"Android Is For Poor People..."

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androids are for poor people is what the person in severe credit card debt says when they've given their mortgage payment to apple ladies and gentlemen i never knew that apparently having a smartphone would dictate your you know perception in life where you stood i didn't know that people look down on one another for what smartphone that they own at the end of the day i have one thing to say i have one mood appeal for everyone here to swallow a smartphone really only matters for a few things okay browsing the web uh taking a couple photos of your cat you know maybe playing the odd game here and there and you know watching the the the wild adult video if you happen to come across it and i would say 100 of every phone and every price range does that exact same thing just fine now ladies and gentlemen up until this point i've been an iphone user for a couple couple months at this point i've been using an iphone for a while i've switched beyond i've switched through different phones okay but one of the things that i hate the most is witnessing people have no idea what they're talking about so i kind of want to late ooh whoa oh god goddamn screen fell and almost cracked that wouldn't been good actually i would have been really salty you know ladies and gentlemen ah it's fine it fell on carpet it fell on carpet we're good that would have been that would have really made me salty now ladies and gentlemen looking at a couple things i found on the internet such as these beautiful you know pages such as business since i still don't believe android is for the poor this chart proves it this is a 2014 article is the reason why i don't trust business insider anyways i think the site is a [ __ ] joke and if you go around over here they publish some market research data worldwide smartphone os share by price tia where they show ios dominating in the high-end market now i just want to reiterate apple only sells overpriced phones anyways and the world includes places like india where the average person earns 30 cents a day okay that's how [ __ ] up things are over there okay so obviously they're not buying the shiny new iphone now if you go to apple's website in canadia land an iphone 12 pro max which is what i bought exact same configuration no i didn't get 512 gigs of storage i don't store that much hentai on my phone will run you to around 600 1689 canadian you know pennies now at this point let me tell you that's about 30 u.s still kind of pricey if you think about it ladies and gentlemen i'm just going to say that by the way that's not my postal code so i didn't dox myself don't don't you ever think i did that now ladies and gentlemen that's a pricey product for sure and it's one of those price points where people around the world especially the younger generation believe that this is for the rich and the android use for your po all right how android jokes are deeply rooted in classism all right i know that's an opinion all but opinions are like [ __ ] i'm gonna leave them where they're at okay i'm only gonna lick mine if i have to now my generation thinks owning an android means you're poor ew is that an android you poor person i like this one y'all android users just broke where they give a paypal balance of negative 2 000 by the way that's true everyone i've ever seen with a goddamn iphone has a cracked screen you all people are disgusting okay take care of your product all right you just burned a house payment on it what the hell why do people call me poor for having a samsung why the heck i don't know dog why do you take absolute [ __ ] seriously i just laugh at them sometimes spit on them i guess androids are for poor people i want to suck this person's toes i'm not even saying that as a joke that's the best bait post you'll ever read apple beats android in every category except for price but that's justified since apple phones are at least three times better what a mathematical scale that means androids are for the poor and stupid i love this person dude well apple phones are for the middle class and above why iphone better camera quality better life operating system now this is very deeply rooted in some level of reality to understand most people who own smartphones who run this car like a smartphone war against each other have no [ __ ] clue what they're talking about okay you you list things like apple has an a12 bionic processor oh my samsung has a snapdragon in it they have no idea what that any of that means they have no idea why one phone is a hexa core i1 as an octa core and why sometimes the weaker looking product might be better because they have no idea how processor topology how any of this [ __ ] actually works they don't even know the core differences between ios and android operating systems okay if i told them ios was based on the bsd kernel and android was based on the linux kernel they'd be on the ground going all right that's what their brain cells would be processing okay because they'd have no idea what i told them all right they'd be freaking the [ __ ] out now ladies and gentlemen to understand i'm going to go over a couple things about why i think android and ios war shouldn't be handled as i said earlier on in the video phones are pretty much good for a few things okay browsing the email web browsing okay uh you know sending a message to your friends playing some video games and watching a couple videos and 100 of phones on the market pretty much can do that from the very cheap to the very highest end now since we're talking about apple today i'm going to compare it with the highest and android smartphones out on the market okay apple charges a very good premium on their products because you know at the end of the day they do actually make a pretty decent product right it's got a good screen the cameras are nice it's reasonably fast and the battery life is worth it okay this thing lasts for a day sometimes two days okay all right with some use i can't say the same for android products these things are dark [ __ ] for battery life but hey that's one of the points we're talking about now as far as the number one point where people say ecosystem now i have literally talked to every apple person in the world and the only thing i can get out of this is i can't leave the ecosystem i'm tied to the ecosystem the ecosystem [ __ ] my mom you know the ecosystem is great and all whether you're on ios or android there's no doubt that there are some features that keep people entrenched right you know if you're on icloud or you're on apple based services they usually work pretty well together if you have a whole