Playing as CRAZY COLORS in Among Us!

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the craziest among us game ever ever what color am i you're gold obviously i'm purple what no i'm purple subscribe for 500 iq now who's the imposter it's pink no wait fine it's white guys please i'm red not cyan hey everyone i would just like to say that i am orange okay i'm orange i am blue i am also blue interesting yes i'm white now okay bye okay now this is gonna be extremely challenging because we change colors every five seconds i don't even know where to start hey yellow are you nice i'm pink now i hope i don't get stabbed i'm gonna head over to admin where are they going where you going where you going green greens are being weird they're well they're not no oh my wow why did i do that ho ho ho again i am blue ho ho ho ho ho ho again i am red follow me if you are honest doesn't matter what color you are wow you guys are the worst so it looks like no one followed me it's fine i'll just go cry and electrical by myself just like a colorful crewmate i am someone's definitely gonna pop out event maybe i could like look at cams and see if anything happens i love looking at security let's see white just yeah what what just happened there was that like a glitch they probably changed colors now though um yellow just came from there that's probably the person so the murderer is on the right side of the map oh where'd you come from did you come from the vent oh no no no don't follow me don't follow me oh my gosh one two three oh i just gotta do this quickly so no one catches me perfect okay heading on to electrical okay they looked at cams too they're probably good what's happening what are they doing what what's happening who killed the purple one why is purple dead um i saw a lot of weird stuff who's yellow who's this one it doesn't matter why did you just say what's happening of course something's happening a dead person no because i was on the cams and i saw three people stacking on each other and i don't know what they're doing like were you guys hugging in the middle of nowhere the rainbow is suck oh i was just doing um electrical okay then why are you calling me out why are you calling me out rainbow whoever was on cam saw the body and didn't come to report it what this is hard yo i was on cams i think black suss um wait there's a purple now you guys black is sus for blaming where did purple come from how did they know someone was on cams yeah i told you i was on camera yeah that's so weird is gold dead i think gold died guys gold was probably oh no all right i deem that black for black cell phone black it's selfish because how would you even know black self report i said someone saw it and didn't report it nope oh this looks bad for us come on we gotta make moves please come on now no draco sorry bro it's not okay so black was clever um i don't know what to do i'm pretty sure it's rainbow because usually in these situations she would always just like target me but she's not this round so why is that person so slow why are they walking so slow please don't stab me please i'm innocent i just want to do my test just like that navigation someone just vented did you see that someone vented white white doesn't care white just wants to do the wires why why hey oh i just saw something okay okay i recorded the body and pink has died uh guys um luna's blue isn't she what did you do i saw that blue blue took a long time to report what are you talking about i just saw it okay but where was the body where was the body and then they were standing over the body computers i forgot the rooms called which room there's a lot of rooms there's it's called room with like calms oh she doesn't know she's the murderer no i'm not the one i did see purple pass by me but their color already changed at the time blue guys luna stood there with the body for a couple of seconds but i don't want to say it's not her but i am lunar don't say that no i'm sorry sorry not you i meant dark blue i meant dark blue not you oh you saw dark blue staring at you yeah dark and then they reported your scion why are you saying you're blue no i am dark blue what i changed again okay you're not me guys lunar's crazy yeah just get oh okay yeah there is dark blue watch she's not gonna be the foster she's gonna she has to die now i'm worried no oopsies this game i think it's funny it's not me follow me if you want can we just go together okay we're just eating people out of the ship but it ain't right but it doesn't matter sometimes you gotta take risk changing colors is very hard i don't think we got this in a bag oh great it's card swiping i finally did it for once maybe i should just go with my gut and just blame rainbow because like i said rainbow would always blame me does anyone want to confirm that i'm doing this trash shoot properly look at that i did that come on ghosts just do your task and we can win oh my gosh we started that off i got it i'll fix it zero zero zero seven eight no one's gonna go