Let's Play - Ibb and Obb

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and I was like go go go run the police are coming and then you were like man just be cool I wasn't there and then the police were like stop that he'll be arrested that wasn't me and then you were like it wasn't me it was him and then I was in jail like hey what are you in for and then they were like uh larceny it's like Oh what is that cuz I feel like I should google it and then you were like hey thanks for making me your one phone call and then I was like what are you up to and then we had like this long conversation until like the line went dead mm-hmm fast for 35 years I got out and I'm here welcome to good mythical more we're gonna play a video gaem yellow felt on their left cheek that's from the massage I saw that I think you put it on when you put on that shirt that you have a head although I had this shirt on the whole time this is we're gonna test our teamwork skill Bob urban la to players it's to confirm by you here we go now to follow up with our massage I'm green I'm pink and look I'm I'm thinking a green bubble that I can do that yeah I get that and now this is very peaceful this is the kind of game that would be available to play at a massage place oh yeah what do you make it happen up there like I think that's the previous scores who cares about that why are you down there in the underworld bro because I can be putting my green fart up there I'm green vapor fire all right I'll go and say something hello mister pedestal come come hither I feel like you want something would you like to smell my green look he stopped what he stopped so you come get on him Candyman okay let's both get on it all right go go man there yeah there you go I'll see this way too late wait for it wait for it because I'm gonna have it make some stuff impressive look at that look at us I'm gonna write my name it's a box did you look my name is a box did you looking for it no what about this alright let's keep going alright that failed hello AAB oh look here's another guy let's see if I can impress him are we supposed to impress people yeah / - sure this game is to impress I'm impressing this little guy surely we can do look like oh look at that follow it I can't I can't we got a team working here shuffle double me you go through the pink gate okay I know I can only go through the green game well hold on now I need your help now you wanna help - what turn the favor man what - what how much else to go this way I don't know yeah okay jump on jump on the head of the green me and then go oh you're about to die oh there you go I killed him see okay and now get the ice cubes get the ice cube don't touch the pricklies you don't touch the pricklies that applies and lots of areas of life right don't good don't sweat the petty stuff no enough all right here we go and so now we're gonna go nope let me go up here let me go up here boom see but let me go up here no they're not coming here I cannot go up okay no I don't need you I'm gonna be lost man I don't know if like I need you I'm lost without you back I don't need you killer I'm telling you man oh I can just stay down here I don't need I need you I don't know no you didn't need me I need you now that I need to know more than ever there we go home yep do that yes there you go no it's actually I needed to do this I needed to do that because why you got a need to do everything can't I need to do something cuz you can't get through here but I can and I can get through here Tamar and now you come back around get to spiney oh yes you blew it you have long no I have it nice hold on up how do we get get out here I can't get out there go around and come through here and then I'll help you up and then I'll go around it I got it I got it come back come back come back come back hey man I can't I'm telling you I can't jump oh so I gotta just go oh I killed it let's try this again this is like problem saw a gun I didn't sign up for this I can't do that you have to come through here but we can't it wait no we blown it I was doing oh okay don't push me off iago here come here come back here I killed that guy kill this else and then I'll go you can go and then I'll go no no no no go back go you gotta come back man you gotta come through oh I am am i jumping skill zero competent okay okay I'm just gonna I'm gonna run the garlic here we go it's like Mario you gotta time it can you do it you did not do it you didn't that okay listen we're being really dumb right now alright let's be let's be the smaller I can't go through there so what up so what could happen is you could come through here and you can kill all those guys and then I could come down no you do what you did before and skip it is skip skip across yeah right there on that Oh everybody dies now you skated okay hell through there to the left kill these two guys that way I don't have to do the crazy thing you just did and then I'm also gonna do this yeah I meant to do that alright let's try this again you're so relaxed after your massage I got all the crappy stuff and you got all the good stuff let me have this is a timing thing you go first nice nice nice nice yeah now let's go kill these guys go just to teach him a lesson even though we party out of spite get some ice isn't that ice did you have Co all right yeah just like a massage place they give you the ice ice massage never had that I want to play with you go go go I'm gonna pack you let me impress him impress those hacky sack look at look at look at me waiting Wow are you impressed look at me you're more affinity more press my love is an 8 I'm going to make an ampersand why don't we just keep playing the game oh look at this right that is bonkers my name I don't feel like we've accomplished enough pressing the little guys I'm almost done I know you're impressing was just it's kind of a diversion it's kind of like a rabbit trend and okay look at how they stopped and looked and waiting patiently yeah they're stupefied now get underneath me over here get underneath me oh really or let's just do this oh that feels like a mistake uh-huh there's got to be a way to we were right dude you got it look I'm not about that you come back up bounce bounce it no fence mount no you got it hey no guess you get on you get on the bottom I'll get on the bottom okay all right okay jump no no you time it so that when you hit me you bounce jump is that work yeah see hang on do that up look I'm smart enough you're gonna jump I'm gonna jump and then when you hit me hit your jump at the same time don't wait until you land on me bounce off of me all right that like that no no seriously man let me get on the bottom let me get on it man let me get