Bloodborne Post-Mortem: Let's Talk About Bloodborne, with Aoife Wilson from Eurogamer

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody hello and welcome uh and welcome to ifa wilson hi ifa hello thank you for having me thank you so much for agreeing to be part of this uh bloodborne post-mortem chat i any excuse to talk about bloodborne i am fully on board for gosh it's so good isn't it um yes so we've we've currently you can see three of me on screen but that's because you can see a little uh like live stream luke kind in the gameplay window there look at you there look at you just a much more fresh-faced hopeful look right at the start of your bloodborne adventure thank goodness time has not been kind to that young man when i look at the boy in these images i don't recognize him he had no idea that the orphan of course is coming for him absolutely serving it out to some of those village greens some of those ladies yeah yeah yeah yeah um but i can i can hide him for a moment no oh no wait no accidentally hit us oh gosh there we go there we go right there i've hidden him successfully hitting him and i can bring him excellent uh yeah so ether i recently finished playing through bloodborne for the first time he absolutely smashed through it you need to give more emphasis to that you didn't just recently finish you absolutely steamrolled your way through it that's a very uh that's very nice of you to say uh yeah i had a really really wonderful time um playing it it is a good game i think one of those quite good one of those good video games um but um uh it was weird because having finished it i felt like i had a lot of things i wanted to say and talk about but absolutely no mental energy left uh with which to actually form those sentences you do need a little bit of a like rehabilitation period i think there is quite a calm down from playing a from software game yes and it takes a little while to shake it off yes absolutely um i weirdly i think it was about sort of three days because i finished the game on thursday and weirdly yesterday evening sunday evening i just had a just this sort of like urge i was like i could i could start i could get i could do like i didn't i only did a few like half of the chalice dungeons i could get oh into that that's how i get you it doesn't take long and then you're just like once you kind of forget about all the pain that it caused you yeah then you're like oh no i could totally i could totally go for a little bit more of that yeah i could i could get back into this why not i i think the um like obviously i i only just finished playing through it but i'm pretty late to the party to use some eurogamer pilots because you and johnny played through it on eurogamer yeah even then we relate to the party though well when did you do was it 2018 i want to say i think that's correct yeah i think it was then hmm and the game came out yeah it came out they came here around 2015 i think um yeah so which is it feels like a very long time ago and also not that long ago yeah um and what have we had since then we had dark souls remastered yes dark souls 3 did that come out afterwards i think it did actually you know uh or maybe yeah yeah i think it i think it did they came out really weirdly close together yeah three and bloodborne you've played and then of course three right oh yeah i've played i've played the one that i haven't played now the one i haven't played actually is uh dark souls 2 which we just started a let's play of that on the channel on saturday and i am completely new to it and it's actually really weird coming back to it now because i recently um kind of in my own time played through securo yeah like the speed of sakiro is quite something when you go back to dark souls 2 afterwards yes right well i was um you know i've been watching some of your like because you you've been playing it kind of privately but also live streaming like little bits and pieces little bits yeah um and man it is it's been amazing to watch you actually because you are so on it with the deflects oh that took that took time and patience because i anyone who's watched us on your gamer knows that i am a turtler by heart like i am i used to be all about like just soaking up the stamina and putting the shield up but i've tried really hard and you because you can't play secure like that can you like there's just no way no so it's so punishing i let's start by talking about bloodborne i guess in the context of the other souls games because all i've played is sakiro and dark souls 1. so i relatively like compared to you i've i've barely even scratched the surface um but i just i just felt like this combat was just right it's kind of it's faster way faster than dark souls and um you know like way way way more aggressive way more aggressive there's none of the um i mean well you don't have a shield um and you can even make fun of that fact because you do you can pick up a shield in bloodborne oh yeah and it says something like uh it will not give you much protection or something it says uh shields are great but not if they engender passivity i think is the which is just a brilliant dig yes uh yeah and so true so so true because that's exactly what it did for me i remember um we played a preview of bloodborne at egx it must have been like 2014 2015. yeah and try like i was so excited because i already loved dark souls and i knew i loved dark souls by that point but um coming into it it it it plays completely differently because you have the gun you have and you have to be aggressive because there are ways of getting your health back if you follow up on your attacks yes and it's so clever the way they've combined those systems to to force you to do it but in a way that it feels natural that you want to do it i think yeah i think that's true i felt like i had completely perfected by the time i finished dark souls i felt like i was so good at managing my stamina and like just raising my shield just the exact moment uh like to take a hit and then drop it again to sort of you know get the stamina back up yeah so when i started playing sakiro which is basically that idea of like raise your guard at the exact last moment i thought i'd be really good at it but i was i wasn't i wasn't i wasn't at all i found i found i found the sakiro combat so difficult and i did too to begin with but then i came back to it like a yeah so i started playing it when it first came out and i got as far as the genishiro fight and it was too much like i had to go and do packs i think like literally that week so you know how it is with soulsborne games if you stop playing it you yeah you fall out of the patterns yes because it is very much learning some of the bosses fights as like plays and everything um and then i came back to it and it just for some reason this time i clicked because it's all about those those swords clashing right like the deflects at just the right moment yeah um and it's like yeah you get the blood loss pretty fast once you've once you've figured that out you're just like more more that's awesome i i feel like i i i i've completed sakiro but i'm still not completely sure that it ever really clicked for me like the yeah there are so many boss fights in that game that i ended up just sprinting around in circles really like yeah doing that thing where you sort of sprint around it's kind of like a cheesy tactic you kind of you can like run in get one hit sprint away i don't believe there's any such thing as cheese and from software games you know what like if it works for you then just do it at your game plan yeah i mean if it gets you if it gets you through it gets you through but but then afterwards i watched you know videos of people doing those bosses yeah doing it properly and i was like oh this is infuriating isn't it and it's quicker it's like a boss fight it can be over in a minute where it was taking me sort of 20 minutes and then i'd die at the end because i was how long did it take you to do did you do ishin the sword saint oh the very final final yes um it took me uh you mean do you mean like per attempt or like in totality overall like overall days like learning yeah days um it was so hard i think i think that's easily the hardest fight in sakiro which makes sense because it's the final boss but the final boss of dark souls and the final boss of bloodborne are not up there with the most difficult ones no definitely not so um yeah the the first i'm i basically there was i managed to do his first the first couple of phases because there's four phases right to the to the to the final boss in sakiro and the first two i was doing i could do them properly i was you know like deflected deflecting stuff especially because one of them you've kind of fought before yes um but the the second two i just was it was all about the umbrella for me yeah yeah the umbrella the thing that i did enjoy um about playing through sakiro was it's the first from soft game that i've played when everyone else is playing us as well yeah and i really enjoyed being part of the online ecosystem of people who were figuring it out and like looking at youtube videos that were going up of like you know here's some like help with this boss that you're struggling with and like here's some tactics and things like that that makes it a lot harder though like so much harder because now so i replay i replayed secure obviously just this month and yeah now back and there there are like video essays on breaking down all the bosses moves you know so that you can do the whole thing without taking damage and they're quite comprehensive yeah obviously as you say it's the joy of playing it with everybody else where everyone's figuring out at the same time but at the same time you don't have that wealth of knowledge that has been built up just yet so the well the weird thing is about playing playing bloodborne which obviously is like is so well documented uh you know by this point is that like sometimes it could make me feel pretty good because i would do a boss fight or an encounter then i'd go on the wiki and there'd be like all this advice and it's like okay here's what you want to do first phase you want to be like you want to be hugging this wall you've got to have this equipped you've got to have this equipped and it and i was like oh i didn't i didn't do any of that cool and actually if i had read this beforehand i think it would have psyched me out i think it would have thrown me off i think there's there's there's real value to going into a boss fight not knowing that it's going to be like the hardest thing in the game necessarily there's also a joy that you figure it out for yourself too because like so everyone coming in to secure and then trying to do the demon of hatred everyone is like throwing like they're like oh just cheese it just cheese it's fine and it kind of takes because there is a very specific way to cheese that boss it sort of takes away the uh kudos of actually doing it a little bit okay unless i i filmed myself doing it properly because i knew that it was gonna be a thing but um i think like i yeah as you say psyched myself because everyone was like oh my gosh it's so hard but actually it's not that bad like once you learn it's like any dark from software game once you learn the telegraphs and you have a little bit of patience you can get there you know there there is something in in in bloodborne and i gen ver generally i only have positive things to say about the game but there is some there is something that i think that it doesn't get right and it's it's really the only thing that i think none of the from software games get right and that's that i played through bloodborne and people who watch the play through in the chat will know about this in fact they're all saying bolt paper in the chat because i studiously avoided using bolt paper but um the i never feel like the game does a good job of encouraging you to use items or explaining what they do and i that was certainly true in sakiro and definitely in dark souls you've got like because you have the is it the candies the insecure yes eco sugar yes that's right yeah and it's the fact that those things do make a a real difference but once you use them they're gone and you find them so rarely that they just i guess they're supposed to be there if you're really really stuck in the same way that like in dark souls yeah and bloodborne you can use a summon but i just nev i just never use them because by by the by the time that you realize like okay i've done this enough times that probably maybe it would help to have a sugar i don't know yeah i get i get very particular about when i'm going to use those items because i know that they're finite especially like insecure with uh the sugars and the divine confetti um yeah that's the one that makes your sword go purple and yes cool she looks awesome yeah um but like yeah so especially for because if if if it's like a the healing gourd or whatever like you know that recharges and i don't get precious about using that yeah but like yeah i have to have a few goes with the boss first to sort of learn there so it's not a waste because i don't want to waste these items that are so rare um and it becomes like you get really in your head about it you're like oh if i'd just done it that one time i would have done enough damage and i would have taken them down and it feels terrible but conversely it feels terrible i think to use an item so you're like okay here we go i know that numbing mist will help let's use the numbing mist and then you die because like odds are in any given blood-borne encounter you're going to die so then you die and you're like well how did numbing mist i guess it's so like yeah it's those moments where you're you're your palms are sweaty knees weak mom's spaghetti um and like you've used this item and you've just died and you're like why why did i it just makes you feel so much worse than having just because you could have lied to yourself and said oh that was just a practice round it's fine it doesn't matter yeah but that's the thing like i approach every boss fight like this is just a practice this is exploratory i'm just i'm just getting the sense of that getting the getting the measure of it learning the moves