and is great but you build this on the surface this is a surface time building go deep because the next blessing the next miracle is coming from the deep and you don't see it till you reach out to the deep ladies and gentlemen there are pings in the deep you will never see till you reach out and tap into the deep look at somebody and said the next move of God the next blessing God has for you is in the deep sit down for children s the deep reach out to the deep some 42 deep calleth unto deep and the noise of the water sparse all thy ways you can see how bleep ugly how deep how deep to get into that date you need to be deep-sea heavy he said be called on to our teeth there are big things in life just when you think you have achieved something just when you are beginning to relaxing just to take it easy there is something deep inside of me call dissatisfaction and I'm not satisfied I'm not satisfied I've seen many achievements I've received many accolades I've worked in the corridors of power in the continent of Africa and other parts of the world and yet I'm dissatisfied I've seen cloud I've seen the stadium part with 300,000 people with Aurra Robert and Idaho's aha in the 80s I've seen crowds ass in that move us in auditoriums I've seen buildings I've seen wonders I've seen signs and miracles in my own ministry if I have time and I prefer the sick you will see things that will blow your mind you see deaf ears open just experience it two Sundays ago deaf ears in London in America is on YouTube miracles and and blind eyes and people receiving all kinds of miracles and tumors and seeds and growth and lungs disappearing from the breasts and wounds and bodies of men and women but I'm still dissatisfied and I've Dutchman in touch women and prayed for them and see greatness come out of many and I'm still dissatisfied why because there is more beyond are you hearing me somebody deep calls unto deep and Peter was washing his net so many of you are washing your net because you've got all that you know how to to the best of your ability and you haven't seen the outcome the result yet and you still struggling with that thing or the other and you still have these sense of guilt and failure and disappointment and defeat Karen carrying it in the deep consciousness of the fourth dimension but yet I came to tell you that there is no beyond see I hear you some 107 verse 23 and 24 quickly they that go down to the sea and ships to business in Crete what is TC the West's of the Lord and his oneness in the deep where the oneness how many of you want to see the wonders of God come on totally you sure you want to become a wonder if you want to become a wonder and a miracle in your time you need to go into the deep somebody say get into the deep get into the deep give somebody a high five and say let's go to the deep let's go to the deep the wonders of God are not at the surface is not under solve is worth in death deep you don't go there with cannonballs you need some cheap way with some strong engine some rolls-royce engines you gotta go to big and high waters are you hearing somebody is that what append something new you used to what you've been doing all these years pastor Steve attend some new things reach out to some high water there are one - waiting for you on the other side are you hearing me somebody I know you've been graced but there is something greater I know you'll be mighty but there is something more than mighty are you hearing me somebody God said I have someone - for you but you can only discover I'd in there [Applause] so many people are scared of taking risk but life is full of risk - second Kings 1930 and the revenant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root down world yet again and bear fruit upward until you take root down ways yet again one more time one more time tell somebody one more time you gotta take care it is one more time if you don't take root down west you can bear fruit upwards are you hearing me somebody it is depths that beget Heights is your deaths that begets your height if you want to you see that building standing there that building standing there it's their depths when I saw their deaths I understood that this thing is coming at all it's how deep you go that determines how high your eyes so go deep faster go deep go deep say I hear you be more dakka dakka dakka douche kuraha baja do bahasa officiants for officiants for nine and ten quickly now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens if you want to ascend far above all heavens folks you gotta go deep huh you got to go deep you got to take roots down you gotta go down down down to the deep that you can rise trihard to the eyes come on somebody see I hear you oh you gotta take Route down West to bear fruit upwards he that I send that above all the heavens yes descended to the lowest part of the edge go deep what God has for you is in the deep Joshua chapter 1 verse dead but just watch a potato in verse 1 quickly now Joshua was old and stricken in years and the Lord said unto him thou art old and stricken in years there every minute yet very much land to be possessed was all for 25 years you've done a lot you were younger than today by the next 25 years I know you have long feared but there are yet more land to possess beyond this territory so lift up your eyes and look beyond these two graphic indications but there is more yet more land to possess and to take myself and Joshua his rules he's done a lot but there is not yet more land to be possessed more souls to be