Jackpot Time!

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hey guys today we're gonna win a ton of tickets at least that is the goal so we're gonna win a ticket all right so she got into the orange if you guys don't remember this game what she has to do is to get the the balls into the holes that are lit up right now because we're on the boss level so she's had a hundred and sixty tickets we have been playing this game for a little while so she does have some tickets down there but she's going to get the 1600 so don't want you to empty one don't stop yes all right so she's got a hundred and sixty tickets she's going for a 320 all she has to do is get into the ones that are lit up can she do it we're gonna find out all right so every time he goes to a harder level less lights are lit up so let's see if she can do it oh please roll into one this well you're not gonna get past the unmanned twenty by 320 it's a good way to start so yeah like I said we're going playing a lot of games run a lot of tickets and this is a nice start for the days back at the boss level again let's see you kiss you pass eight should be able to oh that was really close she almost got the eighty right there all right so kill little of it was in Cuba yeah knock him out all right now we'll add a hundred and sixty tickets she's going for the 1600 all right okay what would you make into that one it's like one of the hardest ones to make it into and of course you'd make it when she's not trying well she had 160 that time [Music] [Music] [Music] for you [Music] her fishery she's aiming for the super bonus of 1460 so to give the super bonus if I know how to play this game you have to get these balls over and you wanted to get in the red whenever the super bonus went to get to it and the party time is flashing I think that's what happens anyway oh you just got something get all those are flashing yellow 230 okay that's good yes let's get to our maybe no sir tickets time tickets apparently but there's no forgetting 230 another one get to the blue 180 is that oh nice focus party time okay yeah it makes sense a little bit it's really hard to like know what's going on in this game like I don't know what all this is about UN doesn't come out red red red the highest ones okay got blue so should be sixty I believe things can be 60 mm oh that's the next one up so next won't be 160 okay every time she makes one of the pearls and to that right there it's not sour one in the back and so this moves back and forth she pressed the vine it drops it so hopefully she can get oh oh here oh you almost have the red well that's 160 I'm not sure how you activate the party time I think it says over here how to do it okay that's is this gonna be enough to get him over come on come on come on all three of them only one yeah but more in all right you got a yellow should be 50 tickets all right all right oh yeah that one it's gonna be a red letter B sense I think it's only twenty thousand already what's gonna get that I want to get two red two don't count oh there's an arrow in there or something I think you might have broken because you want too many tickets no no you didn't bring it you didn't break it all right so you had 180 and then you're gonna get how much for the other one I'm not sure all I know it wait did they just give you that too so you skip that on top of the other 16 you're almost 3,000 tickets what's going on here I think you broke the machine because you want to me tickets but but come on I'm fine thanks you didn't get 500 but you got fine that's good I guess I guess it's better than missing yeah so it's 500 tickets oh it's in the middle all right good luck [Music] [Music] as well [Music] so this triple turn is a little bit different than usual if you notice some of like the low values are covered up so she got dropped she's gonna go down here and some of the low values down here covered up an instant drop here she had a jackpot that was crazy if you try again try again I want to be oh yeah you never put it it's ready it's right for you yeah yeah thank you 850 tickets our first Jack by ever oh my gosh you have put four more credits in sorry I guess it didn't take them for that first game but that's 850 tickets guys our first ever triple turn jackpot we'll take that definitely get into that target oh you almost got down there target all right in syndrome instant I guess she's not gonna get to back to back though last time we played this game we were doing it wrong apparently but now we know how to play it so she presses it and she presses it again where she wants it to go oh she didn't provide 15 oh you were close yes sir she presses it once to let the ball come down and the she presses the button again to stop this from spinning so she knows where it's gonna go all right where are you gonna stop are you gonna stop it alright come on over sixty six sixty six sixty actually yeah so you got it yeah so she's trying to get the high values of course bonus and mega bonus I got the bonus is more than a mega bonus I'm not sure all right what's gonna stop it hold ups good no it's good Oh maybe a little bit more more of an angle this way alright so she's going for that bonus 670 press that button to let it go down here it goes what you know where's she going okay I feel like like it's pretty much straight like you're make it almost straight before it goes down all right going down well that's good oh wait I'll go to me straight now we know how far though okay all right Oh [Applause] [Music] yes I hit that dream on buddy bingo down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 2,500 is what I made before but I can't control it so hopefully I can get it my mother tried to run [Music] [Applause] we have about 3,000 right here we're gonna find out alright I hope you have all your guests is enough how many tickets we have because the big reveal is coming now that is a lot of tickets I'm sure somebody waited right now to take that answer and put it down I know you cheated there's no way you guessed that number yeah I didn't realize I liked so happy that we were finished so this mess 13,000 tickets on it don't do that guys it might you might lose all your tickets but I don't know well thanks for watching guys you hope you enjoyed this video [Music]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 799,289
Rating: 4.7926555 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, ptw arcade, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, ptw, cow play cow moo, singapore arcade, ton of tickets, ticket, jackpots, jackpot, cpcm arcade, cow play cow moo arcade
Id: NHdAoya4OBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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