Playing Dark Souls for the First Time! Exploring Painted World of Ariamis - Ellen's Souls Academy

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Ellen's come a long way but this was nearly the one that broke her.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/whoamdave šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™d wondered where this post was.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/cdskip šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone hey hey back to outside extra and me playing dark souls for the first time helped by my lovely friend mr luke westaway over there in the frame who has completed dark souls so he's a little bit a little bit ahead of me ellen you'll make me blush but i didn't complete it with nearly so much style and pizzazz as you as you are as you are storming through it with how how so we did ornstein and smaug and and yeah got the lord vessel last time it was absolutely massive yeah i'm i'm so excited for the for the for the rest of the game where things really get weird did were you were you up to anything in the meantime yeah i got i've got some bits and bobs to show you oh yes please so here in anor londo uh i went and fought this fellow oh oh it's night lord trek yeah night latrek so this is the this is my second attempt first attempt i was slightly i slightly overwhelmed uh yeah it's the fact that there are three there's three and then like okay i was like okay oh look at that two in one that was like if i line them up so i was like trying to like call the life oh yes [Music] [Applause] oh yes less than a minute less than a minute [Laughter] great great great but not just that not just that right let's head back here um i went down uh and rekindled the firelink shrine but my favorite fire guy wasn't there and i also wanted to you know your pyromancy yeah my pyromancy teacher wasn't there anymore okay okay um which was the same as last time and but on my travels i decided to go and try and get some more large titanite shards because i needed i wanted to upgrade some stuff um and so i went down to the slugs again down in black yeah and i came across this person here and i was like oh he's like hey this guy is hey i think that's i think that's my pyromancy guy because look he's got he's got fire that is kind of pyromancy and then he was like oh oh dear i had to take on my old pyromancy teacher gosh i probably got bitten by one too many of those this is these mosquitoes hung around to ruin the solemn moment but but great job ellen yeah thank you and then i went and got um the the crest of the artorias or whatever his name is yeah the thing that cost twenty thousand songs twenty thousand souls so i went and opened this door oh brilliant so that door i didn't go much further than this yeah but i just thought hey i'm gonna go open it have a look nose in look this is me being like so much less confident when i don't have a luke in the corner i'm going don't worry about that don't worry about that it's fine it's nice that was like okay okay so like having a look around looking for the the broccoli heads and there is something like is that something and i was like no it's just a brick just having a wander okay glowy flowers that's usually a sign of something to follow and suddenly caught my eye i was like oh what's that oh this is a ghosty man what's this oh no he hits hard so discover these two guys just chilling in the photos i'm like oh great smell faster but i found i basically my my thing is like i have to deal with spellcasters first um yes of course of course of course there we go nice roll under his stupid magic there you go there we go squish and then then it's just just soldier versus soldier one at one on one 1v1 me eh squish bonk how is he still standing i know i know he's got like the tiniest slither of health and then i did a jumping finish because i thought why not why not for a bit of flair amazing cool i also did the titanite demon but i did not set the scene up in time before this stream to show you all oh that's all right which one the one in analog one in an orlando so oh yeah yeah in this neck of the woods great work great work um well i mean you've certainly been industrious ellen um so i i think we we said that this this this time we were going to do the painted world of ariamis yeah ariamis ariamis however you want to say it just say it quick that's our thing are you missed paint the world of aramis yeah yeah um you know how to get there right ellen so uh yeah while you commute i will check in with the chat who i am minding as per uh what are the people saying jessica martin says love in these streams and all you guys do great company for researching my psychology essay 10 out of 10 recommend hope the week is treating you well thanks jessica martin kevin brown says congrats on austin smile have fun in the painted world of variabus the dark souliest of dark souls areas yeah i didn't look much up but when i was looking for things to put on the thumbnail there was an interesting article that was like the reason why people love dark souls and i'm like and it cited this this world you might feel differently here by the end of the stream mr logan clad says oh my giddy aunt is it time for the beautiful world of vermis you can do it small one hope everyone is doing well love you luke love you ellen no particular order i love equally love you chat now i think i have to i have to push this around at some point i think so uh harry potter chip says women's month may be over we appreciate all the oxboxtra women thank you for all your entertainment and heather snyder says lost 160k souls here while trying to level my weapons error ellen be wary of fall damage oh oh sound advice advice uh nathan aunt says poor priscilla well i mean let's talk about that because ellen i mean we try and avoid spoilers and going blind as much as we can with with this sort of stuff um as long as it's not gonna as long as it's not gonna make the stream agonizingly long or boring to watch yes but you will you already know about crossbreed priscilla because we did a whole like video yeah of choices we regret in games and for me the choice i regretted in the game was oh gosh got backstabbed yikes for me the choice i regretted was um killing crossbreed priscilla so we will see whether or not ellen chooses to um well i'm about to murderize her die yes zenogil 180 says hey guys can i have a birthday shout out yeah happy birthday happy birthday senegal 180 birthday i think that guy got stabbed by someone else not me oh good take it oh yeah look at that that was all i need perfect light attack opening glorious glorious glorious now um something to know ellen is that once you hop into the painted world of iron you can't get out until you finish the area um so the only thing that's really important um is there's quite a lot of enemies that do i think it's toxic so but but as i remember you've got like a trillion million well i've got 33 and eight they'll be fine yeah i'll be fine you can worry too much about this stuff you'll be all right um do do do is it blooming that does toxic i think so yeah come on cool do right keeping up with the chat as best i can shane brimson says hey good luck today can't stick around because wi-fi is bad can i get a get well soon shout out please currently in hospital with pneumonia again i'm sorry that sounds rubbish that was my hashtag 2019. yeah and i'm sorry that the um uh i'm sorry that the wi-fi is bad oh why bad wi-fi alright let's enjoy this let's enjoy this here we go it's a good old painting isn't it it's very pretty i want one on my wall oh no oh was that the what's it sting it's not that it's not the wilhelm scream it's the other something else so pretty there's no way back no way back only forward the snow sound is good though [Music] boy here are our [Music] angel beat says he's not very pyromantic eh i think that was in reference to your teacher who you murdered lush lovely top stuff all right all right all right all right all right now we're in it kevin brown says congrats on ornstein and smell oh i read that one already uh that's right paint world of aramis the dark souliest of dark souls areas yeah that's right oh goodness no thank you there we go down in unison lovely donk perfect okay what killed you probably just these guys it looks like so it's a bit um i mean like all of the game really it's a bit maze like the painted world of vermis but um basically just if you