but then by the time but once you start doing that you immediately start forming your own strategy and then it's very hard to kind of like reverse out of that and to try a different approach because you're like well i've got good at this one that's true but do you get it where you get locked in and like you know at first you were like dismissing this this round you're like i'll die in a second it'll be fine but then you start to win and then you start get closer getting closer and closer to the screen like i i stand up when i start running because like i'm so like everything tenses up and i need to be as close to the screen as possible yeah um but then it feels worse when you do lose but then sometimes you don't so for me it's all about managing my own levels of fear like if i if i can the thing i really enjoy is the point where you've done a boss fight often enough that you're just doing it and like you're i don't know just doing something like i can put a podcast on or something like when i when i've like had enough attempts at a boss and and you're just sort of like thinking about you know what's going to be for dinner because the fear of that encounter has completely gone out of it and that's until the health bar goes down further than it's ever gone down before and then all the fear comes rushing back and you're like and at that point off more often than not i go ah and and no tray and you gotta hold your nerve you gotta hold your nerve because otherwise it just gets you you are your own worst enemy and this game's for sure although i did really appreciate the fact that you can pause secure so i could sort of stop and go okay right back into it yes you really appreciate the things that these games do give you like the little gimmies so in bloodborne i really i felt like it was so generous that i could get some of my health back if i yeah like if i if i mashed like the attack button after after getting hurt and in sakira i felt like it was such a great gift that you that you had unlimited sprint you know that was amazing and in dark souls the fact that you're i remember when i first started playing it and like you um you recharge your estus at a bonfire and i'm like and it didn't cost me anything to get all of my healing items back and they're there forever wow it makes you so grateful for that for those tiny little slivers that it hands you yeah the bare minimum it's it's yep it's not kind so you appreciate those crumbs of comfort we're all masochists at heart that's why we enjoy these games fine how do you like bloodborne aesthetically like compared to the other the other it's probably my favorite aesthetically i think like it's just we were talking about this in the stream just before like i love that whole that the grotesqueness of it um but it is so beautiful and i i've always loved prom software because of that kind of that melancholy that it all has you know the sense that this was a once grand place and it's just fallen to ruin and you get the sense of that from a lot of the bloodborne bosses that they were once these these powerful beings you know that um were maybe once really beautiful to look at and now they're just shadows of their former selves and i just love digging into that side of the lore in the games um and like i love the fact that halfway maybe a little bit less than halfway through bloodborne's like the lighting changes it all sort of shifts a little bit yes my mind was blown the first time you know with with the amygdalas and everything yeah when you suddenly find out that like the world isn't quite as you perceived it initially ah so good there's there's things that well there's things that aesthetically that i love about bloodborne and this and there's things i'm less keen on i do like we i mean we in in the stream i kept calling everything horrible because i i i don't understand why everyone says that this game is so hauntingly beautiful because i'm like it's so gross everything's so gross it's dark it bums me out it's so dark and misty everything looks cold and damp but like but boy does it ever have an aesthetic and and like that's kind of you know that sort of victorian london s yes especially like in the in the opening hours i think it's never stronger aesthetically than than then it's like it's so on point like the wrought iron and like the the wet cobblestones and like these sort of heavily piggledy buildings they kind of look like they're about to fall over yeah the level of detail as well is incredible like every single in fact just looking at the fish now every single uh like piece of stone work every little piece of iron work something it's got so much detail like everything has just been just perfectly perfectly molded and i really like that i also really appreciate that it does the thing that dark souls does where the whole world fits together like a puzzle box that you yeah and yeah you look into the distance and go oh i know i was i was there uh there was one yeah there's one point you'd play through where i was like where are like what's that bridge down there and the chat told me like oh that's where you fought the um that's where you fought the the cleric beast the the first boss i was like no way are you serious that's cool so i love that i i pref i'm much i i do like that the world evolves and as you're saying like the lighting changes and stuff we talked about this a little bit on the stream i i'm more uh into the first half of the game where it's like victorian werewolf drama okay then the second half where it's like lovecraft lovecraft catholics and it's all like birth horror and stuff because like that that doesn't mean on that don't they they go really or like there's a point where you're fighting like the orphan of course which is like attacking you with its placenta and i'm like i i get it you know like it's pretty on the nose and in my face and yeah everywhere i don't know how subtle you think you're being here the one reborn but but i i get it so um but but generally speaking like just oh man it's it's a good looking game and and i yeah i i was less i was less creeped out than i was when i played dark souls there were lots of bits of dark souls that i just didn't enjoy because i found the environment so oppressive um like like town and yeah look i actually find yeah i i agree with that i think that maybe it was just that so much of dark souls is kind of like that medieval like it's just lots of stone and lots of moss and i don't know i guess when you think about it in that sense there's not a huge difference between the two but i like what bloodborne did with its color palette so much more and i think that there was maybe a little bit more um variation in the different uh you know the different areas of bloodborne do you have a most favorite and least favorite area in bloodborne oh um i really like where's the where you where you it's very small but i liked where you dive into the lake to fight um rom but i want to say that's bergen bergenworth argenworth yeah yeah i quite like bergenworth um just because it's like you do have a sense that you've come from a more uh built up city area into like this sort of twisting it's almost like going from london to like cambridge or something like that yeah yeah yeah it's nice it's like it's kind of the sort of lake house kind of yeah kind of vibe it's where i would buy real estate in yeah yeah it's only going to accumulate in value you know oh yeah the giant spider but yeah yeah once we clear out those big things with the big antenna monsters with the sideways teeth mounts although i i actually i do really love the fishing hamlet as well um that's probably my favorite because just because of the whole lure that surrounds it um and it's very have you ever read um gio by jinji ito it's kind of like the whole horribleness of like the rain and the fashion like you can just i can just smell that place when i walk through it um it's so it's so twisted and so horrible that yeah i have i i couldn't help but like look up every little piece of lure that exists for that place that's cool that's awesome uh in fact i'll tell you what let me let me see if i can let me see if i can do my duty actually by having this game play up and see if i can find some some bergenworth footage everyone's asking if cainhurst is your favorite oh kane hurst why would you not like kanehurst's ifa uh i thought that cainhurst is fine i actually think i've blocked a lot of it from memory yeah who was the main boss of cainhurst martin lagarius ah that's why the burger king on the on the roof he's oh he was the worst oh i think yeah i think we really struggled with him absolute worst i got i got very lucky in that in that boss fight um and i think a part of it was that yeah just not yeah they were i looked up afterwards like some some play throughs of like those attempts and i was like oh man i don't think i even saw that attack i'm glad yeah like i'm glad that didn't hit me because that would have really freaked me out and i'd have panicked something yeah uh yeah i um oh well let's talk about the the parry mechanic as well i guess um before we move on completely like how do you do you did do you like it did you i like it but i wasn't very good at it like i think i got better over time um but parrying up until sakiro actually partying was something that i just didn't really bother with all that much i got better like there were some bosses or some enemies in bloodborne that i could very clearly like the slower ones you know remember those big sort of giant boys the kind of trolls oh yeah that wander derives oh yeah like i i find it quite easy to parry those guys but the thing with parrying is like it's that fear that you were talking about like if you mess up you're pretty much done so i would just not take the risk normally yeah and i just try and backstab instead which is sneaky and currently i know but like it's just it was just the way i kind of the the thing that i did enjoy about the parries in bloodborne um i don't actually at first i did not enjoy that it consumes bullets because i'm like well why would it yeah i don't want it to consume a consumable when i try and do this core game mechanic it's the same as in sakiro like the way i can't believe i still can't believe it costs stuff to use your arm in oh yeah really really i used to avoid doing so but you have to but you have to the um what were they the little uh spirit emblems yes that's the one yeah yeah yeah i oh man but like when you try and parry in dark souls like you say if you if you screw it up you're you're within sword range so it's pretty dangerous the thing i did like about bloodborne is that you can parry from like halfway across the halfway across the level you know if you could like time the bullet to sort of arrive then you can be like all right i'll just stay back here and try and wait until i get like a visceral opportunity and then dash in and and then like the one thing that i'll say about like all the from software games they're so good at um using audio to like really make you want to go in for the kill you know that sound when you get the party oh yeah yeah yeah you're just like oh it's my time sprint done here we go and then don't get there quickly enough or get there and press the button in just like the wrong kind of way so like it just doesn't take or something like oh my gosh oh there was a point hero where i missed a uh in a boss fight i think it was the first time you fight guinea churro i think oh anyway i i got the killing blow and i missed it i just like fumbled the button even though when it all slows down and like focuses onto this red dot yeah yeah i i screwed it up i was so unbelievably angry at myself getting greedy is the one is the cardinal sin of of any of these games though you know you just gotta yes don't and and not get too carried away because there's so many times i've died because i've gotten right i've seen the end it's in sight and then you just and then you start hammering on the attack button because you want to finish it off as quickly as possible there's a bit actually i'm going to skip to like the in in the footage i want to find my boss fight against maria because there's a really really clear instance in the end like i got i got i got incredibly greedy right near the end and really nearly like died and lost the whole attempt and like i when i watch it back i'm like wow luke you really did not deserve that hang on that's hang on that's the killing blow let me okay so it's here so like there's like there's like an iota of health left so i'm like okay i'm at this but here we go at this point i have just i've lost it and i'm scrabbling i'm trying to get it and my health just goes down and down and down and you can see you can see you just get to like so and you're just like no i can do this i can do this and i just just one just one hit but like but you can't have that you can't have that attitude i have such a love-hate relationship with maria i think like i am in love with her like she's amazing she's one of my favorite boss bites cause she's so graceful and so so cool like she is she's one of the coolest ones um but my gosh she's she will punish you that's the other thing that the thing that i would say about bloodborne that i really loved is how many of the boss fights were against someone who looked who was like also vaguely humanoid yeah like the hunters yeah they're my favorite my favorite boss fights in dark souls you don't get to do that until the final boss the final boss is like the only the only you know i may have forgotten one or two but no i think you're about right because i think i guess it's because with dark souls you know once you see a big sort of lumbering boss you're like oh i know how to fight this i'll get behind its legs and just and just attack the ankles yeah but the humans in bloodborne they're so speedy and like they behave a lot like other player characters right where they like they will parry and they will punish you if you if you try to do something silly um oh you did you did maria in one go yes yes look what are you waiting on are you looking at the chat is the chat it's the chat okay all right well the chat's winding you up don't go pay at no heed uh yes that's you get out of here that's