Plush Time Wins vs Dragon Claw Games! - Arcade Challenge

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hey guys we're back for another challenge rush time winds up versus a Dragon Claw games alright so we're gonna play five different games and whoever wins the most it's gonna win and they don't have to suffer the consequence up first is circus downs and on this game oh you gotta make it into the colors to need your horse Kristen was 12 Chan is 13 and crystals and leaves she got another blue Oh Shane got a blue - oh come on come on so the crystals horse is this one right here and then that one right over there is chance she got a blue come on you know what the red the red zone chant got a red shouldn got a red crystal didn't get anything good something anything there my risk is something yellow okay crystal got a yellow so I think Shands ahead of you yeah sham is right there and this is crystals oh she got a match together we're together crystal got a blue shan got nothing whoa that's shan right there crystals behind they're gonna play this game at least twice because we're gonna do like a rematch to make sure that one of us waiting spared square all right Oh blue come on Christina red a blue back there Oh crystal your hammers and your anything anything anything all right so Shan won the first time we don't fight one more time here they go again crystals 12 strands 13 so Shan has won this game at once so far come on Chris get it read it already get up Lou get up yes the blue so crystals until you choose the orange one back there Shan is the green one crystals in the lead you know get home what you need oh she got a yellow not you Christmas Chandon oh come on yes oh no she got a red Oh crystals your way in to leave though oh never mind she's neck and neck oh no crystals ahead come on cuz you gotta do a little harder than that Shan got a yellow Shang got a yellow Oh No shann's ahead Shanta I think we're gonna be the first game for them they both got the same blue one I did so Shan still ahead right now crystal that restrict you to yellow oh she got a blue Chris she got a yes crystal gotta read what's gonna read she answered right here Crystal's right here I think they're still headdress oh she got a yellow they are literally neck and met oh come on Chris you need a red you got a blue fish a mixer I think Shane won I think she just won oh that is two games first and [Music] yeah Oh Kevin's next move Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up next we have milk jug toss it's gonna be camping that versus crystal all you has to do is get these balls into that white jug back there for a thousand points but we're just gonna do based on various the highest score it's gonna be two out of three as well just in case the mic gets really lucky so far Kevin is not getting very lucky alright so Kevin is not a balls and he got 450 alright Chris can you be 450 now it's crystals turn all she has to do is beat 450 but don't forget when our plays game two out of three all right first up is a 50 all you gotta do is get 400 now it's gonna be a challenge you got this oh when I was post get you under Oh no you act like have to get a thousand Oh what's it what is that another 50 all right she has two balls left Kevin is sweating over here oh all right you have to get a thousand-year it's impossible to get more than that all right this lecture to begin about oh oh all right so crystal got 250 that's wine for Kevin Kevin's up again let's see what score he's gonna set this time anything is good Kevin but let's just try to get a couple of thousands all right at least 1,000 I know you can do it there it is awesome there's a 1,000 just make it 2,000 let's go for the jackpot how about that wait didn't count you didn't counting Oh oh so it didn't count that thousand game malfunction all right what's that that's a 50 he has two balls left all right that's the reach of it 100 all right that's not bad it's not bad one more ball Kevin wait did you it cooked it took your ball but yank count the thousand so I'm thinking there's no balls coming out hello alright so he's gonna go again because he broke the game let's see can you beat 1200 oh okay now slow down Kevin don't go just yet you don't want to break it again alright he's at a thousand all right he's so close move that was close all right so he's gonna get 200 200 Ljuba D yes all right so he's already a higher than last time so this is better oh no he's gonna kill you Chris one more boy this is the last one all right what's it gonna be oh look you're trying to get a room he tried to get a video all right so he got 2,350 so crystal has to be 23 and 50 she has to make some of these thousands so no pressure occurs oh that was right in there all right 250 that's good Oh not enough right get your fatigue in everyone okay 200 not bad oh man so she has to get 2,000 now he has to hit 2000 oh she's still alive she's still alive you got this Chris you got this Oh to the right so that is another game for Dragon Ball games [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so it comes down to one game big bass wheel so how this is gonna work is they're gonna go against each other and then me and Shane are gonna go against each other I don't think I took your smite Kevin crystal has 12 seconds okay plenty of time so you're gonna spin at the same time whatever you guys are ready yeah so whoever gets the highest score here wins and this will be me versus sham the see who wins that don't look don't look guys don't look don't look guys oh my gosh Chris that's terrible oh wait no wait no Kevin got worse Trevor go where's my warning I can't become thorn and you're still gone five now aside from me again sham [Music] I can't tell alright it's time for the best part of the video kevin has to make his pie so they're both actually gonna get a pie that looks that's good that's good so make your pie now Shan would you rather have whipped cream in there up your nose oh I like the way she's making her pie that's how you should have done it Wow look if you noticed how much really Hollow it's really hot on one side okay you need more on your scale put some more on Kevin it's nice and symmetrical all you do is spray it brown it'll take poop instantly alright alright so I'm gonna take this from Kevin Crystal's going to take it from Shan I would love to do this alright so on a count of three it's going straight to your face okay all right we're just gonna slam in your face I'm just kidding I'm gonna push it alright are you guys ready here we go one two eyes right there and your nose are you inside there Kevin somewhere this is so funny right making it hollow made it like not go anywhere Christine you take this from me real fast you want to give him some towels they don't want this all these people are is Dragon Claw games check the description for all information for their channel definitely check out their channel to like arcade baby that is a naked for me right you're the colonel now you're the colonel oh yeah put some on there yep gotta get it on there there is oh that is hilarious but yeah guys check the description to find out all about there be a link to their channel make sure to subscribe but yeah we're gonna wrap it up here guys we hope you guys enjoyed the video thanks for watching everyone come on Kevin you can do it [Laughter]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 282,118
Rating: 4.848537 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, ptw arcade, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, ptw, challenge, arcade challenge, dragon claw games, plush time wins vs, plush time wins vs dragon claw games, ptw vs dcg
Id: wYlDM_uWtkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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