saved more check building to be built I want check buildings in every community in Accra in every village and community in Ghana I want to see churches in every village are you hearing me and not necessarily action churches I want to see churches that preach their own compromising Word of God churches that proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord I want to see so safe not into action but into God's kingdom are you hearing me somebody I want us to populate every community in Ghana with the uncompromising weather the log say I hear you and so far we are not doing that well because we are too satisfied with what we have to satisfy with where we are we are excited we're excited about the successes we have but I came to tell you today I am injecting an infusion into your spiritual DNA there the virus of dissatisfaction now you can be satisfied with where you are and what you have when other religions are advancing everywhere and we excited about this we can be excited about this when there are many souls out there who are not save and dying and going to hell where there are more people staying in the house than those who go to church on Sunday morning and we're talking about we Omega what mega what big we cannot be big until every soul he say put your hands together and give God some praise I'm believing that God who raised in these hounds at least 200 temple builders 200 people who say I will build a church for God before I die a Church of 50 people hundred two hundred three four five hundred people that every believer will make a vow that before I die Jesus perished I will build a church for God in my village I built a church in another village in another town in another community a check that seats fifty hundred two hundred three four five one thousand I'll build a church for God because if you leave after all God has done in your life and all you did was to build houses for yourself and for your children for inheritance you are a disgrace and you are eternally disqualified in heaven before you did without that God gave you is to build beautiful houses for yourself and I'm gonna say you shouldn't build houses you should and I'm not sayin build houses and give your children inherit and that is great but if I UD was yourself and your children and you never cross the boundaries of your immediate family if you did not touch the kingdom and you didn't have you never left an inheritance and if you made your will if you never will anything for the church it's the clear indication that you are not going to heaven [Applause] you can look at me with a mule oof you want to look at me with but if you are going to have him and you are going to meet Jesus the Hat of the church and he bless you and give you life and help in this world to work to get everything that you got and all you did was to build a house for yourself and inheritance for your children and you never did anything for the church and when you were making your wheel before you died you didn't leave anything for the church and you gave everything to your children or your grandchildren you were a user of the kingdom you are not a believer you didn't love God and Jesus is waiting for you how many of you believe you are going to happen give me a waver friend you are going to heaven Jesus is waiting for you you have unanswered questions to answer when you meet him you answer you what did you leave behind for my church what did you hear me as much as it's good to leave an inheritance for your kids and your grandchildren every property you leave for your children and grandchildren and all the world you leave behind will not count in eternity it doesn't count in eternity the only thing that goes on record in eternity is what you did for the church Jesus is building he said I'm building my church not your family he said he's changed not your back not your business he's not building your business he's building his church and he said the gates of Hell shall not reveal he's building his churches don't build your family or your business or mine his church and anyone that contributes to the church his building has a portion in eternal rewards and there are clouds in heaven there are different grounds and I look forward to mine and I'm looking forward to more than one crown I don't know about you and hear me in eternity we will reign over cities somewhere over five cities at this time at this mall at this lace and there'll be sevens in heaven if you don't know study your scriptures look at the synopsis gospel carefully and look at the pauline revelation and go to Revelation there are rewards in heaven and not everybody will be at the same level and not everybody will have the same reward so you better serve God and serve him well the way you are doing things for the kingdom do it well don't do it for pastor Steve or anybody do it for yourself and for the kingdom Joshua Joshua chapter 14 verse 10 to 12 and now behold the Lord had kept me alive as he said these forty and five years even since the Lord speak this word unto Moses while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness and now lo I am this day four score and five years old as yet I am a strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me as my strength was then even so is my strength now for war both to go out and to come in now therefore give me this mountain where of the Lord speak in that day for thou her dust in that day how the other kings were there and that the cities were grid and fence if so be the Lord will be with me and