Speedrunning FNAF World almost destroyed my sanity

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today we're speed running through fnaf world the game that asks what if five nights at freddy's was an rpg now we're gonna start the speed run as soon as we have our crew set up and as soon as we press done we start the timer but then reset the game by pressing f2 because if we don't do this we have to stay through some long dialogue so instead we can reset the game go back in here and there we go we're at the start well after this loading screen of course but after that you can see we're now in fnaf world and right away we're gonna do something cool so what i can do is i can hold to the left on this tree and we can go through it and then go down this gives us a direct portal to one of the last places in the game and a place where we can get some really overpowered characters well we're only going after one and yeah we're just gonna walk over there but while we do that i'll kind of explain fnaf world basically yeah it's an rpg and everything is pretty cute i mean there's not too much else to say about it well we're gonna get in this portal and now we're gonna be playing freddy in space now as you can see this becomes a side scroller and we also have a gun so basically this is one of the fan games that the creator of five nights at freddy's was thinking about making and this is a little play at it where he's kind of making fun of the entire idea while also giving us kind of a tech demo of what it would be so at the top you'll see that scott will constantly talk about a spin-off that he's planning on making but we're gonna ignore him because instead we just have to make it through the game now one thing that i should say for this game is we have to spam a lot i'm not holding the shoot button i am spamming it which does kind of hurt your hands so what i do is i actually switch around my arms so my left arm is holding the arrow buttons and then my right arm can use the gun and jump it's kind of a weird setup but it works and that's how i go fast then as we go through this game all we're really looking for is the super jump because we need that to finish out this part so we're taking a pretty specific path just going through and we can ignore some of these enemies because we have so much health that we don't really have to worry about losing too much of it i will play this kind of safe and i will take out that green tentacle thing i don't really know what to call it and we're also going to be going over here to get a cupcake you'll notice that a few times in this run i will get cupcakes because that's going to make our gun more powerful which of course will take out enemies faster and the boss that will come in later but finally we just have to do a little bit more platforming and we can make it to the top and get the super jump so now we have to go all the way back to the beginning of this level so that we can use everything that we just got and yeah like i said now we have a super jump so we can jump way higher and actually make it to a new place once we go back a little bit so in general there's not too much to say about this i'm kind of just playing the game but backwards we do want to make sure that we have a lot of hearts for the ending section though because we are going to want to tank a bunch of damage so i just want to make sure i play this fairly well which i actually really messed up in that part but we're not going to worry about that and just hope we get some hearts and after that we can now go up into this area which our super jump just barely reaches and make it to a brand new area where scott really doesn't want us to go there but before we continue on i'm also going to take this cupcake and yeah now it's time to finish out this part of the game so first of all i will want to take out this enemy because i don't have as many hearts that i would like but now that we have 41 for the rest of these enemies i can just go right through them it will make me lose 10 hearts but we are able to deal with that it's just a little bit risky but i'm pretty confident in my ability to play this game and since we just skipped past the robots the screen hasn't had time to react to us so we can go through all the other enemies before coming here and crouching at this specific spot and all scott's attacks are going to miss us while the laser on the top will hit us but it doesn't really matter because we can finish him off pretty easily and there we go now we have a new party member and this one is going to be very overpowered so we reset the game go back into it and now we're going to select jack obani you'll see we get spawned all the way back here and now we have another trick where we're going to want to go into the bytes menu select done and as soon as we get back in the game then we can just go past golden freddy usually we would have to talk to him but that takes a bunch of time especially throughout the entire run so if we skip him here we never have to see him again and as soon as this loading screen ends i'm also going to press this button which is going to unlock another fast travel location for me and now it's finally time to get onto the actual rpg parts of the game so you'll see for pretty much all the random encounters i'm just gonna run away from them that's because we have a really good strategy later in the run so we don't need the xp that they're gonna give us but it does