turn that off i gotta run my butt there wait just pop where did you come from what hey what's your color what's your [Music] are they still blue are they're still blue uh oh called emergency meeting all right so i'm assuming you may you called it someone vented yeah i called it i saw someone ben you always see someone venting yeah they were blue but now there's something else um blues here the blue yeah yeah i know it's not blue i don't know what color i am should we vote them out for confusion no no we have two little people who done do it rainbow what color are you i know what color are you reading i don't even know you don't i don't know what color i am draco i have a suspicion rainbow always targets me but when rainbow's quiet and she's like all like it's usually her i blame rainbow you are sure the little miss accused yeah true rainbow's like really quiet when she's and she like never really picks a side she's kind of like yeah you're falling into the girl's trap the only problem is what color is she i don't know i'm skipping i don't know you're falling into a trap i'm skipping draco i'm confirming my truce draco just follow me on the right side if you're good okay dracco just follow me on the right don't let me don't let rainbow follow us not telling you draco remember do our secret handshake that we always do it among us and then we'll know all right i'm gonna follow you okay okay draco draco draco this this it's this choco where you at draco is that draco okay that's draco yeah yeah okay draco follow me let's go up here drago drago come on draco why aren't you following me bud there you go okay let me do my task because draco is a good guy and he will not stab me okay dracco you're pink now follow jacko come on don't get confused with rainbow rainbow's just gonna try tricking us why is there a group following us now this ain't good jack was lost he's lost in the crowd we have lost him i'm pretty sure it's a rainbow if i could just figure out who it is i'll just go to electrical hmm someone could possibly vent and kill me right now if they wanted dude we're done our task i still gotta finish my last task in shields i don't know why everyone's following me maybe they're done their test that's why we're being good okay this is my last task hopefully the ghosts are doing their tasks okay is that dracco draco peace dance peace dance how am i supposed to know which one's drago it's fine if we all stay together the killer can't kill us that's our big brain move right here stick together people stick together that's right we watch each other's backs we never kill yellow possibly faking yes oh who was it brown okay brown's dead that's not good okay so no one there was clearly five of us what color when did someone die yeah it was a stack hill draco's dead seriously rainbow what you killed hey seriously funny seriously i think it's kind of a little suspicious and quite funny that you keep blaming me when i've been doing my tasks what color we are literally changing colors okay note for a ghost please do your task okay so we got some passive aggressive crewmates here but we also have rainbow hiding in the color rainbow if you're not scared then tell me your color i don't even know what color i am i already told you oh it wasn't i'd blue because when i type i'm blue that's how you know i wasn't in this yeah i had to do my task there i said something i'm yellow is you i'm yellow oh okay here i'll type proof you're yellow then i'm purple you you say hoy and you type that fast how are you typing that fast wait there's rainbow purple rainbow's flying rainbow i'm going i can't we have to vote we vote or we die i don't know who it is i think i saw white it was was it white who fought oh man rainbow dead rainbow shut up it's you it's not me i literally don't know why okay then what if it was me i would have killed you all faster what was your final task my final task was the thingy where you put the bar so it's parallel i mean horizontal okay i also had med bass stuff so if you want to come see fine go to my bae oh wait wait wait i forgot she's gonna stab me at me isn't she that's okay she's yellow okay i'm in med bay do your task rainbow do it do your task you're not going to body scan rainbow you're not going to body scan you faker okay i think she's not the killer no she's not i think we could beat our tesla okay rainbow follow me rainbow follow let's go look at spy cams we can see who did it yeah let me take a look uh we got white purple come on just stab don't you want to stab them purple don't you want to stab come on what colors are we looking at here they're just following each other this is not good rainbows is not good i hope you're looking at this they're gone where'd they go this is the life of a security guard and someone's dead what is happening oh man if we don't vote now we're so losing i told you it wasn't me do you believe me now yeah yeah we were following each other the whole time okay if we don't lose if we don't vote we lose you could confirm