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[Music] hallelujah thank you thank you today we want to deal with one of the signs of the end time known as deception tell somebody deception but before we come there we've seen 60 biblical prophecies fulfilled about jesus christ and these were things that was prophesied long before his birth his ministry his walk on earth his crucifixion his death burial resurrection and ascension 60 prophecies biblical 60 prophecies for fail number one ten prophecies about the birth of jesus christ you can write down fulfill ten prophecies about his prophesy long before he was born has been fulfilled nine prophecies biblical prophecies fulfilled about his nature his nature fulfill six prophecies prophesied long before he was born concerning his ministry fulfilled 29 prophecies prophesied concerning his crucifixion fulfilled four prophecies prophesied long before his birth fulfilled concerning resurrection and ascension 60 prophecies fulfilled 14 prophecies yet to be fulfilled the next thing is the rebuilding of the temple please come with me to matthew the 24th chapter let's begin from verse 1. and jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple and jesus said unto them see ye not all these things verily i say unto you they shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down this is talking about the temple of solomon that was spilled with such splenda with the cedar of lebanon models granites things of gold and of silver to the extent that on the day that it was dedicated after the prayers of solomon the glory of god so filled the temple that nobody could stand on their feet and all the priests and the levi were on their faces and jesus said as beautiful at this temple you see is that they shall come and it was another prophecy that was fulfilled that they shall not a stone be left that this temple you see will be brought down and 1780 general titus under the command of the emperor of rome marched into jerusalem and brought down the temple and fulfilled that prophecy go ahead and as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us where shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world thy coming and of thy of the end the signs of thy coming and the end of the world the end of the world and that is a heavy one go ahead and jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you his response he didn't answer the question the first thing he said is before i tell you things to come and the signs you are asking for first thing you have to be careful of is deception tell somebody deception he said take heed he didn't say that no spirit or angel deceive you but what no man deceive you so men will be used as vehicles to deceive men flesh for flesh soul for soul spirit for spirit amen go ahead for many shall come in my name say underline the word many many many shall come go ahead in my name saying i am christ i am shall deceive many and he said many shall come in my name and say they are christ and shall deceive many underline the word many shall come shall deceive many say i will not be among the many that shall be deceived but jesus is speaking and he said many shall come and many shall be deceived so you can be deceived don't be fooled when you study history the reason why he used to repeat itself is because people are not students of history but you can be deceived if you study the god generals and you look at different men and women of god that were used of god so powerfully so mightly and how they were deceived by the enemy you know it just shows that you are no match to the enemy don't be too confident and the devil is not the respecter of any person see i hear you matthew 24 and the 11th verse the 11 verse and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many again many how many false prophets one two three four five bad word many false prophets shall arise many false professions right many they are coming they are coming they'll tell you truth they'll tell you things that are true and then they'll give you some advantage that is not biblical but first of all they get your attention by setting you up it's a bait and the fact that what they are telling you is truth or is fact you see there is a difference between facts and truth joseph was caught accused for attempting to repotife his wife it was a fact because she had his comment but it wasn't the truth you know what i said so you have to be very careful when people say well i have the fact i have evidence i approve can help facts and evidence and yet not true tell somebody careful so he said many many false prophets will rise and will do what deceive many so on the line there were many many many many many shall be deceived many false prophets many okay uh matthew 24 24 for they shall arise false christ you see false prophets now he's talking about false he talks about false christs false prophets false christ again there are people who dare to call themselves jesus jesus they call themselves jesus son of god it's very scary no that a human being should have the audacity to call himself jesus hey i'm not talking about just using the name of crystal by saying that they are jesus the son of god and they back it by performing lying wonders and miracles go ahead read and say something for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders and so might that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect that's why i'm talking to you that if it was possible they would deceive the very elect so there is a possibility that the very elect can be deceived i know a lot i see a lot but i tell you why i don't criticize some of these things i'm just teaching i'm talking about what the bible says i'm a criticizing people and i'll tell you my reason i am a gamalien i'm a chameleon and a chameleon is one that believes that if it is of god it will stand the test of time and if it is not of god it's a matter