Can We Win It? - Nerf Helios Rival

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hey guys it's time for another can we win it and today we are going for this nerf rival gun it costs seven thousand three hundred tickets that is a lot of tickets I don't know if we're gonna win this Kris but let's go see if we can win it Kristen wants to start it off on gear it up can she get all the way to the top first level no problem that's ten tickets second level whoop that was a close one that's 20 tickets the third level she only got 20 tickets for that one she's gonna play again though so if she can make it up to the third level she'll get a bonus minute chance to stop it on bonus to get 500 oh sure you started ok first level is no problem second level is no problem this is the one yes I'm over here all right now she needs it to stop [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] 250 tickets Daisy chicken it is very close it's 500 tickets we can get it Chris ooh that looks no come on oh wow that was actually very hard so she only got 10 tickets on their first try if she can get the ball to stop right on the green one wherever the green light is that'll be 500 tickets plus she'll get a bonus shot it's in the same spot so I'm not as hard and she can make it in the red she gets a bonus shot as well looks really hard no it looks good and it's good that's good but that's okay you still got a hundred and fifty tickets from that and she gets a bonus shot so if she can get it on this bonus shot that'd be a thousand tickets extra on top 150 whoa it's really high up there that's very high up there do a little drawing you know oh that was that was good that was good that was good whoa that was actually really too hard normally on this game crystal doesn't do it hard enough but today she's doing it tour this one must be really clean it's not a pretty clean yeah it does look how shiny it is oh there it is so she got a hundred in fifty plus a tinge and she had 160 tickets can she make it so slippery that's oh right okay [Music] tailgate toss all she has to do is get fifty nine thousand one hundred to get five hundred tickets stop looking so good so far but she just somebody can come back one more bed yes just want better blues now oh yes nice truck for the greens one more green no she got it though just go to the Reds okay so so far she's at 3740 she's she's not too far actually keep that blue one oh man that would've been enough so don't feel bad but it was still what it made me like really close so for your first warm-up game that was really good I think you got forty six thousand two hundred so how many tickets is that actually hey where does it take a counter thing supposed to be over here I think you get like one ticket for every thousand so I think I'm pretty sure that's gonna be 46 tickets yeah 46 tickets that was just a warm-up here's the real one right here if I say that it won't be quiet oh yeah she's got a green that's Takata blues that's awesome man she's at 44 right now get a blue get a blue okay I think you have it you have it you have it stop stop stop stop yeah so she has third we have 66,000 well you should've stopped earlier yeah so she got 66,000 and whatever number head over here so that's gonna be 500 tickets I'll let you guys see yep I go too fast forward to this but it's gonna take a little while Hey she got it you should have stopped a long time ago Chris you actually should have that's 500 tickets and look at that score I think he could probably beat that again Chris she's ready to go again let's see how well she can do oh no she got a foul that's okay though she could still come back from that how she's a maniac oh no the bags the bags yes she got it she's off for the Greens she makes it look so easy she's going for blues Oh what work blue woman blue no she got a foul no that was that up yes no the beds are done you're done with the meds oh man that time she only got forty eight fifty eight thousand you're still we're not that far off so that should be fifty eight tickets but we're gonna have to wait for that up because I'm not sure exactly how many thousands of points you got yeah so you got fifty eight thousand tickets [Music] now [Music] zombie snatcher never lets us down there's one puck right there and there's a 500 actually that we saw earlier that's a 250 right there here's a 500 Oh awesome there's a 300 right there and then the 500 coming around on that side over there it goes can you get three in a row oh it just bought some pups up yeah I just brought them up what did it bring up Oh does it 300 on the edge that's okay though cuz you sign up for next time well I can't believe you got the buy one there's a 250 right there actually right there in the middle but on the edge okay so I'm looking the stupid be coming and there's a okay oh man you barely missed it you have to get that 300 this there's a 250 right there 300 300 [Music] [Applause] Oh you can do what you've been doing baby one of course Bristol Hawks the play monster drop and she's going for the bonus balls because there are 17 of them oh the only bad thing is this one has a ring around the bonus balls that's not normal the monster jackpot though is 2,000 so if she can get inside there what is a really big delay oh c'mon jump once boss at 52 not 52 but only 2 yeah so she's going for the bonus ball is the blue one right here good luck wow that delay is something serious it's nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] exactly tickets we have yeah on this game but crystal got really high after that she's like come on play six more balls that's actually two workplace she's going through the jackpot go this time that much 360 Oh that delay is something serious so when I was doing another fight oh geez but whenever it was six but when everything oh you're not it never mind how should I tell you where the topic but you got it wow that was a soup and a 2 though that doesn't have account very well he has three more balls I'm left to go to the kiosk that we're gonna be tickets the guy right here a little bit too early but again I scared crystal that bonus walk oh that was supposed to good age yeah what about this one right yeah so one more ball Oh - all right here's your last fall make it count Chris the jackpots at 360 we could use another jackpot oh man must attack why though no not to not to not you know down to the two back