Sudden Prosperity! (Classic) - Apostle leroy Thompson Sr. #MoneyCometh

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[Music] [Music] father we thank you for your holy written word today here at Word of Life Christian Center we believe that revelation knowledge of flow because the love of God is in this place and faith is in this place your Holy Spirit is welcome in this place and we believe that every life that you've sent here this morning we'd be members of visitors not a one is here by accident we believe they'll sense your love they'll get the answer there they'll they'll know the spirit was shot on inside of them as the Word of God is going thought and we believe that every person in this place will leave blessed get blessed leave blessed and come back blessed and we want to thank you for it right now we believe that we in unity we on one Accord we don't have no disturbance spirits because we take authority over them now in the name of Jesus and everybody I'll get what they come fall thank you for your word I'll yield mine my tongue to you as the pen of a ready writer I yield my heart to you to be receptive and as a servant of God that the Holy Spirit may say and do what he desire to do among us this day that every need be met every person no matter what I'm preaching about Lord I'm preaching on this message because you wanted out but you know revelation knowledge to come to a pushing heart for whatever they need and I thank you for it in Jesus name a man you may be seated now you know we're dealing what the message money comes to the body of Christ I want you to write down and you'll note what will it cost me to walk in God's prosperity what will it cost me to walk in God's prospered there are in God's financial prosperity what what would it caused me and as some of the things we will be dealing with as we deal with the money commerce today but for the benefit of our television partners and benefit of many partners that I have in this ministry I want to read a prophecy was given to me to me in October 7 1994 and another one given to me the following here in February 24 1995 preaching for pastor named bill McCrory and him and his wife Linda Victor fellowship ministry in Nashville Tennessee my wife and I was there ministering and at the closing my message mr. McCray said unto me very reverently the Lord sometimes used my wife and I in divers counted tongue and interpretation and this sense that that anoint unit was coming up on them and they asked me would it be okay if we share what you would we believe the Lord is saying to you and I said yes and I went forward and he said this way I feel like God will let up like us to minister to you sometime he shows me how he showed me or give me a word in English I don't know what it would mean to you but I will speak it out actually it was two words the first one was accommodation and then consolidation two words accommodation and then consolidation so you get those two words and then miss MacRay spoke in diverse kind of tongue which is found in first Corinthians chapter 12 and then it was interpreted by pastor McCrory many things are about to happen quickly coming to pass very quickly in your ministry and in your life and it's going to take wisdom moisture wisdom to sort it out and the call did the Florida way I wanted to flow because time is short and it would not be many years that these things will be done but it would be quickly quickly it would be done in your ministry and in your life so listening to my spirit follow my spirit closely if I will give you blessing blessing blessing and the enemy will come in to try to tear it apart to try to direct it another way but don't allow it to be directed another way but be directed by my spirit and I have called these things that look like they could never be to come to pass and you'll be able to do everything that I'll call you to do saith the Lord then sister Mallory spoken tongue again isn't it the latter part of the interpretation now listen very carefully I want this congregation to get it because you're part of this this is actually I will did you for the world now I'm calling you to a body to a body of believers that's word of life but I also call you to my larger body to my larger body listen but there will be there will not be conflict in cold I will bring them together so that you'll be able to accomplish you will be able to consolidate things in such a way that you'll be able to do both in the harmony and great blessing saith the Lord amen I want to keep that before with you and if you desire if you're not just gonna waste people you desire to have one instead keep your rudder straight and understand when I said I'm leaving I have to go and different things we have to do we call to the local body and the larger body and they say it would be no consolidation and accommodation well from my dad you know Kenneth Hagin is my spiritual father in the ministry and he called me out in February 21st to the next year right after this prophecy in 95 and these are the words that the Spirit of God spoke through him this is not the end it is the beginning what's happened before has been blessed the leading of the Lord the guardians of God but out in front of you is a greater ministry that I had for you all the time and you about to enter into it rejoice and be glad hallelujah days of preparation all over amen ministry in Lord's blessing to the whole body will of God accomplished and I tell you we have moved so swiftly