can see a pathway take it and explore it that's probably a good um that's probably a good a good thing to do uh there's loads and loads of items here none of which i think are like especially vital for you um but uh but you know it is it's cool to school to nose around and have a have a poke about ah there's your warning about toxic well oh i need to change uh my ring because i was getting some stuff so boost my stamina does this is it the spider one that helps the health shield oh the spider shield um that might be poison rather than toxic i can't remember something you could try actually things are they in this okay something something you could try is um pyromancy like uh i mean you'll see what the threat is but um well uh pyromancy might might actually um either be the way either way forward here oh my gosh what is what was that screaming noise hello that was just you too tyler the polo guy says just rage quit at no man's wharf in dark souls 2 and realized i forgot about the stream let's do this uh and tina says hey youtube i wanted to thank ellen for inspiring me to get an exercise bike last year now i can get fit while watching you slay monsters win win love your videos ah tino if you if you're if you're cycling cycling away right now yes then um and then a big hello from us go get him this is oh geez ow yeah they hit hard these things oh that's very effective brilliant ah okay so i get toxicity through that if i hit them if you if when they die when they die they explode okay so i just eat one of these yeah uh no the other one the blooming something to bear in mind is that once you have toxic if there are other ones in this area you can't get toxic twice yeah so just yeah yeah okay lovely but that um but that pyromancy was incredibly effective and and that way you can't get toxics i don't think only thing is it opens me up to those fire attacks lovely stuff well done ellen chris james says hey guys i'm just watching through my dvd collection in alphabetical order because lockdown and i just finished basil the great mouse detective today best one great choice great choice uh nate nan says the pinwheels are far more annoying than the basilisks well i'm sure we'll see some mephi to go says found a way to super chat you some of my birthday money oh my god that was very generous very generous yeah yeah much appreciated thank you um and happy birthday have fun and enjoy the meditative calm of dark souls and thank you for all your contacts what is that on that roof what's the word on what what that up there oh nothing just a bit of environmental stuff that's that's that's a creature with wings it's moving probably just a bit of environmental stuff i think there's no way to be sure okay we go twin humanities whoa what the heck they're like harpies hmm yes oh my god well that's the path down where you where you were so yeah i'd say let's say go down and wreck them up oh god they don't even have heads no they do they do they do they're just crows they're just horrible crow heads yeah they are pretty horrible these things they've got um they're super easy to stagger as uh as you've as you've already found out but they are so irritating these have this kind of like sort of like ragdoll yeah kind of flop forward attack that really messes with your timing i think great job ellen stuff oh hello sir don't shoot your arrows at me please oh they're coming over the coming over the walls they're coming over they got damn walls oh oh my gosh it just takes yeah this feels like one of those situations where like if you read on a wiki it would be like aha you know if you kill them with fire then you can't get toxic but then do you try and do it in practice and it's like just takes ages to yeah and it's like also this doesn't like this doesn't mitigate the fact that i'm like always better with the weapon that i normally use yeah whether it's ideal or not um cool good job ah now there you go that up later yeah a little puzzle puzzle for us [Laughter] i just saw a shadow um tom bucharas who says hi luke it's been really good being able to watch your stuff during lockdown now i'm looking forward to seeing your q a at compulsion next weekend yes that's right i'm doing a doing a q a at um edinburgh-based um tabletop convention uh compulsion uh which i'm really looking forward to it is next sunday uh i'll tell you what let me check the exact time to make sure that i get it right uh if you just google compulsion c-o-n propulsion um i'm sure that you will be able to uh to find a link um you can grab tickets there's an interview with me and then there's a live q a afterwards um which i'm really looking forward to uh i know it's very nice to be invited um uh the proceeds um that from compulsion uh from ticket sales go to uh edinburgh women's aid so it is a great um cause as well is the url um and uh also i can get you a discount code check me out um yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right uh so if you in uh so let's see so if you if you use nv rpy guests all one word all caps nvr py guests then um uh yeah then you should you should be able to get a little discount on the uh on on the tickets um cool what's this oh a ladder how intriguing no wrong one wrong one oh man how many esters you at now i'm not one oh perfect that's all you need oh there's an angry rat okay there isn't an angry out anymore there's one over there as well okay okay boy oh you sound so mad compulsion is also doing a um uh a charity auction um i'm just reading about this on their website and the uh the the winner gets the um a game gm'd by johnny kiadini a truly terrific prize painting guardian uh this assassin thing so i can dress up as an assassin hello hello who's out here is anyone here i think this space is just like in case you fell down here because there's other places that where you can accidentally fall down here so it's kind of like a way out okay so this is a little a way out loop rather than a way forward loop okay oh sending much love something angry up there yeah sending much love to you uh daniel blythe in the chat daniel bligh says just had my dog put down you really helped me thank you oh man that's so rough i'm sorry um welcome new member wayne stout and uh ria ray chowdhury says luke did ellen ever see the spiders from bloodborne i was watching your let's plays and always through my laptop after seeing the giant one upside down smiley face oh yeah that was a spectacularly unpleasant spider i'm not sure ellen has seen those ones is that a rom or a different one no it's a different one um and it's the one that i strongly believe would go straight to the top of your worst spiders list um knowing everything i did i do now thanks to you about um like what other specific things that really strain acnophobia yeah oh it is ticks all the boxes it ticks every box all right should i be going up i don't know whether this is a sensible idea but i'm going to just explore it oh just oh okay oh no it did die yes i think it died yeah you're a hero yeah it's got nothing [Music] dead dead yeah dead yay you did it like a brave hero i really hate this hello red sunstone okay okay right i'm gonna try yeah i think you can roll and get those yeah i'm gonna go that's okay okay okay okay solar braver on it okay okay okay okay all right all right all right okay okay all right steven blarlek says hello from georgia us happy for this dark souls stream where my blood pressure slowly normalizes after finally defeating lady butterfly and shaqiro ah congrats lady butterfly is a bloody nightmare so took me a million tries and then i did it with some scary teasing strategy in the end which i wasn't proud of um no i tried to jump and land on her but i don't eat enough oh i think she died as well okay cool oh good hey problem solved all right okay so let's go down this way hello wow like how ominous that bridge looks so that area you were just um just in yeah i can't remember my way around this exactly but if you can you can get back into yeah down like down there and this should take us to the very bottom okay cool cool i think we uh yeah yeah there you go um there's a door in here okay another door in here okay there you go locked by some contraption um i think there's a switch for it maybe is there something on the is the one on the wall oh dear oh dear um let's run around oh that's coming about you open that hang on i'm going to look it up good shortcut do oh terrifying bird heads ah okay i was being daft