I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said he said 40 years ago when I was 45 the Lord promised me in this mountain and he said I may be five now Amina five I was four inside then I many five now and yet I feel the strength of my youth and he said oh I'm 85 I still have the strength of 40 years ago and I can still go into wall I can go into battle and come out of battle and he said give me this mountain identified when I should be relaxing when I should be taking it easy he said I feel the anointing I feel the fire my youth I feel like in my life again hear me folks I don't care how many times a preacher I've been preaching over 40 years now but I'm still seeing the scriptures in a new way like I've never seen it before I feel the strength of my youth then it doesn't matter what the projections are about me it doesn't matter what men are predicted in the in wheels and when the evil programming's in the wounds of men and in the womb of time and in the womb of seasons and in the womb of the adversary I started by the superior powers but the blood of my Redemption and proclaim and declare the boomerangs let it boomerang somebody said boomerang boomerang [Music] you're 85 say how old are you don't don't stand please sit 75 you still got some more life in you sir you see all age is not the way you look is in your mind and all age is connected to God's promise concerning you that's what keeps me what he has said what he has promised George I said he kept me for another 40 years because of the promise he made unto me you must be alive for one reason the promise that is that is what keeps us the promise and say I will not die by any means until I have seen the full effect of what God has promised promised me in eternity long before time began and say on that note however right I will return I dismiss I interrupt I am no Anna base the arguments of men the philosophies of men and I silence and discredit any accusing voice an authority of what God has said a man put your hands together and give him praise [Music] [Applause] in conclusion Philippians 4 Philippians 3:13 and 14 brethren I count not myself to have apprehended he said he said he's a listen pastor 25 years still don't count yourself to have apprehended Steve Stanley 25 years is great it's great but still don't come to yourself to be to have apprehended let's lose some weight together our stomach needs to go down a little bit all the three of us I'm on especially a dark now yeah I'm not eating cops in the night you know I've reduced my cop and everything because I need these stomach needs to go down a little bit you know I need to be able to get my belt in a certain level so I'm daring the two of you my daughter's cut down the are coming and kinky and and there fou fous and I'm PC no cops after 6:00 p.m. if they want if they want to keep them shoot but don't give them cops after 6:00 give them give them some salads and give them keep them some steamed vegetables one or one of my sons came to me some years ago and said Papa your daughter is killing me and I said why he said he said he gives me too much salad Papa Mia Santini empanadas we have one at him be our arugula on time it's true money and the risks you know last week when I was in America for no reason this feeling of who came upon me so they asked me in the morning what do you wanna sell one fufu so I ever for two times then at that time was I said you gotta stop this useful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of Jesus I declare war on [Applause] them is very powerful and can break fast falou in america in the winter to a snoring and I was hitting fufu and lied sheep and I was slacking in the winter and I said this thing is a very very dangerous thing so I stopped it stopped the fufu no banku you got to punish them for some time they still might have to go down I can't my self not too hard yet okay right brethren I count not myself to have apprehended haven't yet made it this one thing I do this one thing I do I you must do pastor Stephen Stanley forgetting those things which are behind forget the victories and the achievements and the accolades and and the progress and the successes of 25 years forget it and reaching forth unto those he said nah nah nah forget about the victories and the failures because the victories can cost dissatisfaction and give you a sense of a have arrived and the failures can dis organize and can reduce sense of creativity and productivity to inactivity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you think about the failures of the past he has a way of demoralizing paralyzing and crippling your ability to attempt new things the devil will remind you of how you failed there and you feel here and feel you at a time but Paul said this one thing I do and you must do forget about the achievement of yesterday and the failures of the past then he said I do one thing what do I do and reaching forth unto those things huge gap before rich you've got to reach for them that's what I said that things God has for you is in the deep there is not beyond and those are the things you must reach out for the things that are beyond my head I press toward ha you gotta walk press everybody do this put some attitude anything [Music] [Applause] you see you see a woman in travail I've been to the live-aboard few times the Lord had message when you go to the lip award and see how those women press if you have never respected a woman when you come out of the labor ward when you see a woman you respected because if any man goes