of time it will withdraw and disappear and i've seen a lot of jesuses i've seen a lot of jesuses a lot of false prophets a lot of false teachers a lot of false apostles who appeared on the scene and they disappeared first john chapter four and verse one beloved believe that every spirit believe not every world spirit there are many spirits out there don't be fooled not now there are certain people you know i i know people who are gifted but they don't understand sound doctrine they don't understand scripture so they are misled and if we if they are not guided with knowledge even though they have a strong gift they can go into error and that is different from what i'm saying this is different from people who are using some familiar spirits and are diviners like the wise men who saw the star of jesus and they came they were in believers they were diviners wise men astrologers so you have to understand these things and the realm of the spirit the thing that works in the realm of the spirit is like keys you can take my car key and go to the park the car park right now and use my key on my car and my car will not say the car will respond to the key and you can move my car anywhere you want to but you'll be arrested eventually because it is not yours i'll report you and we'll find you so in the realm of the spirit you can use the name of jesus and things will happen because at the name of jesus every knee of things in heaven and an earth and under there shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord so you can use the name of the lord to get resolved but the bottom line is that some of you even and there are people who use the name of jesus and spiritual gifts to sabotage the work of god until i have been fought by false prophets i've been fought by four teachers false apostles instead of them to go and win souls and beyond save they are reaching out to the save and their churches are growing but their churches are not growing because they are winning shows their churches are growing by mischief by consciousness by manipulation by exploitation and it's a matter of time hey it will not stand it's just a matter of time it will scatter you can scatter mind and gather yours and say you are waiting for the lord you are an enemy you are any you are an enemy of the kingdom for it is written he said and on that day many shall come and we say lord lord we cast out devils in your name we heal the sick in your name we raise the dead in your name wonders and mighty works raise the dead in your name and jesus said and i will say unto you you used the key to spark my car you were a thief workers of iniquity you worked against me you used my name to fight my work you used my name to destroy what i was building through others you were building a church not because i called you to win souls you were doing it as an industry to make money to exploit people to have a name to become relevant but not because i called you i chose you i anointed you you workers of iniquity and i'll say to you get the hands from me i know you not that day is coming and i'm patient and i'm waiting for that day for it is written let no man judge let no man judge anyone until that day for when the lord shall come then shall the work of every man be revealed and then shall every man receive praises of the lord so i'm waiting because every man works shall be tested by fire and we will know like jackal was competing with oral robert's tent that he built a tank bigger than oral roberts stand what are you trying to prove there are people who want to build the biggest auditorium in town not because god called them to do it but they want to prove a point they are competing with others so they want to build a tent next door to your church to prove a point that they are bigger than you they are gifted than you they are anointed on you and your people come to their church they know more than you and the sad thing is you are people who have stayed in church they've been brought up they've been raised in a church we pastored you brought you up in the things of god fasted and prayed for you guided you and loved you grounded you in the things of god today you become somebody you are blessed and you turn your back on us because you've seen some new move of god that we have never seen before and you don't just go alone but you carry other people with you to bankrupt the very house that brought you up and to destroy the very hands that fed you and you think it will be well with you and your children and your house but try the spirits whether or not what try the spirits but what try the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets are gone out into the world how many how many and he said you would try the spirits the bible says when one let one prophesy and let the other sword judge so you have right to judge prophecy just because somebody is accurate and they say it and it happens does not mean that you can't judge prophecy you can't judge prophecy i'm telling you we have the right to judge prophecy and the spirit of the prophet are subject to the prophets so prophets are not alpha and omega and prophets can also miss it someone missed it elisha said the lord hid it from me so prophets are not always accurate and we have to also know the difference between a prophet and one that has a gift of prophecy and one that dreams and one that of praising the word of knowledge or in the word of wisdom and one that stands in the office of a prophet now this is it if one prophesies every one of us here can prophesy tend to somebody and say do you know you can prophesy yeah you can prophesy and yet not be a prophet or a prophetess see i hear you shake somebody and say come alive in jesus name yeah you can prophesy and yet not be a prophet you can possess the gift of prophecy and what is the purpose of the gift of prophecy three things three things write it number one for edification