um just head through the fog door okay i've got one esters how's this gonna go what is this or is it oh no that looks horrible i think you can run past this thing um like to that light over there or into like yeah see that archway that archway dead ahead of you see if that door opens yeah okay what i will say about this thing is that it is the farming spot of choice for the discerning player there we go sorry this is the door i was actually um had in mind [Music] right great stuff and just in time yeah um second-class angel thanks for the super chat brandon knoll says ellen embodies the purity of humanity and must be protected luke is the awkwardly charming gangly brother i didn't know i had love you guys she is brandon tyler the polo guy says you could say people have a toxic relationship with this area oh edward says to wear a bird [Music] quite rightly um right so yeah this thing it's very similar to the very first boss in demon souls this um oh it's it kind of like breaks off yeah but here's what i'd say they're quite scary just run in there and kill them just don't just don't they just don't overthink it don't overthink it just mangle them they're not actually as strong as they look and they get you like bonkers souls um like per run and they're right next to a bonfire as well so like if you ever need to level up in a hurry or if you need souls to buy something this is the place to go ouch i'm okay i'm okay let's do a little sippy sip behind here yeah uh jordan uh sorry geordie uh den hartog says happy third birthday to our cat teller found on the mean streets of cyprus and went on to live with us here in the nether war netherworld london regular snuggles while being schooled in ellen's souls academy good first cap to complete dark souls and certainly not the last um angel beat says i've been stuck on the final boss of dark souls 3 3's ringed city dlc on new game plus plus i'm ready to throw in the towel after 60 attempts i mean i can't even imagine attempting that that sounds absolutely savage angel beat um best of luck um right oh done cool all right now there's a bunch more places to explore um around here so i would just keep just keep doing what you're doing just just walk everywhere that you see um this is good away of any good away as any of uh finding your way around it's down here in a horrible tunnel or water oh the world didn't fully load in then for a second is that one of the pinwheel things by any chance and a absolute nightmare of an enemy this but you just dispatched that one pretty well okay uh there's some hidden i think there's some hidden hidden walls in here so um oh he's just having a little party he's dead but the hips are still going oh yeah wow even in death he parties so hard hey whoa what is that whoa and there it is that's why that's why we hate these things so much that's it well well i need to go get my thirty six thousand thirty six thousand souls is that enough to level up must be yeah okay well let's go get him back no no oh come on the ellen rose credo no enemy left alive no matter how small all right um tom titterington says it's my cat's birthday on sunday could i get a shout out for emerald emerald hey happy birthday i'm excited i'm excited for you to get back down into that maze and find those souls uh silence amducia says hail and well-met a space buddies buddies in space song is currently in the works here at dr silas and duceus industries i hope you will enjoy oh my god i mean nice catch ellen i mean i've enjoyed all the other songs silas and jesus so i'm pretty sure i will enjoy this one yes bernadette um provost uh provost says could i get it come on words could i get a shout out for my mother jennifer she is currently battling covid19 and watching your streams has been keeping her laughing no yeah um so there's a bunch of those in this room yeah so we we as far as possible which is not always super far you want to take them one at a time um the good news is is that if you can get if you can get them to kind of bounce off your shields and they hit a wall like that then they will generally sort of tie themselves out are we alive oh okay okay okay wow oh there you are [Music] [Laughter] oh man this is so nostalgic in a sort of really unfun way um uh yes jennifer hope you feel better soon big shout out i'm glad that you've been enjoying the streams oh ellen there's more stuff down there you don't want to be quitting you don't want to be quitting here no no no no i have zero estus in half my life and 42 000 souls no i'm going to use i'm going to use oh my god how do i where's the bloody you might have killed them all no this guy's followed me down no and there's one there ah no no no all right deep breaths it's good no it's not good it is it's fine it's fine you've got this it's not fine i am lost in a maze with 42 000 souls yes this is fine it's fine the only way you can don't let the game freak you out that's what it's trying to do don't let it have its way i'm gonna homewood bone i'm gonna home with bone because i am not losing these okay you're pretty you're still pretty close to the bonfire um especially now that you're like up here i think i can just hear it going mad down there no that's why i kill everything well he didn't kill that one exactly and it murdered me that's my point luke [Laughter] okay well well well lesson learned showed me yeah you didn't kill him no because i can see where i'm going now whereabouts did you die it was up the ladder right not you luke just just fine oh no it's all right that's okay now that you've found this um soul farming location you can get that back in what four minutes killing those um killing those uh the phalanx it's okay it's not okay i'm so mad i'm slightly phasing out screaming less achievable in the chat says you've reached the phalanx farming spot 40k souls is nothing oh dear that's painful um don't forget you could kindle that bonfire if you wanted to i'm gonna be taking a run at this stuff with a bit more uh a bit more estus but don't worry about it you wouldn't they have to get involved didn't they jerry and tommy the idiot twins all right ah don't you feel so much lighter no liberated no not at all there we go now there's a way into that downstairs area from another like that kind of cavity thing there's a way down there from uh from another route i could not stop my head guide you there to be honest but on the plus side at least now we have a healthy hatred and loading of um the bone wheel things what oh because i sat at the thing again that's why nice you're um human right now aren't you yeah oh cool okay cool there's a um there's a there's an npc we can fight in human form um [Music] yay [Music] hello i really like the way that they just sort of like run yeah 42 health says the other route is that ladder she fled up i know that i don't know i don't know i can't remember from this this is the horrible room oh okay all right okay okay what are we what's the what's the plan here i don't know there's loads of them okay well let's let's take them out one at a time very easy there you are now two of them went off that way good leave let let them go that way leave them to it there's one there you are although they are maybe the most annoying enemy in the game i would say that like if i was going to pick any dark souls enemy that i had to be it would probably be this one it looks like they're having an absolute whale of a time they're having a really fun time luke yeah yes the way the wheels pop off is so good right now ellen did you spot um in this room there is a crank i did spot it on one of my screaming runs around here [Music] imminent happiness oh i thought he was gonna like shoot up like a rock like wow rocket science in dark souls big door [Music] sweet so um that basically leads to the boss of this area um so oh i think that was the door oh okay uh so at this point basically we we can go head towards the boss but um there is more stuff to do more items to find yeah as you've been sort of wandering around now there is a guy up here where are you hello hello i can hear you i can hear something running around oh jeez it's all of you oh no that's gross oh there you are where is the oh um classy rex has reminded me of something isn't the key down here in one of the side corridors yeah all right okay i think we have to go back into the um your least favorite place ellen but everything's dead so that's good okay all right okay all right all right all right