take a bit to run away so it is kind of annoying a big part of this game is completely luck and you will definitely see that when we're ending off the run alright flan can you please let me run away why is this taking so long anyway now as we go through here we can get on to our first boss battle but because we have jack obani we can just finish this guy off in one shot yeah we're literally overpowered now and after this we're gonna go into this area and i actually didn't mention what these areas are basically these areas allow us to go into different parts of the map and yeah probably has some more significance but i don't really care and also if we go into these glitching trees we get onto this area which is even weirder we move slower now everything is black and white and again there's probably some significance for it but i'm not gonna worry about it i'm just trying to go fast and as soon as we make it out we can press that button to get another fast travel location and get run luck which is going to give us more luck with running away from enemies faster and then we're going to do a little bit of a glitch where we hold up and right right there and now we can go through all of these things and i say this is a glitch but it's also not really a glitch it's kind of a feature of the game you can see there are even specific enemies that scott put in for this feature so it's kind of a cool thing and we can get auto shield with it but we can't fast travel anywhere otherwise it will mess a bunch of things up so i just travel back here and now we can fast travel back to this boat area we're also going to put our auto shield on because that's going to give us some more defense for later in the run so it's pretty much like normal we're just going through the map again and don't worry because the exciting part of the speed run is about to be here but before we get there yeah we have another one of these sections now the good thing about these sections is they're very easy when you're speed running because we know exactly where to go i just have to make sure that i don't mess up the pathing which i have before but i've done way too many of these speed runs to mess this up now so all we have to do is just follow what i know and really hope i just don't make a bad mistake yeah sometimes that's kind of difficult for my brain but we just had to go through a couple areas and then we make it into there which is going to put us into the black tomb yard and with this all we're just doing is kind of just going by you know going through some trees and stuff we see some prototypes but we don't really care about them we're gonna run away like everybody else and now we're in the deep metal mine and with this we just have to take another path you know i can't really explain it any better than that but as soon as we get to the end of the path into the tombstone now we're back into one of these sections so for this one i'm going to want to take the bottom right path and then i can go into this glitching tree which puts me into the black and white place again we're going to want to take the right path go up and now we're into another one of these sections so this one is even slower and also even weirder so yeah we just very slowly crawl through the entire place that we have to go i mean one nice thing is it gives me a lot of time to think and kind of just rest from the run but it definitely is a strange part of the speed run but anyway we make it through that portal now we just have a couple more and these are pretty simple there's not really too many places to go but finally we get to be the blue guy again and we are so much faster when we're him it actually feels so good but with that path we're now into the pinwheel circus we can press another button and now we're going to the top of the map so yeah some pretty simple movement until we get into a dogfight these guys really don't want me to run away please guys i have a really good run do not ruin this and we're gonna meet this guy who is called browboy now for this guy we have pretty much the exact same strategy we're just gonna use jackal bomb on him and he gets completely obliterated don't worry there will be harder bosses later on but for now we're still very overpowered and now what we want to do is we want to go into this green 10 which makes us get this really weird screen effect but we just have to take the general path that we need to take we'll get a tango after us but we don't really care about them so we're going to run away and now it's time for an actually strong boss this guy's called bubba and we have to use strategy basically with foxy we want to use jump scare to stun him with chica we want to use birthday to get us some stats up and with freddie we want to increase our speed so we use all these people together to do the fastest results and we got pretty lucky with this fight then after that we're gonna go into a couple more places but not go into the intended path or i guess this kind of is the intended path but go into a slightly different one and yeah now we're back in this world this is finally the last one of these worlds that we're going to have to do which is nice because they are kind of boring to be honest but we're going to go in this path get back into this section and with this one it's pretty simple we just go to the right pretty much when playing the speed run if you don't know whether to go left or right you usually choose