edification number two exaltation exaltation number three comfort that is it anybody who prophesies by the gift of prophecy and goes beyond exaltation edification and comfort you are crossing a line you remember philip the evangelist he had four daughters and the prophesied all of them we told the prophesied but none of them could reveal what was before paul but agabose who stood in the office of the prophet came and revealed what will be fallen by taking his gather and prophesying that the one who owns this ghetto these are the things that says the lord will befall him when he goes to jerusalem that was a prophet now if adapus hadn't come and the things that was prophesied by agapu happened the church would have said ah but paul was with us even philip's daughters prophesied and how come they couldn't see or reveal what was to come they prophesied by the gift of prophecy but they were not prophets so they didn't have the right to reveal now to qualify as a prophet you must have number one the gift of prophecy which does not foretell or reveal events to come or events of the past or events of the now comfort exaltation edification have you not heard have you not been told that i am the lord and that i will do what i said i will do and that i am committed to bring to pass everything i've said about you fear not fear not yea fear them not for i will perform my good pleasure i will execute all that i have said of you that says the lord be comforted be strong those are gifts of prophecy now to be able to stand in the office of a prophet you must have two of the revelational gifts to be prominent in your ministry including the gift of prophecy what are the revelational gifts the gifts that reveal something three of them the word of knowledge that goes to the past and reveal events and matters of your past and of the now it can tell you what happened in the past even to the point where you were your mother's womb and what surrounded your breath circumstances under which you were born and what's going on in your life right now that is the word of knowledge so you can prophesy with the gift of prophecy and have the word of knowledge prominent in your ministry and you are still not a prophet so we have to be careful this thing of calling everybody prophet prophet prophet prophet prophet we have to be careful because we are devaluing the office we are devaluing the office and because a lot of people know that it's easy you know when you can just fast and pray and professor and you don't have to teach you don't have to do a lot of things like we do so everybody is a prophet to qualify as a prophet you must possess two of the revelation that gives the gift of prophecy word of knowledge word of wisdom or descending of spirit let me explain word of wisdom gives you the ability to see into the future and to know the outcomes of events of the future that is word of wisdom descending of spirits which i hear a lot of christians say well i descend me i have the same inner spirit i can descend you are lying the same spirit is not when you feel something the selling of spirit is not when you see and this person has a bad spirit i can tell you that's a bad spirit that is not the same spirit you need the gift of the descending of spirit to see jesus if you've seen jesus that is descending on spirit in operation then to see an angel you need descending of spirit to see demons you need the sending of spirit the reason why witches can fool prophets some prophets is this because i have sons who are prophets through prophets some have given the prophecy word of knowledge word of wisdom don't have descending or spirit so which is fool them and our sons who are prayed by word of wars wisdom descending of spirit gift of prophecy i know them all are you hearing me that's what i do i'm a coach now watch this watch this for you to see an angel or to see a demon you need a gift of descending of spirit like i'm watching the choir right now i'm sitting here i'm seeing some things i haven't said anything i said i'm seeing some things turn to somebody and say what are you seeing what are you seeing you see now this is what the problem is so you can be a prophet having the two revelational gifts prominent to your ministry with a gift of prophecy and if you don't have descending of spirit witches can fool you prophet married one month after the wedding the wife said unto him i'm going to the witchcraft world and he said you are going where he said to the witchcraft where he said what do you mean he said you say you're a prophet he said yes i'm a prophet he said the day you came to my house and you ate the palm not soup was the day i bewitched you and got you to marry me i have finished my assignment i'm gone one month after his wedding finish the guy somebody will say papa what happened was he a true prophet yes he was a true prophet how come he couldn't see he was operating with the gift of prophecy the word of knowledge the word of wisdom he didn't have the descending of spirit so he couldn't see the spirit working behind a woman so there are levels in the prophetic and not everybody is a prophet so be very careful second peter chapter two one two three but there were also false prophets among the people even as there will be false teachers you see all the time we think is only false prophets that are also false teachers and the bible says the judgment of the false teachers will be greater than the false prophets because these false teachers they are smooth like butter smooth like butter using the canning craftiness of men have all this intellectual capability logic philosophies enticing words of man's wisdom powers or persuasions have a way to appeal to your psychics appeal to your senses get you excited preaching motivational messages teaching you principles and not the power of god and having the form of godliness and denying the power thereof condemning the power of god