suite of apple products like iphones ipads and macs i find it pretty impressive how they interconnect together so if you're doing a call on your phone you can air very within a within one click carry that over to your macbook and i think that's pretty cool now android has similar features depending on what flavor you go with right google has its own thing samsung has its own thing huawei has its own thing lg has its own thing there's a lot of android producers out there but typically i would say the ecosystem is pretty interchangeable okay i have switched between iphone and android products like every two or three years okay when i usually switch a phone back and forth sometimes i get the samsung products sometimes i get the iphone product and for full clarity when i buy an android product all right i buy usually the higher end products which is why i don't understand the poor person argument okay there are android phones on the market that cost way above what an iphone cost this phone alone costs more than anything an iphone could ever [ __ ] dream of okay i'm not saying that as a flex i'm saying that because a lot of these people believe that every time they go to the [ __ ] store and they see a 20 android handset burner that your drug dealer uses to coordinate his drops all right they're equating that to the highest end iphone how about we equate this [ __ ] iphone 12 to its reasonable equivalence in samsung or whatever other high-end smartphone manufacturer for android chances are the android guys kind of have a little bit better of the feature set higher refresh rate screens now at this point you'll have all these websites like android authority with a little bit of a bias obviously towards android talking about ah this cpu beats the a13 or whatever nonsense and at the end of the day if this is the argument that people are using and the reason that you have to flex and win the war over the other device bro the actual differences on these are almost so razor thin that i would actually wager most people wouldn't notice it outside of these carefully presented benchmarks that by the way have their own biases towards certain systems anyways this isn't a deciding factor and if you're going to use this on to flex on somebody else with a different product than you then just stop because you have no idea what's actually going on over here and it's really not that important of a deal to pick one device over the other especially in this market range especially in this processor range it's just not that big of a deal higher resolution screens better sound quality whatever you want to call it okay the cameras are debatable i've watched enough marquis brownlee videos enough linus tech tip videos hell i've watched enough mobile tech reviews on youtube to notice that unless you're somebody that does photography for a living you're probably going to isolate the minute differences between each of these camera arrays at the end of the day is a high-end market for all these the cameras are pretty good okay generally they're pretty solid i don't think you'll find a simple issue the old issues of android phones sucking dick on snapchat has pretty much been rooted out okay those kind of apps back in the day use like older like apis for cameras nowadays android has generally upgraded all right so overall a lot of these issues are gone one of the big issues are the bubble colors i don't understand what's up with a lot of these people by the way there's no storm going on that tree's just on a mind of its own all right i live in a weird [ __ ] universe when you go down to the bubbles all the bubbles i swear i have talked to iphone guys who have been surprised when i switched to iphone they're like muda you're on the blue bubbles now bro are we are we 14 again or i am 28 the color of the bubbles do not matter i have never judged somebody for having the poor person green bubbles or the blue bubbles at the end of the day a [ __ ] message is a message alright when you text somebody through your message app on an iphone to another iphone it gives you the blue bubbles now this is a far more encrypted way of messaging it's kind of like using facebook messenger or whatsapp right you can basically just message to other iphone users for free video call whatever it's really cool stuff however there are cross-platform apps that let you do the exact same thing between any platform so the entire argument is pretty [ __ ] mutant point and for 99 of cases when i'm messaging somebody i'm sending them a text message it's pretty invisible to my eye asides from the bubble color itself okay the bubble color does not matter imagine putting yourself into a situation if i was kidnapped and i had one message to send to you about hey this is my location please come and save me and if your first process is wow mood is poor he messaged me on the green bubble then i hope to god you have the worst rest of your life because that's what you're thinking that's a pretty bad way of thinking let me tell you buddy the colors do not matter at the end of the day the ecosystems while separate can be pretty easily interchanged if you're willing to go through that initial first headache and once you do you'd be surprised about how much you learn and how irrelevant that is in the grand scheme of things unless you're spending thousands of dollars on the app store versus the play store you can relatively change with ease over time you might find a few positives on the android side and you android users might find some positives on the apple side see at the end of the day they're [ __ ] phones not political statements you don't have to abide by one based on your entire moral character you can interchange dog it's a swingers party out there you're missing out now the personalization argument i'm about to drop this phone again for the seventh time the personalization argument is something that drives me insane too now this one i'm totally on the side of android even though i don't personalize my phone i think having more features versus not having features is more important i think iphone's biggest flaw in the market is the lack of features apple really likes to treat this like it's a fisher-price phone and in some ways that's good you know the phone is obviously less bloated for the most part and it generally runs smoother you know just scrolling around the home screen for crying out loud versus android phones i think ios truly succeeds in that department right it's a pretty solid phone now as far as android goes there you can add things like you know video wallpapers as a background i don't know why that isn't a thing on ios um i'm sure when apple introduces it