7 Ways To PRANK My Minecraft Husband!

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i brought my hubby onto my minecraft server to have him help me survive minecraft what he doesn't know is that i have the power to become all of the mobs around us from creepers to even the inner dragon i can control everybody i want while he has to survive all of my trolls can my husband protect me from myself or will he die trying to survive minecraft there we go two stairs now this house looks perfect and by perfect i mean it looks good enough to trick him into thinking it looks bad all right all right we've got one finishing touch right here which is the flower and that kind of shows that i really care about all right so when he sees this you'll see you'll see he's just gonna be like this needs to be fixed okay all right here we go hey aaron are you in your house hey babe i'm here okay oh perfect perfect all right so i wanted to show you what i've been working on are you finished are you finally done with your nice house yes i finished my nighttime i'm so excited no i don't want to gloat or anything but i think it's on par with yours okay uh just a little let me know but look at it isn't it great now i know what you're thinking yeah what am i thinking probably not like you know 100 like yours but i think for the time i mean i mean it could use some help like a lot of help no no did you understand you did a good job this is a good foundation i i think so too especially since i've been on the server for not that long i think i've done a great job all right so i was thinking about expanding it a little bit now i don't want to know what you think about this so like uh something like this oh yeah yeah like like going up a little bit like two-story you know what you know what you know how about i help you do this okay oh okay all right all right it's a good house it's a good house and you've got like you know you've got the spunk but i feel like you you need a little bit of help so how about you go get me some wood and and oh fix this up okay all right here i got some wood actually on me right now here you go i think that'll help right there i'll eat a how much do you need like maybe a sack or two stay away from birch okay only oak um okay if you can find some spruce that'll be good too okay all right so i'm gonna do that i'm not gonna chop these down because i don't wanna ruin the the the trees we got going here all right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go up to him as a creeper all right not just any creeper in particular this creeper which i guess looks like a regular creeper but it's still me all right i'm special now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take this potion of visibility go over there and explode him three times while he's working on the house just uh just kind of give him just like you know a little scare the third time though the third time though that will be the deadly one so let's go ahead and make our way over so first potion of invisibility there we go all right hey aaron real quick um i want to let you know that i got some stacks of wood how would you say you need again we need three steps okay three three stacks of wood that does not come from the good trees okay do not take any of the good trees next to the house uh-huh yeah no i won't do that i won't do that but uh three stacks is a lot and i kind of don't want the house to change that much you know what do you mean by that much like uh you know i don't want to change like to like i like the the layout that i have right now i just want to expand it a little bit more you know i really like the front of my house the way it looks oh sure yeah yeah well that's what i want to do all right so i'm gonna get these three stacks but i just want an expansion nothing will change okay everything will stay the same perfect perfect all right i hope everything will be all right i just that's right what's what i want oh what i i just i just want the the house that i have right now to be like exactly the same sure uh give me time you know okay all right perfect oh oh yeah oh man you okay you don't sound too well did was there something wrong with your house like did you were there any traps did you put traps in here no no no i didn't um i would let well obviously you would have fallen for them by now if i did because you know i'm really good at that but uh you know the it should be pretty normal oh okay nothing has changed at all everything is exactly the way that you had it before i'm just gonna put a small expansion off to the side um but i'm going to need a lot of wood okay so we're going to need to step for just a little bit longer all right i've already got one stack so i'll be i'll probably be there pretty quick so give me one second i'm just going to keep going i'm so excited about this expansion it's gonna be so great what are you okay what happened i may have exploded i'll be right back i'm coming over no no no no don't come over yet uh the house is fine the house is fine it just has a little bit of a like it's missing a few there's the doors okay you know i'm just gonna come check i'm just gonna come check okay just real quick okay [Music] [Applause] it was a creeper i mean i was i didn't change that much and i was just kind of like tearing down this sidewall so as you can see when a creeper explodes the inside of your house things tend to you know not look that great but don't worry i think you know what you know what babe what i think i think you should stay in my house okay uh-huh and and while you're staying at my house we can we can work together to fix your house to be a lot better than it was before yeah you know what that sounds like a good idea all right okay so you can stay at my place and and i'm upstairs upstairs i've already made you a bed oh i'm so sweet i know so i thought that maybe you could stay here instead of building your own house was yes you have fantastic building skills but but i mean this place is nice right yeah no you know what you have a balcony view it's already made it looks perfect i is missing something though hmm oh wow you went down there fast uh so i think we should get some some uh some some food all right okay i have wheat and melons what what do you want um bacon um not just any bacon pork chops that's what i want uh i don't have pigs oh that's okay that's okay that's okay because i have a lead all right so you want me to get pigs piss a little pig farm you know so we can have some bacon and they don't have bacon in mind you know whatever pork chops it works the same thing it's the same thing okay so what we're gonna do is we have like a little pig farm right over here next to the sheep we go get some pigs and bring them back all right