and so so fastly into these blessing I if I wasn't say about EE Bob just get converted by them to prophesies good because they're so accurate I mean 10 things happen so swiftly and I thought that I should read it to you at the congregation and to our television partners that they'll get a hold of this vision that God have given to this ministry Joe mocha Joe find the book Joe I'll get a chapter what would it cost me to walk in God's prosperity most Christian do not know that there is a find that your plan from God for them they've got so tapped into job 36 got so tapped into the world system and they have released all have forgotten or never have known that the father provides for a total man what I received these words money cometh I didn't know if we're gonna shake the nation shake the United States of America shake Louisiana and shake every little Valley because the body of Christ they're ready to go you just have to have a word from God in a word money cometh is in Revelation of a process of money constantly coming to you that you may be a channel for the kingdom of God for God to get his work done alright now I read if I wrote a note for you in a night watch that need to be read to you and you need to focus on this and they need to let this be a sort of a guideline for you because when you begin to walk in the Word of God fully man when you begin to believe God you're gonna be blessed and when you begin to get blessed the Bible said long with blessing come persecution and you have to be able to stand in there take it and and know that what you're doing is what God wants you to do and go ahead and do what God wants you to do it note don't obey a man but obey God Christian must stop being intimidated about money about the subject about having it about unit you must stop being intimidated by being about being blessed we must learn the flow in the veins of prosperity to please God and to assist God in his end time harvest are you hearing me listen to me now listen to me this is what this really goes in we must line to flow in the veins of prosperity as fans you can go into prosperity to please God not only to please God but to assist God that what you mean about since God well this gospel must be preached in the four corners of the earth it can't be done without money now you can pray and say all you want but along with your praying and saying they're gonna have to be some pain I like it I just gave up your night somebody's going to pay for this gospel to go and God have chosen you because you're in his family amen how much of you how much of you are you willing to release to this task or assignment you got to get that straight in your heart how much notice I didn't say how much of money how much of you God gets you the money not no problem the reason that God can't get his thing's financing like hit like he should he you don't have a minute of you you don't have move here and this auditory man on television watch it when he gets you I know it when God get you he got your money when he gets you he got your money you got his money one more thing permit God to use you as a channel of his blessing to others many who do not know permit God to use you as a channel of his blessing to others many who do not know like the poor they don't know supplement God to use you when you get blessed you can bless the poor help them be poor normal a man all right job chapter 36 verse 11 is the most powerful verse on prosperity I was seen in my life and tell you acting so congeal in a few words to hold it goals tell us how to do it and Deuteronomy 28 Psalm number one Joshua 1:8 all of those isaiah 1 in 19 all of those verses are commentaries on what God said for us to do here he says in his eleventh verse look at this level of readers 11 voice with me my god in heaven I mean you've got to be blind crazy stupid left jail last week and had three brain attack not to understand this let's read verse 11 if they obey and serve him hold it old beam and serve it that's all yeah obey Him and serve it eyes yeah 1 in 19 what is he if you be willing and obedient you shall what let's let's read this word I mean almost can't you finish reading man I get so excited let's try to read it if they obey and serve Him they shall spend our days in prosperity and their years in pleasure underline the word prosecute if you haven't and underline the word pleasure and underline the word will be and underline the word sir I mean how plain can you get a other look what is a if they obey and serve him they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure hallelujah I said hallelujah how many I will spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure oh how many y'all want to struggle the rest of your day nobody on television nobody in here nobody in their right mind or eight of the right mind want to spend no days in struggle being broke being broke means that at this time you temporarily out of the will of God now this will happen be teaching on Monday today so you're going to dig it being broke and stand broke you're out of the will of God if being prosperous give God pleasure being in poverty is displeasures to God because what you're saying is you said I'm a bastard and my daddy don't care about that got my mama pregnant Church left you know even take care of his own that's what you saying you know even take care of it all I'm a bastard child I don't have no daddy if I had a daddy like god I would take care of but he's not really my daddy I'm