Plush Time Wins vs Matt3756 - Arcade Challenge

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- [Angel] Hey guys, we're back for another arcade challenge, but this challenge isn't like any other challenge, today's going to be Plush Time Wins versus-- - Matt3756. Yes! - [Angel] Yes! So today we're going to be playing against Matt. If you don't know who Matt is, what is wrong with you? Go check out his channel, there will be a link in the description. So what we're going to do today is we each chose three games, so me and Crystal chose three games, and Matt chose three games. He chose games that he thinks he's really good at, and we chose games that we think we're really good at. Whoever wins the most games wins, the loser is going to suffer the pie-to-your-face consequence, so let's go get started. Matt's first choice is Raptor Captor 2. - Alright guys. - [Angel] He has five balls, let's see how many tickets he can get. Oh come on. - I have met the 500, but this one's a little bit different. So I don't know, we'll see. - [Angel] Let's hope he doesn't get that 500. He got a six. Not bad for a first ball. What's going to be the next ball, oh my gosh he almost got that, oh a redo! - [Matt] This is weird. - [Angel] He got a redo! Oh, another redo, he's doing so bad he gets another redo. Oh, he got 50 and six, right. - [Matt] 50 and six. - [Angel] Nice, awesome. On his third ball, aw man redo. Oh another 50, and another 6! - Still two left. - [Angel] Nice, I don't know if Crystal is going to be able to beat this. (Matt cheers) Oh what was that? How much was that? - [Matt] Six, I think. - [Angel] Six? - [Matt] Six and uh, somthin' else. - [Angel] Oh he's at the 150 right now, so far he has one more ball. - And that was in that bottom ring. - [Angel] Oh man, last ball, how many is he going to get? It is a ten, so he ended up with 160. Now it's Crystal's turn. You've got five balls, Crystal. And you have to beat, how much was it, 160, I think? - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] I already forgot. - First ball, is a 20! - [Crystal] Aw man! - [Matt] That's decent. - [Angel] Not bad, not bad. Not Matt level, but not bad. Where is it going to go? Where is it going to go? Oh my gosh! You got a six! He's like ahh! Oh man, another six! - [Crystal] This is so terrible. - [Angel] Wow, you only had 32 and you have two balls left. - [Crystal] Oh my god, I'm going to take my time over here. - [Angel] You need to get that 250. - [Crystal] I know. - [Angel] Are you going to shoot it? - [Crystal] Oh my god. - [Angel] I think you shot it a little too hard. You got a six, last ball, Cris. You have to get the 250 or the 500. - [Crystal] Aghhh! - [Angel] Last ball, Cris, make it count. - [Angel] Oh it's going to be six! Oh so last won round for Matt. - [Crystal] Let's see Angel play Gridiron Blast. Hopefully he will win. He's going to go against Matt on this one. Angel's pretty good at this game, good job you passed level one. Level two coming up. - He looks Worried, look at him. - [Crystal] Are you nervous, Matt? - I've never played this in my life - [Angel] Oh no? - No. - This will be work for us, Cris. - [Crystal] Okay level two, don't fail us. - I won't. - [Crystal] Go! Look at those little legs go, he's going fast! Go go go go go! Oh yes, awesome level two completed. - Whoo! - Trying to watch him to see, you know, strategy if anything. - He doesn't have a chance. - [Matt] No, no I don't. - [Angel] It's game over. - [Crystal] Alright, level three. - [Matt] How many levels are there? - [Crystal] There's three, this is the last one. Go Pork Chop, go! Go Pork Chop, be careful, go go go! Smashed, on my god, what's going on? - [Matt] You got ran over by a golf cart. - I got 40 tickets. - [Angel] Now it's Matt's turn. His first time ever playing this game, he said. So let's get back and watch him. Oh man, look at him run. I don't think I've ever seen legs move like that. Get it Matt! Get it Matt! I don't know, I don't think I've ever seen legs move like that! - Hey I used to play the Dance Dance Revolution, so that kind of helped. - [Angel] Oh, that's what it is. I think he actually got it faster than my score. Oh man, I've asked you to challenge him on this one. That's not good. Level two's a little harder, not the hardest, but it's a little harder. Set, go! Oh he's going already, look at him, aw man. Yes, yes mess him up! Hit that bird! No, he's not going to do it! You got to keep messing up! Yes! Yes! No keep going, keep going, keep going! Oh, luck, no. - It's game over once I hit the chicken. - [Angel] No, it wasn't game o-- (laughs) - Sure it is. - [Angel] He thought it was a chicken. Hey you already have 40 tickets, so you're still doing good. All you have to do is finish this last level, and