four years down the road they can claim they they're the first people to do it but i don't know why it isn't a thing a lot of people really take the customization to heart by arranging their home screens in different ways listen dog i open up my phone really quickly i just search for the app and i just google it that way i'm not turning my phone home screen into a tetris layout you know not each page has to resemble a tetris block okay i'm not really using widgets like crazy so maybe this argument doesn't apply to me the personalization argument i can kind of understand but at the same time i'm just not that creative of a person to bother doing it in the first [ __ ] place anyways all right even on my computer the most i'll ever do is use wallpaper engine and that's pretty much what it comes down to but it is a plus point for android but then this takes me to the next part oh apps and battery now i'm going to combine this into into one piece i think as far as applications are considered uh it's pretty much feature parity for both sides okay anybody that complains about apps on either device has no [ __ ] clue what they're talking about all the popular apps are available on either ios or android in some cases ios is a better experience there was a period where google apps were better on apple than they were google's actual operating system run that one through your head but overall they've gotten pretty easy they've gotten pretty feature complete for the most part okay and if there is an exclusive app on apple versus android there's usually a pretty solid equivalent or a comparative product on either store to somewhat match it okay games are pretty much the same across the board anyways apple probably has some more exclusives and that's fine android has its own exclusives too each system has its thing but for the most part oh i got a message over here whatever dude it's a scam call anyways but overall the apps are the same okay it generally is the exact same experience across the board now there is one distinct advantage that android has and that's the ability to install your third-party apps without using any weird of shady licenses or you know certification methods that apple may or may not disable down the road and if you want to install games like fortnite for instance this is the only way this is the only mobile platform that you can pretty much do it besides dedicated [ __ ] like the switch and if you want to run you know applications that can bypass sort of apple's own preemptive you know blocks at least on the os and you can run it through here with third-party sources not to mention there's a whole slew of emulators available out there for you to dip into if you ever so choose so there are advantages on the android side that maybe with some lawsuits apple might consider adding to their own system now as far as battery life goes i just want to toss it into this entire mix most android products have a dog [ __ ] battery life regardless of their batteries being bigger than apple this is where most people have no [ __ ] clue what they're talking about see ios is great because it has a bit of a closed ecosystem apple can engineer the exact hardware to the software they install right now the back end operating system here while it is smoother is actually very restrictive for instance let's say that you close an app like uh mega upload right let's say you close a mega upload app right it will it will only stay alive maximum from what i understand in my programming world for like 10 minutes okay basically you can upload a file in the background for like 10 minutes but let's say that the file takes longer than 10 minutes to upload apple will terminate the process to conserve battery life and to keep the health of the phone pretty good now in 99 of the cases that's actually good okay most people aren't going to notice that and it keeps their phone running longer right that's a that's a pretty good positive now if you're a power user like me where you want to you know upload to servers you know manage your servers through ssh on your phones android's a lot better in that regard okay but over time like five six months after using any android device their battery life goes to [ __ ] they get bloated it takes years off of its lifespan for some reason and overall it's just not that great of an experience sure you can reset the phone but compared to my apple product i didn't have to do that in the first place and that's a pretty big point if you're carrying something around that requires it to have a battery the battery the batteries should be good generally there's a lot of anger from both sides these these these phone warriors need to chill out because this is even more cringe than console wars at least consoles have exclusives worth fighting for what the [ __ ] does a phone have that's worth absolutely losing your mind for in the real world when you're an adult guess what whatever operating system you use and device you use doesn't actually matter okay and if you're one of those people on the apple side that loves to sip your starbucks coffees that are overpriced up the ass showing your overpriced phone off to other people calling them poor you're an idiot all right you're an absolute waste of space especially if you don't even understand why your phone is quote on quote superior to begin with and if you're an android user that bought a really expensive phone just to flex on the ios people you're just as materialistic and you're just as much of a loser point is you enjoy what you have be thankful for what you have okay because there are a lot of people out in the [ __ ] world right now that don't have a goddamn phone to begin with this is about as first world as a problem as it gets this is such a first world problem all right that it's almost [ __ ] extraterrestrial at this point so just be thankful for what you have it doesn't matter if you have an apple phone or an android phone it doesn't matter if your bubbles are blue or your bubbles are green okay email send the exact same way call sound the exact same your photos almost look the exact same and guess what all the goofy videos you watch are the exact same hentai plays the exact same way on any smartphone device you get and if that isn't an argument to end all arguments i don't know what is this is me moodhorn if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am poor
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,097,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: android, ios, smartphone, phones, apple, samsung
Id: rfbL1cfuFz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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