Playing Giant KerPlunk

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-<i> ( rooster crows</i> ) -<i> ( lion roars )</i> Welcome to Good Mythical More! About to get my eye poked out. You know what? What? Now that I've got this corsage, I feel like I've gotten everything I ever wanted out of life. I quit. Did you know we have bananas here? Oh, you're back! Is that joke? Okay. You changed your mind? Yeah, 'cause we got bananas! Yeah, we got plenty, man. Only here. Mmm! What was I thinking? - Right. - What do we do now? We play Giant KerPlunk and the loser has to drink whatever Jodie left for us which is a lot of squid ink root beer. - Oh! - ( grunts ) - Okay. - I'm putting that right there. So I never played this game. I never played regular sized KerPlunk. Well, it-- the bigger the better. I'm gonna load this thing up with balls. These are desiccated testicles of my suitors. - And then-- - Oh, wow! Got a lot of suitors. And then I'm going to-- We've already placed the-- Sticks. The sticks that then we'll alternate pulling them out. If when you pull one out a ball falls you get a point - which is bad. - Point per ball. If they all fall then you're a real loser. Yep. Whoo! Okay. I'll go. - Gonna get over here. - I mean, surely the first few balls-- First few pulls are-- Oh! You chose the yellow. Are you only choosing yellow? Yeah, I'm a banana man. I'll only chose orange. - Okay. - I have a feeling that these-- I mean, the first ones are-- You know-- What kind of music should they add underneath this. - KerPlunk-ish. - KerPlunk-ish? Let's go against type. - Let's go anti-- What would be-- - Sad? Let's make this the saddest game of KerPlunk ever. Like the "Platoon" soundtrack? Well, we're gonna have rights issues with that. - A soundalike. - Yeah. Something really sad. Like a-- Like death scene in a moving movie. It could be military. No, yeah. It's the scene in "Platoon" where Willem-- You know his name's Willem. - Dafoe? - Dafoe. It's not William. Found that out last week. Um-- No. Not last week, last decade. And he falls down and the napalm is behind him and he's-- that song. - We need a soundalike to that. - Oh! The-- I haven't seen "Platoon." - But you've seen that scene? - Yeah. - You've seen that iconic scene. - That's the cover. - That's the cover of the DVD. - Yeah. He's like on his knees and like his arms are up. Oh, so you've seen the DVD and made a decision not to rent it. - Shame on you. - Yeah, but I look at DVDs all the time and not rent them 'cause I'm-- I go to Blockbuster a lot. -<i> ( music playing ) </i> - Okay, pull it. - I'm going low. - Ooh! It's so sad. Oh, my goodness. - ( sighs ) - Oh, wow! I can actually see-- Get a sadder look on your face. You're smiling. Oh! I'm sorry. I'm too excited. ( whispering ) Actually, I think I can-- ( whispering ) Look sadder! Look sadder! ( groans ) ( whimpers and sniffles ) I think you need to be able to see better than we're seeing right now. Oh, gosh! Oh, that one's got-- That's got ball pressure on it. Oh, that's definitely got ball pressure on it. Oh, the ball pressure. I'm not even looking. I'm just pulling my color. ( sighs ) The ball pressure is turgid. ( laughing ) Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. This is so sad. I'm gonna-- I'm breaking from our strategy. I gotta pull something besides yellow 'cause I wanna win. I'm gonna go red here. Well, then I'm gonna go yellow. Yeah. Pull it! Pull it! - Pull-- - I ain't pulling that one, homie. - Homie. - Imma pull this one. - Oh! - Oh, there's ball pressure on that, too. - Ooh! - Oh! - ( mimics crying ) - See, I'm sticking to my guns, man. - Look at that. - Yeah. I got one of yours. There's no more red. You can't play that game anymore. There's only one yellow and you have to pull it next! - There's two-- There's two yellows. - It's yours! - You have to pull both of them. - That ain't one of the rules, man! Green. Ooh, the track is switching up. Now it's suspenseful. No, because that makes too much sense. - No, makes too much sense. - Now it's polka. <i> ( polka music playing )</i> We're so happy now. KerPlunk. Yeah! Actually-- No! Oh, I just got a ball. - So that's-- You hold that one. - My blue ball. - That's-- That's-- - That's a point for Linkster. I'm losing by one point. Ooh! ( sighs ) I mean, there's not that many sticks left. That ain't gonna do. - That's not gonna do. - ( humming ) Hopefully, that's the right BPM because otherwise I'm gonna look like a fool. Oh, gosh. Oh! That's Linkster's balls, man. - I didn't even pull anything. - Yeah, but you touched it, man. You touched-- You touched the stick. - Oh! You're 0 and 4. - Oh, dang it! I don't think it matters that you've already lost four, though, because the person who loses is gonna be the one who let's 'em all release. So I think it's still anybody's game. But I'm so happy, though. Nothing? - Nothing? - ( humming ) What are you doing now, though? What are you doing now? What kinda music do we got now? ( sighs ) Oh, gosh! Okay, that was another four. My balls are dropping left and right. I've only celebrate that once. - Is-- - You only get to celebrate it once. Is Link up to eight or seven? I think one of the balls fell on the ground. -<i> Yeah, one's on the ground. </i> - Okay. - So he's up to eight. - What are you up to? Mm, zero. The problem is is that at this point we've got problems. - Yeah, you do. - Houston, we have a problem. You're about to lose! Drink the ink juice. Squid. That squid squeezed it right into that bottle for you. I am relatively sure that if I pull any one of these four they're all gonna fall. But my best-- 'Cause what's gonna happen is if I pull one of these that ball's gonna fall and they're all gonna fall. Let's change the music to suspenseful -<i> ( suspenseful music playing ) </i> - 'cause this is meaningful. All right, Link, you're-- You're screwed. You're screwed, dude! Why'd you change it back to polka? That was very rude. <i> ( polka music playing )</i> - All right. - Good luck. They're-- How are they even held in? You're gonna need it. You're gonna need it. This one is holding that one that then seems to be connected to everything. Seems to be. There's no-- - It's gotta be this one. - I believe you can do it. Like if I pull this slowly. - One's gonna drop, but maybe no more will drop. - Yeah, do it. Real slowly. Not-- They're not all gonna fall. Just as long as you go slow. ( both groan ) Dang! I thought you had it. It was like suspended animation for a second. I thought I had it, too, man! - ( nervous chuckle ) - All right. - Enjoy the soda. - All right, go back to the "Platoon" music. <i> ( somber music playing )</i> If Jodie can do it, I can do it. She worked with those twins all those years. You want a straw? Yeah. Oh, that's horrible! ( whispering ) I saved ya. - Oh, gosh. - They would've never known. It can't be that bad. ( gags) Oh! - ( gagging ) - Banana? The aftertaste-- Jodie was doing all she could not to gag on our camera. - Oh, gosh! - But you know me. Oh, gosh, the breath that I have! - Oh! - I feel-- - I feel like we need to find-- - Oh my, the breath that I have! We need to find her and apologize. - Really? - It's horrifying! Wow! She took it like a champ. - Whoa! - Maybe you should speak to her - and get some pointers. - Whoa! That is bad! Whoo! - Wanna play again? - Sure. All right, that's what we'll be doing the rest of the day, corsage boy.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 2,533,474
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett playing giant kerplunk, link playing giant kerplunk
Id: sYm45NvpiJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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