okay i'll go get pigs i saw some behind our house it's a huge field all right you go that way i'm gonna go this way and look for one all right all right cool cool okay all right so what he doesn't know is that i had the ability to turn into a pig but not only that i have this really cool ability to turn pigs into something else all right and i'll let you guys guess what that is but uh let's go ahead and transform a little bit that's our two little baby pig okay so let's go find out where he's at let's go find out where he's at guys if you liked the video be sure to like and maybe subscribe but don't troll me all right sorry about that to afk for a moment um how are you doing with finding the pixels i'm having like no luck okay so i've got one two three four i got four five regular pigs and i got one little baby pig oh that's so how are you so good at finding those pigs oh my god uh oh another little baby pig all right come join the group oh and a sixth pig look weird pig how are you finding so many pigs no come back everyone come back i've got a carrot pay attention where are you going oh are they leaving you for the carrots oh my god they're like they like forgot that i have the carrot come on pay attention yeah there we go there we go come on i guess they don't care at all [Music] where are you so i can hit you no you know you you can't you can't trust me trust me i'm far away i'm far away right all right the pigs are not listening none of them are listening to me it's okay it's okay they'll probably uh you know they'll probably listen to you pretty soon what you okay uh the i think the pigs turned into zombie pigmen how does that happen what are you okay like are you are you okay i think so whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on no i wanted to see if they were actually zombie pigman than they are they very much are uh oh oh that's not good that's not good listen i may have to kill the pigs oh what what what i'll come over and try to help you i guess what is going on what are you what are you pig are you a pig or a pig man what's happening uh what is happening to all the pigs that's it that's it we're killing all the pigs we're killing all the pigs we're killing every pig i think that you've gone crazy okay because um no i have not i have the okay i don't want that much bacon i think i'm good i just got full i just had some grass it was good ugh don't listen i am not gonna have zombie pigmen behind my house oh no oh no i'm sorry baby did you take out a baby i had to but it didn't drop anything okay good job all right babe i've got you five nice pork chops we don't need to worry about your blown up house anymore because we're gonna eat well tonight that's so good that's so i'm so you know sorry i had something on my teeth just to say uh you know i'm glad that you got those pigs all of them and i put a furnace out in the front actually if you want to uh you know go go go cook those yeah yeah i know something in your house but i think we could do some outside barbecue you know something really nice oh no i think a creeper got you that's probably that's probably what happened i think so oh let me go back and check [Music] so what are you up to where where did you go it's the uh i'm just fixing the explosion hole explo oh i see yeah that's um these creepers are just really after you it's the second time today i know but you know what how about you come inside i got some pork chops see you didn't have to go out and get the i found them i found some pigs and i didn't breed them but i uh you know i kind of made them in the meat and so we can go inside we can make some pork chops and just you know settle down for the night okay there you go there's a plate for you play for me wow yeah i know look at this i know right i told you i was gonna yeah i told myself see you're supposed to enjoy it what was that oh no fighters oh god i'm gonna go upstairs i want my spiders oh my god i'm scared i'm scared okay this is all part of my plan what do you think of spiders are out there because i put them out there of course so what's gonna happen here is i'm gonna be a spider myself i'm gonna turn to a little spider and go outside and see if he's uh having a fun time with them spiders okay he's not down here here we go all right you okay what's going on yeah i'm okay there were a lot of spiders up there they were like seven or eight and there's one more left and he's just kicking my butt okay all right um here let me find a sword because i can't find mine i'll be right there one second hold on well there's so many outside no no no no no you gotta be careful no god no no no no i'm not gonna oh i'm going inside oh i'm going inside oh i'm going inside uh i'm gonna eat i'm gonna eat i'm gonna eat i left my pork chop before i eat my pork chop just be careful okay okay i got it i gotta are you in the front are you are you fighting the ball for the front because there's only one off in the back oh god oh my god the front yard there's a million of them there's a million to the furniture oh no i thought you were fighting them at the front yard i was but they overwhelmed me i told you i had to run back at the house hold on they got inside are you okay yeah i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine did you respawn be careful oh yeah i'll be fine don't worry i'm back in the kitchen okay all right oh they're getting in the house oh they're upstairs oh my god i am stuck in the house i am going to mine my way out of the house no no please just look don't stop it oh no oh i swear maybe we just wait until the morning okay just stop let's just do that i think the sun is coming up and the spiders are going away are they i'm i'm gonna fix the hole in the side of the house okay all right i'm gonna i'm gonna help you look around the area for a little bit you know i'm eating your pork chop okay i know you didn't eat it i know it was meant for you but i am starving and i need to eat oh i was gonna say that for breakfast oh okay well i'll make you a different breakfast don't worry oh that's so nice of you where are you by the way i'm uh i'm i'm outside really quick but actually i wanted to let you know that i i made you something while you're fighting the spiders you were just so brave i was just so impressed oh you did yes i made something super nice and super special um so if you go up into the room i've made you the most beautiful thing in minecraft literally surprise yeah i was hoping that you'd like it what this and a witch get out of here why is there a witch in here what do you mean this and who are you calling a witch what do you think there's a watch in here oh my god did you just call my statue i made you a statue inside the bedroom oh my god i can't oh my god fine fine fine