just hanging around the church that's a solemn assembly isn't it alright if you serve him obey Him and serve Him you said you'd walk in prosper you to live in prosperity all your day all right I want you to I got four or five scriptures that I want to look at at this time let me just see what a wonderful Holy Spirit woman to go to we read in Psalm 30:5 go back over the Psalm 30:5 go back open Psalm 30:5 then we're gonna go to do the running parallel ooh yeah Psalm 30:5 voice twenty-seven let them shout with joy hallelujah let's shout a little bit [Applause] and notice and notice and be sad let us let us let them shuffle join be sad one of the most satisfactory of is your phone company constantly ringing and nobody saying hello when you answer the phone mr. Thompson you three months behind and you get off the phone real sad because the time that ring stop another ring come and you know it's not your neighbor down the street wishing your good good day a good day it's another creditor cause how many know what I'm talking about I've been there some of y'all gonna lie but I've been in some of y'all still there we're trying to get you away from it no he said let them shout with joy and be glad that feeling my righteous cause yeah let them see continually let the Lord be magnified which has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant which has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant now I'm gonna take you to a voice I've stayed away a long time I stayed away from I stayed away from Deuteronomy 28 a long time and the reason I stayed away from Deuteronomy 28 a long time a lot of preaching been done on Deuteronomy 28 and then Squad do they've been done about it and I've stayed away from 3rd John turn the 3rd John I've stayed away from 3rd John a long time but I think it's time for us to enter back into that arena because these are most powerful verses and I think I've preached long enough about money comings and prosperity without touching these verses now to secure enough on knowing and enough fear in our side of God enough people know what I'm preaching about that it's not just another mission about beloved I wish above all then your profit be in hell because they've been saying it and they've been saying it and they've been saying it it's our fault not to see it experience it enjoy do the work of the minister you follow me on 3rd John now I'm going to show you something with one word going to be a blessing to you all the days of your life one word this thing that you need to know Clare get a clear crystal understanding of them when you do you know it'll put a booster booster in your faith in 3rd John - it says beloved I wish above below as us look at your name said that's you now what are you talking about I wish above all things notice he says above all things on the line that above all things whatever he's talking about he sort of and now God permit me to say it's Auto fanatical about it starting in a fringe about it I mean man he said whatever he's about to talk about he is it is over women to him about this very thing he's talking about he said because he said it beloved I wish above all things Minik it now I know he's speaking through yawn but he talking to us you mean to tell me we put the thing on the back burner what the man want on the front burner my wife I heard I said put it good that got on here I'm watching up she's here on nobody you see the tricks of the devil the trick of the devil is to get us to preach about the gifts of the Spirit get us to lift hold a hand to dance and all of that but he do not want us to see this message because this message is gonna be speak the bigness of our God we're no sinner and no Christian can deny we're gonna be right in their face all the time they got to see it they can shut the audio wall see that I know sometimes it shut down won't see it but when they open their eyes so big they got to see them pass by yet now you just you know what I won't do this catch I brought to you by the nick time and change the font y'all bought a nice scarf y'all God just dragged all over the floor wife it do you hear me I can't do that you know it wouldn't be love but I really want you to have it you know I'm not playing around here because if God if prosperity is that important in the eyes of the Almighty God I don't want to disappoint the man said read your Bible above all things we got to get that done Henry above all things to Henry here - Henry - Henry above all them put y'all on television I know you're small above all thing I don't have got stuff I'm about to say something I think I want to see if you think you can use and it prosperous there's one of God's priorities I'm gonna say 7l I think I'm yeah I'm gonna say it's for a majority or not I'm annoyed some people think only a few supports are prosper see but it's for you beloved I wish above all things about us see above all things three time say I got it other words he wants you to concentrate on it he wants you to make effort to understand this your prosperity is God's thrill are you hearing me your business profit nets God through man he's so happy he will send you more business this drill if you being evil give good things to your children how much more come on I don't shop it I'm gonna be good have much more god is not about to let LV outdo him alveus is this Carolyn's father he's not gonna let him bless his children more he bless history no way he wouldn't be God hallelujah you get me get me every woman