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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh come on all these think about we might take a long time well she has to be is 70,000 to get 500 tickets on toget toss so far it's not looking the best but she just so come back alright she got in the red streak now she gone for the green net - you up for the red again she's two more greens one more green all right she has two greens read again it looks like yes keep going keep going keep going keep going greens one more green one more dream yes wait did it count that one I don't know if it counted on let's see yes okay so 10 20 25 no you didn't get it no I trying to do the math and fast but you didn't get it because I see that's gonna be 48 58 yeah you got like 63,000 and you had to get 70,000 I was close she's gonna go again she's going to start with the Reds that's a good that's a good technique we're blue before the green house folks she's going for the Greens now they're all but all getting stuck there oh so two fell in but didn't count you know I did all right just go up to the Reds again come on close it now it like it likes to Juke you and go to one way and go back the other way what we read I think all right oh I still not enough so you know 47 yup 57 that time for the blue the lady's neck yes I gotta do this gonna take a little law to add up I'm pretty sure I got the jackpot come on come on I actually went a little too high over so not exact what's gonna be even harder to get four that's 500 tickets base invaders time and it's only at 27,000 points for the jackpot this should be nothing for Krystal let's use to begin I'm fairly confident in this 27 top the lowest but it's definitely not the highest either oh she gets those spaceships that come up every now and then that's like a like a bonus pretty much my girl right there just trying to avoid the bombs because if you get the bombs too early you don't waste the bombs and you want to save those for the end she's doing very well you got it Chris you got it you can use a bomb anytime you want now you go yeah that's perfect you're at 18 you're doing fine Chris oh she's doing amazing you're almost there mm away mm get that you got it you got it you got it I knew that was gonna be too easy for her like that was super easy for her Chris she's still going she's going for an all-time high score do it Chris you can do this keep going keep going keep going oh man you got her at the end so she ended with 32,000 you got 98 tickets plus the jackpot the jackpot of 500 that's awesome that's totally worth now we have to wait for someone to come for more tickets in Surrey - easy zombies snatcher times let's see what you can snatch up this zombie jackpot yeah there's only the one letter it's right over here it's coming oh here comes oh you missed it the jackpot right now is only 648 but that's okay you can pretty much just get two ladders and you got the jackpot here comes here comes yes nope it's pretty good when they're in a big bunch but then it's bad at the same time because no one wonder if I bundled up like that at the pugs it makes it harder to get the one that you want oh I'd say not for Krystal but you asked him for Chris was kind of hard there are a couple 250 s in there there's one and I think there's another one I cracked by the some way oh there it is right there little bit too early I can't believe you didn't wait anything though like I'm so surprised you haven't won even like a 50 or 20 all right here comes this right on the edge here we go here we go oh here we don't go here we don't go I'm gonna take over Chris let's see us again this time you're gonna get something I have faith in you here comes that's it yes finally 300 tickets and it only needs two more letters okay so try to get oh it's bring us them up yeah it's actually bringing them up are there any more letters on there I don't see any letters under those there's more 250 right there and there's a nod to 50 right here I don't know try see if there's any letters don't see any letters darn it yeah so sometimes they'll bring up the books and they'll have a letter but this one in happening letters this time so we're probably gonna end up playing this game until the letters come out because that's when the real jackpot is Timothy oh you didn't put a plate on it you have to make sure this thing flashes before you um wait yeah and then another chip 50 is right there in the middle right in the middle yes ah you've missed it so the last letter is up you already got the other one we didn't get that on camera though because to go out [Music] come on crystal get that ball on the good fishbowl all the way at the bump the jackpots there we go here we go here we go so she only got 40 tickets off of that because Atlanta won I said 40 but if she can get it down here it'll be 500 tickets and the ones on the side or 250 each so she wants more jebal as well but we really want the jackpot jackpot keep going multi-ball keep going keep on no so if you get between them I think it's only like 14 tickets or something no actually 20 tickets still not a jackpot but we'll take it since we can't get the 500 off to that third time's the charm that's where you gonna get the jackpot right Chris here we go third time jackpot Jack Jack keep going mr. Hassan throws a chance has a chance 500 tickets that's awesome Alaska we're gonna play guys is will deal extreme I think we've only gotten this jackpot once so maybe if we put it in a jackpot video will actually get the jackpot I don't know if we're gonna get it but we're gonna try there we go here we go here we go here we go come on she has to make it right perfect on the red that one didn't make it that's okay here comes here comes oh I thought she had another nevermind normally she just goes back to back but she didn't this time oh come on this is post haha yellow it has to land on there perfectly Oh yellow again you're doing a little Charlie let's see we're just one girl laying come yellow oh not yellow come on blue that was good one Oh actually I think I've been out tickets it says it always I stick us on here you still doing a little too early you have five left make them count oh that was really close come on this is gonna be it's gonna be that was really close a little bit mystery bonus that's cool you have three left three left make them count that's one right here that's two oh no too early one more after this little too late and this is your last one here it is is it gonna count come on come on oh okay we didn't get it but it's the og tickets we have to get those tickets in somebody [Music] you guys alright guys so if you guessed that we had thirteen thousand seven hundred and thirty five tickets exactly you were right a person was actually not that for all we're gonna end it there guys without tickets today we're always shaving above this is a really big one game we're gonna get something really big one thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,082,765
Rating: 4.8197603 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, push time wins, ptw, jackpots, plush time wins jackpots, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade games, arcade game, arcade fun, dave and buster's, jackpot time, JACKPOT, JACKPOTS, #jackpots, #arcadevideo, ゲームセンター
Id: gJZjEVo7OXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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