Playing FNAF 2 Doom

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scared from mangle yay let's go you guys want to see people let's go only like one person did in Germany everybody's here Emma is here it's just she's she's very slow where are you oh all right let's go we're gonna see them huh how are we yeah over here guys look look look come over here look this is a good show how do you run uh okay okay I got it don't get too close I'm just telling you that no I want to get too close just making music hot go say hi go say hey it's your birthday look it's your birthday I'm gonna get too close though I wouldn't get too close don't get too close you'll be dead in a second are you sure a little literally touching it uh I wouldn't say that in a couple minutes what are you hiding in the corner um oh what did I do nothing's happening yet what happened oh the music box is fine you don't have to worry about that hey hey talk about black guys I actually want to come over here ma'am are you black um why is there a 74 and 73 uh don't worry about that let's just you know a time time that's not time um you guys want to see them in action s right anyways I don't know if I'm getting chased [Music] there's no one behind you it's behind it [Music] I'm dead I'm dead I am dead I purposely brought him over here good I'm dead I wish I would look watch what everybody else comes out what's wrong [ __ ] bro um they're coming oh my gosh we die quick I can't jump and move um just watch when the other three come on who's getting chased by Bonnie still I don't [ __ ] know ledge run [ __ ] Prime you can run like that it was kind of funny when you were running like that what is that sound my brother's like my brother he jumped on the table [Music] she said too first John Aussie body got her what the [ __ ] ER why is she jumping right there well Freddie's not on she's not he's not on yet run that way how am I supposed to watch him chica's trying to get whoever over there why is she just jumping though there's no one over there we're all dead literally that's what I'm saying why is she jumping over there run run balloons bruh chica's dumb she's just jumping what is that sound run you're the only one alive oh Freddy hasn't moved yet I thought he did no not yet yeah I still hear it we're all watching Freddy because we all Buy in the same world yeah he going crazy psycho oh he's gone in the vents he's in the vents Bonnie Bonnie I don't hear him running anymore though oh never mind he came back oh yeah he's all the way over there he coming he coming he booted for you too chica's just stuck yeah I don't run oh God chica moved watch out uh Chicago yeah she in the little corner over there though she's still stuck though yeah she's like a stuck on them she's moving never mind she's still jumping yeah she's literally just jumping you can't even see my body wow when did chica move I don't know wow skip multiplayer [Music] um are we supposed to live for I have no clue just live until six can we do night three now I say we just do night one and see if we can pass night one you only do night one let's do night one is everybody here for night one [Music] all right oh Turtle I don't know where's Emery okay let's go all right let's go night night one wait let me in I mean oh we can't go night one I guess yeah two night two oh hurry up oh Emery leave leave ah teleporting me back take me back take me back we'll be back it's still zero oh I guess on the other side um we stand on this table we're waiting for America now I'm here all right night two [Music] now we just need to get teleported I'm trying to fight everyone pull up pull up pull up night two I want to go see Freddy I wanna hug no I'm calling that I want a hug why yeah look at him he's fat kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm dead I'm sorry I lived again she was like I'm already dead I got jump scared I thought it was what I thought I'd die that's the loading jump scare pretty good what said to go gentle now my ass hurt s um oh my God look at these guys hey look see I'm friends with them yeah what the hell pressing z uh makes you spectate oh why is like y'all wanna hide maybe quirking mango is a Material Girl I wanna watch but we just here in the boxes someone someone took me in the other room so I'm on Roblox um someone took me to another room and then come out I gotta make sure I'm like pressing on shift um that don't sound good I don't sound too good he's gonna come and start running after us one right now oh god there he goes I can't see flashlight oh hell no I don't know where he's at me he's not even following you guys though oh he's out there [Applause] no he's stuck on the boxes oh he knocked up on the boxes he's going after you guys um I don't know someone on The Middle foreign I'm running oh God oh God oh okay in this corner I'm gonna go get you guys well I need to bring him here [ __ ] I died anyways I'm teleporting I I'm spectating hi he's standing there in the corner you sure yeah he's just ending there in the corner no I don't want to get in here or move you can see him that's why yeah he's all the way on the left side I mean right he's all in the right side these were my dead bodies at no I'm just staring at him he won't follow me though I saw him I saw him but he didn't seem careful he's