in ya would you say I'm a covenant woman I'm walking in a covenant of prosperity I will not be denied from this day forward I testify I'm a covenant woman come on man women got a shower let him shower y'all boys don't wanna number J awesome their body in women about y'all right now these women don't need known live they already got a lil he women in women know who they are I'm telling you what women did detail their thinking on both side of their brain [Applause] well boys I'm telling y'all now you meant Rhonda - good luck messier than when I said listen man Wow sahteen sahteen oh good luck message this here the mission let's go all right men I'm a covenant man I'm taking my rightful place now I will not be denied I'm going to the top god you can use me I'm a covenant man to me so man it seemed not gonna catch on the devil when I do that - to me you believe it get up and shout a little bit about it [Applause] listen be seated be seated listen I'm glad I met Church today you know below rate below of Hazel listen you might be lovely you might be love here I love you because you love me and you're serving man your bandmates I want you to walk in prosperity not only not only financially physically not only physically spiritual not only spiritually mentally but I want you to have some money to be loved now now here's the key you can write this in your Bible the word that replace whoosh in the Greek is will write that in your bar right where I wish it right wheel connotation you are left in my wheel I wrote my will in the blood of my son and you'll name me now so I'll say this to you through John below I will above all things that thou mayest prosper glory to God and being helped there's a secret Bevin but you have to be taught you have to listen yeah you have to receive and not resist yeah or reject because some religion thoughts will come up and reject the revelation that God is aiming to get over to his children in this message now he said he will in now what is the hole a little stronger than worship the wishes you might wish it might not come about he will see see now I want you to get this now I want you to get this well he said he will he will for you and surely the people he will it I mean he is God's will for you to live like you live and so on and he wants you to live better and better and better and better because your support of his kingdom he can't let you outdo him now I do have some prosperous people in this church they're getting a hold of this thing you know I don't say it too often but I wanted to know who listened to us you know all of us not broke the man will for you to come out of there come out of living from payday to payday you got to back off on them credit card till you come from under the water then don't used to go on that - don't let the credit card use you you have to use them but the Lord will it is his will he his will us prosperous we don't quite have it yet when we do get it we might run all up him up down might run up here up their wall run up now I'm done honey did that it said he wasn't in himself no more they going to come to his she come to a full revelation he said I will above all things I will above all things I will above all things that Donna is prospering being helped but here's the key now on the line his last five would six four one two three four five what everybody read this with me last five I would even as thy soul prospers wait a minute now even as da so listen I'm about to say something very important your pocketbook or your checkbook or your bank account cannot elevate above your knowledge of the will of God if it do you'll be like the rich farmer you'll kill your crazy sale you know is that I'm talking talking to me too now but if you do see you kill yourself see your soul have to prosper in order to be able to still walk with God still pray for people still be kind that soul prospereth is very important so approximate heaven knowledge in the Word of God knowledge of the will of God see them saying and die soul problem so if you're sold on property I want you to have it if you're sold on possible come on out that's why I'm teaching it that's why we don't have it people so they all to get what they can get it won't houses cars and suits and shoes and dresses then that's not what it's all about that's not the man so that's why I Satan has used it because he said that as all people want but he got his folks all dressed up you ought to go to Las Vegas some Devils got everything on it dress drive everything drinking everything even what they want ya to make dies he'll turn knives eldest well with Isaiah we're talking about didn't see I'm gonna I'm gonna work with this and work with this and work with this yes we'll have it when I finish we're having it be down in your soul your time I get down in your soul it be down in your spirit we get through with this you how many want it if any haunted see what their religious stuff well come up now I'm Teddy's gonna come up and I'm gonna cast it out when I see it I'm coming at you Smith Walker what got was sick one time under death and it was called his homecoming disables his homecoming and the doctor said if nothing had a pen decided the doctor said nothing could do for him and and Smith they start getting ready for him to go home you know early you know he wouldn't really the Lord really wouldn't and had a lady and her little son coming in didn't speak to know about that boy jumped into bed and straddle Smith come on at him