grieving the holy ghost and turn the church into lecture rooms and have become lecturers as there will be false false teachers among you who will form the creatures the teachers are very very good very good these teachers they are very good doctrines of demons they are masterfully and they present the word masterfully and skillfully even as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies effective heresies among you the among us even denying the lord who bought them and bring on themselves swift destruction and many will follow their destructive ways you see people should be very careful you think that getting away with things it's a matter of time there's a saying that every day for this man one day for god one of these days your cup will be full you know there are people there their church can sit just five thousand and they claim that their church can sit ten thousand why tend to someone and say why come on talk to me talk to someone say why are you doing that you why are you doing that why and the bible say liars will not enter heaven and you are lying you can be left behind why are you saying your church can take ten thousand when it takes five thousand all this crowd crowd crowd mentality are we are we doing it because we love people and we want to save souls and we care about the perishing or it's because we want to prove that we are very successful what is the motive what is driving us what are you trying to prove and many will follow their destructive ways because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed by covetousness they will exploit you just next they will exploit people exploitation using lies schemes all kinds of accounts to exploit people exploitation it's all about business the motive and what drives me is not making money there are other ways to make money you don't make money on the vlog [Music] you see me in high places in ghana and outside of ghana it's not this year is 41 years eh you see me and you think that the guy is powerful you want to dress like me you want to talk like me you want to preach like me can you pay the price can you pay the price can you handle the misrepresentations can you handle the scandals the stigmas hey can you handle the shame the reproaches the persecutions the trials the temptations that goes with it you don't know what goes with walking in this realm you have to always check yourself because you can sleep so easily so easily the higher you go the very dangerous and lonely and narrow the paths becomes turn to somebody say take it easy you two your time will come you two your time will come so take it easy but you see royalty is restricted but freedom is given to the masses and that's why royalty governs the masses so we are not restricting you because there's anything wrong with you it's because you are royalty and you are nasa right so you can make certain mistakes the masses can make mistake go to prison by you you are royalty you can't make mistake you can't break the rules you can't go to prison so that's why we have to check you all right okay acts 20 29 and 30. for i know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own self shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them second corinthians 11 13 and 14 for such are false apostles false a person you think the only false prophet is not only false there are false prophets false christs false teachers false apostles go ahead deceitful workers deceitful workers in the church transforming themselves into the apostles of christ and no marvel for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light even satan comes in the form of an angel of light so don't be fooled just because you see an angel of light there is light false light what kind of a light is it i see light but it's not every light that is the true light there are all kinds of light there is fire but there is false fire strange fire evil flames and pure fire so what kind of light are you dealing with and working with yeah you see she reads with this lens she can read through because there's a particular power in the lens that is designed for her eyes and mind is different so what lens are you seeing through turn to someone say what is in your eyes bishop finish finish satan himself is transformed into an angel of light into an angel of life you see some of you know what your problem is with the church you think that the church is full of angels there are no angels here we are sinners you know something we all sick people including me we've all come to dr jesus international first class hospital [Applause] [Music] the church the church is a five-star medical center maybe seven star america and we all come to dr jesus to be cured so if you come here and you think people here are angels you are joking that's why when people mishandle you at the campaign or an usher gives you a hard time or somebody mishandles you or despises you or don't greet you don't talk you get offended but you get offended get offended because you are shocked you don't believe that christians do that hey even in the church they are following me out there i come to judge you they are there why me i don't come to church if they don't give your church to you you are talking the devil the best place for the devil to attack you is in the church because this is supposed to be a refuge so if he can attack you here he can get you out there and out there he can finish you so don't be shocked when people mishandle you in the church don't be afraid don't be ahead understand that that is what it is what has become of us we have fallen in the flesh we began in the spirit but we are ending in the flesh now it is a competition it's who is bigger who has the biggest crowd you know i was talking to somebody told me that they published the richest preachers in a particular country and a guy a preacher was so angry that his name was not among the richest preachers in that country