have a sip um kitiarian says always impressed with how quickly ellen got really good at this she is on fire and inspiring thanks for all the lovely content and cheerful things thank you i'm also on fire a lot of the time anyway in this game so literally yeah all right now okay now there is a yeah it's a bit obviously it's a bit maze-like here but um haha check it check every check oh it's jerry um but some of these walls are sneaky lies alex key alex key that's what we were after um okay great okay now i think you can now i think you can get the hell out of this horrible cave all right yep zach walter new member welcome along remember bernadette provost nathan ant says if you go into yours by hand to weapon damage and add up the columns if you're showing 551 damage you can take capra demon in in two heavy attacks and the tourist demon in three heavy attacks i tested it nice that's nice all right end up this way gosh andrew mason hey guys love your shows finally got to catch you live keep up the good work ah look at the phalanx they're having a lovely time all right do i head back out this way then head anywhere you haven't been um in that down in that courtyard there's a door that you can unlock now in that courtyard okay yeah lizzie walcott says my little sister caroline turns 19 today any chance she could get a shout out of course happy birthday elsa mclaughlin says just let you know you're both delightful thanks uh paul barrett says oh man this is how behind i am in the chat how's wings somehow falls to its death also hello sir t-shirts needed [Laughter] thank you kenneth baird says i'm finally caught up on this series and just wanted to say that ellen's skill level progress from episode one until now has been phenomenal congrats no argument here kind of third tommy simpson says started binging the stream about we could go inside to pick up dark souls for the first time just beat the butterfly last night good luck ellen amazing nice one serving it out that butterfly uh now that door it's along one of these one of these walls um i think that might be that up ahead edward says be aware of bird uh tina leone hartfield says can i get a shout out to my amazing partner jamie who's been smashing it trying to get a job since both of us lost our jobs in the second lockdown oh man i'm sorry that sounds like a really rough time um yeah i mean great hustling i hope i hope um i hope something i hope something comes through soon um brian schuman says just commenting to say that every time ellen says hello all i can hear is lionel richie hello hello i can hear like an owl [Music] well well it isn't plus face nicely done oh oh no it's plus faces friend puss face past space and second well what if i just go this way instead good instincts you've now got three routes three routes to choose from i think this one as well lads lads flags oh you have to stand still for it that's the annoying thing oh dang hello lady oh boy oh it's a bit spicy there yeah cool item though yeah i will get i will get there here they are hello don't forget the plus faces friend plus faces up these stairs doesn't seem to be oh this is very precarious yeah what is still standing nice good absolutely steamrolling this right robert griffin says okay i'm about to drop a like a strange spoiler because uh it's it's in the it's in this it's in the chat but um so yeah for the next 10 seconds take your headphones out if you don't want to hear us the end strange robert griffin says i just got done playing life is strange yesterday and sang arcadia bay for chloe remind me why i paid to have my emotions played with i think you made the right decision but griffin made the only acceptable decision um worthless gamer says can't stay as i'm playing myself and trying not to watch past where i've played but wanted to say thanks for teaching me how to slide down ladders yay no you are welcome right okay this looks like a blacksmith yeah sure was oh he looks just like our pal which is just like lovely andre the dark ember i think we would possess its power at last all right [Music] right let's take some of those other routes all right all right so what did we have we had up through to the left where you smashed that smashy this is where we came from um let's try let's try let's see i need to heal up we got lost faces friends well he disappeared for a sec he did disappear he probably just went to i don't know um wow all right okay just trying to see if that could if i could knock him off he seems to be a bit planted doesn't he oh come on stick your head forward dude where's he gone he's just stood up there it's upstairs i think i know he's but he's like backing off and then he comes forward again yep here he is wow i tell you what house face is friend plus face really um they really really became the star of the show there yeah but no more all right which way do i have to go in that door in that door and to the right come on stop it uh it was um to the right here yeah and then just like straight on slight left there you go here we go there you are right so you cannot bother with all that stuff ahead because yeah i can just kill him that he's coming but like yeah space fast face you know past face you're pretty scary but you know first face his friend past face look at him stood up there he knows he knows he has he has complete emotional control over you ellen go up there and show him that's not the case it's all right roll under his fire like a champion and then kill him with magical swords no that's not what i wanted to do that is not what i wanted to do either now without something it's all good it's all good it's all okay it's all fine right it's good oh so much lighter now no oh yes i feel like i can move my shoulders for the first time yes it's like oh yes it's like the weight has been removed from them and yes yes good it's like it's like it's like having deep heat in this on the smaller your back we're not messing around with plus phase now are we uh right i'm going to check in with the chat ellen because i'm pretty sure you've got this um worthless gamer says uh oh sorry i already read that one uh never more says how long before ellen is able to give everyone a bone crunching hug oh well i mean that's what i wanted to do that's what you wanted to do do it with a little bit of style well i just well ah oh my goodness sorry it's okay you've you've got this you've done a million enemies like this and you'll do these ones too it's good it's all good it's good it's good there's there's no other there's no other way of doing it the only the only way out is through you'll do it you are you are doing everything right you're doing everything right you'll get past this you will have an entirely new perspective on this whole area and by the end of this stream you will want to say thank you headless vultures thank you for a really good time it was instructive and educational like an after-school special okay do pass face pass face the worst yes nope beautiful oh i got stuck on the bloody it's all right it's all right just kill him from there hit him with your sword amazing and that harpy died good now you've got toxic but i wouldn't worry about it immediately because it does it does hurt you very slowly so oh my god there's three of them now watch out for that hole yeah yeah very nice unless you're finding great angles to fight them here [Music] what what it will do that but it's okay it's okay oh my goodness don't panic you're all right all right stuck on the scenery yeah but that's the same scenery that you're using to your advantage so it's only fair that occasionally they get an advantage because you get stuck on it that's the way i try and think about it at least nice got that miracle which you'll probably never use but still nice to have great good job where's the other one did that one just fall off as well i i think i think maybe you got them all yeah i think it fell off i only just got the things good oh look at that sweet look at that sweet gear okay i can hear some things shooting at me i think at this point to be honest you're probably in a in an all right position to um to uh to head boss woods but there is a um actually if you head back up sorry allen um just head back up that oh no wait we didn't know that we didn't do the plank door i'm not done uh adam curry says question for ellen i have just finished tomb raider and can't decide whether to go into rise of the tomb raider or play assassin's creed