not fair okay that's fair i'll end the stream yeah i don't i yeah i um i i don't i i don't know i i think i do bet i think i do well against the ones that are like humanoid i don't know why um it's the um the thing wore about right like you do i think so i think it's just like that you can i the bosses that do well for me are the ones where you can get hit a few times and that's not game over the boss that like absolutely the two bosses that absolutely kicked my butt for like hours were the orphan of course um because there's no margin for error in that fight and ebretas which is okay oh yeah yeah yeah am i saying that right abrita yeah hang on let me find let me find that fight because man man i sucked at that yeah um that was where's that that's hang on am i in the dlc here so like that's just but that you you killed most of the bosses first try i didn't no i didn't that's not that's not that's not true that's actually inaccurate the um yeah the the the chat is is flattering me there but would you go back with like to would you play it again no would you go to new game plus um would i go because i i don't feel that compulsion but then i struggled a lot more than you did no i i don't think i would i haven't been really there we go there's a very task i wasn't really tempted to um uh oh hang on there's me farming for blood vials because i lost them fighting a brayer test i no i'm not tempted to see new i gameplay i fully uh yeah admire people who who are all about like replaying and getting even better at these games and like upping the difficulty but yes that's not really why i play it you know i do love the challenge but i don't want i don't want any more challenge please yeah i i'm sort of i'm kind of there for the aesthetics and and to be able to say that i did it you know like and for me being able to say uh i beat abreotas eventually is is roughly on par with being able to say like and i did it on new game plus or something so like you know i it's um yeah it's fascinating to me how much different people struggle with different bosses yes it's endlessly fascinating yeah it is like and you and that is it's almost like a rorschach test of like people personalities as to what like really confines them or not because i don't think we struggled with abritas definitely struggled with orphan of cause but but yeah but like definitely struggled a little bit with maria orphan of causes is up there though i absolutely like detested it to begin with yeah but like it did amazing like by the end because you because you you get put in that practice and you're really like you want to to win it i could i could i could dodge every attack and you can just really see that progression and that's what i love love love about these games yeah um force you to get better here we go looking at some morphine of course now um just unbelievably hard for me like easily easily the hardest thing in in the game uh and and the weird thing is is that like i felt like by the end i was like i knew every attack i could see them all coming like when they're sign posted but there's something about the i think the thing that tripped me up and i guess trips up a lot of people is that the accelerate the difficulty acceleration in the second phase is just huge so i found that i was just doing so many attempts where i would like struggle through to the second phase and then as soon as the transformation happened it's like electricity starts happening yeah and it's just immediately killed like you know game over yes yeah i remember that and being like well that isn't fair i didn't even have time to adjust yeah i didn't i didn't couldn't get any practice in no yeah yeah and just the there are so many uh like aoe moves and kind of like throw throwing attacks and and that lightning that comes out from the beach and just i find i find actually that that fight more than any other the audio cues helped me um to know what was coming next because it's different it did different screeches for like whether it was going to do like a long range swing or a sweeping move or like you know it was just it took a long time for me to kind of place each attack to a different sound but once i did it was it was like fail safe every time yeah and it was like oh once that clicks you're like i'm so smart i'm the best gamer of all time that's that's unbelievable i i watched the um after i finally got the orphan of course i watched you and johnny um like do that fight and i really really i really just enjoyed that that final attempt because you're like on another level you're so in the zone and johnny's just johnny's like clearly feeling obliged to sort of keep continue making let's play jokes and commentary but it's just like johnny johnny hush we're nearly there it's like yeah it was like just what just watching that health bar like inch down and it was so cool as well because the the attempt where you got it you killed it and then it killed you i know it was like you've got you've got folks you've got to you've got to track it down on your gamer but like the the kit it's it's um it's the lightning from the beach which obviously the orphan sets going yeah and then you kill it and then the lightning gets to you and and i was going frame by frame through that because i was like if the lightning had hit just before the just before the weapon comes down yeah yeah yeah i don't i don't know what the game would have done in that situation but it's so it's so i was yeah it was an amazing moment because that was actually because i'd played it um on my own prior to doing that and that's why i think i was a bit better at it because i'd already learned um a lot of its moves and right but but my blood was still up like and i was just i i wanted to do well so bad and i knew that because you know how you kind of get into like a a very specific mindset when you're playing these games some days you have it and some days you just don't yep um and it was really scary for us as well like especially with orange scene and smoke smell from the first dark souls game where we really struggled especially when we were doing a let's play like for a couple of hours once a week yeah you don't if you don't have it that day there's no video so it was a really stressful situation to be in i think um yeah like not to not obviously like world's smallest violin for all youtubers ever but like the it's a really stressful game to to be doing in it to stream or but like to let's play as well because you're absolutely right like you set out to make you set out to make a video and you know i want i want a live stream to feature a boss defeat and i don't want an entire stream to be doing one boss over and over again yeah um because you know that's not fun for me and i and i have to imagine it gets less and less fun to watch as well especially if i'm you know losing my sense of humor uh which i you're getting frustrated then you don't want to get frustrated because nobody wants to watch that as well yeah yeah there was um like the the orphan of course i i beat between streams um because i i was like i can't do it i i left it to you know let's play luke to handle it and even even then i was like i'm tilting i'm getting worse and worse and worse and it's such an odd sensation where you're like i don't see why i'm getting worse at this fight because because like i'm learning more how am i doing worse and worse and it's a really odd sensation isn't it because you're like i don't i i know what i'm doing i can't make my i can't make my hands to what i what i think i'm doing in my head it's really and i i can't think of any other game that that exists for me in no i don't think so i and i i think it's something to do with the fact that these games are so brilliantly designed to exist right on the right on the knife edge between like doable and too difficult like like i think a lot of people think of the fromsoft games as being as hard as they can be but they really aren't like it would be so easy to just just turn the dials up ever so slightly and make these games basically unplayable the the artistry is in making them just just just do enough just doable so but i think that means that like if there's if there's any other factors if you're a little tired or sometimes if your tv volume is up too high or too low then like you just can't get in the can't get in the space yeah yeah because you mentioned you mentioned like putting on a podcast or something else it's weird that when you take the immediacy of the music which in those games the music is always so intense and so full-on when you take that away it's a lot easier i think sometimes i think so i think so unless it's one of those boss bosses where you really need an audio queue like you know like you were saying um yeah some i i think that's one of the reasons why i found like some of these boss fights easier to do on a stream it's because i was like 70 of my brain was was like trying to say things yes and you know like give commentary and i think it really really prevented me from ever overthinking or like double guessing any particular move um definitely get in your head about some stuff for sure yeah yeah it's it's such a trippy psychological experience playing playing these games there's i don't think anything's made me think about how i think about things more yeah yeah yeah yeah and again like i haven't found it i didn't find anything in bloodborne as hard as i found sakiro in general but like sakira there were quite a few boss fights where i was like i've been doing this for three hours i have to go i'm gonna i want to keep playing because i want to do it but i have to i have to just go away and i have to come back tomorrow what did you find the which did you apart from the the final boss what did you find really difficult there uh let's see um in fact let me let me call up a list of sakiro bosses because i i want to i want to do this justice um there's a there's a few that i the optional ones that i just walked away from completely uh the it's it's right near the end um one of the it's like one of the one of the drunkards um yes the fire one yeah i watched you do it i watched you sort that out on on stream and that was just i i gave up with that because you have to clear out the area first yeah every time that's the most thing about it i think like the track back to the boss can often be the worst thing about the whole experience um seven ash in a space uh the sky by the tire yep found that unbelievably hard uh lady butterfly um you know that was that was a days-long situation for sure um the what else uh um um guardian ape how did you find them the guardian ape is my uh favorite boss fight in a game in a game ever i i loved the guardian ape so much just because even like and yes that i think that took me two set two sittings i think it was like i did it for like a couple hours then did it like played it the next morning and got it um so but it took me loads of nights of attempts because it's very hard the second phase is very hard but just conceptually visually i love that boss fight so much it's it's it's my favorite like it's so amazingly creepy the way he like kind of dances with his sword and then when he does the big rule where he like he like just rolls himself to full height and then just straight down on you and the way he puts his head back on to scream is um yeah and and that attack is an instant kill if you're too close to it because it like fills up your terror is it terror terror yeah um i had the lilac so i could just kind of stop that from happening yeah which was good i i feel like i may i maybe went a bit wrong with lady butterfly because in the end i figured out a way of doing like the ladybug fight was kind of like half legitimate half kind of basically cheesing it but i think that's the point where the game is like i'm going to brick wall you until you learn how to parry properly and i think because and i think if i'd have been more patient and learned to parry properly it might have set me up better for the for the rest of the game yeah yeah i think that's why i needed to come back to it like almost a year later with ganashiro ganeshiro is definitely a test of everything you've learned in the game up to that point and if you haven't learned it then you just simply can't progress which i remember having this discussion not too long ago with people who said well is that is that right to do that is it fair to do that like should a game's difficulty level bar people from playing it especially if they've already bought the game um because for me the difficulty doesn't detract from it because for me it's all it's tied up in why i enjoy it but i do get the argument that you know if someone wants to enjoy because secure is a gorgeous game it's aesthetic it's amazing if someone wants to enjoy that i mean they can't really can they if they if they don't get good at partying i'm completely in two minds about the about the difficulty mode thing on on the one hand like you only have so much time to make a game and like it's already an in an intense process to to make a video game as it is like with with crunch and everything and and like just trying to balance i i don't see how you could make a game like sakura or bloodborne if you had to balance two difficulty modes because like often like if you play a game i i was thinking about this with breath of the wild actually because i i streamed a lot of breath of the wild on master mode and and it's it's just not as good on master mode the game is worse um you know it's fun because it's hard but it but it's not it's not balanced it's not good like there's some things that are too hard and there are some things that are just too easy it's it it's um it's yeah it's i think compared to the main gamers but but it was a bit of dlc they're like i don't know the way they do it is they make every boss sorry every enemy in that you encounter one stage harder so it's a real kind of like blanket brute force like and everything has regenerating health everything oh god regardless of context so like it just feels kind of artificial though doesn't it when they're just kind of tacking on a little bit of extra health on it i think with sakiro it's they i mean they built that game around that excitement of the