devil got all the Ben Schmidt got up and put it cool down went back to work doctors everyday in three or four days so if I catch a devil in here well have a sense one of y'all not believing I'm gonna call that Devils I'm Tanya yeah I ever get it wrong I get a vibe you you moment and don't believe this I'm gonna say come out devil so you better pray you've got to get this I have 48 as your 14th money is not evil is evil not to have money that's what evil is evil to be broken campaign or money I'll get you out of the north then all you got to do is float hallelujah not paying close attention here's some emphasis he pretty he puts in this 17 voice of Isaiah 40 hey we got to get this Saint we got to understand this thus said the Lord now when I hear that term you've got my attention because the Lord you lead know what he talking about only you know if you think you know you may not know everything he talking about but he know a few things so I don't want to take no chance that he said he's saying something he knew he talking about and miss him you know so I just take everything he say like he knew he talking about he just on a present I'm Nisha you just know everything oh it's just a lord you know talking you know you know no more than your doctor even though Riggins think he knows about money no he know a little more than Ricki about money yeah I know you do you know don't say it the Lord ooh boy when I voice start off like that I won't know what the rest of that boy is talking about how about you didn't say it don't say it i sell-- know does say is the Lord now that was enough of me died Redeemer oh my you got my attention more that's who bought me that's who brought me and so bringing me I won't pay attendant what he saying he Dhamma he said doddery die Redeemer in the Oh redeem him I other words my redeemer talking Sam man who brought my Redemption Sam man who called me out of darkness and put me in light the same man who healed my body he talking is it your Redeemer are you ready do you believe he know what he's talking about heavy brought you is he bringing you all right then listen at him then he was listening at then right thus said the Lord our Redeemer the unsanctified one of Israel some time even some time out how can God get out of his own prison he can't know the sinless one the selfless one the Holy One of Israel yeah listen what do you say next say pastor we went over the last I might go over the next 25 sunny here in a hole this thing I am THE LORD thy God I knew talk to me who talking to us what else they call it that Redeemer the Holy One of Israel the Lord our God we're talking to the Covenant keeper he's an atheist nice psalm he said you know my covenant will I will not break no nor alter the words going out of my lips we in covenant I said we in covenant we had a man and woman your last Sunday I don't know there is Sun but I'm telling you they wrote us a letter my wife and I that man said smoke came out of my mouth he asked his wife do you see that he said it never heard nobody talking on mother nature never heard about no money like that he say my god God want us to had that but the thing so so so funny about it heater here digging his wife just passed the secretary and the thing about moving that pass on our heart our preaching on Lou the secretary in his hair deke oh I'll tell you what's woke in fire coming out of my mouth because this is from the throne of God and he want his children to know I've land in the bed thinking about a business the Lord told me call that businessmen and tell them have a press conference and we're not talking about the newspaper meeting Neal's mediator press them need then telling the employees we got the press follow push this thing through I said Collingwood in the Mon have a press conference and said what you have met your church on Sunday morning right now we have an a press conference what we're doing we press it in our prosperity that's what we're doing we press it out of debt we push it up yeah press on a bit we press it out of poverty press it out of lack press it out of slag we press in art area [Applause] don't forget the statement listen to me don't forget the statement as died soul prospers into it John - because you're about to get into dope and introduced to some important statement that go along with that don't forget that that's your first time here huh it's your first time here ah this is your first time here ah this is your first time here the show this your first time here welcome baby boy we all from wellhead my homegirl so glad to have you here y'all come back again amen I love people amen you say you give it a hold of gold talking Tom I didn't talk today [Applause] you get it today glue it up I shot up my yard he'll get it you wanted to you want to hold ago I was a Baptist going to County boy didn't have him either but I got him now many of y'all gonna get baptized here another little nice lady backyard I know she filled with the holy gold all she was drawn to my attention where she she Duncan now dad might be my member you my ma'am you remember the church you remember you say and filled the hole to go y'all sisters would you that's your daughter ma that's a complication your sister I know I'm in your corner God are you business I don't know where y'all but I'm gonna tell you right now y'all y'all didn't feel it the hold it go I don't have your Baptist I don't care if your mention is I don't care well I'm gonna give them the taking a few moment no