right there is a lot of tickets guys eighteen forty six plus five forty eight is like two thousand three hundred or something like that I can't do that math that fast but that is crazy yeah it's not that measly just compared to these right here it's kind of a little bit measly familiar though [Music] zombie snatcher and we did notice the 500 is back out so where is I saw it a second ago it's already winning But Here Come chickens [Music] oh those are some crazy eyes she got the five minute the the letters on the edge right there Oh what did you get that's two back-to-back you gotta keep going okay 300 right here comes here comes no you gotta go game Chris cuz there's a 250 and a 300 right by each other you might have to get in Chris this might just try it here it comes oh you get a hundred you gotta go again gotta go again as long as you're winning you have to keep going again right alright so here's a chip at the end 300 ray come on oh she pressed the body but they light in flash so didn't count all right here cuz I hear a little bit you stand one more time one more time yeah maybe you'll get it this time Oh 500 in the middle right in the middle but it's good now it's pretty good right she has to stack it up ollie to top with a jackpot of 500 tickets if she makes it to the minor prize that is a hundred tickets let's see it she'll take the hundred are you Oh [Music] now spin on the wheel [Applause] Oh it's a 500 Chris we need to 500 Oh hit the button really hard sometimes it does really beat the buttons don't get 20 no Shelley God's warned me you'll try again yes sometimes the button sleeps I get like whack him really hard so she normally drops it around this area right here that's what she's hoping for and hopefully it works this time though are you ready here we go there it is go come on keep going Hey [Music] [Music] blah [Music] Wow [Music] you [Music] playing jumping jack pie we think it's ready to pay out because we were watching someone play and he was going very slow so she's going for three coin option good luck Chris all she has to do a spell jumping jackpot alright that's the person because it was going really really slow earlier she said the king is that the people see it's going smoke boys go fast come on keep going I thought you're gonna have it man how much did you get keep going keep going at least 100 did you get it okay 114 come on Chris 960 tickets whoa way too hard yes sometimes you have to figure it out you know because they're always different like every arcade you go to some of them are really smooth somewhere really like rough depends how much people play on that was good that would I wasn't good so you got eighty how much you do the first one you got trying in I think you're like I think you're like five or something for that but eighties not bad she's going again that one's too hard yeah barely too hard so poor try again you actually don't get anything no no I gave you twenty I gave you 20 okay yeah I gave you 20 so now you have a hundred and twenty tickets so far this is our fourth time I gotta keep track here Oh sixty that's not bad we'll try again so she's had one hundred and eighty tickets oh man look at that 990 lat strike Chris make it a jackpot now it's pretty good oh there's another 64 so it's just like I have to get bonus balls or a jackpot there's actually 12 voters balls now on it oh she's looking a jackpot cuz its 508 now everybody's been playing this like a watch oh honey four tickets come in a little too late Oh - monster jackpots in one video I think not - oh man that was a super big delay 26 not too bad not too bad - you're Jack watts ha man she almost got it 26 hey no 26 8 I don't know boy oh I love what it rolls in it's the best six last ball what is it make it a bonus balls Oh 50 that's a good way to end any time to get angry with the mainly verbs for dreams to get out let's see where's the owner what's on top I didn't see it how can you get all these with one I think it's always possible he's got nowhere to hit it she's hitting it right there it's impossible I knew it's always possible it's always possible guys that is the bonus look at it right there 500 tickets that is awesome so if we did my math right crystal has enough to play this game for swipes times 2 so 500 it's only 6 that should be worth more so she should have a total of 10 balls so she was back there she got 306 so far Wow I didn't even know that Jupiter was back there oh we do wow that's the most we've ever gotten off this game in one go whoo 50 and uh 6 so what is that 356 362 362 I think and you should have two balls oh you're kidding me Oh Plus 70 what is that 364 422 maybe 422 or 432 we're trying to do this math on the spot I don't know if that's right I think it's 432 actually another that's 70 you just got like four hundred and ten tickets or four and 12 all right so just another four option Wow how did you give so much like for sound for 12 I think 50 penitent so she's at 60 Crystal's been practicing on this I think I think you've been practicing behind my back oh wait maybe you weren't maybe you weren't so that's just a six oh that was too hard another six right here in this corner you have two balls left I didn't even know there was a 250 in the back Oh was it you I don't think it actually gave me any tickets uh not yet Jane over there sorry last fall Chris aim for that 250 okay 15 oh it's a 10 no it's a 20 on their right is that it - that's it I can tell it is so you got 60 that time all right crystal can we win it yes we can I cannot believe it James promotion is oh I know I honestly didn't think we were gonna get this guys it's Geoffrey because of that monster jackpot if we would not have gotten that Chris we would not be leaving with that I think we had like eight thousand six hundred tickets here's how you're gonna shoot me know I'm gonna be the one shooting you were there Chris this is so awesome I'm like in shock that we got this guy's all right everyone we hope you enjoy this video thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,278,747
Rating: 4.6893916 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade game, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, plush time wins, plush time, ptw, wins, can we win it, nerf gun, can we win it nerf, arcade fun
Id: FVhyLUf5GfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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