on the other side he's moving he's gonna start moving it's like it's live in there uh he going after someone why is it me I wanted to do the Jukebox he would he went the other way oh God chica moving run oh [ __ ] um there was chica and that was Bonnie I want to go that way come on all I see from the back is Chico running to the other room I would continue running [ __ ] why did you like that where's this dude okay Bonnie's just standing there chica also just kind of [ __ ] up right there too oh yeah oh they moved all right there they are okay they're not moving yet no they're normal you're staring at me though oh [ __ ] you go moving punch out why is chicken run like that for real I look back and chica's just like dipping don't look back [Laughter] it does finder wow he said don't [ __ ] touch me but chica's just standing there like yes please [Laughter] I was trying to distracted so Anna did it out there [Laughter] [Music] my love is just chilling until chicken came over right there I think I think Bonnie's just chilling [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] run ready Freddy's coming after you love [Music] he did he jumped him how are you supposed to survive for six minutes oh you scared the [ __ ] out of me oh Freddy's gone they're over there oh [ __ ] yeah Bonnie's stuck Jesus mine is running because I'm running or what yeah Freddy's coming after one of you I don't know if you spectate America it's funny to see them run past your dead body wow oh there's only one person alive again come on you got like two minutes yeah they're both phones [Laughter] oh yeah it's just she's floating she's levitating I'm fine [Music] run run run they run past their dead body may you move yeah yeah oh [ __ ] now you're running from four animatronics I also don't hear the music box anymore [Music] you know he's trying to take a sniff he gotta go with did you fart in his face at least [ __ ] works out because come to the table is because she was running I think I'm gonna play on my phone instead I'm just gonna try to play on your phone what what you got him he's dying I'm talking about boxing is it good and that was only night two all right let's let's try a golden Freddy what bet let's go I'm waiting at the table oh yeah they're all shable what I am on the five player one where our game though if you're not in the same server no are you serious oh I just closed up yeah this is you oh okay I'm going back why the golden Freddy level because it's fun four-wheel I'm here let's go wait give it a second all right all right come on leave right next to it ew oh bless you thank you [Music] go oh god oh nevermind Emery Emery Emery what did you make it no no damn time to go back I mean where are you nope it's not my phone oh hell no I did see golden Freddy sitting right there time to join him again bobbin on this table the game not that bad all right we're even itchy feel like my brother was telling me to shut up because I was screaming where's Emery I don't know she tried okay oh period here please it's like half of the people in our school the Cheeto girls with long ass nails with Cheeto dust deliver their hoodies honestly are they doing like tick-tocks there's some crusty ass ones too knock rocks with pins look like this [Music] I'm out here three hours later why is there a Mexican running by the house sure [Music] foreign over there oh wow okay he was Deez Nuts oh Emery I'm trying I think you need to get better wi-fi you know I need to get a better computer I have a two-in-one I mean she's in the game she's lagging laughs the lights haven't even loaded in that's how [ __ ] slow it is there we go yay for real my grandpa too and you had one yeah I never did not anymore though let's go oh my gosh she finally made it in here you know what look I'm typing with one finger yay let's go no I don't wanna go that way do they move faster [ __ ] it stood up he stood up I wouldn't want to go that way anymore no thank you I'm gonna go in this corner um oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] not even 30 seconds we're all dead you're the only one oh God you got this love no I don't got six hours left you got it you got it you got it Dodge him be careful Mingle uh [ __ ] YouTube um ain't no way she's living living golden Freddy is gone um wow I'm surprised too it's coming for the batteries just trying to get those batteries if they made too much money let me get them real quick me well not me anymore because I don't need batters because I don't play on a controller anymore you know the music makes it worse yeah the problem I'm just looking [Music] you did good love not bad [Music] doing it again no I think I think we should just try finishing uh two for now uh what about what about what about six six should do six wait for Emery hey lights please now we're waiting for Anna Emery who the [ __ ] is walking that slow oh he really she really went she fell so slow okay let's go wait wait wait let's go I saw her fall and it was so slow that's like you you remember when Bree was playing with the school computer that's how so she was walking yeah she has feather falling for real yeah deadly falling yay you should make him good and I joined or some [ __ ] was in front of me and it was golden Freddy I'm walking away golden Freddy started walking close to me