I'm gonna give a command in a few moments get out your seat you coming up here you're gonna stand for the others say Lord I want all you got father you just want get it get its fire hello della and old devil and old childhood God can be this blessed and the devil give him something everybody you'll get filled to hold it goes to Dave you don't have it everybody gonna talking any tongue everybody Nazi I'm gonna get say it today give that life does you pass it back Schneider gonna come get all you want to come right now but you gotta wait a while I know you want to clump everybody in a church they're not teaching the Word of God and they're tired and worn out and they've been doing it for years they're gonna get up to dance the Lord I can't take it no more and come to the zone thus saith the LORD thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am THE LORD thy God and I listen to this which teaches thee to private I know well do he want to teach us to profit wanna leave us alone this mean that if you not taught spiritually actually God teaches spiritual day and that's a no thought for you think about if you not taught properly you're not gonna profit because there was a thief out there who've been stealing killing and destroying your profit so you have to know how to deal with this thing so therefore God by his Spirit want to teach you how to profit tell your neighbor you must be taught spiritually how God wants you to walk in prosperity listen now look at the last statement in it George look at the last ABC because it's saying something else also look at the last if it's saying something else is saying something also he says which lead it we have to be led into this which leadeth thee by the way that da should is go didn't say everybody's gonna go say but you should go that's the way you should go can't make you go and then let me get my grammar right ain't gonna make you go but you could go if you want to go so that voice go back again Deuteronomy chapter 8 I can't I had a lot of more thing to say to you but I can't get away from it go back to Deuteronomy chapter 8 because your understanding of being a covenant man and a covenant woman will stop you from being occasion and colour may I speak to you here because every whole bag is carnality its corner all that stuff is corner and you've got to talk about this corner stuff you're gonna talk about that I'm a Cajun are you gonna tell me I'm a color child you just backed off from your covenant there will not be any inferiority there will not be in it down for if you just begin to walk like a covenant man and a covenant woman nobody can make you hot because you're above hot now I can walk in the store you can touch your face all you want you can't touch me because I'm a covenant man and I know it and my life show it and you imagine just who I'll get glad because I'm in covenant with the Almighty God and guess what my father owned the Calla on a Thousand Hills all the silver and gold be lonely here that is the laws in the phone Adele in the world once you realize Karen that your covenant woman and a no bank I'll make you upset it's carnality Karla thing color your skin what color is love Cedar's need to be known they need to be known in the body of Christ it need to be known that there's a Redemption from this stuff you need to be known that the blood of Jesus has made a difference it needs to be known man when she's gonna walk in blood blood gonna splash it on somebody help me walk in this blood come on you gonna walk me in blood man I mean everything disappear my blood smashing everywhere blood blood little bloodshed on the blood when you walking in the blood is all I'm walking the blood that was gone walking him Blair [Applause] the prodigy [Applause] you know what you know what raised him to say now I'm gonna get out of here you see it in a minute a lot I have to finish it what y'all do is y'all let somebody look at your wrong and determine who you are but you're not anymore Marion you a covenant woman no woman on the earth greater than a covenant woman way is she who is she I want to know Carnera they've been holding the church back from England like we're doing here you know what I mean Westley from walking together their carnality color Church in white church Jesus don't have no white church Jesus don't have no color Church black Church and all that long stuff I know color man what color you Jack O'Neill you a colored man you white that's color the color you caught what color white the other colored man look what color yield dumbest thing you got a dog I mean we driving so stupid and the dumbest stuff no Bob is a covenant man I'm a covenant man we've cut the Covenant he got my back I have his back I don't care what's a white devil charter jump on him our black devil I'm on that devil whatever devil come he's my traveling brother [Applause] even 9/10 the whole day goals take him on the side journey I thought you know he wanted to talk about that a few minutes and that's how I've been blessed by obeying what he want me to talk about yeah yeah the Ottoman how much you willing to pay for your prosperity you know what you wouldn't do to walk in prosperity I'm in a single-car that you will in a kale kill they've been put in your life but dis not right that not right preacher shouldn't have this preacher shouldn't have that you out of your mind you read the Bible you know why the Abraham you ever read buddy Abraham and all of God's either they wasn't sitting on a bucket