through Kutta of what they go through in that situation you will die I'm telling and I don't know how to go through that labor wall and still come out and still go again [Music] [Applause] is madness you do what I said yeah dump a dump second madness because I've seen them in LA power I've seen them one time I was there with one of my sweet about it insisted that I should be there and I said I'm not coming I didn't do this I'm not coming there and the Hulkbuster papa he said you must be there show us okay and at the point was hey you are looking at me tell him Kozma you see what you have done to me [Applause] and few weeks after she wanted another one and I said this anointing I don't understand it [Applause] but bishop pastors got is what the Bible is talking about when he said I press that is pushing the last push in the lever when the head of the baby is in the birth canal and all indicating points that today is the day and the woman needs to put in the last strength and energy she has everything must go in to download that him press press somebody say press somebody say press [Music] [Applause] you're almost there you're almost there after 25 years you still me to go ahead I press toward the mark of the the price there is have much and every surprise the high calling of God the highest calling of God in Christ Jesus there's a price there is a mark and you cannot change you don't get there without pressing what about dress it requires it means that it it requires some effort some some some opacity some some capacity some level of endurance and and developing there a hard skin and an attitude of not being move and not been shaken and not been derailed and not been distracted and not be moved by man and what they think about you and what they say about you and what it feel about you because some people aren't gonna like you some people may not like the way you look some may not like the way you sound and some it on like the way you look but you got to understand that when a woman is in travail she don't care who is looking at her nakedness she don't care where that that doctor is old or young that man or a woman all she cares about is getting that baby out then I thought the baby comes out she covers herself they said doctor stop looking at me come on somebody stand on your feet stand on your feet on your feet say hallelujah glory I'm true I'm true let the Rhema word be relief you know pastor Steve 25 years you'll be in many places you have complex many things but the next 25 years God said seek me for a Rhema because the next 25 years way I'm taking you to is better and bigger than where you've been all these 25 years this next 25 years is going to take a Rhema it's going to take you operating by advanced knowledge knowing what others don't know you know when I move action 30 years ago to the spring touch world people said who hours finish my board my board my board was cutted I fired them anyway because they disagree with me they said I can't move the church from trade fair to the spring test that place was a whole forest nobody moved there there's nothing there ShopRite anything you see wasn't there spring temple was in there that will road there will we engineered a lot of things who were behind the scenes engine a lot of things and we lost over a hundred we lost one hundred and one thousand two hundred people to other churches we just went down when we moved and people said I missed it because people went to other churches and I knew the way in other churches they were all they were scattered in every Church in town and the word out there was that action was down and the Lord said the Lord said if you move the church to the spring tax Road I will move their city to the spring text Road if you don't believe me find out where the city is it's now on the spring tax world everything is there we have over 370 churches on the spintax road since I came there yeah about 370 understand everybody is there and on the other side up is Lacan they're everywhere are you hearing me I still have been diminished by the grace of God your visit action one of these days I'm going there right now we are still packed and we have over 40 churches in the city and rubra we have over 200 sales unit and we are going 500 this year and I'm still not diminished they've scattered me in all angles but I'm still standing here me this next 25 years Bishop you you have a bishop picture on the front there that picture is a bishop picture that neck you are wearing is bishops it's not fastest so don't put the picture then be afraid to do consecration do consecration [Music] [Applause] nice official it should be she this year work a fire ablaze about him n one of these days I'll just bring my horn of oil and called Bishop Duggan some of them will just walk in here Sunday morning what promotion a super-popular a man I love pastor Steve and Stan Lee hello I love them amen so Bishop I have to leave you now but let me pray for you is there anything else you want me to do before I go okay we will pray for you but listen today for the offerings this is not a Sunday anybody must actually to give an offering you should have prepared your offerings today today is fresh foods and those of you who have been tithing 10% since you got born again you have been increased and grown and develop spiritually if you are still at 10% you are still a baby Christian Oh 10% is the minimum by the standard and requirement of New Testament by this time some of you should be taking 40 50 60 70 and if you want to really be a New