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who knows what time it is it's jackpot time we have another jackpot video in a while so let's get some jackpots first game up is pop the log so she's have to push the button whatever it gets on the yellow so hopefully she can get it it shouldn't go first try I don't know about maybe second try maybe third truck jump really good she's at 26 years almost halfway there I'm gonna be fired up in the most part can you give me some that girl my gosh like nine limp we're so close you still got 82 ticket Esther we're good just starting all over it goes so slow at the beginning right and then it really picks up at the end the thing is you never know where it's gonna go I wonder I wonder if there's an algorithm to it like if you can memorize it sometimes you can some games are like that yeah don't blink but you'll miss it so good the same one again you got 82 more tickets [Music] [Music] I have to go again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I went to our league she loves a monster job just don't hear a few plays hope she can get jackpot she's pretty good at this where's the jackpot there it is Oh oh wait it's so Berlin what do you got forward that's not very good jackpot oh yes she's too good at this game her second ball and you got the jackpot that is so cool now she's on a quest for some treasure our she wants a bonus for a thousand I'll take any of these starting to get a thousand but it could get 500 oh wait it's done really fast nineties not bad yep try again is that a good spin Chris this is the one all right so where is it I suppose down really fast that's what the normal oh it's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay take it so she has to get all the balls in the cups she missed one so she can't get that jackpot well that's okay but she can still find out how much she has to give so she can get eighty right now she doesn't miss any more oh I think she got fifty now no I think you missed like six you have to go again that's tell me you get this time though I think you've got like cuz if you get between 41 and 45 balls and you get 50 tickets this is say I mean you got in 3040 cups of 50 yes so you have 50 tickets wait get you to 80 tickets wait I thought seem to give you jack but no you got 80 tickets that's not bad this is gonna be the one she's gonna get it right here should probably get a course now yeah pretty sure you can get with force now Oh so it's at 7:04 not Japanese one more okay you got mom in it but it's gonna count it is it gonna count it I don't know sometimes it does it yes it counted Jesus jackpot look let's go crazy I love that anime uh how does all this that is so cool jackpot jackpot Chris just got the check Chris is your spidey sense working today it better be don't forget just gotta press the button like that press the button when it's on the home circuit she's gonna be player chooses she's actually the blue one instead of the red one if our spidey sense is working are you gonna say it every time I can imagine you saying it when it gets really hard at the end Oh what else goes up already so you're about a quarter of the way at the bottom you look she literally is gonna say in every single time that time [Music] spidey-sense activating my buddy [Music] you're almost halfway it says you're so cool oh well there's a lot here you're doing good Christian oh really good Wow incredible [Music] 66 doing good doing good I must at the end this there it is here's the boss love for you already oh nice come on whatever she's playing games she's back at the boss come on Chris get this job boy come on don't forget they can pop up whatever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that is a serious mega bonus jackpot 2294 all it needs is the letter e it's always the letter U that's awesome so you can probably get two thousand two hundred ninety four tickets faster by playing it then getting that jackpot up there now it's 96 so all she needs to get it to E and the letters only come out after so many plays so we're probably not gonna get it if we do want to play because Kris was really good at it she's really gonna she misses but she is pretty good she wants to that five hundred or them the letter is two hundred right he was a 250 right there she's gonna get that five but I know she wrote like the last couple times you play this you got more chicken alone the pups then you did from man you got Warren tickets from the pups needed some [Music] [Music] I don't know what happened I was so weird that was the weirdest thing ever [Music] in the world she's a jackpot master at this all right so here's my [Music] [Music] yes that's how you doing Chris crystal taught me very well she taught me very well there's another right there so get more than the jackpot just by playing [Music] I guess you don't get anything if they don't get one right there there's two fifties but there's only one come up in this 250 right here once it goes back around that's going all the way back here comes at gunpoint I'm not gonna get one last time I think we got like 1600 1600 tickets already so let's make it trying crazy clock a hard game to understand at first but you press the button and the grands gonna stop pretty instantly and then the blue one keeps going and if they land on like two yellows it adds the values up so 2 plus 4 is 6 if she gets one on and red and then it lands on another red it multiplies but then she gets one on the red and gets it on the yellow I think it what does it do it add some - I don't know if I multiply Miss well I'm not sure so she's gonna get a red she got two tickets try one more time over time so I think the trick to this is to stop it whenever the red one is on a red letter I think that's the trick I'm not 100% sure if that's the trick or not but I'm pretty sure that's what it is so she can manage the Porsche by or whatever the red is on the red letter or a red number it was not like there's 12 men on the red plus 6 oh man hey that's still 84 tickets [Music] in another way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here's all the tickets I'm not sure how many we have here in total but we're go get them over there wait up in the prize area see how many we have you see what cool prizes we can get we ended up having guys a little bit over 10,000 tickets where the prize area now hey it looks like what's yeah but what's it what's the one that's in Bambi I don't know I forgot this theme already the batch for one I don't know anyway so yeah we have 10,000 tickets and there's not much here that we want like usual all the good stuff is in the glass cabinet they all cost too much I mean some of this stuff is really cool like this Batman mug is really cool but look at this Ravens 30,000 yeah crystal was showing me earlier and I saw this much again we can get it in a sec oh wait there's a three so we can't get that over here they have some more like them what do you call this superhero stuff shopkins minions all that stuff here's what we got though we already got a little bit because we don't want to spend it all because it's not much like I said there's hope this for me that's mine crystal got some Pikachu socks and then the last thing we got was this like girl game called trampoline extreme paddle ball yeah we're gonna play that in the house not outside cuz who goes outside nowadays not me - I'm gonna play it in the house well thanks for watching guys we hope you enjoyed this video we got a ton of Jack five bye guys
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 3,595,849
Rating: 4.6981449 out of 5
Keywords: jackpot, arcade jackpot, jackpot time, arcade jackpots, jackpots arcade, jackpot at the arcade, plush time wins, ptw, dave and busters, dave & buster's, dave and busters jackpot, dave & buster's jackpot, ticket jackpot, arcade video, arcade videos
Id: YQ1IHNsAmzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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