licking pep stick stick cup of mint stick they were setting an example for those few to father look boy I won't be like Abraham had a young boy about 20 years old accident school who was his role model among all of his peers he said pastor Thompson my role model I want to be just like him everybody talked about Michael Jordan and all them you know that boy stood up see I'm like my past that's who I won't be like he blessed anointed prosperous [Applause] right down in the high school in Gonzales Eugene Brown's son left for college come to my office set before me like a man and talked to me and told me how you'd been blessing his ministry and how he got his chapter in the right way ride that from his CV got to talking took $100 out his pockets a pastor I'm about to leave but I won't leave you bless young man going to college probably some of the money he worked for something that boys in cards wouldn't that Vantage over the motherboard if they had been in a good chair that boy knew who wheel didn't cry let's look at Deuteronomy before we close today heaven help you in it what's the first something I told you I told you to subject what the for what what will it cost need to be taught willing to be taught willing to be talked about to get some of that stuff out of here that you had in you the reason I talk like I talk is just to shock you you got to be out of your mind I believe I don't love you I'm flying for hours to get back your winsy to teach to you you must be out your mind when I'm right next to Washington just a skip away but I can't miss I don't want miss Desmond and Wednesday I want to come tell you how to keep your vision alive God thank you Jesus Deuteronomy 8:18 but thou shalt remember the LORD thy God hold it look back in verse 20 push 11 be well be careful did I forgetting not the LORD thy God wait a minute look at the voice 14 then the heart be lifted up and die forget the LORD thy God look at verse 18 but thou shalt remember the LORD thy God but thou shalt remember the LORD thy God but that's before you can go and prosperity but I shall remember the LORD thy God but I shall remember the LORD thy God what would remember verse 17 - and our seeing that heart I'm not giving all ties I work for this money I made this money myself I ain't giving it no church there's my money by gonna read no voice to me and tell me I supposed to give 10% of my money I work hard for this money got my education got him in his money ya know God kept a breeding why he was in college I come in every member this church to become a tighter you just wasting my time if you're not because you need to get in God's financial program and I command you to give God ten percent of everything you get right now you need to do it you need to start right now today notice what he says push 13 and when die hurt No verse 12 less wind ow has eaten and are full and help build goodly houses the NIV says fine houses and the well therein and when die herds and I flock and I notice how many times he said multiply multiply and I seven our goal God don't deal with my addition now seven gold is multiplied and all that I have is multiplied I got a minute and forty second I want to talk to you hit up suddenly me tell you something as you walk down the road of these revelation now see some of y'all learn of a sudden I mean suddenly I don't mean now suddenly me and in now come on now wait a minute wait a minute suddenly don't mean right now all the time suddenly mean when suddenly come come on now don't say y'all get this worried mixed up y'all think y'all know so much English let me teach y'all some English suddenly suddenly mean God your condition listen God your condition may be bad financially and it didn't it don't change didn't change the day and it don't change in November and Christmas coming but it might not change before Christmas i'ma tell you something happen to me suddenly you knew walking in God's will and in the really feeling oh really he doesn't like that he don't want your mind to get in the way so as you walk in with him and uh you know and then you want me and look like that that happen then up then you know and then then you gotta get back [Applause] he'll wake up are your pills pain I'm telling you your mind going baƱo no no no no no no no your minds here wouldn't it happen what have you [Applause] supernaturally Jana was on your behalf coming you gotta get by your mind you gotta get by your mind you gotta get by your mind pop it on you that you don't know what happened I came into prosperity I don't know when I came in it I just kept talking about it kept praying about it kept praising the Lord kept dancing about it kept saying I had it I got it now I woke up one morning passed suddenly I saw Prospera to have around [Applause] how you know when your son alleles you better stay on this world how you know when you're suddenly you know suddenly might be tomorrow your sudden light be tonight I mean God got many ways he's doing it he's doing it I said he's doing it but you've got to stay faithful long you got to stay faithful long enough yeah you got to stay faithful long enough my wife and I on you don't have to do it we serve the census of 18 years lot of it was ignorance so now we've kusa five the ignorance come on and rather Rick with us now I know women huh I know you hear me right yeah you hear me right God has a suddenly for everybody in God can make the God mock God Father grandma leave you a will I'm just trying to tell you who