you'll beat me. - No pressure. - [Angel] No pressure, and then you'll be up two-zero. Here it is guys, will he be able to do it. I don't think so, right here's going to mess him up, right here, right here, Yes! Yes! Yes! He didn't win! So now it's one-zero, because he's up by one, and that was a tie. Matt's next choice is Crossy Road. Man, he's not playing! Man, look how many tickets it's given you. He's at 29 already. - [Crystal] Oh my gosh, look at him go! - [Angel] I think I'm going to have to play against him in this game, right, Cris? - [Crystal] Yeah, definitely. - [Angel] I thought I had him in Gridiron Blitz, I cannot believe he tied me on that. - [Crystal] Yeah, it got pretty, you got tied. - [Angel] I should probably be quiet, though. Cause I don't know how much he has to concentrate. - [Matt] Oh! - [Angel] Yes! Yes! He only got 54! I can totally beat that. - [Crystal] come on Pork Chop. You can do this! You can do this, Pork Chop. Okay, he's at 26. You got to be careful. - [Angel] Oh, I got to start moving. - [Crystal] Yeah, you need to start moving Oh, my god. Matt's over here saying, "Run 'em over!". - [Matt] Oh my god, he has 54. - [Crystal] Oh my gosh, you're so close. Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous. Okay, you're at 51. (all cheer) - [Crystal] That's one for pork chop! - [Angel] And one for Matt. Next up is Gear It Up. Crystal has chosen this game. So she's hoping Matt is not any good at it. She's going to get two tries at it and Matt will get two tries. Whoever gets the most tickets on it will win this game. Alright, she's on to the second level. That's always a good sign. I can see Matt sweating bullets, over here. - [Matt] Aw. - [Angel] Na, he's not sweating. He knows he can beat her on this. Oh yeah, she's going to the Gear It Up bonus spin. If you get this, come on Cris. Let's see. Oh, she got 100! And she gets to go one more time. So she got 120 tickets that time. She's playing again. Let's see. Make it up there again, Cris. Show him how it's done. Second level. Her big head's in the way, but that's okay. Yes yes. Oh yeah, come on. (all yell) - [Angel] So she only got 20 that time. That means she has 140. Now it's Matt's turn. come on Matt. He's had a five-six. Oh, he's up to the second level. I think he knows the timing. Oh! - Oh! - [Angel] He's on to the third level. Crystal, if I were you, I would be scared. - [Crystal] I am terrified! - [Angel] Oh no. - [Matt] come on baby. - [Crystal] I'm so terrified. - [Angel] Is he going to get the 500? Here goes the bonus spin. Oh, he got 40! So that gives him a total of 60. He got a 60 that time. And he gets one more try. - [Matt] This is interesting. - [Angel] This is a close one! - [Crystal] This is so scary! - [Angel] This is a close one. So let's see, he has to one more try. I don't know. (laughs) I'm so nervous. Oh no no. No, I'm sweating bullets. I'm sweating bullets, now. - [Crystal] I'm sweating bullets over here! - [Angel] Oh no, oh man. - [Crystal] Okay, alright. I'm holding my breath, I'm so scared. - [Angel] Oh, come on. (all yell) - [Matt] Yes! - [Angel] No. - [Crystal] This is not good. - [Angel] This is nothing. He gets one more bonus spin. If he gets 100, he wins here. He only has to get a 70, actually. What is he going to get? (all scream) - [Angel] Oh no, he didn't get it! He only got 110! He only got 110, that's another game for us. Two to one. Matt's last game is Power Drop Extreme. He has three balls. Let's see how many tickets he can get. Oh, I was about to say he started off with a jackpot. - [Crystal] Oh man! - [Matt] come on, big money. No whammies, no whammies! - [Angel] Little money, little money. - [Crystal] Mr. Rebound! - [Angel] Oh, Mr. Rebound! - [Matt] It's probably like eight tickets. If it's eight tickets, I'm going to laugh. - [Angel] It's eight tickets! I called it. - He's a psychic. - [Angel] (laughs) Oh yeah, eight tickets. - [Matt] He's a psychic. - [Crystal] A whopping eight tickets. - [Angel] Oh, man. He has two balls left. He's waiting for that jackpot. There it is, there it is. (all yell) - [Angel] He almost had it. - [Matt] You're killing me, bro. - [Angel] Where's it at? Where's it at? It's not going! - [Matt] Ninety-two. - [Angel] It doesn't want to go in. - [Crystal] Where is it? - [Angel] It's right there just rolling. - [Crystal] Oh my gosh, it's just stuck. - [Angel] Just keep rollin' rollin' rollin'. (Angel laughs) He got ten, he's at eighteen. One more ball. - [Matt] Come on jackpot. - [Angel] He needs that jackpot. Oh come on. - [Matt] Oh, shut him up. - [Angel] Last ball. Here it is, here it is. Oh man! It's going to be ten! All Crystal has to beat, is twenty-eight. Now it's Crystal's turn. She has three balls. All she has to beat, is twenty-eight. And then