clashing of steel swords and you totally get that you know and that's like i love the fact that these fights you could you could maybe get in like two hits and the boss is dead because it's all about bringing down their posture rather than their overall health really in most cases um and that just suits it just it just thematically it just fits so well yeah and i don't know how you would do that without kind of wrecking the the whole thing that the game is trying to to tell you um i don't know i just yeah yeah i know what you mean i i kind of think like i i sort of want everyone to if you don't want to play sakira i completely get it but i don't know just it's just going to youtube and put sakiro no commentary and like just just watch watch that watch someone who's really good at it play it play it well and and you know you can enjoy the aesthetics that way maybe it's not quite the same is it but no but you know i think it's some if some people just don't have the time and that's completely fair yeah um it is it is difficult like especially when some fights do take a lot of you know of practice to get to get through them um but yeah it's yeah it's complicated um and i still don't really know where i ride where i land on it uh it sounds like you land pretty highly it sounds like you've done pretty well especially where bloodborne is concerned oh oh no i just mean like in terms of like the debate of like should there be an easy you know yeah i know when that debate was happening uh about sakiro a lot of people pointed out that everyone's playing the game in easy mode because there's that bell you can ring that makes everything hard um is there in sakira yeah there's some there's like a there's there's some optional thing you can go do hang on i'll i'll i'll i'll find you thank you sakiro bell gosh oh yeah the demon bell can be rung by the player to increase the difficulty of the game so yeah you're rewarded with better item drops but it makes it harder so yeah so we all played sakira on easy mode um and we and we have to come to terms with that yeah we thought we were getting good but we just weren't we were just we're coasting along i know um okay so uh so back to bloodborne let's talk um a little bit we talked about mechanics talk about the area let's talk let's talk about let's talk about boss fights i want to know favorites like okay both in terms of like aesthetically and like the sort of encounters i like this i thought the boss fights in bloodborne were i enjoyed them overall more than dark souls and more than sakirai because i just thought there were more cool bosses yeah some of the a lot of the bosses in sakira are basically humans and that's you know boring i guess although it does have i mean the divine dragon is basically just not really a boss fight is more it's a set piece but don't say that either because that was one of the ones i found not too difficult so it's important to me that one and the the sakura bull is it uh oh yeah yeah those two those are the only two bosses in in security that didn't give me loads and loads of trouble so i bet if you went back to now though you would not have any trouble it really is once you get pairing down and i say this as someone who was really bad at it when i first came to it too and never thought that i would actually the only reason i went back to it is because i really enjoyed goes to sushima and wanted more of that aesthetic and i was like i never it's always been a black mark on my record that i that i never finished that maybe i should do that now um and yeah once i was like entered i was like why did i wait so long it's great um but anyway sorry we're going back to platform oh yeah yeah it's it's difficult to not get sidetracked by security because secure is great okay yeah so let's let's okay let's begin with uh all right who's the first boss in the game oh it's that um the jump on the jump on the bridge yeah clarity beast um yeah here we go all right i'm just cueing up some footage of it i think i i think i i think i tried it once and then and then died embarrassingly uh here we go oh yeah here we go then we had to go back and do it there we go cleric beast um i thought i didn't like this boss very much as a first as a first boss i think it's uh i think it's a weird introduction because the combat is not the way you beat it it's not really like anything else in bloodborne you're you're totally correct i was going to say it like it almost felt like that that boss is there uh for people who are coming expecting dark souls um because it moves in a very similar way to dark souls bosses it you can attack it in a very similar way you just get get behind it get between its legs and it's its attacks are very big very blocky kind of more easily avoided yeah so it's almost like it's easing you in a little bit if that makes sense i think yeah i suppose maybe if i think about it like that it is very very similar in a lot of ways to the um tourist demon in in dark souls one like you're even on a bridge um it's uh yeah i i think the fact that because you're on that bridge and it's an enclosed space um uh you know dodge dodging is hard you're likely to get one-shotted so you don't get much practice with the rally mechanic of getting your health back so it's a cool i like the design but i have to i didn't especially um love the boss fight although it is the boss that most people will probably see although technically isn't the first boss it's technically optional but yes it's completely optional i think yeah yeah oh look i'm using molotov to defeat it which is the only time the items were useful in the whole game yes right i know yeah fire bombs can sometimes be handy too yes look at your urea first pump yeah well it was a simpler time i think we have father gascoigne the the next boss in oh i get gascoigne is is the real first challenge isn't he yeah gascoigne is um gascoigne is hardcore uh but i loved this boss fight this feels much more like having now finished the game this is like this is this is just this is this is like glassing classic bloodborne classic bloodborne because he's a hunter uh he fires his gun which is so um if you if you've only played the first time he did that i was like only i may fire the gun gascoigne it's yeah it really really wrong-footed me like the fact that he can sort of shoot you from afar uh and he's just as fast as you uh like the the like it i think this is the the point where i like maybe starts to appreciate the value of parries yeah very much so and the arena i think in this boss fight makes it a lot harder and sometimes easier um than it should be as well like i know there's a cheese that a lot of people did early on where they jump and run around like they do basically circuits of the thing where they like his head and stuff i i've done this boss three times and the first two times i accidentally cheesed him because the first time he got caught in a tree and he just he just died i don't even know why he died but he just straight up expired and i wasn't touched and the second time i think i did use that cheese because i was just having a bad time the third time i did it properly so i'm retaining bragging rights a little bit but oh of course but it was good that he there are different ways to attempt him and he is super super aggressive i'm watching him now and getting flashbacks yeah the the um i think that the second phase as well when he's werewolves out uh is like really scary because he he moves so quickly and wherever you are in the arena he can he can get to you in a moment and he hits really hard i think i i think as well like if the first phase encourages you to sort of attempt parrying a bit more i think the second phase really teaches you to attempt like trying to use the rally mechanic a little because you just don't have time to heal i was when i was dying in in this fight was when i was trying to heal like you go to heal and it's like no splat so and that's really that's a really vital thing for you to learn as well because i think like especially coming from bloodborne you tend to hide behind your heels a little bit you're like back off back off back off i need a moment i need a moment where is this it's like no we're full out we're full out offense all the time yeah but did you use the music box again i did yes because because i was live streaming it i had like a thousand people um telling me about this this music box thing and and actually i would say like all these like like all the little kind of tricks and tips in in bloodborne it was really helpful and it's really cool like the law behind using that music box is fascinating and i'm i'm so i've got so much time for that it's awesome um but like it's not a it's not a great big advantage he's like he's sort of wrong-footed for a moment i think i died once just like fumbling my items just trying to get the music box to play so i like that that it does it's not like a get out of jail free card it'll it'll give you a slight advantage but you still got to know what to do basically yes definitely um but yeah father gascoigne the the great great great boy you know what i'm i think we should pick our favorite at the end of this and i'm going to put him on the maybe pile okay so just i'm burying him in mind for my maybe pile uh okay so who have you got after who've we got after that you've got uh oh the blood stuff the blood stuff beast i'm skimming through looking for the looking for the like bit with the like blue like with the red health bar along the bottom that's kind of how i'm like finding whether oh right yeah um blood stuff beast i think that's the third one no that's just a regular werewolf that's oh yeah here we go there's that health bar yeah oh yeah um yeah uh i think i used a summon uh to get through this um which was kind of fun i i like that i think summons in this in bloodborne cost insight to use and you end up with more insight i ended up with more insight than i could spend so it felt fine unlike dark souls where it's like a real special treat to use uh to use the summons because um it really is i can't remember what it costs but you don't have much of it is it humanity yeah yeah it is yeah you're right yeah okay um which isn't in like super plentiful supply but no i i did not enjoy the starved beast i was just like poison really yeah um i i like the i like the speed and and again i like the aggression and i like that the blood starved beast is mostly like a melee proposition so it's it's one of those like stay on its hind quarters and exactly keep hitting it situations um the the chat has reminded me that that actually when i beat the bloodstarve beast i like you and the orphan of course was killed after winning no um let me see if i can see if i can find this i don't know if i'm going to survive this attempt i just i think like the blood star of beast it's fine but it in terms of uh like interesting boss design it's not really up there yeah i mean it's got the sort of like flappy skin flaps which is i guess interesting but i don't know just no the the thing is like when i think of the blood stuff beast i first picture uh vicar amelia um oh yeah because like i think sort of design wise and it's kind of similar but that's better there we go prey slaughtered and i haven't noticed i've poisoned and that my health is draining away um still kind still kind still counts here we go look live stream luke is getting he's getting into the post-match analysis now he's like yeah well once i did this once i did that i thought you know sort of had it i haven't even noticed i'm poisoning well she goes down really fast though doesn't it and then yeah i don't know it's fine it was fine and i actually really like the area leading down to the blood starved base do you remember that kind of like a big twisty turny path oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's yes that's right it's very very dark and yeah very dark and moody yes that's right you have to kind of yeah you have to sort of like jump your way through around some like buildings and stuff which is like around the edges of yeah um yeah very cool very cool but yes i i'm i'm with you that like you know apart from apart from that i like boston have a bit of story behind them and i don't know that that had a great deal i'm sure i'm sure it there's there's some uh lure as to why it why it's there and why it's doing its thing but i'm sure there's a gigantic amount of law but that i you know just nothing happens accidentally in a prom software again yeah uh hang on let me i'm gonna call up a list of bosses in order so i don't so i don't miss any uh yeah so we did um what's so what's after uh what's after you oh yeah then then we've got vicar emilia um and i thought vicar emilia was a really cool boss fight oh there we go that we're on it already it's just it's like it's like the blood stuff beast but like cranked up to to extreme um really a really cute uh afghan hound yeah she looks a bit like the deluxe dog i mean i know that's not the right the breed but but i think it's just the sort of like the yeah what you were saying that i think she's that sort of gated boss who's kind of testing you a little bit um and seeing what you've learned so far i think so she will she will take you to the cleaners if you haven't taken time to you know get more familiar with the systems by that point yes a really good balance in this boss fight i think of like the the need to i think i was fighting an instinct all the way through fighting vicar emilia to um to dodge backwards uh yeah because yeah you know because when lunges at you and in bloodborne as as you know more often than not the the the smart play is to dodge into the thing and to and so that you sort of end up behind it or to the to the side of it um do that learning in my head like don't dodge away dodge forward it's like such a simple thing but it makes a lot of difference in a lot of these fights and and actually like with the with the benefit of hindsight looking at vicar emilia now in in in the footage like she's so she's so front loaded like she's got big a big spicy mouth and huge arms i feel like the boss design is really clearly telling me like you need to be behind this thing yeah you don't want to be up here yeah interface but but