Five Nights at Freddy's - The Full Movie (NEW ENDING!) [Tony Crynight]

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i remember watching this a long time ago when that springtrap mangle marriage thing was the latest episode and it was actually pretty sick

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Tamehhh 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

The "movie" isn't that bad actually. Well, I liked it lmao

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/BamBam_19 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watched this when I was 10 un-ironically

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/TopHatTurtle1 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watched this in like, 2014 when it was episode by episode. I never finished it but I liked it then because I was a depressed boi-o

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/SorisOnline 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

ngl I didn’t like the fangle ending- i prefer foxica but the animation is well done

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I remember a part or 2 about this. I was like, 10-11maybe when I saw it. Forgot when

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

This whole shit started because Chica was jealous on Mangle and Foxy being together and literally tried to kill Mangle because of it, this ''movie'' is so bad lol.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

I like how they used a 5 instead of typing out five

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/I_am_a_ghost1 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
-Hello, my dear! -Hello, my dear! -Who's there? -Just a friend... Don't be afraid! -Who are you? -I'm just a solitary kind of rabbit. I've been living here for years... Alone. The dark is my only companion. -I-I'm sorry... I didn't know someone else lived here. I'm going somewhere else... -I'd like you to stay here a little longer. I haven't talked to anyone for such a long time... You know, it's awful when people avoid you, when people hate you... You feel lonely, helpless... and there's nothing you can do about it. -I know, I know what you mean. What's your name? - They call me... Springtrap! - Springtrap?! - Your wonder makes me suppose you've already heard this name... - Well... yes... s-sometimes... - I don't have a good reputation, do I, Mangle? - What? N-no. I mean... Wait... How do you know my name? - I know a lot of things. Poor Chica, poor Bonnie... They were only trying to help you! And you almost destroyed them! You ruined everything. Now Foxy hates you. There's nobody on your side. You're as lonely as I am. - It's true... I've ruined everything. - That's why I'm asking you to stay with me... - Stay with you? - Stay with me forever... - As my bride! - What?! - You heard me, Mangle! Marry me, and we will reign together over this place! - I can't marry you!... I love Foxy! - Foxy doesn't like you anymore... Nobody does! - Deal with it! It's your only chance, my dear! - Me... or nobody! - Then nobody is my choice! - I knew you would have said that... - But I took some precautions! - What's that? - A sort of remote control. I found it in the old warehouse of the pizzeria... - This little device can reset an animatronic at a distance of twenty yards... - Each animatronic has its own... This in particular... - Belongs to Foxy! - What do you mean? - If you reject me, Foxy will be... erased! -I just need to push this small button, and everything he has done, thought or wished... - Will be lost... Forever! - You can't say that, please! Please don't do it! - Oh, that all depends on you! - Marry me, Mangle... And Foxy will live! - Oh, well... The choice is yours... I'm gonna go find Foxy and... - No, stop! Please... - I'll accept. - You clever girl... - Okay... So now what? - The only thing left to do is split up! - Me and Chica will go right. Bonnie: go left! - Oh! Well, you know guys... Maybe we should-ah... - Bonnie is right! We're never gonna find her this way! We need a plan! - Yeah! We'll get Fre-! - A plan!? Guys, seriously? It's a pizza place! - It is! And that's why we should get Fredd-! - We'll just have to keep searching! But we can't do that on our own! - That's what I've been trying to te-! - We need some help! - Well, why didn't you say so sooner? Follow me! - Stop looking at me like that! - Three... Two... One... A-ah! - Hi, Freddy! - Ah! Somehow I knew you guys were gonna show up! - Hi freddy - Ah! Somehow I knew you guys were gonna show up. - So... the four of us, finally together... What could go wrong? Well, I doubt you guys just came here to say "hello"! What's the problem? - Eheh, um... Mangle disappeared... - No kidding! You mean after you suddenly made her name make sense? - Ahahahahaha! Uhh- oh... - There's no time for jokes! Mangle tried to destroy Chica and Bonnie, then she ran off somewhere... - Oh, interesting! And what am I supposed to do about it? - You have free access to the security cameras! You're the only one who can find her! - I've been watching you, guys! And now you want me to get involved? Count... me... out! - But Freddy...! - Hey! I got better things to do! Like... Counting... these... bills... - Yeah! That sure looks fun! Why are you counting bills anyway?! - Oh, come on, Freddy! It'll be fun! All we gotta do is just find Mangle and bring her back here! And then we won't bother you anymore! Promise! - Well... Alright! - Woo hoo! - But once we find her, that's it! I have better things to do than to get caught up in you guys ridiculous robo-romantics. - Better things to do? - Hey! Someone's gotta run this place! - Mmh... They're on their way! Very well... Don't worry, my little bowel bug! Everything is going as planned! Welcome to my lovely kingdom, my queen!I hope you're quite confortable! You know, I wasn't completely sincere with you... Now that we're married, I suppose I can let you in on my little plan... - What are you talking about? - Oh, it's quite simple, my dear! You see, a long time ago, this place wasn't known as "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza"... It belonged to me, and to a very old friend of mine... Mr. Fredbear! We were a glorious duo, Fredbear worked for business and, I did the entertainment. Those