Testament mature Christian 90 percent and you live on 10 and until you go past 10% you are a mature and a baby Christian and you can be trusted by God I'm telling you you think you're better than what you keep 90 and you keep court and and you think you've done some to me I say so today and bury you this sandy you can't look at me anywhere you want to look at me I'm not afraid of your neutral and you don't intimidate me at all even Lions of couldn't stand a chance and you tilapia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so today offering you must make a statement you see the difference between ten and a bells offering is that Abel's offering spoke can't offer you asylum and until you're offering speak you haven't given and some of your offerings has never spoken since you got born again some of you your offerings only speak through your wife you give to your wife more than you give to God so you're offering speaks through your wife when you give your wife some dress oh my dear that's really time you're offering speaks but today you want to release an offering that will speak before the Lord how many of you want your offerings to speak before the Lord come on give me a wave offering you want to offerings to speak before the Lord they're not the value of the Pressy you are given to the reason why me about raise offerings in my church I stopped with long time ago I have a preacher from America wish of George bloomer he speaking right now ask me should I raise enough rational or did we bring you to raise an offering just preach the people if I want to raise offering I know what to do I didn't come here to raise offer is below my spiritual dignity and capacity to raise offering I don't resolve him and better than that but I want to bear everybody to take an envelope today those of you who are members of this church and friends and whoever visit us and give something that speaks until you're offering speaks it will never move God that's why BB said I will not give unto God that would cost me nothing look at me the difference between the difference between the vanishing of Jacob and Esau was this look at me look at me I want you to get this because if you don't get this so you'll be keeping giving giving but you never see a good return Isaac said he I mean look at me Isaac said to Esau this what he said he said give me first of all he said take your weapon cut somebody take your weapon and then he said take your bow and hours they take bow and arrow that is what he said he said going to the forest and hopped and bring me bring meat and prepare me if anything such as I love and when of eating and my soul is satisfied how bless you I want you to look at me the difference between the Ghanaian Christians are still in the pasta I keep saying bishop bishop be careful you be careful stop hearing me and take action how I keep calling him Bishop then my tongue who hold then my tongue who let his happy anyone since I will soon sooner was he back there was a mountain pine AR you after it there ministered to him there's a Bishop's wife and hear me yeah you see the conjugation is clapping they like it now watch this then Rebecca told Jacob your father has told Esau to take his weapon and go hunt and bring meat and do venison go behind the house bring one of your father's sheep I'll prepare venison for you to give to your father look at me even though God said the blessing is for Jacob it was in what God said that became in who got the blessing it was the venison who determine it and some of you some of you me I'm working with the father's blessing oh if you don't under I know how to obtain a father's blessing I'll earn it long time ago and when God is blessing you it comes to a father even though God said the blessing was for Jacob it took a father to convey the blessing but it wasn't what God said that determine who got it it was the venison it was who brought the venison face who got it some of you there is an offering you must give today don't delayed don't see tomorrow do it today I'm coming look at me this is the difference between the two venison's Jacob brought his father's own sheep to the father as his venison some of my bishop rent my pastas they'll bring me an Avenger no black look about your mo or more and I look at them and I say I'm not joining you because what you have brought is from is for me me I'm if I knock off idea by me and you are actually I'm not blessing you but if you invite that to go and pick somewhere and you went and you preached and whatever they give you you brought it to me that is true venison because you have used your own weapons to go there to business on Great Waters and what they give you you brought it to your father but not when I have taught build X companies give it to you and you take out of my Vanguard and bring it to me and you see bless you for that I'm telling you something listen to me some of you to take you years to understand what I'm saying and hear me look at it look at it because just God got their blessing but he didn't pay the price for the blessing what he gave to his father was what they thought I loved but he didn't pay the price for it so it was in what the father loved so when he saw what he loved he had to work seven years for it and he was denied he went another seven years 14 years to get what he loved then even after he get what he loved eventually what he loved died and what he loved among his kids was taken away from him in his own age and his wages was manipulated ten times ten times because the number ten is