nevertheless it the temptation is massive to to you know to to back up to run away um i generally once i've once i've kind of beaten a boss all of all of their systems go completely out of my head because i don't need them anymore but one f one move i always remember her doing is she kind of like does this doesn't she like she just comes at you all like arms yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's just trying to play patty kick it's a bit of a i think it's a bit of a theme with the enemies actually in bloodborne there's a lot of uh yeah there we go i just i you're about to see me because i know you're on a slight delay for but i'm about to dodge backwards and um immediately yeah um gosh no there we go but it's the you're right there's a lot of enemies that have a you know just from absolutely from nowhere even just like the kind of random like mobs and stuff ones that aren't bosses they've got an attack that's just like that and you just end up getting mangled in moments um yeah yeah yeah vikra also um vicar emilia really cool cutscene um yes and i feel like the law is good there as well as like there's a whole like trunk it's kind of sad isn't it she's she's not necessarily bad she's like been protecting the place or she's been waiting because she heals herself as well which i guess is like yes sort of hinting at the fact that she's almost like aligned with goodness and light and things like that yeah but she i think she was it was her transformation she held out as long as she could and then yeah given um just in time to fight you yeah okay good timing i i mean if i was her i wouldn't hold out i'd be like let's shed this mortal form let's become the dude the deluxe dog of death i'm ready to be the goodest girl yeah yeah exactly that's that's the way to be oh yeah really cool boss i like the antlers as well just like the visually i mean it's such a it's such a graphically impressive game it holds up amazingly well considering it's five years old i think like this i know and i love her arena as well like the steps leading up to the whole cathedral and everything yeah it's really it's it's my favorite kind of boss arena it looks really pretty but there's nothing to get stuck on like there's you can basically kind of dodge and run around almost infinitely and you're not gonna get like tripped up by the um also because the the area is so big the camera doesn't like break lock-on when she jumps around and stuff which is just the bane of my existence the camera in in these games can be just awful yeah i feel like they built it for dark souls where where everything moves much slower and it's a little bit more reasonable there but then they obviously in the same with some of the same tools they built games like bloodborne and sakiro and the camera just cannot handle it when it when the boss like jumps up in the air and stuff like that yeah but that's when you need to be locked on yeah and i never ever want to lose lock on like i know some people like there's some fights where they're like oh no it's better without lock on i can't i just it makes me really nervous when i have to control the camera myself there's like there's there's boss fights i've done in soulsborne games i'm like i think this is easier locked up you know without lock-on but i never want lock-on to break like if i've locked on stay glue stay glued to it break everything else break the whole game geometry before before that happens yeah great boss fight though really yeah vicar emilia primo primo stuff or amelia um who's next i think it's the witches of hemwick which is like like a sarcastic joke meme boss that i died too um to be fair johnny died to do it as well was it johnny or was it me i honestly can't remember anymore but i think i came into this fight with like you know giving it giving it the big one being like ah not even a challenge and i think we died first time the thing is like i don't think there's any shame in dying to it because like it but it's not it's not very hard it's just confusing you you just can't figure out where you're supposed to go or what you're supposed to yeah what you're supposed to do a lot of these fights are trial and error as well it's like yes if you don't know what's coming you don't really know how best to protect yourself from it yeah yeah very much so um the i kind of like i i like that there is a it's almost a puzzle boss almost almost um remember the the is it the bed of chaos in dark souls the one that yes everyone cheeses yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that but that one is um that one is i i really i feel like that is a that's like too much puzzle boss like the bed of chaos because it's like you just run run through a hole that you couldn't possibly see and kill a worm and it dies or something yeah that is really unfair i do like puzzle bosses i like the the respite they kind of give you really because puzzle bosses are just generally much easier once you figure out how to do it yep um and i just live i like the the variation that they kind of bring as well also sorry no i was just gonna say but yeah like i think that i think that those are examples of puzzle bosses that don't really work all that well yes uh another one i would say i i didn't i didn't really enjoy the folding screen monkeys in sakiro which is kind of it's kind of a bad person i know but it's kind of a puzzle because you're sort of like chasing the monkeys and you're like hey it's so hard to catch them there must be a trick to it and there kind of is but also there kind of isn't like you you kind of just have to catch them but and then there's the invisible one behind you and like you have to sort of know how once you figure that one out like i turn around and immediately kill that one so it never posed yeah um but the other ones yeah like i was chasing them around for way too long and i'm like this is this is tedious this isn't challenging this is just irritating yes yeah so witches of hemwick not not gonna not gonna be placing high on my list of favorites but um but you know but nevertheless no shame and dying to it i reckon no oh oh after that we got the shadows of yharnam now now we're cooking oh no i think we got we got really feral with that fight oh really i think our reaction to beating them is probably one of the most um just guttural like it we johnny had to go out and apologize to the office because we the sounds that came out of our mouths were just not really human and certainly not suitable for an office environment because um yeah they were i guess i think they're probably the first really tough boss fight of bloodborne yeah like really they're the one that that gave us like a proper amount of trouble amelia was she's challenging but but you can get through her quite quickly i think shadows of yharnam are just horrible and relentless i'm i'm going to say this so that so that it's me and not the chat insisting that you know but this was this was the first boss that i did first first try yeah um it ain't easy and easy being really good at bloodborne it was this this boss fight i really enjoyed i don't know that i would have enjoyed it if i was doing it over and over again which certainly i'm sure if i tried to do it again i would not you know i would i would have to do and i wouldn't have lucked out in fact in this it like from this point on because we're now into the second phase where like everyone has snake heads there's so many i've watched my own you know let's i've watched my own attempts back and there's so many points where um there's so many points where like i i should have screaming at them these snakes just come on out of nowhere one of them gets a big giant one is that yes i think that i think that happens like right like right when you're near the end um i i yeah like when one of them has a little bit of health left like super big snakes come out just the the pace of it is nuts like you have to use that big gravestone in the middle to kind of oh yeah avoid the avoid the fire um it's were you doing this deliberately where you were taking all of their health bars down to a little nub before you finished absolutely not um no really god no um no i was i was um basically the strategy i had was trying to stay like trying to keep something between me and the one that does the fire bolts the ranged one um because if i know anything about games it's that the one that's a wizard is gonna it's gonna be a glass yeah it don't be on fire and also like probably that one's gonna be the easiest one to kill last because it's squishy yep squishy um and apart from that it was just trying to just stay out the way get opportunistic hits in i got a few um parries in uh in this one here we go we're about to see the big snakes i think yeah big snakes big snakes i think maybe it's when there's just one left yes that sounds about right i oh my gosh there it is i think i think by definition this fight's always going to feel a little anti-climactic at the end because yeah you've got one you've got one left i think i guess that's why they brought in the snake right so that you know it's not just well it's not just the boss fight divided by divided by three i wish they hadn't bothered really yeah well well yeah i don't know i am i found this fight uh very intense it's cool but they are not super interesting i don't think and it's and but they are exciting you can't like this fight is i thought i find it exciting yes because they are quite electable do you know what it reminds me a little bit like there's there's two hunters who both have electric weapons who you meet um like outside the vikramelia church in fact that might even be in hang on no way is this stream all oh i i hated this at least favorite area the the forest whatever it's called magical forest of bad mystery yes with all that with all the the tangled snakes and everything yes yes yes yes yeah yeah i hated that i didn't didn't like it didn't like exploring it yeah you went into that fight with 50k echoes did i oh yes so that was another thing i i i didn't i didn't realize that the boss fight was was there because the chat was telling me like boss fight coming up and there was a point where i walked into the arena and you know there's the door that you walk through afterwards when you're finished so i was like oh i think the bosses are through there yeah yeah so i i really really um like a fool uh yeah that one wandered in and nearly yeah right and also like at the time 50 50k echoes that was you know by the time you finished the game that's that's not sure you probably i'm sure you probably didn't get this a lot because you were one-shotting all the bosses but like once we did do that a few times where we mistakenly went into an arena and then knew that well we gotta carry these these echoes out with us yeah but it got really um it just got really hairy when you know when you drop your echoes but you know you've got to pick them up before you really get into the boss fight proper yes so it's it's just rolling get to the echoes get to the echoes and then and then repositioning yourself to actually start the fight yeah it's just express i didn't want or need at that point in time i just i i mostly don't bother like if i lose them in a boss fight i'm like they're gone they're gone they're gone also like there are some there are some farming spots for for uh echoes in this game that are so easy and so convenient um that like i never really worried too much about losing i think maybe [Laughter] but there's like i was like well i can go i can go get them but like the killing all of those students in the lecture hall like that that's the size oh yeah that farming spot i was like i can get i can get these back in like 15 minutes of quite easy mindless gameplay the the footage i've got on now is that the two hunters who have like they electric weapons i love but i really really got i got a lot out of that fight i found it really exciting um smaller fights are actually a lot more fun than some of the big more bigger more set piece bosses yeah definitely definitely the um the the there are three fights i think in this game that that really really push you in terms of like crowd control and and it's the the shadows these two jerks and then there's three hunters in the nightmare frontier they gave yes they gave me a lot of trouble like a lot a lot really does it really makes you feel like proper you know you're just ganged up on you're just being bullied into a corner and you're like no yeah absolutely not i'm not standing for this and it's so frustrating like like getting in a good dodge and like landing a hit on the one you're locked onto and then just from off camera it's like look from somewhere else just coming in from the side ah completely unreasonable um but but yeah i do i yeah i i how do you feel about the shadows of yharnam ifa having sworn so loud you had to maybe it's because of that um the whole theater of that fight outside of the actual screen but i have fond memories of it because because we were just we were so invested like it was it's not even i don't think it's the most exciting fight and i don't think it was our best fight um but it was it definitely got one of our biggest reactions couldn't tell you why i think we were just both fully invested in it at that point in time and so i i really liked it because it because you know it's there's always something going on from from one corner or another so it is that crowd control i like that aspect of it because you don't see that a ton in these games yeah so i do like employed to to great effect there's no chance to relax definitely it's like a really really intense um yeah just also they're like their screens like yeah and they're like evolved in that school as well like let's be honest oh yeah that's cool okay i didn't really i should have thought about them like that the thing that i like as well is that it's they're an enemy that later in the game you encounter in non-boss form and by then you're so you're so badass and strong you're just like carving them up they probably don't have as much hp um but you know it felt really good you making that connection is good enough right yes yeah exactly you're like i know these i know these these folks and it's a good it's a good it