and I was like no thank you it ain't my turn yet someone moved again oh yeah Jesus [Music] is we're just gonna see Emery walk what was that that scared me hey move turn around the chisels behind me I'm not going that way fast it's golden Freddy [ __ ] off Dylan Freddy Freddy Freddy um I can't really move because dude oh move away uh Emery's dead ready I got my chica what else another two digits oh my God hi I'm just trying to run I'm trying to survive now go away go away I'm gonna get Chase I'm getting chased I'm getting chased why no I died anyways Marco's just standing on the [ __ ] side oh there comes body I Cry [Music] so so uh we can see get out leave oh she did Not Dead run oh [ __ ] Safari oh never mind um he got gangbang oh okay that was terrified for you guys one anyways so is Brie gonna play or yeah wait hold on there I just need to looks like we're playing 10 players yeah because there's no uh six player yeah how many player why did I get oh my goodness Bree don't join me I am I'm not in the same forever where are you guys [Music] I'm like going uh join me now okay all right I wonder if you see a person dancing that's me a person multiplayer yes yes uh it's e-dance you got the slashy dance slash I don't care what it's called where are you guys yeah there's a space where the e's at what the heck done slash e space Oh my goodness space dance try what dude it's super fast but computers being Kaka foreign we're all on a table we're gonna all emails all right hold on are you calling me out not the creeper yeah why at least I look better than I don't know I'm a blob I gave up I'm trying to make a character so I'm just a blob I can actually buy myself green hair I did play for several years so all these people like all y'all like all y'all have good stuff I have like the two you can't use emotes here I was just emoting though I said that I'm the only character here you're the only original character here oh yeah oh there's three all right uh we which level are we going on one one really yeah really we're waiting everybody go to one go to one go I can't go in um [Music] that's great I love you too when it's just saying that so if you can play go to menu go to menu I gotta go back to menu you gonna play you want to play with us it goes Festival tell me you wanna play Ghostbusters yes okay also currently sick damn I'm sick of being in that house what do you mean I'm kidding I take it back sick of the monster on your bed I hope she gets paralyzed again stop uh amber used to playing we can we can go back to five players since Tommy joined let me let me switch to my iPads so okay I can't hear anything [Music] good morning I love that we have a million spoons bye it's time around here yeah Tommy is not anymore someone had to yell out some things just kind of got yelled at she's getting all that by myself and I still haven't died you're still in the game apparently died by now stupid first of all Tommy knows how we talk she shouldn't have like been on her phone yeah on speaker too [Music] much yeah did y'all I know Marco saw [Music] um play music stop playing music who's playing music not me hey hello hello okay okay okay it works God damn hi delirious yeah you sound like you're talking from an Android even though you're not using any Android how do you know that leave oh hold on let me let me try something hold on let me try something who is loud as hell follow me out of the blue it just got loud oh never mind I can't do that I'm here we're waiting for Tommy oh right sorry sorry oh wait where are we doing it's so funny for that game um okay yeah yeah I'm gonna have two boom uh okay hold on oh I don't have my controller oh that's right somebody had to leave it it's two idiots in this house well I don't have a I hardly iPads no more wait multiplayer yeah personally you don't play anymore because you don't you can basically everyone ignore is Mexican not me that's racist it's white bro all I've seen is don't butcher those words ever again please wait what Barbary you're worse than a white person okay letters on them so oh I can't read since when could you ever read you can't read either [Music] say thank you in Spanish it's not right wait did you just think you love oh Tommy do you know where I'm at in the next round we're on the next side [Music] we're all on a table and then it's just gum oh wow let me let me just ignore what [ __ ] said real quick my bad oh there he is no all I had to look for was boogers and then I found my way over here I mean that's better than all right ready hold on oh the time let the time let the time go down we're gonna do a number two let's go right back Betty I'm ready to be uh a background character and probably die Maybe yes it's not that bad Tommy do you want to see Freddy come on I'm gonna go see Freddy bro they're coming out with uh New Order movies uh Tommy want to see Freddy and they're leaving look there's mangle there's mango left oh it's fine they're coming out with a new horror movie and it's all black people and it said we can't all die first like oh that's funny is this back room huh all right what what the hell happened I mean you want to see Freddy did Freddy I don't want to see Freddy Freddy don't move Bonnie under your hand other hand he does I want to stand too close your your goal is to run from