were the days! But then, one day, a new animatronic arrived to the pizzeria: it was Freddy. He had great ideas, great projects... Just a little too great! He wanted to transform the restaurant, add new robots. But Fredbear didn't agree. Their rivalry soon crossed the line, and one night, Fredbear and I tried to destroy Freddy. Something went wrong, and eventually Freddy prevailed... My old friend Fredbear was crushed. Freddy banished me from the pizzeria, and told me not to come back... But I wasn't going to go away that easily... I remained hidden in the old warehouse, my new kingdom, and I kept watching for a long time... Mangle!I know how you feel! - I don't understand! It's not like that at all, I'm sure he would forgive you, just... please... let me go, I...! -I need you, here and now! I've waited for too long, Mangle! -Too long... for what? What does this have to do with me?! -In all these years, I kept myself quite busy! It's time to finally set things right... - What is this? What're you trying to do?! - Isn't it obvious!?! It's Fred Bear! I re-built him! Piece by piece, I've used all the original parts that I could find... Well, almost... - This doesn't have anything to do with me! what did I ever do to you to- - Actuaaaally it does.. you see, Mangle, Freddy has used some parts of Fredbear to build the new animatronics... Mostly, it was just a bunch of bolts. Nothing really important... But unfortunately, the chip containing his personality was taken too... - You're insane... - I was searching for that chip everywhere, and finally I found it! Because I found you!! - It's inside you, Mangle! The chip... is inside you... - No! You're lying! - I've read the drafts of the projects... there's no doubt about it! Fredbear's essence is contained within you! Naturally, the chip was dormant, but... I've found the way to wake it up again! - And what will happen to me when you wake him up? - You... will sadly be turned off to allow my friend to live, but... it's a necessary sacrifice. - I had everything I could wish for... Foxy loved me, and I love him too... it was the beginning of something new.. and now it's all turned. I miss my body. I miss my friends... I hope they will forgive me, I hope Foxy will forgive me... - I forgive you Springtrap. - Springtrap? I forgive you... - Mangle! Are you here? Please, come out! We're not angry! - She's gotta be here... The cameras record the entire pizzeria, except this old warehouse, and she wasn't anywhere on the monitors! - Mangle!! Come on, don't do this to us! Where are you?! - Well, well... It's been a long, long time... Hasn't it, Freddy? - That voice..? It can't be! - Oh, yes! It can... It really can! - Springtrap!? But how?! I thought you were... - ...Gone? Well, sadly for you, I've never left actually... And I've waited so long only to get what I wanted... Our revenge! - "Our"?! What do you mean by "our"? Have you been living in the past this whole time? Times have changed! Your partner is dead and... - ...Where is she?! - Oh, the loving fox... Looking for his beauty... Don't worry, Mangle's here... But... I'm afraid she won't hear you... - Apparently surprises never arrive alone, Freddy Fazbear... Look! Look what I have done!! - It's me...!! - Get him Fredbear... - You don't have a chance Fredbear, you're gonna fall, just like last time! - It's meeeee..! - Is that the only thing you can say!? - Fredbear, no! - Out.. with the old... - In....with.. the new!! - Your dear Mangle... she was so useful for my plans, Foxy... I'm so sorry, I had to switch her off to bring Fredbear back! But don't be sad, she's still living inside him, locked away... You should feel delighted.. I did her a favor! Now she doesn't have to look like THIS anymore. - No, Freddy, stop! Mangle is not dead, she must be inside that monster somehow... I-I don't know what it means, but maybe there's a way to bring her back... A button, a lever, there must be something! - Give my greetings to Mangle...!! -Foxy! -What the hell did you do to him!? Foxy! Come on, what's wrong with you!? my revenge... our revenge... Freddy... Freddy Fazbear, I wasn't born a monster. I was made a monster by you. And I will die a monster... -Freddy, look out!! -No, Fredbear! -Mangle! Don't do this! I know you're in there! Just wake up! -Oh... my head! W-What happened!? -Mangle... Foxy loved you so much... does that mean anything to you? -It's meeeh... -It's YOU, Mangle... I know you're there! Look at him, look at him! Is THIS what you want? -Oh... Uh-oh... I'm back! -Mangle... I'm... sorry... It's all my fault! -I'm sorry too... -What happened to Foxy? -I don't know, Springtrap pushed a button and he fell... He could be stunned... or reset... -R-reset...! -I'll fix him, don't worry. - Foxy! Foxy! Do you remember me? - Any news? - Not really, but I've seen the receipts, and this month seems a bit better than the last. - Good. Maybe people are finally starting to like Foxy again, even though... well, you know... - Yeah. We all know... - You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault, Chica. - I don't think I'll ever be able to accept this. - I'm still trying to study the manuals, maybe there's still a solution. Just don't be sad, Chica, I can't stand it... - I know that you will never get your memories back, Foxy... but I don't care... When I look at you, deep down, I know you'll always be the same fox that I gave my heart to, no matter what... Maybe it's just a matter of time, but... I hope that one day you'll look at me and... feel the same... Memories are one thing, but... deep down there's something... something more... - Duuude, that was so cheesy!
Channel: Tony Crynight
Views: 35,990,392
Rating: 4.7938552 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Crynight, Tonycrynight, Tony, Crynight, Five Nights at Freddy’s, FNAF, Freddy’s, Freddy, Mangle, Chica, Foxy, Bonnie, furry, furry animation, furry fandom, cartoon, animation, animated, animated short, part 15, part 16, part 17, ending, final, battle, gore, episode, horror, funny, Halloween, short, love, story, fox, vixen, Nights, Five, at, Eric W. Schwartz, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphic animals
Id: TW-w4VwxHOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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