makes you feel like you've come a long way when you can kind of like wade through them there's i think there's a in the dlc there's a blood starved beast in a cave or something and it's there's no lead up to it it's just like an enemy it just jumps on you yeah i do remember that it's like and actually i think you get you get invaded around the same time don't you because i remember yeah there's a guy with um or something uh he's got like i think it's a guy with a gatling gun that's it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and yeah so all of a sudden you're having quite a chill time up until that just killing these giant fleas and then all of a sudden yeah it's chaos yeah it's um that that's cool it's cool to it's cool to see it's cool to fight a boss again and it's and it's easy because you're so leveled up by that point because you never feel leveled up in this game you never feel like you're getting any stronger because everything scales with you yeah i think bloodborne just getting slightly off topic i think bloodborne is one of the very few instances where i enjoyed uh quite a bit of the dlc even more than the main game yeah i really i really really enjoyed um all of the bosses in the dlc i think like vicar africa amelia astral clocked her maria and orphan of course obviously i think they're some of the best boss fights in the entire game by far quite i quite agree it might be the best dlc i've ever played yeah i think that's controversial see like it feels like they've re there's and there's a lot in it as well yeah like it is it's 80. um and i love like yeah i love all the new stuff that it brings in with regards to the story as well i yeah it's great as you say some of the some of the best bosses um speaking of i think the next i think the next one on our list is rom lovely ron how did you find rom uh i got roman 1 sorry um uh i i found it a cool boss fight it's it was a bit more of a thinker a a really weirdly slow pace i thought um it kind of but but you know i was into it the the i think that like the big question with this fight is like should i be killing these little spiders or are they uh or are they a red herring um that's actually yeah very much so because rom herself is quite squishy and doesn't put up too much of a fight um but it is just it's all about minding your environment in rome like whether it's the little spiders or when she starts summoning the magic down from the sky and everything yeah if you get carried away with getting one more hidden you're just absolutely destroyed immediately the other thing i really like about rom is that it's a um a boss that is not aggressive when you enter the arena so you can and i took the opportunity to really look and like get up get up close and like at the design which is which is absolutely horrendous um yeah i'm just looking at it now yeah but you know i i do think that's i think that's cool abreath as well has that like just not aggressive at first and and yes are we the baddies yeah yeah definitely like this spider is just you know on some kind of astral plane just hanging out um why must we war you know problem's actually quite important when it comes to because rome once rome is dead i think the world changes quite a lot doesn't it because you get that vision of the lady at the end of it and stuff as well yes um yeah that it's definitely a sky-changing situation um i seem to remember the chat being very keen i can't remember what it was but that i did some things first like things are about to be locked off you know um yeah um but i thought ron was cool i did the rom boss fight again in a chalice dungeon and it took me five goes so rom did totally kick my butt in the end um was it exactly the same like with all the little spiders and everything as far as i could tell it was exactly the same but the difference is you're in a much smaller room um so like things are a bit more uh confined um and also the other main difference was that i was incredibly complacent having you know because i was like oh wrong wrong wrong lovely wrong whatever she's not gonna be a problem mom does lolli india false sense of security i think i don't know why i knew rome was difficult but when we went to to like uh not stream it but when we did our let's play i remember thinking oh rom will be fine we'll be done by this afternoon we'll have loads of time we'll be able to get something else done like later on but we ended up struggling quite a bit um just because i think yeah like on her own or with all the little spiderlings yeah they're fine but you can die very very very fast well the spiderlings are unbelievably strong um yeah and actually the thing that so like rom has several uh uh man like i just i just got hit by two spiders and like my health is just in half um but the but rom has like several several attacks and they're all pretty they're all they all hit pretty hard and one of them is some like savage aoe that you can't really predict because you're trying to get up close to rom to to to you know to win the boss fight also the other thing is like the way that all of the spiders are advancing backwards like yeah i think that's really cool because it feels like you are again it's like are we the baddies you know like that it's like they're trying to protect rom not and know what you're up to as well they're like holding formation here yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean it didn't help it didn't help i slaughtered them all it's fine but yeah one of those little spiders just did exactly the thing you were talking about where they walk towards you just go like that oh yeah just like loads of yeah i remember that worst um yeah and also like i think the design of the little spiders is really cool because when you hit them face on they don't take very much damage at all which makes which really makes me feel like that head that they've got is really crusty yeah yeah like a big sort of like bone edifice thing it almost looks like it looks like um like chittenden's kind of like desiccated a little bit and falling in on it and just hardened like calcified over time yes absolutely and so you know design wise i think rom is a really cool boss um also the everything is awesome as well i mean it's vast like i love that one it's well lit so there's no surprises yeah too even plenty of space it feels like when you actually like get up close to roman can start hitting it i got really really stressed that i wasn't doing as much damage as i could have been because i i'm like here we go i have here we i've got a free shot and something i was fumbling the buttons and just like you do and then because you know you only have a certain amount of heads before she teleports as well yeah yeah and then like there's three phases i think or like three i'm sure you can kill her faster yes i mean i couldn't but um but the yeah like the the phases just get harder and harder one of the things that i think is stressful about this fight is that it's um it takes a long time like per attempt it's um it's time-consuming that's the worst thing i find about it as well is that you i'm really impatient and i want to rush through especially when it's first stages which you know how to do it you just you just have to get through and i'm like oh this again i just want to i just want to get to the stuff that where i haven't progressed as much as i want to but like that's how it gets you because of of course when you start rushing you start making mistakes silly mistakes when i was doing this in the when i was doing room in the chalice dungeon as i mentioned i was like after the third death i was like you know what i probably don't need to kill the spiders i pro the little baby ones i probably um like i'm probably skilled enough that i can get in and just dodge out and you know and and it will be fine and it was obviously it was worse there wasn't you know there was i just had to i just had to do it do it slowly and do it properly and it's just better in the long run you can control them up to a point i think you can use rom's own body as a kind of like a bit of a like a an obstacle for them to just to make sure that they take longer in getting to you yeah but by that it's like you may as well just clear them out and get some nice clean headset on them first yes as a sidebar um was there i know that when you and johnny played you ludwig's holy blade seems to be the kind of weapon that you stuck with the most is there like when you played it through the first time yourself like offline was there what was your what was your weapon of choice basically i'm trying to remember now like because i i certainly use the saw cleaver that was my first one and it always has been i'm watching you know and i'm like which one is that the axes that's that's the axe i used the axe in this um because i i felt like it was better for the little spiders i'm not sure if it was though i i used the saw cleaver basically all the time through the whole game yeah um because i fully leveled up like i kept it for probably longer to have you know mm-hmm yeah i like that yeah i never found anything sorry go on we keep yeah it's just that i like that about bloodborne specifically where you don't you're not being given tons and tons of weapons and armor and everything all the time you actually can spend like a bit more with each weapon and and upgrade them rather than just just having a constant cat like production line of weapons to use yep and it's a it's a real treat that um that uh armor is basically useless or that like doesn't do anything like that it's just it's something that you don't have to think about it's it's a it's a real gift it made it at first i i bounced off it because i was like how am i supposed to give myself an edge but um but but actually just like compared to dark souls where you're always thinking i'm not dressed right i'm not dressed right for this um totally yeah yeah i like like you end up thinking am i have i missed some like what is that you just google what is the the best armor for this game yeah instead of one that you want to wear the one that might be best for your own particular place well and there are a thousand people waiting for you to google that like well you're really asking three questions there let me tell you about poise because it's a hidden stat oh my god i just mean will i not die i do love a bit of i like being able to get more into the cosmetic side of things you know like i want to wear the best looking stuff but and because generally you have the good looking stuff and then you have the stuff that actually works when it's not just cosmetic but um yeah yeah yep well i went through all of dark souls dressed um i think it was i want to say it was the thief's gear that i sort of settled on i had um i had the zveyhander was my weapon all the way through huge heavy incredibly powerful very very slow but then i was dressed in next to nothing um with incredibles with it with like incredibly high stamina regen so i was i mean that's that would be the worst thing you could possibly do oh my goodness i mean yeah if there's one thing commenters won't allow i am a big fan of quick weapons so i i don't really like it was only i had to change my play style towards the end of our blood porn let's play but i quite like get little hits in like death by a thousand cuts you know italy and get out again yeah yeah just like that there's noises when i play as well and i'm a total convert to that because i stuck with the saw cleaver all the way through and it's so fun and it's so quick and i love it great and the transformed form is pretty good and it's got a cool combo when you sort of like flip it out mid attack it looks look at it it looks awesome it looks like a giant like you know shaving razor thing or something it's also the one on the box art which uh that shouldn't sway me but it really does i'm like this is this is the iconic thing and the other two threaded cane which i never bothered with really because it was a bit too flimsy looking yeah and the other one was yeah i think you can do some real damage with the shredded cane if you know what you're doing but um not for me not for me yeah um two two intellectual a weapon um yeah but yeah rom rom is good prom is good i rom is i would say rom is one of the more iconic bosses of bloodborne yes definitely everyone knows yeah uh i'm trying to find now uh the one reborn which i think is the next um the next fight um where are you one reborn which one reborn is that one with the ladies with the bells up on the balcony yep that's the one yeah did i do it no that's mata lagarius come back to that i can't find the one reborn maybe i forgot to put that video in this playlist which is something for me to address offline um but yeah the one reborn i did i i was not super into that boss fight not that hard once you yeah yeah yeah slow once your bells it's like whatever it's kind of not that memory it's a big blob it's a big vlog in the middle of a of a kind of mezzanine and there's just not it's it's kind of important to the lure if i recall correctly but it's just not not interesting doesn't really have a big move set what is it kind of like doesn't it kind of like uh pulse out little spikes and stuff like it's kind of dull yeah it can do like it can do one that's quite memorable where it like rains gore from the sky like oh yeah that kind of i think it follows you that's pretty freaky but um but the music for that from that boss fight elevated way more than it deserved oh really yeah i don't remember i don't remember the music but i i'm but i'm sure like all the music it was amazing and i was not paying attention to it like i should have been i'll listen to it afterwards i'll find i'll find it on youtube oh it's worthwhile um dark beast dark beast pal parle dark beast pal that's in the hypers is something jail edgy in jail yeah yep that's that's the one uh with electric cars it's super effective yes okay so wait hang on where am where am i i'm completely lost track of my own playthrough i've noticed quite early on i thought well more early on i think that might have been um might have been back a few episodes for you yeah let's see carl is another one that i didn't really recall that much i think johnny might have