origins are you a fan of both can you make a suggestion i'm a fan of both um assassin's creed origins will require more uh of your time um but it's where are you where are you shooting me from um rise of the team raider is more of a romp um and it's uh you know puzzle platformy whereas assassin's creed does hit things with swords um like there's a lot of shooting and shootouts in uh rise of the tomb raider which are really fun um but like if you if you want to do a sword fight go for a assassin's creed if you want to shoot guns at people and fire arrows everywhere go for tomb raider well you can fire arrows in origins as well but yeah right rise in my opinion is my what is my favorite of the the trilogy of the newer one new trilogy okay what's here what is in here i can hear stuff i can hear stuff and river okay um don't forget to switch off that blooming moss clump thank you no worries ooh two rats there you are two rats amazing hello top rat slaughter oh he angry he angry he just killed his friend i mean i know oh i'm sorry buds sorry about it remy oh remy oh oh i just got a lovely memory of being in disneyland and this lovely disney park employee or as they call them cast members and we went to the ratatouille restaurant me and my sister and this lovely french lady walked us into the room and was like and now you enter the world of remy and we were like yay it's good memory good memory okay right okay okay let's see let's see i'm gonna give myself a top up okay nope nope nope nope okay okay okay yes okay okay nearly there nearly there nearly there oh yeah very nice yeah gold coin oh very nice a gold coin for your troubles all right very slick top jumping thank you right well i can think of a few more things to do in the painted world um where's this where does this bring me out onto oh oh okay down there more down there i can just hear things flying about i don't like it [Laughter] thanks for the super chat footface says love ellen soul academy love oxventure love you too and all the rest cheers face thank you and second class angel says with the hips of that one you killed still spinning would you say that the hips don't lie yes that's how behind we are with the chatelaine oh man happier times i know where you are now we're back here that's the thing that that's the one that dropped onto you like a jerk well i just dropped onto them oh gosh horrible burp noise okay so i'm back here cool should go across here is that gonna kill me is there gonna be a big dragon it's certainly gonna try um but oh i mean we wanna kill it so i can hear something it's all right it's all right just focus on focusing on it's all right it's all right kill them all kill them all in a few a few hits it's okay it's okay it's okay you're all right where you are turn around take ignore the dragon ignore the dragon take a deep breath kill these kill these idiots okay don't back up any further because we don't want to we don't bring up any more enemies you're all right where you are oh that really didn't like fire hello sir great stuff again don't worry about the dragon i think that should get both of them good very nice or more that should do for the dude he angry [Music] it's all right it's all right it's a very scary enemy this right [Music] hi sir hello hi [Music] now can you see any can you see any way to get to it do you see any option okay so i have to guide him i suppose you don't have to hit his face and then i go here yeah oh don't let him push you off okay he can squish i'm being quite coy here what i'm saying is you can hit his feet oh okay okay okay go in the middle [Music] the sludge doesn't actually hurt you very much it's not too bad it's just the stompy claws and the getting pushed off oh oh gosh it's annoying also that you can't see his health bar when you're like wailing on his toes but he does have one okay there's one zombie dragon we're doing yeah you are not very happy just like he's just vomiting constant vomiting that's not how you want to live no it's not also not how you want to die it's all right it's all right it's good just going up the ankles all right i think it's it maybe this could be it one more one more nicely done nicely done he's got nothing on you can't even touch you oh buddy thank you poor thing all right we'll clip that okay dragon scale large solar proud knights what is that at the end it's not something you need to worry about it's a corpse i think oh mmm with another one oh dear try hitting it no weird anyway it doesn't matter it's just a it's just a corpse i think it's kind of sometimes it's stood up but but either way i don't think it really matters i don't think there's anything like doesn't doesn't look very happy no it's not like it's not like a real thing and this isn't the path forward or anything i don't think you have to worry too much about it oh it's the lower body oh it's the other heart of god oh god he was chopped in her oh chopped in half i never know that's wow thanks the chat that's that's great great bit of jumping heavy attack apparently will um someone's like try headshots i mean yeah good good advice try it brilliant all right um now are you human at the moment you're not are you no okay well why don't we head back to the bonfire and um and uh and become human okay gotta remember my way now i did that way that way let's just leg it let's read some chat try it try it try and catch up uh stephen paul says joining late luke quick update oh boy no way too late for that sorry you missed it all um hopefully he just watched and got the update that way very funny rascube says it was my 40th birthday yesterday's have a drink for me and thank you for cheering me up many times over uh through what has been in many ways i write dark souls of a year yeah hard agree skew happy birthday zelda boy one to one says these streams got me so into dark souls again that i got all of the achievements bloody hell thanks for all the lovely videos psl and you are awesome uh stick mangrove says don't hurt the precious dragon lady and um uh burrito says related super related super chat to say the speed with which ellen killed lor trek was incredible i agree uh ct says got a nice bonus at work yesterday so i can share the wealth of my favorite youtubers thanks for everything thank you very much cc and congrats on congrats on the bonus um well deserved i'm sure stuart dobby says not able to stick around but wanted to say you guys inspired me to pick it up again and i just one-shotted the lord of cinder you are both amazing wow nice one um ty says ellen you're doing great but need more fk i don't actually souls what that means oh fire keeper souls right do we get we're on it don't worry tai artemobile says can't believe i got into librarian grad school as luke finished demon souls and now my first semester is almost done thanks for the study company art and vail [Music] isaac m says i'm in bed with a wisdom tooth abscess and very strong antibiotics but you guys keep me sane and smiling thanks for all you do cheers isaac i'm hope smiling is not painful yeah uh kate marie says just finished demon souls the first souls game i've completed nice pandemic induced unemployment is good for something glad uh glad um i think that's glad being in poi employee bought me a ps5 sweet well congratulations on smashing demon souls that's awesome okay marie oh are you human ellen yes i'm human again adam allen says thanks to you guys i finally beat the first asylum demon without equipment wow amazing okay um so where are we going now um i think i think we just have to start with we're just heading like back out into the uh into the phalanx area okay got you at the same time though so it's fine okay right okay so we're here right now i don't remember exactly where we're going is oh there it is brilliant okay to the right as in not this far right as in if you turned right sooner there you go whole area down here stuff is so easy to miss in this game uh harry george dell says first stream i've managed to catch huge thanks to both of you for keeping me entertained through these trying times and being a shining light for gamers being nice oh shucks look after yourselves guys thanks harry georgetown but right back at you and gm says hi luke and ellen or ellen and luke you've got this boss in the bag zach walton says found out this morning that my beautiful wife is pregnant excited and terrified all at once to say the least i want to genuinely thank you both for steady