right for some reason the path just works that way and yeah there we go now all we have to do is make it back through these glitchy points finally get back to the blue guy and uh it just feels so good when you're going fast because you go so slow as the other characters and once we pop out the other side now we have another fight against pork patch now this guy isn't too bad but he can still kill you if you're not careful actually i'm not even sure if he can we just jack obama and he kind of dies yeah that was a little easy but after that fight we get a key and now we can start completing the game so we're going to use our fast travel points to quickly go through the map and we can open up those locks to press these buttons next we're going into our third fast travel point and we'll be going down in this direction and now we have to fight the snow cone with this one pretty much the exact same strategy we're gonna use birthday our speed song all the good stuff just making sure that we don't die and this one actually is a little bit scary i've never died on him but i have gotten kind of close but all we really worry about surviving is our jackal bonnie because he is all of our damage and yeah you can see he still obliterates people but after pressing this button it is now time for one of the scariest fights in the game so we're gonna go boat through a couple places and before we press this button now we have to fight against supergoon now this guy attacks really quickly he is kind of weak why if he's aiming solely at your jack-o-bony he can very easily kill you you see we're at 36 health but thankfully i was able to use my attack and finish him off yes i've lost a few runs to this guy it's awful but two more fights and we're going to be done with the speed run all we have to do is get kind of lucky so we're going back into the black tomb yard and we have to take the same general path over here but once we get into the cave i'm going to take this path where i go up and to the left and you'll see there's another lock but before we get to the button now we have to fight against overclock which is one of the scariest people in the game because you're usually gonna have to do three attacks versus him and you'll see one of my people is already taken out a couple of them are kind of dying but thankfully he hasn't been focusing on bonnie so we just have to hope we're able to make it through he has almost killed me at this point but we're able to take care of him and now we only have the final boss left i cannot tell you how many runs i've lost to this guy but we're going to press this button go to our last fast travel point and now it's time for the worst boss in the game and the reasoning behind that is we're going to use the move slasher we don't have enough damage yet to take care of this guy so we have to hope for a 1 in 10 chance to one shot him and by using bonnie's slasher that will do just that if we get the 1 in 10 chance and another thing is this guy can one shot every single one of our animatronics so what you'll see me doing is switching back and forth when he's about to use an attack so i can just make sure that probably doesn't happen it's still kind of terrifying but i do want to go fast and yeah we're just hoping it works out and i have gotten some of the worst luck in the world like this fight never goes well for me it says it's a one in ten chance but it really does not feel like that i'm just gonna keep using slasher and failing it's really sad and yeah there's not really too much else you can do you just kind of have to play it smart and hope things work out in your favor but please just give me the slasher i'm now down to three animatronics so we're really hoping for a slasher and it also doesn't want to work if he attacks my body though he could kill it sometimes he will sometimes he won't but now we're down to two yeah this fight is actually awful and he also attacks bonnie right there we have 82 health one more hit and we're going to die but thankfully we finally got a good slasher after all those times i don't even know how many times it was but there we go that is the final boss and all we have to do is finish out the game so after that fight we're gonna walk upwards and now we're not going to end off our speed run until we go through all this stuff basically scott is just mocking us because he's like wow you beat a game on an easy difficulty but hey i'm pretty proud of it and we're gonna end off time as soon as we see the end and there we go 1733 which is a fourth place time we could have done a bit better if we got some better rng but i was streaming speed runs of this game for four hours on my twitch channel and i just couldn't do it anymore please subscribe if you enjoyed
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 4,639,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, fnaf world, speedrun, speed run, world record, speedrunning, speedrunner, fnaf world speedrun, fnaf world speed run, fnaf speedrun, fnaf speed run, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's speedrun, fnaf world world record, fnaf world wr, fnaf, five night at freddy's, speedruns, wr, speedrun world record, fnaf world record, eazyspeezy fnaf world, eazyspeezy fnaf, eazyspeezy speedrun, any%, games done quick, fnaf any%, horror speedrun, horror game speedrun
Id: rw75YrsrGuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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