I Broke Into A Cursed Pyramid

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hey jj jj you'll never guess what i found here follow me huh hurry what is it come on okay yeah that's it see what is that is it a pyramid it looks like it's made of diamonds wow i wonder what's inside it's a diamond pyramid there's definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check it out yeah okay i'm really curious let's go in you first jj three two one open oh what do you see [Music] wow whoa that's cool yeah treasure right there it's gotta be something good it's just hanging from the ceiling up there how are we supposed to get to it mikey do you see those three doors yep a water door a lava door and a rifle door huh i'm only guessing but i think if we pass through all three doors then we'll definitely get the treasure in the end that's a good idea which store do you think we should choose first well mikey the water door is the only one with a lever next to it oh i think that's the only one we can use for right now so let's give the water door a try all right ready open no oh whoa it transported us huh where are we i don't know oh look what there's a target down there do we have to throw something not quite oh the center of the target looks like a hole i think we need to try and jump down into it that doesn't sound easy but i'll try it's a tough shot oh a chest maybe we need an item first you think what's inside will help us hit the target yep let's see all right three two one glass uh well good luck let's see [Music] okay yeah i've got it yep i'm confused wait and see yeah it's a diving board it increases my chance of hitting the target now i'll jump down the center hole you think so okay yep here i go wait that's not right oh i was close were you though i thought so i'll try again hmm hey mikey can i try all right i think i know what i'm supposed to do oh watch okay [Applause] [Music] hmm there ah how is that better than my diving board you can have the rest of the glass mikey instead of your diving board yeah i've lined up the ends of these blocks with the center of the target you can see through the glass so when i stand at the last block and break the glass beneath me i should fall directly into the hole really let's find out i can see that i'm standing over the exact center if i break the glass directly under my feet i should hit the bullseye let's go three two one oh did it work whoa wow i made it nice your turn mikey all right stand in the center go nice whoa sweet your way is easy it worked and now [Music] what's that huh what is it i guess is it uh there's definitely something there but huh it looks pretty sus let's move in slowly hello you're going closer yeah it's not attacking us maybe it's safe it's fine jj [Music] it hasn't noticed us who knows what'll happen when it sees us it's kind of freaky get closer whoa hold on what it's attacking mikey now what is it it's going after me ouch attack touch yeah yeah out yeah a little more we could beat it stop two versus one oops sorry oh no i only have two hearts left uh-oh stop take it down though that was a close that was scary and dangerous it was strong what a fight mikey see that chest treasure let's see what's inside i'm opening it right now three two one oh oh it's a lever do you think this goes on the second door that must be it let's go yeah we're ready to open the second door the lava door ready open let's go oh whoa what's this hold on the floor is lava see the steel frame i think we need to walk across it oh just don't fall that would be bad be careful i'll go first leave it to me there must be a great prize for reaching the other side you think the goal is over there good luck whoa this is easy i'm behind you whoa this is scary seriously let's go slow it's easy no problem whoa you're brave yeah hey look up there's something coming mikey for me what whoa ouch seriously one hit the what is that thing i'll take care of it okay oh man maybe i can knock it into the lava careful before it hits me here i go watch out it's me scary take this oh i did it great i knocked it off before it could attack me careful thanks mikey i'll try let's jump this go slow nope i need a running start to make it oh a ghost watch this yeah get it jj [Music] yeah i can see it what's that that big enemy is menacing is it a boss yeah it's huge i'll take care of this ghost guy yeah it's really tough watch this [Music] nice shot don't let your guard down that was close wow i knocked it off but my health meter is low that goblin is staring at me can we make it that far i'm going to push this ghost right off the corner how did you fall in seriously okay i'm ready let's fight that's definitely a boss let's push him into the lava first ready two people should be enough but it'll still be rough try not to get knocked off stay close behind me mikey okay let's go let's do this first we can defeat it hit it to push it back punch it then rush in go i'm right behind you it's close to the edge push wow that was dangerous all right we beat the boss nice job we did it let's check out the treasure oh is there anything good i hope so three two one a lever wow nice this is our key to the third door ready yeah well we're finally at the third door this one must have treasure the rifle door what's behind it this will be our final challenge then we'll get to see what's inside of that treasure chest up there right yep okay time to go in open yay okay what weird yeah there are two choices a big door and a small door which one should we go into your choice hmm the big one it seems like it has more going for it than the little one yeah okay this is the right choice sounds good three two one see what they're attacking [Music] enemies take them out yeah punch all right we got this one down i'm low on health oh no not good yeah yeah nice that was close totally i'm glad that's over this was wrong see anything there's nothing it looks like a dead end it does yeah well let's try the small door it's the right one let's check it out three two one what's this huh i'm going in what i know mikey that's tnt parkour whoa one step in the floor explodes we'll have to outrun it okay sweet yeah your turn mikey we need to get across the lava somehow it's slime parkour show me aim for the slime nice i'll try to don't fall in whoa i made it yeah is there treasure on the other side of this door let's see yep oh no they knocked him into the lava these enemies [Music] somehow i beat them whoa another no oh no [Music] that last one was hiding from us let's beat him up yeah got him that was tough but it's over finally still is there anything else hiding another dead end huh we definitely won't be getting past these iron bars how do we get through was that the right door or was it the wrong one oh look here i just found something that looks important see what is it there's a button whoa it's a secret entrance well really there must be treasure yeah let's go see what's that there's a villager in here but why hi there uh i wonder what he's doing here but there's a treasure chest let's open it three two one open let's see oh wow this is quite a haul this is great a full set of diamond armor and an enchanted sword [Music] and some bread awesome wicked we're ready why is all of this equipment here what are we ready for let's find out time to open the door i'm excited let's see three two one open what what's this hmm where are we i'm not sure wait i think i know it's red light green light you really think so if that giant girl calls red light and sees us moving then we lose don't move a muscle until she turns around we need to cross the far line there with her back turned then we attack her and win got it all right i'll take the lead this time okay i'm nervous it's hard to move slowly let's go red light mikey nice job oh but jj there's trouble oh the villager uh it's the one from before watch out whoa did that just happen he's gone oh man no way now mikey green light really oh don't move red light we're okay now [Music] what do we do we cross the red line that means we win now we need to attack ready [Music] now let's go collect our reward yeah i bet there's something good in here three two one open oh a mining charge let's go back to the period let's go i'm going to attach the mining charge right up here and detonate it we can blast our way to the treasure what's inside that chest whoa that was incredible [Music] wow stacks of diamonds wow we did it if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 8,217,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: fubYs63Afes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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