Rainbow Friends vs. Security

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terrible news a group of man-eating monsters known as the rainbow friends are attacking the village oh no they're eating the villagers [Music] huh oh no that's the next Village over that means the rainbow friends might come to our home too we need to build some security right away I don't want to be eaten let's hurry we'll make five anti- rainbow friends security measures first up over here let's build something to use against Blue what kind of security blue tends to chase people when he finds someone so let's use that to our advantage and trap him good idea okay let's build over here first we'll need a big space for our security [Music] measure now let's build a massive maze to trap blue inside got it [Music] all right that's done the maze is ready to go Mikey this maze doesn't have an exit anywhere oh interesting that means once we close off the entrance blue will be stuck wandering around in here with absolutely no way out for the rest of time oh awesome there's no time to waste let's get to building a device that seals off the entrance yeah let's go next up all right we'll make a system that uses iron bars to close it off let's see I'll need a few sticky pistons and iron bars and last but not least a redstone circuit to close it all up now I'll do some digging up here to connect the iron bars to the sticky pistons that should do the trick this looks like a good place to hook up the Redstone circuit I'll build the system to open and close the bars down [Music] here okay I'll rearrange this to connect it with the Redstone torches let's bring it up if we lead it to the roof this is a good spot to connect it it'll go like this perfect I guess I'll put a delay on it great the system to seal off the exit is complete wow awesome once we get blue lost in the Maze we'll flip this lever when we do that the entrance will seal off like this and he won't have a way out that way we can keep blue trapped inside the maze forever woohoo tra trapping blue inside the maze is a pretty Surefire way to deal with him mhm however once blue is trapped we'll want to see what he's up to I think we should install security cameras throughout the maze oh good thinking now then I guess we'll put up security cameras around here like this I'll put one here too we'll definitely need a security camera over here and over here and one more here to finish it off all right we finished placing the security cameras by placing those cameras we'll be able to check what's happening inside the maze at any time awesome we finished setting up our anti-blue security measure we did it now we're all prepared not yet Mikey we have to build our anti-g green security measure anti-g green security what kind of Security will that be let's see I guess we should build it over here green is blind so let's use the power of sound to lure him into a trap interesting let's start by making a Space over here I'll use a command to do it all at once this should probably be big enough yes wao cool I've made a wide open space for our anti-green security measure okay next up in order to lure them into this room I think we should use some bells oh we'll put a whole bunch of bells here that should be good let's build a mechanism to automatically ring them this should [Music] work H and by placing a lever here it's complete wo green reacts to sound so if we ring all of the Bells at once I think we should be able to call them over okay let's try ringing them ready go it's actually really loud WOW we'll use this device to lure green into this room now to stop them click wo awesome but how will we beat Green just by calling him over it'll be fine Mikey we'll make a giant pitfall trap here that will capture anyone as soon as the enter the room that way we can defeat green I see let's put the pitfall trap right here we'll make the pit about this wide I want to make it really deep so we can't escape it would be a huge hassle to have to dig the pit manually so let's use a command [Music] wao that was quick wao if we call Green over using the bells he'll fall straight into this pit I want something for him to fall into oh I know let's fill this pitfall trap with lava good idea okay fill it with lots of lava just like this I don't think green will stand a chance once he falls in here all right the lava's in place since green is blind he won't be able to see the pit I think the noise from the bells will lure him into the lava great work JJ this is perfect even without the lava the pitfall trap is really deep I bet he'll never be able to climb out once he falls in uh-huh with that our anti-green security is complete all right woohoo we finished two separate security measures to deal with blue and green all right does that mean we're safe not yet Mikey we need to build anti- red security measures oh that's right they're still red let's build it quickly there's no time to waste there's an open space over here let's build a security measure in the back of the house guess I'll open this up H what kind of security should we use H I don't know oh I have an idea red is pretty small so if something heavy drops on him I think it'll end up squishing them flat let's deal with him by designing a trap that drops massive blocks on them from the ceiling oh I see I'll start by making a Space here I think I'll use a command perfect now we have sturdy blocks of iron like this for our anti- red security room wao cool uhhuh next for the Trap I mentioned that'll drop blocks on them let's use gravel we can put a huge load of gravel up here first we have to make a system to drop the blocks onto them from above right let's open the roof [Music] up all right now we need a platform to place the gravel [Music] on I'll start by placing sticky pistons and next I'll Place scaffolding [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here I need to do the same thing on the other side too yeah H we can place our gravel here as long as we have scaffolding to hold it up let's Place gravel on it like this just a little more nice this is a lot of gravel very [Music] nice great this gravel will fall right on top of Red's head but in order to make that happen I guess I'll set up a redstone circuit over here let's make it so that the gravel Falls with a flip of a lever I'll stack [Music] these now I'll dig [Music] here how's this I just have to make sure this connects to the section above it now to dig here and hook it all together I'll set this up so pulling a lever on the inside activates the Trap H how about over here I'll place the lever over here and connect it down by the [Music] bottom