and i said hey that his name is not among the richest preachers in town why this is not about riches it's about souls it's about the kingdom and you know something i don't believe in all that thing the the seventh greatest man in town the second greatest who determines all that who those are things you can buy with money but to get god's award and god's favor please [Applause] okay first timothy four one and two quickly let's just now the spirit speaking especially that in a lot of times some shall depart from the faith people will depart from the faith of jesus christ and through transmeditation all kinds of meditations you know there are things that appeals to us today and people talks about all kinds of forced religions they appear to be very they so these people he looks very peaceful very very calm gentle so peaceful actually so why are you so peaceful and you are always happy and he said i meditate why some shall depart from the faith giving heat to seducing spirit seducing spirit and spirit will seduce you be with you and doctrines of devils doctrines of devils will come to that another day the doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience sealed with hot iron second john 1 7 for many deceivers are entered into the world many world deceivers he didn't say false prophets teachers apostles or christ he said what deceived how many what so you would think that is a pastor that may deceive you a prophet a teacher and a person a bishop or not person that will deceive you but sometimes can be your husband it can be your wife it can be a father that can be as it can be satan is not the respecter of anybody he can use just anybody many deceivers have gone into the world and their job is to deceive people go ahead who confess not that jesus christ has come in the flesh this is a deceiver and an antichrist ephesians 5 and 6 episode 5 and 6 let no man deceive you with vain words let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things come at the wrath of god upon the children of disobedience the life of god is come upon people because they are deceived and working in disobedience and believe that they are working in the truth they've been full and deceived and the judgment of god and the anger of god has come upon them amen second thessalonians 2 3 let no man deceive you by any means again again deceive deceit deception deception deception man man no spirit not angels men will deceive men go ahead let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition this is after the rapture and after the second coming let's look at first john 3 7. little children let no man deceive you again let no man let no man let no man let no man these are warnings go ahead he that do with righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous all right let's go to jeremiah 29 and 8. for thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel let not your prophets and your divineness that be in the midst of you deceive you neither happen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed there are prophets and diviners among us they are among us your dreams are determined by their prophecies and by their revelations the things they prophesy you take it into your dream and you dream after the manner of their prophecies and their divinations let's move on quickly second timothy 3 and 13 but evil men and seducers will shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived deceiving and deceiving and being deceived amen colossians 2 8 beware lest any man spoil you through fearless angels no less spirits by what man that any man spoil you through philosophy and vain disease philosophy philosophy philosophy philosophy i'm not a philosopher i'm not a lecturer i'm a preacher this is not a lecturer room go ahead after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and after that all these philosophies of men and doctrines of devils and the traditions of men you go into the cemetery to do what the person is dead absent in the flesh present with the lord or in hell the spirit is gone nothing you do goes on record in eternity or in time when the day you bury them that is it what are you doing at the cemetery going to put flowers on what on a rotting body a dry bones what are you doing at the cemetery and then after you go there you start having nightmares and strange dreams all these traditions of men what is wrong with you why don't you just be a child of god they are dead you bury them you've honored them that's it stop going to the cemeteries what are you doing there then you go walking and looking at people's graves then the devil will say okay you are the natural so what will be written on your tomb what are you doing at the cemetery why people are dead for yes gone then you go to the cemetery to their graves you've made the word of god of non-effect through the traditions of men and some of you come to church you see that you take communion you pray and you bind you loose you override over ten backfire do all those things then you go there to the cemetery carrying flowers you're gonna put the flowers there do a sign of the cross and then you are talking to the dead that is necromancy [Music] and praying for the dead it's too late and say mother forgive me she can't hear you stand on your feet
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 6,305
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: archbishop, archbishopnick, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Nicholas Duncan Williams, PapaDuncan, PapaDuncanWilliams, NicholasDuncan-Williams, ArchbishopNicholasDuncan, ArchbishopNicholasDuncan-Williams, prayer, declaration, declarations, proclamations, prayer life, prayer lifestyle, blessings, servantsofGod, Godalone, Your Assignment, Divine Secrets, Secrets, Divine Assignment
Id: FR2X7LVier8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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