Living With My WEREWOLF Bodyguard In Minecraft!

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this werewolf is the most dangerous player on our minecraft server and when i'm cornered by him he becomes my loyal bodyguard now i have the most powerful players here to protect me and keep danger away but when other players attempt to hurt and steal me away from him he's going to teach them a lesson that was a good mining trip time to get back home before it gets too dark let's see oh oh hello don't worry i got this get this out of here get out of here i don't need any of this um you know maybe i actually should stay in the cave it might be a little paper no oh no it's not never mind um okay i'm gonna get out of here just a little bit more skeleton leave me alone oh other skeleton across the way no thank you oh they're fighting each other nice i did it oh no okay okay this is bad this is really bad um let's just get over here oh zombies and skeletons and uh i might be able to make it across this way there's nobody to get up so we're gonna get up no no no no okay hello to the zombies you can stay away from me it's fine get away get away oh no no no no no this is really bad this is really bad oh i made it i thought the fall damage would be what is that oh no no no no no no no hey get away from me no no get away okay it's just me what the wait you're a werewolf yeah it's a mom long story uh that's cool thanks for saving me but i i i had that myself of course i just you know i thought it'd help look it's fine i got everything under control okay oh aaron watch out oh hell oh okay got it sorry you know what i'll be your bodyguard until we get home okay fine hop on oh wow wow that is so cool all right hold on here we go oh this is good no water whoa that was so close that is so cool isn't it a potato no eating and riding thanks again for giving me this ride this is awesome hey no problem thank you so much for being my bodyguard on the way home um i'm gonna go ahead and head inside you have a good one and i will help you with the curse in the morning it's just kind of dangerous for me right now okay yeah i'll see you later see ya something's wrong what hold on for a second it's a trap what it's just a pressure wait i don't have a pressure plate oh my gosh see what what the what happened you smell something it's just a treat aaron why are you growling at it huh i'm not in here nope definitely not in here oh now what should i do with all this gold i knew it how did you guys find me how did you know i could smell you but it's a natural scent and how could you that's my house come on it's a prank besides when i get out of here i'll destroy you after ruining my prank that's it alpha i'm gonna be your bodyguard forever really oh no so scared what is a fluffy wittle wolf gonna do huh i guess you can't even hit me i can't hit but i can punch this tree wow will you really be my bodyguard yeah well i mean this werewolf mod gives me some crazy strength so i guess that makes me the perfect wolf bodyguard welcome okay so now that we got everything we built um erin look at this i have made my own bodyguard security system so take a look it looks like a regular hole right there's some dirt there no it's not very suspicious yeah i put this campfire down there anybody walking in will walk right into fire and that'll protect my entire house i'm done oh yeah it's just the back door let me show you what i got outside for you oh all right so i've got some slight traps that'll keep you safe one point to get in and the bridge goes up i took a big motor out here perfectly safe good job but there's no water or lava in it we got what what what do we do just got to keep you safe until daytime then we can figure things out what are those what get out of here what are you doing what's it talking about kill my girl those are my potatoes they could be poisoned potatoes yeah but nope not cool at least replant them okay all right fine you know what he's just trying to protect me this is really sweet i'll tell you what if you're hungry let me just go get something for you to eat oh thank you thank you let's see okay all right you know i gotta set my defenses up a little bit more um here you are oh meat cute i'm not that hungry but i'll save this for later but i hunted that i what is going on oh so um aaron is kind of uh infected by the werewolf mod and he's also my bodyguard because he and him try to blow me up how do you know we can trust them they're they're my friends aaron likely patients to your story are really impressive it's a great idea too i've been meaning to make some changes at my place maybe i should try and test them out let's just see we're gonna vote [Music] did you just push me back and like well maybe he shouldn't have pointed that dangerous weapon i guess it did still intruders i see this they're gone [Applause] there nice and safe wow erin where are we going it's almost daytime don't worry about it i'm just taking you somewhere safe i was making campfires whoa whoa whoa wow nailed it be careful [Music] but it's getting morning why are we going into a cave yeah it's morning it's too bright this is my cave it's super decked out and ready to keep you away from all danger you got so many campfires yeah yeah plenty of camp okay so what are we doing here look i got to figure out what's going on with this mod is it about the werewolf mod yeah it is i need to know if there are any more powers to unlock but i'll be here to protect you okay okay awesome um i'm just gonna explore this cave look at this [Music] hey where are you down here next to the lava no way you're not going down there you could fall to lava yeah there's there's diamonds right down here and i was gonna get them and they're gonna be mine hold on i'm coming to help [Music] i can get back up on my own you know hold on i got you let me just jump in all right okay okay okay so you can leap really far and you're really cool and you're really great bodyguard you know what the diamond piece here you go f one two three diamonds and a meat oh just in case you know maybe this is gonna be awesome after all okay you know i'm gonna sit down you go do your thing i'm gonna craft something yup better not be a campfire i'll put some entrance so nobody can get in are you seriously putting campfires at the entrance yes oh that's not a good trap you'll just lead people right to us step on that and then be like ouch aaron [Music] i guess he's not around it's fine he must be off doing something with the werewolf mod hmm you know what that's fine i can bodyguard myself for a while hello i hope you wore your watch because it's time for it wait hang on hang on fl [Music] okay pierce but look he ran away he's got some business to take care of okay which is personal well he ran away because she smells bad yeah you're the one who was like smelling really bad earlier wait a minute half hour i just realized aaron's not here to be your bodyguard and you have that treasure why don't we be your bodyguards in exchange you can give us your treasure wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait stop hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on i have a better idea you ready for this blow your mind we can be her bodyguards and exchange she gives us the treasure yeah you know what yeah you can but you know what i'm gonna be going to noyes house right now and honestly wait oh i won't protect you from nothing yeah yeah yeah hang on uh no check out everything make sure everything's good all right always that way over here hey oh hey guys no annoying anyone with some fresh milk fresh from lady oscar that's amazing okay so no i don't know uh going off about the cow um i need your help so you know cows oh is good job keep up the good work pierce and that's the job well done by us uh we're great buddy how about where you still haven't given us your treasure for protecting you that's a nice trap thanks there we go now you want this treasure yeah [Music] [Applause] all right i gotta find a place to hide these diamonds um that is a nice island i could hide my treasure like buried in the ground that'd be great okay all right let's go over here and uh i think i can hide it really whoa whoa what is that whoa where are the sharks where are their sharks oh those are the tiny sharks i've ever seen wha what tiny hey we're not tiny yeah how dare you you take that back oh no how are you sharks what is happening what is this weird it's a it's a very uncomfortable suit yeah it's not the best but hey hey you know what do you always treasure no i don't i can't oh my gosh okay sharks wait let me get out of the water yeah so you're gonna give us that treasure or we won't let you leave the eye yeah need help we need help oh really well i don't see your bodyguard running anywhere so time to be a shark [Music] well we have a shark teeth yeah we do [Music] are you okay yeah thank you so much i don't think a island is a great place to hide it now that you know where it is so uh yeah sorry to leave you on your own i'm still trying to figure out the mod it's fine it's fine i'm gonna go over there oh he's gone um okay i'm gonna go find it oh i got on top of that big tree over there oh my gosh it's the best place to hide it okay come over here jump out and let's see oh that is a really big tree okay i got a sword and ian up here so no match for me when i'm all the way up in this tree they can't even climb uh i gotta chop some wood for them um give us a treasure yeah you come down right you're right now busy wait the hey heart here yeah yeah if you don't get down from the tree we'll set uh what do we do what do we do get down three [Music] [Music] hey he's already gone aaron where are we going uh you'll see uh okay aaron i finished off all the preparations that we needed here now let me explain what's going on here ath because i don't trust this wolf boy to do it hey what are you talking about zane well my dear it's quite simple aaron had entrusted me to create a trap to lure out ian and pierce uh why well simple because i get the aaron stop i'm trying to show off here because we need to stop them from all danger aaron is your body card and i support that because i support protecting you but we're going to protect you by putting you in danger so aaron would you please put her in the middle of the pedestal all now stay right there aaron get back over here i don't know if this is safe zane okay you two better be right about this trust me trust me look i actually put some wool down there and it's very safe for her if she falls off all right bow all you gotta do is do something that will lure ian and pierce over oh guys i think i see them i see that you found yourself cornered in a bit of lava unable to escape so we can finally get our treasure now hand it over yeah i would but i can't get over there because of oh oh we're trying we're supposed to be our body and we are what's the thing that is okay just gotta get it okay okay okay okay and sweet jump dude all right now just come over here and pierce catch yeah you're too strong today man i keep trying all right i got you though i got you i got you you're going to catch me right of course yeah yeah you go okay i don't i don't know i don't know pierces he's pretty dangerous oh come on i got this okay one two three i'm very good at what i do anyway uh i mean i knew you were gonna get it on your own i i know i didn't help pretty strong yeah look at that yeah all right anyway yeah what hold on what is that red blur in the distance oh right there's a lot of traps there oh yeah yeah have you seen this place right oh my god i thought get inside um okay nobody'll ever get her all right here so that was that was very very dangerous and uh clearly if we're gonna be your bodyguards there are lots of dangers on the server totally which me we need to actually take care of so you'll be safe no matter what we are going to get rid of all the dangerous things on the server which means we're probably going to destroy everyone and everything nothing can be thought about too dangerous and then the only dangerous things on the server will be us well we'll solve that problem later on but in the meantime let's take care of everything else aaron we gotta find her you stay here stay quiet we'll take care of everything all right let's go let's go okay oh this is bad this is really bad maybe they won't cause that much damage maybe it'll be perfectly fine and pierce maybe i'll take it out wait a minute no more danger on the server and a little bit of there [Music] in danger uh danger is our middle name wait wait we had to save it all day though oh there you are oh my gosh what you two this is the last time you're causing any trouble oh no all right well those two are out of the way let's get it out of the way they literally let the whole hub on fire [Music] come on let's just get some rest uh are you sure you're gonna be good putting all those fires out by yourself don't worry i i can take care of it just lay down rest your head everything will be okay all right right but still sweet dreams go to sleep good night good night [Music] okay um hmm you want nice we're just here to talk okay so yeah i just want to talk pierce and i have been talking we we have we have a plan um obviously what we did before oh okay also what we did before with the with the server was not the right idea everything's dangerous and everything's on fire which means that it could all hurt you which means we need to leave the server forever no we don't know we don't know excited first let's be honest uh apparently all right i gotta spoil guns okay all right all right i found so you're just gonna come this way it's fine it's fine we're trying [Music] yeah uh get the door we're going out the front okay what do we do what do we do oh wait back door back door back through back perfect [Applause] [Music] you know i've got to give you some credit that trap did some damage yeah great all right i'm gonna go back to bed now all right hey can i eat some potatoes
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 13,777,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: uXKczFcler4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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