Playing Mindflex Duel

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It's an electronic game for kids that purports to you use your brain waves. Whoever concentrates hard enough will cause the ball to float higher (supported by a fan) and move the lever to their opponent's goal.

Other versions of the toy include an obstacle course, where you manually rotate the fan positions around a circular course but use your "OT powers" to increase or decrease the fan pressure.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/iamnotroberts 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

These two irritate the hell out of me.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/6_5_13 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to good mythical more let's use our brains we're gonna use our waking brain power you've your blue balls really working well today your brain is really working well today I never matter this called mine flex duel apparently this thing taps into your brainwaves just to clarify this is a black box as nothing to do with the game but we're elevating it so you can see the amazing thing that's gonna happen does it matter which ear I write but I could do should I put this I should put this on first right right yours is stronger oh that's tight it should it be tight and then the yellow should be right in the middle well it can't be and then how does this reach my this is what everyone in the future is gonna look like everyone in the future is renowned and and so let's initiate this thing black button so apparently there's a number of games that you can play we're gonna play a game where we're trying to get a ball into the other guys inside select the game power push let's power pushing then though I hit this too so I didn't oh is that my not one yes calibrate rating did you power it on okay one turn on the headset is that me to turn on the headset I like her accent Eddie turn on the headset for player one yeah to calibrating hit ready ready I'm ready think this is me oh look at that ball is floating y'all I'm not doing anything Thanks just letting calibrate this is a game dude oh this is the game I thought it was calibrated I wasn't even trying to beat you go towards red Bob you get away from me Ronnie back get away from me you better go the other way go ball you blue ball get in it go settle yourself into the player one zone cannot be breathing whoa I didn't even know I was playing it first okay I feel like I'm let's not play again yeah let's do it let's do this let's go look let's see I have my doubts about this not because I lost the first draft round but because you didn't know if you're a blank cause I'm moving I was like don't think let it come here when you started getting into it it started going the other way so nobody did not one let's let's uh let's do this I'm gonna just totally not even look I'm gonna look the other way and you just see if you can move it across all right and then we'll reverse and see I have just I mean I want to believe that future is real all right well that my ball is floating and that's real I'm that was amazing I'm not gonna all right what it calibrates everytime go ball go you do your thing you do you blue ball you go all the way into that zone keep going don't you stop don't you stop at all I beat you don't let that translate into your lower self-esteem you aren't trying ok now let me let me see if I can move it I'm not gonna bet I can move it across I'm just gonna stand you're stupid you can't even see in your periphery look you literally make it an equal testament I turned around all the way do you know what it's gonna be okay right I can I want to see if I can get it across see cuz I have this thing it's good I promise your face I promise I'm not gonna try what does it do many calibrates I should look at it when he's calibrating I didn't I didn't look at it it's amazing it actually works I'm really good at not thinking let me try again no now we can actually play we've proven that it worked all right now I wanted to try again to not think this time let's not say anything it's just all brain all right ready really good how are you doing it I just went like this a lot you try that next time like Bob the head Bob like really strain I just feel like I'm going this yeah I feel like I'm holding my breath add this you can be calm down just just vibrate into its true not working and then I'm just gonna stock I meant I'm trying to stop it won't do it you weak-minded man nah all right man you want to switch these alright so now we have to commit to turn it around as well yeah well turn the unit around yes is it voice-activated hit the blue button there is no to the bottling you have to turn the whole I am but I'm gonna press the thing yes what calibrate calibrate ready yes me player one keeps calibrating oh why is it not amazing yeah just getting give it credit Wednesday I am the think master and the dream master I'm - katooni okay now let's just play what if I I was coming to you as a student how would you explain what you're doing um like seriously don't - give me the head Bob thing like if you litter JIT omit Lee had to explain why it was working I want to see if I can actually change a strategy and if the effect I'm I'm it's as if I'm constipated are you thinking about it man I'm like I'm like angry at it I'm like I'm also angry at mm-hmm and I'm like I'm making like a low rumble try again that's all I got that's all I'm doing gree at it and make a low Rumble you're like mmm and do this I mean I'm serious studies that use that image doesn't start with all the really you stomach I'm so angry at you you pick up that ball and then if I just chill out I can't make it go anywhere I'm so mad at list I can't even make he'll let me see if I can just make a movie yeah I quit trying and they started moving I'm not gonna truck you got it you got it you got to connect to that part of you real fast this one I'm not trying you stop and go back right now I don't care if you come this way I don't care you can do whatever you want no what you be free you do you Bob you stop coming over here you just do what you wanted I know when you're on it angry when I know what you wanna do you want you mean Bob come over here move your speken you don't want this you don't not like this we'll get out about this you don't want this yeah you do come on Bo get away from me ball go go daggone it stop stop you stop you stop now he's done you stifle stop okay I found my technique I encouraged I don't get mad at it I encouraged it to do what it wants to it wants to go that way you have to decide with it ready again go ball you go over there get away ball come on get away ball give you a c'mere you get away from me about you kid no no every move oh you don't have any part in this place ball you don't know who you are get you read the sign no Bowser loud I found the technique man all right one more this is how all arguments will be decided in the future there will be no actual debate put that ball up there don't hit it yet don't hate on that one all right winner take all I'm sending positive emotions towards it not negative positive emotions where's Natalie switch head says go go go stop stop stop stop stop stop stop you don't know all right let me go positive okay that's you this time see she's getting in my head man turn every day the tables have turned okay let's just how about it that's three to three right yes yes yes you can come over here if you want to I think you should go over there but no you get away from here stop it dang it I feel like one of those guys who wakes up in hospitals like me what am I doing here what is this stuff of my arms ladies and gentleman no get inside of my head the lesson today is be positive don't be angry don't make low grumbling noises nobody no balls are gonna win that way if you want to get your ball where you want your ball to be you got to be positive
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 5,962,169
Rating: 4.9299884 out of 5
Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmmore, good mythical more, mythical more, mythical mail, rhettandlink3, rhettandlink 3, season 9, mindflex, mindflex duel, brain duel, brain game, rhett link duel, rhett link lets play, rhett link brain game, rhett link brainwaves, brainwave game, rhett link mindflex, rhett link mindflex duel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2016
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