you know what i mean are you okay but what is this is this like is this you now what what yeah it's it's me i'm dying i i am actually dying oh oh it's okay because uh i i think i want you some food inside of your closet if you want to go check it out see if you uh might have something in there oh okay something lovely i got a feather what oh what are you okay what where where did you get all these chickens i didn't what chick what chickens i don't know what you guys are talking about there's a ton of chickens in the closet uh my chest is empty i did not do anything with chickens i just made you the statue and in the witch i think that something's going on are you something you want to tell me um i have to exterminate all of these now what oh my god what are you doing that for because there's a million chickens oh no oh no they're smaller why are were there little chicklets trickling where are the chickens where are the i don't know just ah doesn't make any sense i'm dying this is why you shouldn't kill chickens yeah oh why i wonder where the chickens came from i don't know all right well i don't see any chickens inside of the room but there are a million of them no there's no come up here come up here i'm here okay i see chicken feathers so i don't know the chicken feathers here here's two feathers but that's just two chickens okay they were here they were not here all right but my head is missing where did my head go oh i got that i got it what first of all come on no no no no no no no no you gotta do it there we there you go more high pitched there okay all right oh man this is a terrible day who's prettier who's pretty you there's only one right answer just just asking well this one's this one's got like a fat head i don't know if i like the fat head okay all right but real talk you're having a really hard time on right now okay and you know i had a hard time with my house but i think maybe we need some protection okay so maybe we should get a dog okay oh yeah i like that idea let me go grab some bones i have some i have some bones there's bones right here here here here some bones all right so i'm gonna do it yeah and you tame a dog okay um because i'm gonna get three new dogs now we have like a little pack going all right okay so he's heading out and that's good because what i want to do is be the dog okay all right watch this see now he's gonna have to pet me it's gonna be great it's gonna be great all right it's gonna be so good i'm gonna be his dog i'm just gonna walk around with him protect him he's gonna love me forever you find a dog yet uh no no not yet uh i thought i did but yeah it's hard i know i i already found one though wait wait wait what yeah i already got one there's one in the field in the back okay okay dude you have a dog yeah oh i have a dog okay there there may be a few other dogs over here let me look all right you you go look you will look for the get out of here no there's sheep they're just cheap oh no [Music] sorry i'm having a doggone time trying to find a dog over here it's just it's hard oh there's my dog oh you found a dog another dog no i found my dog oh good good hey i'm gonna go to the front and uh we're gonna go and find your dog okay yeah i really want a dog uh speaking of which by the way uh you know that you should pet your dog in minecraft it's really good yeah pet a dog in minecraft they haven't quite added that in yet why haven't they added that where are you where did you go i'm over out like behind my house like i went far away i didn't think they were gonna find wolves so close by okay maybe just pitch a dog [Music] uh no no i think another creeper just came out of nowhere again i am i need to pay attention a little bit better yeah are you okay are you you need to need some healing i have some wrought and flush for you would you use the hot dog rotten flesh cause i'm not eating the rotten flesh i mean the bread wow i can't believe you're in the bread okay oh not again okay i officially am moving okay we're moving we're moving away from this place because there are creepers everywhere no your house is so nice why would you do that all right babe i have grabbed all of my stuff what where's your stuff okay because we're moving because this place is way too dangerous no uh i i think we have bigger problems than that um so why did did they do something in minecraft that like uh i don't know like spawn the inner dragon in the overworld or something like that no the enderdragon stays in the end oh uh why are you doing stuff i may have accidentally what's the noise yeah what was that noise we've accidentally opened up the end portal that was close by the house oh my gosh yeah there's a thing up there it's a thing oh no no we're moving we're moving we're moving around oh my god i i promise i didn't do it on purpose i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving we're leaving i'm running back as fast as i can oh my god he's no good get out of here get out of here no no what is he doing he's he's he's thrown up everywhere oh he's throwing up oh no that's not good all right we're go we're going we're going where are we where are you i'm coming i'm trying ah i got a creeper on me i can't oh nobody's following me don't destroy my house like i'm stuck on fences get there what's this health bar at oh i can't i don't see a boss bar oh no oh oh that's not good that's not good at all uh no no stop barfing everywhere ow ow no no i just lost all my stuff did you just lose all your stuff i just lost everything um well that's not good um oh no the ender dragons oh my god i'm almost there i'm almost there i'm almost done i was back home i'm back where's the other dragon okay i lost everything everything's gone every all my diamonds all my armor all of my swords it's all gone but you know what you know what what at least we could be together oh my god you're so much hotter now than me it's aphmau and aphmau together at last okay no seriously i lost all my stuff where i have to go get it here i'm all the stuff you need come back
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,176,233
Rating: 4.8828773 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft aaron pranks, pranking aaron in minecraft, minecraft morph pranks, minecraft pranks, minecraft pranks aphmau, becoming different mobs to prank aaron in minecraft, aphmau aaron pranks, aphmau pranks jason in minecraft, how to prank your friends in minecraft, minecraft pranks funny moments, minecraft no swears, tricks to play on your friends, funny ways to prank your friends, funny pranks aphmau, sneaky pranks in minecraft, fun ways to prank aaron in minecraft
Id: YU6aV5GIgng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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