God yes you know [Applause] I'm gonna someone say it I'm going to get my son Inlet now some of y'all got some gradually right now he's gradually moving you he wants you to help yourself to walk with him you know but as you're working gradually and you think gradually is it then suddenly call I'm telling you you listen to me Spirit of the Lord is upon me Spirit of the Lord is upon me to tell you every child of God in this place God have a suddenly locked on your situation suddenly wants out lien suddenly out he got your Sunderland I want my suddenly I don't we met round this thing for no 15-year I want you to wipe this thing out and give me my prosperity you hear me you hear me boy I don't know how I gonna happen brah I don't know but if you listen to his word and feed on his word God is not a man that he should lie if he said it he'll make it good I'll get you to stay in faith long enough and don't let nobody intimidates you don't let nobody watch television y'all just talking about money see that's right honey they don't understand the purpose of money this gospel has to be preached the devil work has to be destroyed we have to show ourselves as the seed which the Lord has blessed the balla have been followed the victory has been won it's time to have fun so wrong you gotta run porn I've got my coven is already paid for in the blood of Jesus my clever little pea talk I refuse to stay in debt I refuse to be broke I refuse a live in poverty I refuse to have life I refuse to have slack in my life I refuse enough [Applause] I'm running [Applause] I'm running yeah I run again I'm running with my big Tourette I'm running I got the victory I've got the victory [Applause] [Applause] his mind his mind's I have it now the words Edsel his mind I have it now the word shizzle bless God is my run again I roll again got it now I'm running Endora God I'm running is mine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I got it [Applause] now what you're doing is a home run run the bashing you run the basin when you hit a home run the basin run the business run the business [Applause] who heard of God [Applause] I want my family to help me run I want my family something that me run run run run run hallelujah we got to run the business [Applause] you didn't run come on let's run we got to run the business we got to run the bases Lord of God we got to run we got the victory that's God I'm not doing sitting around than everybody else get bless you out of your mind [Applause] my God my God my God in heaven [Applause] I've got it I've got it got it [Applause] I gotta I got it [Applause] yeah I got it [Applause] [Applause] who [Applause] yeah the yolks shall be destroyed because of the unknowing [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come next undermine worse [Music] I might do a few flips around you're running around with the body run menus you know what I know you'll be running Whitman yeah [Applause] listen you get excited to to know who you know that do something but move something get excited about it who you know do subject [Applause] somebody said it don't take all that hit take all that into some bow you got to get radical for the law I promised a lot one thing I'll never be a dignified preacher no matter how you dress me no matter how much money give me no matter how much revelation you give me I'll never be a dignified preacher I'll give me [Applause] [Applause] now listen to me you stand remain standing open your eyes look up here a call of God what you have seen is a demonstration of the Spirit of God people who just enjoyed God and the call of God is on you mature this day for you've sent you this way things are about to change in your life if you let God have his way so yield all over this place yield to the Spirit of God that spirit of joy that spirit of love that spirit of no condemnation yield toward this day for your father God wants you to go all the way the partnership connection is so important the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis chapter 12 verses one to three the connection is that all the families of the earth be blessed as a partner I'm not trying to get money from you my aim by the grace of God is to get money to you you should rise to your potential and that's what I want to do with this partnership you to rise you to the potential of being able to walk in Supernatural finance here's what I'm saying to you money come this is real it's from God the money just keep on coming it's real it's some God I'll never be broke another day in my life it is real from God money die or loose it is real God and so you have in punish you you make the proper connection that I may be able to feed you revelation and understanding day by day I am to feed you and lead you into their green pastures of financial freedom this is the pasta Thompson this is why I'm on the line I'm calling you to a place where your father wants you to be and I'll see you at the top god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 29,854
Rating: 4.7961783 out of 5
Keywords: lttv, leroythompson tv, leroythompson, apostle, apostle Leroy Thompson sr., dr. leroy Thompson sr., money cometh, finances, wealth, money, prosperity, abundance, seed, sow, rich, money cometh the body of christ, supernatural money, supernatural money cometh
Id: 7vnK4ivubJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 54sec (4554 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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