them your goal is to run damn bunny hey yo wrestling wait did Bonnie ever have it yes yeah I'm waiting over here in this little corner I shall watch from all the way over here I was supposed to stop I didn't listen wait we're supposed to not can you still flash that oh yeah run why nothing is from game grandma is it's a game um it got oh we got Emery wait no Bree damn it I'm confused okay wait what if we hide what if we had kids you can't hide follow you till the end time hurry no what if they didn't see you and then you hide you can't find you people just walk around that's racist though that's that's like immigration all over again Ah that's that's really real money stuck good and where Mommy where are you I'm in the office who's gonna do that because I'm not doing that what music box I can't use my flashlight anymore Marinette oh Heidi they can't they can't find me if they can't find me they don't know where I is n't there a place to leave in here I don't know I'm scared wait how about how bad's the jump scare not bad they're like mid look this is where Bree's dead freeze right here dead oh again I can't run oh my God why is it me ant uh Army's done oh why is it me what did I do I didn't do anything am I offense that's [ __ ] I didn't do anything nothing at all I didn't do anything nothing at all oh wait I'll say that don't say that yeah oh there goes you know what oh my God I'm running I'm just running around just cruising not scared of anything at all the music's not tempting to cry you're gonna follow me I'm gonna die it's fine I'll die I'll die peacefully I got jumped I call that dumb all right trying to do it all over again [Music] um in my defense we should do it at a higher level wait I don't know like like like like number three night three there's cringy people in here oh wow I need to text my wifey back um anyways not yourself is that a booger wow follow the booger we're over here we're not over there you're in the wrong spot Brea get out follow the bigger follow the owl the Green Owl that wants to be me so bad oh where's the booger find the booger and the owl there's a Green Owl all right there's Emery where where's uh where's Brie joining hold on that's very surprising dessert excuse me what the hell um what the actual [ __ ] are you doing look at his toes like that my bad where am I [Music] um that was hilarious bro um I don't know I'm dumb I'm sorry I get teleported and I just scream um where's Brie right here like this protecting Donuts hoe you mean your phone everything's done no I'm not using my phone um everybody's here yay let's go to night three why am I pretty what please tell me because it's much fun why is everybody here night three break oh my God with the gravel and dirt you are there oh there's bird yay let's go Marco was trying to kicking me out what couldn't kick you out you're trying to kick me out for no reason size the fact that I'm black [Music] um forget it oh my bad we'll get it your shoes are black why are you wearing black shoes that's scary that's scary that's scary I don't want to be that club wait wait does balloon move why oh my God oh yeah no there's no green I'm Charlie other than Monty and freaking the Flappy Frog what do you mean they're not on here though I wonder if there's more but like different games let's hang out in the bathroom like every every person every school day yeah yeah what about what about we stand right in front of him and then we scatter once they move I need to turn on my flashlight let me stop using it oh no robots they can't do that I think a lot sometimes we can start running at us they're robots they can't do that I don't hear music oh [Music] where's Tommy um oh my God oh my God bodies right in front of me a dead body it was my fault you died first how can they tell me oh yeah it's right in front of Tommy where's Tommy oh call me dad as well we died we died doing what we love um Bonnie's coming over here okay I'm gonna just use my phone I think um um Bonnie was stuck on me for three minutes and couldn't get me from the bathroom oh I know Michael run on Instagram I don't even know what I'm doing oh yeah Dylan shut up um yeah [Music] cheek is awake oh God damn it chica oh looks like I'm running that way he's still chasing monkeys [Music] all right dip I run I'm different [Music] um oh this is good continue to talk fast damn they're stuck continue the process again I see chica's just like driving and getting flipped back you're not gonna run whatever um I went over here yeah Freddy could run push are you in the bathroom where are you free died by the drinks me and Tommy died in the bathroom yes I went in the place I wasn't supposed to you know money moves and then be careful look there's Freddy is it come after me [Music] she is right behind you all right what do I do yeah where are you we're all dead [ __ ] Chica the other chica damn you better run I'm running oh you're dead we're all good oh [ __ ] the Marinette hello Oh I thought that was mangle the Marinette got me okay hold on yeah it's my time to shine
Channel: Marcobeast666 _
Views: 18,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hx3W9YsbuFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 58sec (3658 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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