on the bottom you gonna push my button in your button how old am i yeah see there you go jump when I hit you jump when I hit you jump when I hit you all that's gonna do is get me to the same place the other side you're gonna bounce up dude you're decided right does anyone know the answer to this come on is what I'm friend are you gonna work try gravity what jump from this point put your finger on the screen oh okay I gotta go right back in the same one got it and they come back like this okay oh no no you go quit hitting me man look no I'm in doing it right don't hit me though I'm doing it right - oh I'm so close I'm so close this is like an anti miss fast oh gosh we can't keep hitting each other man we're gonna work together we're never gonna get through this now go back straight up I'm stripping the thing so hot before you ever get this I swear I'll never talk about you twins I'm get to go to the side go to the side you go to the side for just a second one at a time one at a time they're coming here like this do it and then they're coming back and I gotta come back in here you're not even you're not even attempting the right thing he's red attempting the right thing I'm gonna come back here I keep hitting me every time okay lean my left hand sweating and my left foot sweating I'll give you three more tries then I get to do it oh is that what we're supposed to do let me be here like that that snack oh you know what do this and I'll jump up I'll jump on top of you here we go jump not like that yeah I did it man no not there all right here you again you can actually bounce off of me like I think you you're waiting to land on me and then jump but if you hit the bat if you hit the jump right when you hit me you kind of there's like a big look what I did I can i I can't that's it forget everything I've been saying that's how you do it now you got to really hit the you got to hit that right the right edge of the hole you're hitting the left edge of the hole hit the right note the right edge of this hole man yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we made it we made it okay look if you do don't don't screw this up for me this is my it's my opportunity oh oh you made it out of it now when I jump you jump don't don't go there oh dang it we're just gonna appear right here again all right we got to go below this to step on my head and then you jump when it gets to the lowest point and then I'll jump here and then I'll kill these guys yeah look at dad eat that ice celebrate we deserve it okay all right same thing here here let me on top jump see you'll require huh maybe I can jump more than you can oh that's what this is for this is a way to communicate with each other like this is what I can see you yeah but you can't see where I'm gesturing on the screen like if I go all right I want to go down here and I want to go over here that's what that's for it's it's the communication device what if you just tell me though I just realized we didn't need anything oh because these platforms yeah while watching us play video games has got to be a little frustrating to like an average human being we're good look lad none of those are watching look what I found something guys to impress like look at this good look at this because I found some guys do me impressed okay I'm gonna need your help here I can't get out you can get out oh here we go you can get out this way let me on your head all right here we go whoa you get out there and jump up there or just go straight through and come out the white the white gate I can't get over but how are you gonna get I'm gonna let you unless you up here whoa you see it whoa whoa come on here and John what are you trying to use this thing to tell me what you're trying to do see now you I can't get up there and you can't you have to go through their which is pointless really what here you go I think you can go all the way over yep and you go through there and now you let me over I'll let you over yes now you jump over and I'll go through I'll go through here baby Wow uh-oh you know what look look this come get me whoa it's got something to do with that let me back let me back where I was because we were getting closer Gilda we have to go back oh did you notice how all the fun got sucked out of this game when we actually had to start thinking okay I'm so not having fun yep now good luck with you getting you you were gonna be able to I'm gonna do this watch I'm gonna get a running start I think if I go like this oh you let me up there brother let me up there no let me let me up there and then now you go right here over here and I'm gonna let you through here jump on my head jump on my head and then go up and now now I'm gonna I need to go through that green gate yeah how are you gonna do that man you can't but what I can but there's something to do with this watch this we can't quit people are gonna hate us cuz they already know the answer do you know the answer yeah you can you can do that alright so let's go all the way let me oh you know what you know what several top of me that's not gonna work cuz now you can't get up or camera you can't get up there you need me and I need you right we need each other at certain points in our lives that aren't the same times so let's try this again we got to get it again boost me here boost me here my head fart okay he's still just be still no you boost me you boast mate okay now i boost you yep that's correct and now i get a running start here oh I tried to jump but it didn't work come back in here oh that totally would work what I want to do is I want to get right here I want to do this I want to go okay so you guys I want to like I want to be going here so then I want to go seeing you back to the way boosting you back to the white okay all right now boost me high boost you riveting I boost you alright now we all agree that I want to I want to get a running start here you want to get it on you don't have to illustrate it yeah oh no that's right you're good no problem is that good yeah we solved it you know what look we're gonna put what you press all these guys look at all these people who you guys are fresh 7230 it's like a blood pressure
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,922,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmmore, good mythical more, mythical more, mythical mail, rhettandlink3, rhettandlink 3, season 9, lets play, lets play ibb and obb, lets play ibb obb, ibb and obb, rhett link lets play, rhett link ibb and obb, rhett link ibb obb, rhett and link lets play, rhett link lets play ibb obb
Id: o5VH06YtUZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2016
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