beaten that one uh i liked dark beast pal as a boss fight i thought it was it was pretty rad it's like a big electric dog um yes no i recall it because dystopians reminded me uh johnny ship skipped carl he made us skip it because he was like no no not doing this i have beaten parlo on my own um right uh but yes that would be why i don't remember because it would have been quite some time ago it's hard it's a really hard one but um but i i liked it uh i thought it was cool um again there are quite a few boss fights in bloodborne that are a big really big fast animal and i and i'm into them aesthetically i love dark beast parkers it's got like the skull face yeah it's really it's really like visually engaging i think and the electric thing is a fun thing to keep in mind because you've got the like you know the whole fight is easier when dark beast pile is not electrified but you only have like a few sort of seconds before um before he looks look at him like he's just really there's and that sort of that the electric that whole look is just i don't think there's anything else like him no i don't think so and it's kind of thing oh i think this is the area where you get the tronotronitis the wet the weapon that's like an electric stick yeah yeah so it's kind of you know it has like a kind of thematic link i guess to the area as well um look at that look at the swipes through the air it looks great yeah like you said this game looks amazing for being five years old i know and bear in mind you're watching like youtube compressed live stream overvision twice over um so yeah it really really i i really liked this boss fight actually i think i feel like um there were a few blood-borne bosses that i knew about before i started playing like rom and um uh like i'd seen footage of the final boss fight before uh not much just like the cut scenes in a few seconds or anything not like enough oh they're different there are different oh um german yeah um but not but not like you know not enough to form a strategy or anything before anyone asks um but but but like you know they were famous enough that i knew of them um but like did you find the uh did you find the workshop in in the game you know how you have the hub yeah yes that's where i got one of my umbilical cords yes that i needed yes that was cool i like that also there are no enemies there which is it felt like it was lovely felt like a really special treat yeah yeah i think i think i feel like dark beast pal possibly underrated sort of boss doesn't get many doesn't get many column inches but like really cool i suppose might be because um they're optional so yes maybe that's one yes yes quite possibly you kind of have to go out of your way to find him i think he's quite easily missed actually because from memory you have to go out like a weird exit of the jail and like and there are those guys with the saks around and i hated those guys yes so any any way i can avoid those like i will i will take the other direction yeah absolutely so yeah i mean i mean it didn't feel optional for me because i had the chat kind of like hive minding me down it was like um it was cool though i did i think i did it with a um a summon uh i think i think i think this is the attempt where he dies yeah and i have yeah who's that defector defector antel yep nice yep helping me out looking at this fight i'm just i'm like like imagining what a dark what a bloodborne two would look like and i'm getting myself really like hyped up for it oh good would it look though so good i wondered if you were going to say it makes me wonder what dark beast pile would look like with it all of its skin which i'm also oh yeah what do you think it would look like like is he got any skin still attached to him well um he kind of got like scratches a little bit yeah the thing is i don't know if i'm gonna so oh there we go so i've managed to kind of freeze frame a little bit on the skull the skull doesn't look that dog-like to me no i don't know what it is like like maybe it's almost it's almost more ape-like though isn't it like kind of neanderthal skull or something yeah hi my cat's just coming oh would you like to see him yes you must need never ask oh hello what a treat this is for the viewers oh my goodness yesterday and it was not fun so you can wait thank you very much the mice was fine by the way i got them out so yeah you got like humane um humane traps that you didn't need in the end did not work no they were rubbish all it was a little bit a little bit of patience and a an upturned porridge pot and it was fine like a bloodborne boss patience exactly patience patients utilizing your resources effectively yeah and lots of swearing i assume oh well yeah obviously the next boss that i've got in my list is um the uh amygdala or amygdala amygdala i don't know which is correct um so those are the guys that once you have enough insight they're they're everywhere yes and you get to hang out and you get to fight one in the nightmare frontier which i really didn't enjoy as an area um yeah really scary and also not very like on trend because you're sort of out in the woods or like a bit it was just a bit like a lot of acid and yeah yeah yeah or also those dudes who throw rocks not a fan of that but absolute worst i am a fan of this boss fight even though i think this is probably the boss fight where the camera hurt me the most like just in terms of being so unreasonable um being quite easy is that would you say that well you've one shot all of them so you might say it anyway but i certainly didn't one shot this one this was this was a fair few attempts um yeah it's a cool one i like the bosses where you can kind of hang around underneath their belly like sort of chill by their undercarriage also um the thing i mostly remember about this fight is that when you whack one of the arms it looks and sounds unbelievably satisfying like there's an incredible like audio visual feedback to that there's like a huge gout of blood like a burst out when you hit when you hit the arm um i forgot what they look like really what they look like close up because you mostly just see them from a distance yeah and this is the one one of the few times you get to see them up close you could almost believe that they're that they're not that they're friendly like when you see them around in the world yeah they look quite chilled yeah they look quite chill but they're obviously not very chill this guy is like a little bit reminiscent of his xenomorph though don't you think like with its tail and stuff well this is i'm having such a fun time watching this but there we go hang on you're about to see one of those amazing gouts of blood a bit of the fit when i whack the legs yes wow i'm so satisfying but um uh yeah i'm enjoying watching this because i said i didn't really pay attention to anything at the time except like my character and you know their health and where they were but you're right it's it's so xenomorphy it's almost a shame that that it is a fact of these games that you really don't have a lot of time to take in all that gorgeous detail yeah because you're just hell-bent on not dying and near the end of this fight it starts holding its own arms as a weapon which is so freaking metal it doesn't get much more metal than using your own arm to beat someone else with yeah when your arm is cut off and like well i know what to do pick up arm with other arm proceeds to kick butt yeah um yeah i'm getting tons of damage to it you're clearly like yeah this is this this looks fine yeah i think the whole way through the game i was appropriately leveled for sure um i didn't do much like grinding or farming for echoes but i did i i suppose like i didn't skip anything that was optional i guess good or i i'm sure i skipped some things but like in terms of big areas or bosses so i definitely was getting you know i definitely was looking up a lot yeah we only ever farmed when we were a bit low on blood vials which was a lot of the time but uh otherwise we just powered through oh i forgot we didn't have a lot of time the chats reminded me that this boss has a laser beam attack as well which you don't see if you're like staying under it um but is so cool i'm gonna try and i'm gonna try and find it because i just i just love it you know like this this i didn't like this boss when it was kicking my butt but in retrospect it's pretty freaking pretty freaking cool where's that show me that laser there there it is look at that [Music] because i remember because there's parts of the there's parts of this area or so actually a few areas where if you're walking through and they spot you actually they do get aggressive because you just without yeah straight through and the cool thing about the lasers which i don't think i've seen in other video games is that the the light if it touches you doesn't hurt you but a moment later wherever it hits kind of like explodes like that yeah that's right you can see it there that is awesome um okay all right we're gonna um oh we've only got 12 minutes left of the stream either so we're going to have to rattle through the remaining bosses um mikalash oh i did not enjoy my clash i mean what's the fun in a boss that's continually running away from me and spouting the same three catchphrases like yeah we find him extremely tedious and it's the opposite of what you want from a puzzle boss like it just takes any of the power away from you and it's just about running through these very nothingy corridors there were points in the mickelash fight where i think i basically like actually put the controller down and was like chat where do i go where and you know and and bless bless them the viewers trying very hard to explain where i needed to go and me like failing to understand it once you get into the fight it's kind of fun but not exactly different stages but you do have to let him tucker himself out a little bit don't you like you have to get him into a room where you can actually just start wailing on him yeah i i don't know if he like if he runs there straight away and then you're basically lost until you find it or if you have to kind of like chase him in there i think you do i don't know i mean the the some of the voice lines are kind of iconic and meme worthy i guess um meme worthy in the way that you don't want though i think like we just i think we nearly made fun of mikalash we were like he's the he's just the worst kind of person very highly of himself but uh nobody else really does yep i see that i see that um yeah kind of kind of fun once you get there but i did like that attack that he does is that he opens a book and tentacles come out of it do you remember that oh yeah i'm i'm looking at it now i i didn't clock until this point that it is a book um yeah but that's fun like that yeah or like it's just a very um eldritchy i quite like that and this is the point at which the game is starting to turn eldritch so i remember i remember being quite caught off guard like the first time you see an alien in the game i'm like the hell it changes genre a few times yeah yeah yeah um yeah there we go prey slaughtered yeah mikalash mikalash fine it was definitely i think actually did we one shot and we probably didn't but we probably should have um but again that's mostly because you just need to figure out what you're doing and where you're going first yeah um uh mergo's wet nurse is the next one that is is the kind of like next boss in sequence if you're playing the game uh one where you have the pram yeah yeah yeah yeah it glitched it glitched for me um uh i didn't get there was like a second phase that i would that i was supposed to get that that i never got which was fine with me um i only knew because people told me like oh something some other stuff should have happened there but um look at how cool oh yeah i got those the antlers yeah um i thought that like the design of the boss is pretty cool though that kind of general grievous sort of like marching forward covered in how to express she's wearing a lot of a lot of nice jewelry i'm a big fan of that yeah she was i think yeah like those arms they're almost like yes general grievous but also they kind of remind me of i don't do you know those do you know the muppets that have like yes you know what i mean i know exactly which muppets you mean yeah yeah yeah it looks like those arms all have like a little piece of wire like holding them up you know the um you know in uh um muppet christmas carol there's like the spider that that takes possession of all of scrooge's exactly that one yeah oh it's still warm we don't pay extra for warmth you know yeah that that jerk um yeah cool designed boss not a super not a super exciting fight no it actually looks a lot more intimidating than than it is yeah i remember we were going to struggle but actually we might have one shot at it it wasn't that hard not not too tricky but a nice arena i think yes yeah important thematically cool okay and then we've got well then we've got mata lagaria so we've kind of talked about a little bit before um [Music] yeah martin lagarius absolutely a cool boss a cool a cool environment kane hurst yeah cainhurst knurst is cool i liked cainhurst um there's a lot of enemies in it that are the are real jerks um those ticks hanging around outside um and i feel like they went from they went from uh elder char just to bram stoker like they took a hard turn into gothic like yeah but like you know irish gothic at that point which i was a big fan of yeah it's cool the snowiness as well is kind of fun yeah you don't get that elsewhere um on the roof as well it's quite nice yeah and as well like i think all of cainhurst is optional which is absolutely bonkers considering it's such a and not just optional but like not that easy to find no that's right you do have to go through um jump through a few hoops to get there right yeah like which i would completely miss if i was playing this game like without guides and people watching and messaging me and stuff although i just couldn't play this game without some sort some form of assistance because yeah no there's so much stuff i don't even know when people are first playing it how they discover some of these things it is pretty amazing i'm looking at those skull attacks