entertainment this year my gosh zach walton that is so exciting congratulations so happy for you both animus js zero new member welcome along zoot sax thanks very much for the super chat um andrew martinez says hey guys thanks for making the uh waiting 1200 pieces one by one to gather data bearable if ellen wants to continue the pyro journey the swamp is the way king jeremiah king jeremiah king jeremiah with the best headwear in the game oh my god it's like wearing a chicken like for a bars yeah a real bendy one no spicy now this is a wizard ellen we don't remember the remember the wizard protocol we don't respect them we hit them instead with our swords and there you have it have some of that i can tell you that i can tell you now that he was a moment away from doing like a massive yeah i was like i gotta do this now otherwise oh okay pick up item notched whip notched right nice and there's an item behind there's an item behind the stairs here i think uh or or just which step i can't remember i'm someone in the chat mentioned that um maybe behind these stairs oh yeah it might be over there i can't remember here we go it's behind a wall not stupid but thank you thank you very much yes great job ellen uh oh you can certainly level up maybe twice look at look at those those yummy souls [Music] was is it i wonder if his uh his uh favorite band is al cam al chemical or pyromancy [Music] well thanks for joining us folks until now i think we all had a good time i'm sorry that it had to end this way right okay uh right strength endurance vitality what do you reckon i would keep loving them leveling them all up yeah it hit my strength a little bit um i will say i looked it up and uh strength the the higher cap on uh um i'll do it anyway because i'm also still using my shield a fair bit but if you're uh two handing this 500 cuts off at 27. oh wow which i was like whoa whoa diminishing returns yeah diminishing yeah it's not cut off it's the thing is though um at the moment yours by hand there is plus 10 right yeah um and that's not go that's not getting any higher um until we head down to new londo ruins which i absolutely hate um and get an item there which will let us level up to plus 15 which obviously is amazing and delicious um but until then strength is still you know sort of nudging your attack power up which is yeah which is nice but um but right um okay i think at this point you've done all of the main things here sorry guy just with a mimic cat just spawned so it's just like so i think at this point um to get to the boss all you need to do is head straight forward from the bonfire so okay all right here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go hello oh some guys there i'm waiting for some things to attack me oh hello sneaky there we go mike allison says hey guys i just found out that if you cut the ends off toaster strudels you can squeeze in the icing and not lose any off the side also great job you two well i think the great job is with you right now yeah it's true there's a bunch of them a whole bunch of them a bunch of whole bunch of party animals oh oh dang oh dang you got this oh close ah i love that as my hand a rolling stab move so cool [Music] oh darn [Music] if you can get their souls back that's might be enough to level up again yeah which is great um sega king says one hour behind but love you guys and have a great week thank you nocturne uh private yanni says i believe in you ellen you can do the thing we cheers patrick long says your spider shield and the dingy clothes you picked up in blighttown can stop you getting toxic painted world is so good for farming humanity i think we i think at this point we're hopefully past all of the toxic nonsense yeah maybe animus day is zero says go for ellen also i hope there will be some more fear academy later this year yeah i reckon so ah jc says just got my first visor shot today let's hope the side effects don't last more than four hours awesome jc congrats go get that vaccine um sonia brennan it's 3 a.m here but since i finally caught this live i thought i'd say thanks for giving me the confidence to try dark souls myself just beat sift today feels bad man good luck ellen that's terrific sonia brennan congratulations i'm really really liking seeing all the comments from from folks who've started uh playing the game because because of your playthrough it's really nice to hear honestly like coming over the walls chubby ninja says i'm late but i'm here just found out i missed la trek can't wait to rewatch praise be public holiday friday yes and jan stenholt says don't be a boar luke ellen's puns are the best ones chris gumbert says thanks so much for all of the streams this past year you've been the best part of the top year love you guys i just got to switch an animal crossing any tips um yikes he hits hard we made a video we had a whole video tips um when you start and now i wish i could remember what they are ah now ellen we've got us into a little bit of a figure that's okay it's all right i wonder oh i want can you um can you two hand through his shield i don't know nice jumping yes oh where am i no oh he's a tuffy he's a toughie yeah it's all right you'll get you'll get the you'll get the you'll get the rhythm of him um craig paul says love outside extra xbox you guys the busy mates i'll probably never meet keep up the great work thanks very much um chris gummer animal crossing tips i can't feel like i can't remember anything from animal crossing dig the two holes before you try and pick a rock oh yeah yes so that you don't fall back yeah hold your hold your net when you um shake the trees uh because then you're in a good place to catch a wasp if there's wasps in it but honestly just generally i mean my goodness it's such a good time there is a video research house had extra animal crossing tips i'm sure we made something which you might find helpful um chris potts says hey friends apologies if this has already been asked but are you planning on doing the dlc for my money artorias is the best boss in dark souls 1 no contest very cool boss um hardest boss in that i found but uh yeah really cool [Music] now what horrible conga line of death here you could if you're if you're i feel like you're playing a little cautiously because you've got all these souls so maybe just turn around and run back to the bonfire just level up and we'll we'll go get go go get him with you go get him with your shoulders light i just don't want to keep having to nathan says get strength up to 15 you can you can handle every weapon including the demon weapons machete warhammer and greytax douglas kim says ellen now that you're almost done with your souls academy almost done there's loads to go here's a game for you and luke in the chat too andre the blacksmith celeria vestora uh and sigmar of katarina who would you bed betrothed and behead um tricky one so what were the three andre the blacksmith celery of astora sigmar of catarina he's the onion knights oh the onion knight thing is there's two onion knights there's a silver one and then there's a gold one yeah like i mean it's very hard to choose one to behead they're all pretty fun the objectively correct answer kenny 240 um says that the big knight can be parried which you may which you may want to try ellen risky though because he hits so hard here come all the mates thought about putting an f in the chat for the lost souls but figured some cash would do better thank you john williams has got an appointment for my first dose on monday thank you both so much for all the streams helping us all through a terrible year bring on the sweet sweet science juice oh yeah the sweet sweet science juice nice good hit oh that's really annoying i really wanted to see that hit land nice oh come on dark souls dark souls did not come on oh yeah that went through the shield i think yes brilliant nice one thank you i'd love to tell you ellen that that guy doesn't respawn but i'm pretty sure he does great [Laughter] but who knows who knows it might not even be a problem here we go here we go decision time ellen hi well there's she's not doing anything nope hello no i'm not thou hast stepped into this world plunge down from the plank and hurry home she's like if you fancy me no if you fancy me let me just say right now [Music] do you feel that the land is peaceful its inhabitants kind ellen no and hurry home i don't want to kill her well you don't have to return so there's a there's