there it's hooked up now to build the same mechanism on the opposite side [Music] all right I'll connect this to the Redstone Circuits and now to fill this in I'll hide this there all done nice if we flip the lever the gravel will drop down from above and fall on whoever's inside our security measure is complete wow we did it we're good to go that means we're finally prepared to deal with red we'll beat Red by trapping him in here and dropping gravel on him H with this much security prepared we'll definitely be able to survive but just in case if our plans fail I think I'll make a couple more security measures a JJ you worry too much but if you say so cool let's do it we'll build some extra security just in case we need to escape all right let's get going the first thing we'll do is set an Escape Route with [Music] rails ready [Music] there we'll use these mine carts to escape from the rainbow friends huh huh hang on a sec JJ we can't get away from them with that plan uh why not if the rainbow friends follow us in their own mine carts they'll be able to catch us H you're right Mikey what should we do we can't just keep placing rails I know I've got an idea let's set up a roller coaster that acts as a trap to catch the rainbow friends huh a roller coaster how is that supposed to catch the rainbow friends watch this Mikey [Music] okay all right the roller coaster is ready wo next up I'm going to turn this into a trap trap that will only catch the rainbow friends right that's right I'll make this section Branch off into two paths One path will lead to the end while the other will lead to a trap with tons and tons of TNT I see all I have to do now is place the TNT for the Trap we'll set it up so that when the roller coaster arrives it'll set the TNT off next up I think I'll place the button to switch the tracks over here by placing the button where we'll end up we'll be able to switch the destination the tracks are headed to okay the TNT explosive device is complete once we reach our goal we need to hurry and press that button nice after that the rails will switch so when the rainbow friends come after us they'll crash into the TNT awesome you're smart even if the rainbow friends chase us they won't catch us one more thing Mikey make sure to keep this cardboard box with you huh a cardboard box what's this for when the rainbow friends show up we can hide under the boxes like this the rainbow friends aren't likely to attack if you're in here really cardboard boxes rule if we have these we don't have to be afraid of the rainbow [Music] friends it looks like night is Fallen I wonder where the rainbow friends will come from since we have our cardboard boxes and the ultimate security systems it doesn't matter where the rainbow friends come from that's true we have foolproof security huh huh H GJ look blue is coming for us huh yeah it's blue what do we do he's even bigger than I thought he would be we'll be okay let's lure blue into the security maze got it I'm scared but I'll do my best blue this [Music] way all right Mikey put your cardboard box on go it well he's in the [Music] house wa it really looks like blue won't notice us with our cardboard boxes on huh Mikey blue is looking the other way take off your cardboard box got it blue over here do run for it he saw us into the maze yes this way Mikey put your cardboard box on to hide got [Music] it he's coming this way I hope this works he hasn't noticed us right huh he went that way phew it seems like blue didn't know we were here oh wonderful and now let's go back yeah pH we made it back let's seal it off wao okay next let's check the feeds on the security cameras huh how's this camera well oh there's blue huh blue is wandering around oh he's still searching for us oh he went that way I'll check the second camera H oh here he comes there's blue he's still lost wo yes we succeed successfully trapped blue yes that maze doesn't even have an exit at this rate we'll be able to deal with the other rainbow friends super easily never underestimate your opponents leave it to me what's that there's something outside the door huh yeah it's green all right it's box Time Mikey there's no need for that huh why not green can't see let's use our plan to lure him with sound and drop him into the security lava oh that's right let's get his attention green over here this way now let's head to the bells H got [Music] it Green's coming inside all right that's it it's time to ring the bells Mikey okay let's lure green into the lava pitfall trap got [Music] it here we go I'll hit the switch how's [Music] that green is coming this way here he comes wao we did it we dropped green into the lava Mikey that means we succeed sucessfully beat Green with our [Applause] trap wait but isn't there a third rainbow friend we only face two of them once we beat the last one it'll all be over I hope so Mikey don't let your guard down what seriously JJ you're such a scaredy cat huh H what's that sound the door exploded someone's here Red's coming inside get to the back room we'll activate our security gravel I didn't expect red to show up so abruptly yeah I wasn't expecting that Mikey once red has reached the security gravel flip that lever got [Music] it here he comes now click all right oh did we do it oh we crushed red with the gravel Now red will never be able to come out from under there with blue and green stuck in the Maze and pitfall trap the rainbow friends will never be able to eat us we managed to defeat the rainbow friends hooray we did it huh h was that an explosion an explosion I didn't hear anything like that I've got a bad feeling about this huh it's the rainbow friends I thought we defeated red but he set blue and green free quick to the roller coaster get on the roller coaster got it we're going to make a fast Escape all right we successfully escaped what a relief now all we have to do is ride this roller coaster to get away the rainbow friends are following us on the roller coaster it'll be fine we plan for this we'll send the rainbow friends into the explosive device that's right we need to hurry to the end and pull the lever JJ we can do it okay here we go oh are we going to be okay get off Mikey let's hurry up and push that button all right here they come take this y did it work [Music] wow we did it we beat the rainbow friends yes we managed to fight off the rainbow friends we did [Music] [Applause] it if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 11,263,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: yrmF0TfcYjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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