now and i'm like oh yeah that was that was a bad time nasty stuff um yeah my strategy in this one was was like there's a particular attack that i found quite straightforward to parry um and i i was just i was just trying to i was just trying to date yeah just trying to bait that out i think it's a kind of like jump jumping attack um he looks so much like the ice king from adventure time though it's quite distracting he does he does i'm taking the opportunity again here to actually like look around a bit um you know more than more than i was at the time and it's yeah oh yeah and then yeah there he goes up in the air did you wear his crown yeah oh yeah yeah like for most of the game um i mean why wouldn't you like it's it's it's great yeah i thought this was a cool i thought this was quite a quite a cool boss fight um i liked it i struggled with it and i see that you one-shotted it and that's just made me sad yep but it's fine but there but there you go but that's that's my that's my but that's my secret tip is like parry that flying attack that's what you're going to say that's my secret tip one shot them all in one shot yeah just just simply one shot them all and you and your yeah and you'll find you never you never struggle again um yeah i don't really know where to i don't know where to place this boss on the one hand i kind of on the one hand i love it on the other hand um not super memorable compared to some of the others yeah i remember challenging me just because it was giving us real a real struggle and thinking what if we just skipped it we could just skip it we could just not do it yeah but it's one of those things you're like no i'm gonna i'm gonna power through and then you're super glad that you did very difficult to skip once once you've like committed to trying it because then you're you're you know you're submitting to failure and we don't do that around here so i remember saying during this fight um on the stream like this fight feels like dark souls because you saw like i think this is one of the few enemies that actually you can back away from and it's it's kind of legit a legit tactic like backing away and circling around i think was how i got through yeah and you're right that is totally dark souls and ye it's not the pace is is definitely uh slower than a lot of the other boss fights up until now yeah okay all right that's martin lagarius celestial emissary uh that's the um i died to them they're another one of those uh bosses wait though are they the the lots of little guys or are they the big guys with and why am i thinking that they had flyers oh okay so there's two very similar bosses there's the ones in the dlc who are the living failures uh right hashtag relatable and then there's the and then there's the ones that are where are they there they are yeah the celestial emissary they're smaller but there is one big one that's right yeah yeah yeah yeah uh really irritating boss fight this absolutely joyless nothing nothing to recommend it in my in my opinion oh look at them there they're just they're just annoying it's just there's no they don't deserve to be there this is another one of those bosses that like people joke about and like i was getting like you know stick for dying to it but i found it really hard well look when you get right in the middle of them and they start shoving you around it's almost impossible to to get out of that yeah i was like how what am i what does the game want me to do might should i kill the little ones i think i was focusing on killing the little ones and then just out of nowhere the um you know just someone just kind of stomps on you yeah the big one just does some sort of laser nonsense or something we've talked about a brayer task oh uh oh man we have to be really quick now cause andy's about to start streaming morgan mondays um ludwig loved ludwig a lot of fun and actually one of the very few bosses in this game that i really distinctly remember all of the separate um uh phases of the fight because they they are very very different um we're talking about it late but i think ludwig is really up there for me um like the two phases are really different um but the design of the boss is so cool and so horrible yeah yeah and also we hear like so much about ludwig up until that point like he's the only well he's like this deified figure who's done so much and been like so good for like so long yeah and then you get him and he's this dark twisted thing because he isn't even he's basically been holding the door for so long yeah and he's finally just just given in to darkness and it's like it's this weird sad thing where you're like i guess i gotta put them down then yep and and the mid um the like the the cutscene at the beginning is awesome the mid-fight cutscene is also awesome where where he like gets the sword and that's weird though yeah the voice acting is incredible um the design is like i think this boss fight's got it all actually yeah it's really really nice it's so cool and then yeah the second stage is like it's the second it's the kind of second stage i like because it's not harder it's different different yeah totally it's not it's not the first stage with just a few other moves added it's yeah it requires you to really oh god look at him there yeah oh yeah it's a lot of fun this this fight rules um also as you say you're kind of a little bit you've at least i mean i wasn't paying loads of attention to the law but i'd heard of ludwig if only because i was you know refusing to use his holy blade um and and like the horse design it's got like horse legs sticking off of the butt in like weird angles it's just so sad like he's just he's clearly he's uh being this this saintly figure and now he's like he's just a bit like they don't even give him the dignity of looking cool yeah he's just a bit horrifying sad you can talk to the head afterwards the cut scenes are amazing i think that i i think i think ludwig's my favorite really maybe maybe it was a lot of fun but then but then you've got maria i mean how do you solve a problem like maria being in your uh like list of of bosses maria is just great and like maria's but the thing i like about maria is she's not flashy he's not not fancy she's been waiting for you like she's and she's that artwork of her sitting on the chair yeah yeah so that's the that's the old hunter's like key art isn't it yes it is yeah with that lovely uh the stained glass window behind her and stuff she's so awesome she's great and i like i like a graceful kind of boss fight as well um where like yeah she's not she's not relying on any big sort of unfair moves it's just her blade against yours and i really really like that yeah it's her blade against yours and more often than not she's faster and better so when you can do that well it's almost like it's it's so beautifully choreographed yeah like everything looks graceful it's nice i also the thing the other thing i really like about fighting other hunters is that they tend to have a transforming weapon that like they pro without in a way that you can't really predict back and forth through the fight they'll like swap uh you know like back and forth from using one and then the other uh maria yeah maria is amazing that that that whole it's gorgeous as well yeah and like remember like struggling and really wanting to get through this fight because she's clearly um you know that that hole clocked her but behind her is like how you get through to yes is it there yes that's right that's the entrance to the fishing hamlet yeah yeah it was just like oh i just i want to see what's beyond yeah it's uh it could not feel less optional yes exactly like in the in the middle of this linear path yeah yeah maria is great maria is amazing um uh the what else oh um living failures no don't need to talk about that lawrence uh lawrence on fire on fire in the dlc pretty much um cool that's probably dude but he's fine you know yeah i i like the second phase where he's dragging himself along and his legs are gone and he's spewing lava that's like that made me feel kind of bad yeah that's awesome but i would say although lawrence is a really cool boss fight and was hard um i think can't really get near my favorites because it's so similar to the cleric beast like in terms of like yeah definitely like it looks like yeah but it just looks like boss fights that you've done before like oh it's a big thing that's on fire how original you know yeah i'm with you i'm with you uh living failures don't need to discuss this um irritating hard uh which just leaves i think the final bosses uh yeah um german oh okay german was cool just because of the history that you had at that point in time yeah it wasn't particularly challenging but it was a really nice setting for the final book and you need because you knew that area was there the entire game yes but you couldn't get there i know i know that's important i know what video games are about um and the moon presence was a bit of an anti-climax i'm gonna say i think so um i think anticlimactic for sure also frustrating because one of the key uh moments in that fight is the attack that takes all of your health except for one and the only way and and you can get silenced if you get blood on you i think is the technical term which means you can't heal anymore um dirty fight there was no honor there it's like there's a lot going on and it's not super clear um what you should be doing i basically just hacked you know sort of button-mashed it got in a few dodges button-mashed did that a few times and we were there like don't get me wrong the feeling when nothing felt as good as when as when that thing went down because i knew it was the last thing and it was like oh my gosh that's it it's done there's nothing more to do that felt incredible but i thought german was a cooler fight yes definitely well griffin it was just like oh the betrayal the hurt oh you know because it gave you quite a difficult uh quite a difficult um uh ultimatum right it was you know you have to give in you have to fight him or there was what was the third option or the third option i think you you have the option to uh refuse he says like hey um like you've done really well it's time for me to uh send you home you're free from the nightmare and you have to refuse to yeah get even get the boss fight at all you're all right i will i will forego that thanks very much although that's technically the bad thing isn't it because you're prolonging the whole cycle yes i think so the but the thing is like how how would you how would you know like i had the chat in my peripheral vision and it was just a wall of like reviews reviews reviews people worried that i would choose the wrong thing or something um yeah yeah exactly um which you know didn't happen but if i again like if i was playing the game when it came out without loads of guides i think i could easily of course you know maybe this doesn't maybe this is one of those choices it doesn't really matter surely they wouldn't deny me the final boss fight but they would they would because the same as well like you have to do quite a lot to get you know the best ending yeah which i which i did get insecure but i like there's so many hoops to jump through and things to do in a funny order yeah yeah you'd never you'd never figure it out by yourself um but then you're not supposed to do it by yourself are you supposed to be part of the the community yeah community figuring it out so i i don't think we missed any bosses there so which um which is which is your favorite in the game um cause is my favorite which we actually did well we talked about it earlier oh yeah we talked about it yeah earlier yeah yeah but i just love i love how much it challenged me i love how good i felt when i beat it and was actually quite good like it i really did get better at the game because of that but also i just love the arena i love the whole lure behind it like i love that the great one is like washed up on the beach and this per thing is just born into the world and immediately has to like club something to death like it's just very cruel and yeah i was just so memorable i will never forget how i felt when i beat that boss amazing amazing um good pick i am gonna call it a tie for me between uh maria and ludwig but what immediately strikes me there is that we've picked three bosses from the dlc which is yeah right remarkable that's pretty amazing yeah i think that really speaks to what you were saying about like is this the best dlc ever um i mean so many so many great bosses in the game so many memorable encounters but like those are the ones that are gonna when i picture bus you know boss fights that's what i'm going to be picturing bloodborne 2 please i want it no no no more no more okay well with that i think we've got to wrap up because we've gone over and and andy's going to be want to be streaming his red dead um so yeah so thanks so much for watching everyone and thank you so much for for being here i really feel like i've managed to get basically everything off my chest now so this is very anytime i will talk about from software games just until the guys come home well if you've enjoyed watching this and you want more from ifa and from software you're currently playing in the middle of you've just only just started a dark souls a dark souls 2 playthrough um so uh i will i will pop links uh in the description to that there's already a link in the description to go to your gamer and subscribe if you haven't already which i absolutely recommend because they do they do incredible stuff um but thank you so much everyone uh for watching take it easy stay safe out there um i'll leave you with some orphan of course footages if you haven't seen enough hours of that already all right take it easy folks bye [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 69,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, bloodborne gameplay, bloodborne boss fights, bloodborne blind, bloodborne longplay, walkthrough, old yharnam, dark souls, bloodborne bosses, blind, bloodborne walkthrough
Id: ABfcCkwwq2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 8sec (7328 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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