a plank behind her can you see where those steps go yeah up there um you can just walk off there and walk off and leave and that's it well seeing as you're like my biggest regret in video games is killing her don't let don't let me go if you kill her you get some uh you get souls and if you can cut off a tail you get a dexterity weapon she's just a tail oh my gosh she's got a yes she's got a tail because she's half dragon oh of course oh i don't want to kill a half dragon i don't want to kill a whole dragon i mean ellen you literally already killed a half dragon yeah no i killed half of a dragon oh yeah that's true yeah you killed her former dragon yeah you know what i'm going to spare her because why not and look i've already got look look at this fancy stuff here we go i'm gonna eat myself off this ledge seems like a good idea [Music] i love the animation on this like the character just looks so like oh i don't know all the ninjas came back that seems a little harsh yeah well there you are yeah made it through the painted world of ariamis i'm sure you will be back there between streams because as i say it is such a great farming place yeah but i have to go the only way out is off that ledge so i'll have to get past that guy and do all that i think you can i i think i think maybe you can fast travel to the bonfire there's a i don't you don't i don't think you have to go through all that again every time you want to pop through i would like it past all these chumps cool cool cool arthur c says i'll have to watch later but i wanted to say thank you both so much for everything you do in a year where my mental health feels held together by tissue paper and gum you guys have been such a beacon thank you uh silence and says because after an entire game of not sparing any enemy no matter how small it's good to stay consistent good choice miss rose i think it's a good choice i just think she's quite nice and she's probably just having a nice time she's cool she's just chilling out also like the more you really into the lore the more you're gonna want to not kill her because um she's like i don't know basically the world it's something like the world was made for her just to hang out in because she didn't fit in so she's basically there with all the kind of weirdo monsters just having a nice time yeah looking after looking after them all right well what should we do we've got we've got half an hour well um at this point basically um there's a whole bunch of different uh areas we can explore there's no particular reason to sort of go for any one over the other order wise um it's a little tricky i would say hmm the duke's archives is very nearby and is a fine choice um do you remember when you remember like right near the first bonfire in anor londo yeah um there was a another path up the way behind the path up to the left yeah um so there's that well let's let's go that way that should we head towards that way right cool yeah sure there's that um what the other ones well i walked to the bonfire there's also we could go we could we could head on down and do um oh do new londo ruins which has the advantage of getting you the thing that lets you level up your um weapon but i mean but we are still sort of really i mean we are really pumping out the damage with the zweihander still so i think we've got to get into all that eventually i think let's poke our nose in the duke's archives if you don't like it of course you can yeah oh yeah look at that folks saying restore fire link it's been done it happened between yeah a lot of a lot of people in the chat are saying we're still finding shrine has been done um our burrito super chat says for not hurting priscilla thank you brian schuman points out you get a trophy for killing priscilla patrick long wants us to kill the fake princess uh illusion and orlando and make an orlando dark yeah that's that's so you can if you want you can go and kill um uh gwyndolin yeah um but like i don't know if it's i don't know if it's nice um you can make yeah i don't know i don't know i was never tempted to do it well then we will um we can look into it oh yeah look at that sealed by the great lord's power god we haven't placed the bloody lord vessel right okay so um oh goblin pusher says save dusk maybe that's that's a pretty that's a pretty good idea although we need to get into the duke's arm question it's pretty isn't it yeah okay so um uh yeah so head head back to firelink we have to place the lord vessel now to open the duke's archives right okay all right did i read this chat by cody dunbar who said the master of the me trying to spare someone oh no someone else was like oh she kills everyone else but she spares the dragon lady because the dragon lady isn't running after me she was like no you can leave and i was like okay look i can i've already done it everyone and the nice lady it's back so what do i do here then oh also you can all come and meet me oh no the guy's gone this guy's gone just says hollow now oh no it's not good that's not good um like a million million million million million people in the chat are asking us to go do dark sun gwyndolin but um i think we should oh lord he's asleep ah sleepy sleepy frampt oh sleepy boy hi hiya wakey wakey if we do it we'll do it on another stream yeah was the end of that sentence um i think you you might actually need gramps awake um because if memory serves i can't remember how you place the lord vessel maybe i think it's just by talking to him well there's something about him and the lord vessel that is the bad ending yeah oh don't worry about that the the the good bad ending choice like right until you're like right in the room and then it's as simple as like lighting a bonfire or walking off um buddy wake up yeah no i'm not getting anything from them no prompts or anything oh where is everyone you definitely can't speak to france there's no like talk option definitely i'm like walking into his face and there's nothing coming up like if i go any further forward i'll like fall off so there's there and there's there and there's a blood stain here right oh someone got stuck someone fell down and got stuck oh i think i think if you um i think if you fall down the hole that will basically like do it for you uh you can either read you can either the chat saying either you can reload or you can like hit him which will wake him up i don't want to hit him in case he gets mad at me right what i'll do is i'll quit to the title menu and then i'll reload here we go i think he's immortal yeah but he'd probably be mad that's the he's a model i'm not that's the issue you have done it you have retreat vessel yeah after a thousand years it is you it is really you ah [Music] oh my god forgive me i really should calm down now let us take that vessel on a journey oh assume that you are ready now be still oh is he gonna like eat me in one yep game over [Laughter] you're dead you died that's it oh my gosh [Laughter] [Music] well all the blood rushes to his horrible head where's the rest of you from hey what's the what's this blood stain what are you doing did you like jump off the side oh you're trying to get to that okay all right all right well see that big door ellen yeah that's the door to the final boss [Music] don't worry we're not we're not we're not there yet how was i carrying that [Laughter] that was in your pocket the whole time [Laughter] that was i mean video games get you used to the people just like producing things from nowhere but that was that's huge okay there we go right completely forgot you had to do that that's where we just were yeah oh god there you go and now it's kind of like a bonfire and even though you've placed it you can still fast travel and stuff aha and then you can offer souls to it in order to open that door and guess yeah there are four souls we need yeah four particular souls which is basically four bosses all right well let's walk back to an orlando then oh okay okay how about this how about this um someone in the chat mentioned dusk okay how about this how about this how about this for an idea how about this how about because we've only got 15 minutes left is mine yeah we've only got 15 minutes now yeah it's what i'm thinking what if uh with the remaining 15 minutes we go um there's something that you need to do at some point to open the dlc it's back where the hydra was right um it's a it's a it's a so maybe we could go do that um with the last 15 minutes and