that's another game. Aw, that's a little too early, Cris. A little too early. All you got to do is get, like 54. - [Crystal] Get to the 54! - [Angel] No, get the 54. What's it at? What's it at? There, you beat it! You already beat him! (Crystal screams) - [Angel] You already beat him! Aw man! - [Matt] This is just like salt on the wound, right now. - [Angel] Alright Cris, let's see what else you can get. Can you get a jackpot? Oh no. A monster jackpot? Aw, nope. - [Crystal] Oh no no no. - [Angel] Drop bonus balls. - [Crystal] No, not six. - [Angel] Six is okay, six is okay. So we still have to do... - [Matt] You already won. - [Angel] Well, we still have to do one more game. We still have one more game to play. And if Matt can win that next game. I think that makes it tied, right? Or no, I don't think he can win. I think we automatically won. - [Crystal] Really? - [Angel] Yeah, cause this is the third game that we've won. Oh yeah, so we won, no matter what! - [Crystal] This is the last game that Angel chose, to go against Matt, Speed of Light. Oh my gosh, look at them go! And this one really doesn't matter cause Matt already lost. However, they're still going to play. And it looks like so much fun! Wow, look at them go! Oh my gosh, they're going so fast. Oh my gosh, no, this is like crazy. Speed of Light, wow. Look at Pork Chop go. Look at this goober go. Go Matt! Go Pork Chop! Wow. It's not over yet. Go! Oh my gosh! - That one is good. - [Crystal] Oh my gosh, that one is awesome. - [Matt] What is this? (Angel and Crystal laugh) - [Crystal] Wow 593 over 244. - What is light? - [Angel] As a bonus, they're both going to play Piano Keys. Let's see if Crystal can win. Matt doesn't look like he's ready. Oh, they're off! They're off to the races. Pretty tied. Matt's barely behind, but he's right there. They're going the same speed, almost. Oh my gosh, he's keeping up so good. come on, Crystal. come on, Matt. It's so close! Whoa, Crystal! Oh no, Crystal won! Crystal got 77! - [Matt] How does that happen? - [Angel] Oh my gosh! Alright, guys. So, Matt lost pretty bad. So he's going to suffer the pie-to-the-face challenge. He's going to start making his little pie, there. Hopefully, it's going to be really big. - I'll try. - [Angel] And Crystal's going to push it into his face. - I've never made a pie with shaving cream. - [Crystal] Make that pie! - [Angel] Aw man, you're pretty good at it already. I wonder how much shaving cream is actually in there. - Um, probably a lot. You'd be surprised. Look at that. Does that not look like a pie from Eat N Park, right there? - [Angel] I have no idea what you're talking about. - It's a nice restaurant, they sell pies. - [Angel] Alright, Cris. - And I'll use the rest of this, tomorrow. - I'll take that from you. - Thank you. - [Angel] So Cris, give him that pie to the face. - This looks like a nice pie. - Let me know because... - [Angel] Yeah, You got to give him a countdown. You don't want him to inhale it. - Yeah, I don't want to be like, "Ah, Crystal..." (choking sounds) - Then you'll be eating... What is this pie, shaving cream? - [Angel] Alrigh Cris, give him a countdown. - Look at the pie, get a closeup on the pie. - [Angel] That is super big and jiggly. - Oh boy. - Okay, I'm going to countdown. - [Angel] We're ready. - Okay. - Are you ready? - Are we going on three or what? - Um, three, two, one. - Three, two, one, go? - No, just three, two, one. - [Angel] Oh my gosh, stop arguing over it, just go. - Three, two, one, do it? - [Angel] It's three, two, one, push. - Three, two, one! - [Angel] Oh, man! (laughs) Can you breath under there? I don't know if he has any breathing room in there. - [Crystal] Oh my gosh! - [Angel] Matt, are you under there, somewhere? I swear, this is so funny! - [Crystal] Can you breathe? - [Angel] I was telling her this was going to be so bad. I tried to warn her that you need blow...' - No, I did, and I followed your trick. Wait, I can't see. Oh, I just made... Can we get this plate out of here? - Yes. - [Angel] I am literally crying, right now. - Might as well shave, what the heck. - [Angel] Alright guys, don't forget to check out Matt's channel. Matt3756, links will be in the description. Oh, he opened his eyes. Look how creepy that is. - Windshield wipers, look. That's awesome. - [Angel] Alright guys, thanks for watching. Bye! - Thanks for watching.
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 6,308,958
Rating: 4.6764088 out of 5
Keywords: PTW vs Matt3756, plush time wins vs matt3756, plush time wins vs matt, arcade challenge, angel and crystal vs matt, plush time wins, matt3756, ptw, arcade games, arcade, arcade fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2016
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