the number the number ten means without luck without warrant that's why we have Ten Commandments ten fingers ten toes there is a reason for ten one thing nothing lucky nothing he had to fulfill that order because what he gave to his father was not his own venison he did he use his own weapon for it he brought what was he father to their father so the Pharisees I'll give you the blessing but as for the process to obtain it you go through it if you don't bring to God what he requires of you and you play with God then you spend more on yourself then you spend more on your children more on your loved ones and your family can you spend on the work of God you'll be subjected to Tribune's and there is a level of blessing you will never obtain some people somebody was actually already wise be so - so bless and I said that money he understands the ways of God and not the works of God or the acts of God when he was in action Matta secondary school he's brought me his tight and I said I said that what is this he said the Lord said if I want to succeed in ministry I should honor you and bring you my child that was when he was in a team or a secondary school when he used to play my red organ from them up to today he's been consistent and I won't tell you what it is don't ask me mean can't you hear me is not anointed and is not gift his consistency of understanding the principles and the ways of God there's somebody he's here right now he gives first through than anybody in my church faster than anybody in my church and he's consistent he came to me one time he said he said my target this year is two million dollars before the end of the year he has gone over five million and people look at him and they don't understand the guy and somebody asked essentially did the padishah son in a lava between I'll tell you the guy understand the principle of tithing and fresh fruit I was in London one day he comes aware us I mean my hotel is he I'm coming for you he took me for shopping and he said you have ten thousand pounds to shop with within these few hours so I shopper and there were still some more money so after shopping I got tired of the shopping so I said I want the balance of the 10,000 Oh AG who see 10,000 management mexicana so when I finished up I think I shop about seven so I told my mother I said listen make sure you collect the rest I didn't ask him to pay for my hotel because he didn't talk about the hotel so I told passes I should collect there s maybe become one with Jeremy hotel car stand on your feet now b53 for pasta because as soon as I finished me I have to run take an offering everybody first fruit tight your first will can be a million dollars the first business you do the profit that comes in could be a million dollar if all that comes in is a million dollars first fruit if you cannot give to God money and it doesn't matter how much the money is you don't have faith in God and you don't love God because love is not what you say it's what you do today let the offering check the offering you are given all if offering doesn't speak it will move God and how does he speak how does he speak you must feel it you must feel it you must know that you are there now important as what is given I can fill it if you can't fill it it will move God [Music] it has to speak if he doesn't say anything having only spawn heaven only responds to offerings that speak today let your offering speak this coming week may you come into uninterrupted blessings and don't say Amen if your offering is not speaking but if you offering me say something and I make a declaration if true shall agree these are come to pass pastor Steve please come and I won basta Stanley also to join Steve I want you my right hand Stanley I want your my left hand I need somebody to hold my microphone for me please [Music] I want you to be on your knees if you don't hurt you father they bowed to you and I stand with them as they bow to you together you brought us that far after 25 years maybe I strain be renewed let every organ of the upper bodies be renewed let every virus an infection in every organ of their body we flashed out let them receive the strength of their youth the courage of a lion the strength of an ego a prophetic iron a prophetic ear I quickly your prophetic senses that for the next 25 years the Lord will keep you preserve you give you a fresh word a fresh word a fresh word that will catapult you into new depths and new realms and dimensions of the ministry like you have never yet unknown before be empowered by the lane of advance be strengthened to receive divine capabilities and enablement for the next assignment and commissions to bring in end time harvest and the increase of the end times be preserved from premature death be preserved from every eminent danger in the air or London on water everybody lift up your hands say we speak into the air and into the heaviness to intercept every contention manipulations program ends of the powers of the Dark Kingdom in the air in the heaviness over this life over the vision of this house we declare let there be a boomerang a boomerang a boomerang of every contention agenda satanic destiny concerning the Steve and Stanley Mensa in the name of Jesus say we override the palace of the Dark Kingdom and we declare every prediction made program in the womb of time by any means betrayer betrayer betrayer like fire but sire in the name of Jesus blood fire saying the name of Jesus we take divine comprehensive insurance by the superior blood of Jesus we ensure these lives