then um next stream we could maybe start with that dark sun gwyndolin fight if we fancy it uh and then and head straight to the dukes archives from the same yeah from the same spot yeah so i suppose nearest is the undead parish and then go from there yeah sounds sounds sounds fine yeah undead parish is um andre isn't it andre yeah oh yeah close i really like warping it's great oh yeah oh there's a little bit of my corner showing this whole time there we go all right all right and there we go hello andre oh actually i can oh shall i give him the ember oh yeah for sure never heard of a black ember how about leaving that emperor oh to do the dark sun gwyndolin fight we need a thing from the catacombs unless we want to attack guinevere which we kind of can because it turns next stream next dream it's too much to get into this time i'm already under its spell i sense great potential indeed right uh mike faryon says it's you it's really you hur building super last week this there we go and see i can reinforce the whole thing with i've got enough titanite chunks to maybe reinforce my whole set neither of them nice for you ah back to my roots yay it's always good at a point in the stream where we get to the end of an area and uh like different you know you've got like different options of what to do because the chat always completely is like becomes itself a hydra yeah of like you must do this yeah you must go here you have to do this and the whole point is yeah much different i love this but you know branching branching game that everyone tells you that you have to play one way and it'll all get done it'll all get done in the end all right um yeah i think it's i'm really not looking forward to there's the new new londo ruins the catacombs the tomb of the giants all i absolutely hated all these areas but we'll have to get through them uh jacob de long says really enjoying the series so far luke should stream sakira later if he's beaten it already it turns out the second trip isn't drudgery after all oh cool and daniel bjorkman thank you very much for the for the um for the sticker it says cool on it yeah okay right now just stop off at i think it's around here or have i gone too far no it's a bit further actually if you're looking for the um the sort of fire back route into um the there we go i just want the body core dragon valley valley of drake's valley of drake's i just want this one here we go here we go still stop off just dylan uh pedersen says these videos are always a lovely part of my morning was wondering if ellen had been back to the blighttown swamp since she upgraded her flame might be worth exploring those little islands again uh well ellen i think you think you've done that haven't you and um back to the yeah at the start of the stream if indeed that's what's being referenced there yeah we did have to to murder my pyromancy friend cruelly dispatch like just like in real life like when you you you meet your old teacher when you're an adult and then you have to have a duel you have to you know like you have to duel them and yeah you have to fight them to the death then and there yeah right so hang a left here okay where all the crystal boys are yep yup yup yup we're heading down to the lake okay remember these ellen [Laughter] that oh satisfying you boys you should enjoy this while you can because i if memory serves there are a few more of these crystal monsters in the duke's archives and they're they are less poopable okay all right here we go right so we are headed over by any chance uh yeah basically um if you just kind of like stay to the left i think um there's a path i don't think it's behind the waterfall that's just kind of like round the corner the wild says amazing job as always ellen hope you're still enjoying it even when it's being well dark souls have an amazing weekend and as luke once said sometimes it's a two kitkat dark souls sometimes it's a no kitkat dark souls yes two i'm not sure this is the way but i can't run what's at the top of this ladder so it's probably worth having those around okay god it's a long ladder i'll get to the top then [Laughter] hello what's that [Music] okay there's a thing here soul of a brave warrior should i go off this one again or should i go back down i think over it i i'm curious to be reminded where it brings you out this is uh okay right yep no go back down okay i'm gonna grab oh no that's not a thing to grab that is that just looks like flour this is where siff is ah yes which i open the other so this is like a way round then yeah this is a way kind of this is like another way in to that so i didn't have to grind no you did you did you did have to grind okay look all right so should i keep keep going along oh yeah oh my gosh okay oh it's getting quieter and more echoey and scary now oh hello who's this he's a very big crystal boy don't forget you might find the uh rusted iron ring makes things easier here oh okay you've got time look how slow he is plus it's always more exciting having to change items where is it on the fly you go oh he's got no chance look at the look at the output on this bam oh look a woman came out what hi so does thou rescue me yes most gracious i am deeply obliged that's okay i cannot stay here for long so before i disappear allow very nice thank you oh she's gone there she goes star trek teleports away can i i want to read that thing how did they write that there oh here we go here you go huh no oh really no that's that's just there to tempt me this is going to be the way into the dlc [Music] eventually eventually cool all right well that was a that was a little thing that's that's needed ticking off the list for ages and ages and ages and we've got we got to it last night so i think um let's have a think about what we do what we do next time yeah maybe maybe the duke's archives maybe the catacombs maybe oh maybe hmm maybe maybe maybe it's we'll figure it out we'll figure it out we'll figure it out and uh yeah and and we'll catch you next time what up what what's happening um what's happening tomorrow on the channel ellen well uh i believe we have some more blades in the dark with uh you as our wonderful uh gm and uh taking on an adventure um who who are the two people that you're taking on an adventure this week this time it is jane and andy aka zilla and edvard excellent and they are striking right at the heart of um edvard's hated rival famed industrialist amadeus astor um with a bold plan to infiltrate his headquarters by getting hired by the company and it is corporate espionage that's right that's basically what it is uh yeah it's um it's a real fun one it's at 5 p.m i believe that when this stream ends you will be automatically taken to the page yeah so you can hit that notification bell and it will let you know when the premiere starts yes so all you have to do is just wait for this stream to end look at the bonfire on the end screen for a moment if youtube does its job like i told you well wait better you better i'll read a couple more comments before we go um brendan arso social anxiety and depression make it really easy to get lost in this isolation thank you for all of these streams that remind me that life is always better with other people in it r that's a really sweet super chat and altmarx says hi ellen we're waiting to get my cat vaccinated now caught the stream hope you're enjoying my fave game ever and watch out for big cats this is good advice amazing right well that's going to do it from us i think 200 grams easily sold those things now but yes yes everyone do stick around um and then you can see what's happening tomorrow some exciting stuff it'll be really good um good one yeah and not just in the meantime for anyone who like us is having a long weekend hope you have a lovely long weekend just chill relax take a break watch our videos most importantly yeah if you don't know what to do on this long weekend uh there's a whole bunch of videos from us you should watch our videos oh god it's terrifying okay i don't know how much clearer i need to be bye everyone bye [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 109,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, dark souls, noob, dark souls noob, ellen's souls academy, funny, dark souls blind playthrough
Id: tKjK5xRDK58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 59sec (7259 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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