and a vision of God that the vision of God will not be aborted and that they will not see death until they've seen the full manifestation of the promise of the Word of God in Jesus name Amen please don by the shaking of hands I extended to you the courtesies of the same yannick blessings but you won't see death until you have seen the full manifestation of everything written of you in eternity in the volumes of the books before time began man of God be strong be encouraged have audacity go forward take new territories who become Buddha true override silence subdue heart Dominion succeed in all things in Jesus name I extend the same courtesies to you even as I have extended it to him may you be a beneficiary of every blessing that he carries you are not twins by accident you are twins by divine appointment and for the next 25 years may you stay stronger encouraging loving kind understanding to one another may you together fulfill heavens mandate on your life for which you came into this time into this world such a time like this concur stay together win battles together make a difference have dominion how divine immunity have divine advantage have the upper hand in all battles of life say strong all the time stay together in Jesus name congratulations congratulations I love you god bless you keep me your prayers I will come again according to the time and season of life and until I come your way again make an impact make a difference live long and prosper [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's put our hands together on to the Lord please be seated please be seated please don't go out yet until I receive the benediction will invite the choir to give us a song and the protocol ladies who go around for us to take the offering hallelujah let's put our hands together as we welcome the choir everybody makes sure you are dropping your envelope in the baskets [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from you when I want to be with leaving for sad when I hope to live for you [Applause] holding back when Annie to give it all now I surrender I surrender [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where can that go [Music] give a Plutonians of the do your love but fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] check [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] give it up for the Lord thank you very much I do bless you came the next 25 years is in the deep we thank all for the idea shop and the powerful where they brought for us give it up for their Bishop one more time Bible School registration is in progress information that's be you want to attend Bible School register and be part of what God is doing I was taught to Israel our 25th anniversary tour to Israel or participants must completely up payments by the close of March all those won't be part of the mass wedding should see pastor Pastor Mike or Francisca fee they totally save the process cover be on your feet all right and then waited in worship with pearls mask work comes on Easter Saturday that he first much 20:18 waiting in worship and the case artists is what name is in Russian archery and many more so take note of the Easter program hallelujah well when we close it doesn't look like you can go through this dog because it's cooked and it's trucked all the way so it is better for us to exit through this door when we close and if you have forgotten because people come to change you forgot I am loops they are tight yeah office we check around and see whether you've forgotten something and if you have it a plate that we made and if anybody's you've made a pledge remember that it is better for you not to pledge at all and to pleasure drive from some country on crest and then to again I'm sorry given M look all the man of God apart from what's the horrible acts people to play so make do you a pledge and the Lord will bless you this whole week is a free week for us there will be no big big service no ministry meetings new Americans didn't know Friday service we are all taking a break so amen we've been tired since last month and I want the tango for our Rotterdam choir great job incredible you have made me proud right from last Sunday right from last Sunday you've been our vailable every day god bless you I love you I love you more than you can think pass test protocol team and everybody was work very hard of volunteers and Castroville people please meet Elijah some way I don't know way way in front of the book shop all right front of the book shop you should always meet it alright I think we are done now shall arise remember we are going to this building that is but if you are staying for the second service you can still remain on your seat mediakron is becoming a problem [Music] all the other branches were already in the ability all the other branches you and the building still remain because they'll be a second service but pasta Matthew is coming for the next service say men the hands are lifted from the triage [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello bless and keep his face shine upon you with every prophetic word spoken your life come to pass your life in Jesus name Amen shake some hands that I see you going deeper with God with our dimension all right exit truth here don't go here yeah you
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Id: Ur6vEMhGB2g
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Length: 93min 11sec (5591 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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