that's me because i typed that wrong rainbow which color are you i told you it doesn't matter which color we are because i can't vote orange because orange is dead okay let's just vote someone um dark blue now cnn said we are already dead okay true yeah um uh rainbow just want to vote out blue you think so or do you think it's the person who reported it trust me it's dark blue i think it i think it's the person that rewarded it i'm just gonna go dark blue i hope i'm not dark blue because i can't and honestly can't remember my color i can't remember okay i bet you it's rainbow it's not me dude you literally saw me i was with no time it's not me all right please be the imposter please yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] the only way for us to figure out if it's us or not we must do our secret dance it's this okay no one share it with anyone okay left right up down no it's just left right left right left right see left right and then we'll know each other everybody does that handshake no no one doesn't left right down left right right right left down down left right up how about just left right up that's our secret left right left right left right up left right up i can't remember that's not recognizable enough it looks like i'm going up look i'm a normal crew mate oh hey who's you left right up there you got it perfect perfect oh we are all chefs oh my gosh so hello oh my chef remember the secret handshake yes i am shrimp this is my shrimp i thought it was shrimp for a second but it is a a woman okay i have to mute myself secret handshake left right up hey left right up are you my teammate or not no that's not my teammate left right up the secret code's not working left hey hey you left right off oh i think these are my people okay okay follow follow let's do this tag the wires we are all good oh my gosh someone just died who died we were doing the peace dance already okay so i think i saw orange run to the left and they murdered black but the colors just changed i was doing a like okay okay draco that's a lead are you sure it's orange orange orange outside decontamination okay draco but do you remember orange or black these two colors are very important black dyed but i saw orange running away but the colors changed so it's not orange anymore it hasn't already voted i said orange ran from the body so orange i was in the one where you fixed the lights the colors are changing too much i'm just kidding i still think it's orange oh no we should just go for orange because what is it why are they not defending themselves or no uh no they're just defending themselves it's fine draco orange let's vote orange orange it is oh that's just five of us voting whoa whoa we didn't vote orange yikes that's a lot of people oh wait what that was an orange draco that was orange is right there that wasn't me so that was sad i how am i supposed to know what color i am do i want to do my task as a ghost no i want to go see who the killer is what are you doing here being still you suss oh never mind the lagging i'm sorry oh that was a self-report oh my gosh i hope they figured that out that was self-report this murderer is fast who was it everyone's saying orange orange they said orange last time didn't they yeah i voted myself out great now luna and rainbow are both dead and i'm also dead but i'll be talking for the crewmates wait what wow orange why me orange okay orange oh gosh oh gosh you are right it was me orange black evil evil and funny why did you vote yourself out you dumb orange shut up i am the best chef perfect i must prove in peace proof peace no is that is that my crewmate if he's gonna die who should i where should i go first oh my gosh i'm imposter i'm so excited oh we need to go fix that come on guys let's go fix it yeah open the door who did that i thought it was purple it was purple so we're just stacked stabbed purple are you sure yes yes i saw it purple stabbed they're very obvious in the crowd but the okay but remember here the problem is funny right now is purple yeah so please we vote full we vote off not purple do you understand oh no yeah please please please it's i saw brown i think i don't know it's not me the color changed yeah the color changed no i clearly saw purple don't lie to me i understand lunar but the purple you see on this voting screen is not purple yes it's me thank you it changed lunar please don't vote me out again wait wait do they switch colors do you think sean's actually purple i'm gonna i'm just gonna make a guess i think cnn's actually purple science science science switch color switch guys i think it's cyan yeah i think it's it's switched fine i'm keeping my eye on you i think it's science it should be ariana grande what black's just confusing oh no you're voted off again but she's not really purple i'm not first now she's yellow wait yeah five crew mates with no rules that's right because no rules okay bears now we must travel together before the game's disconnected gotta stick together you guys everyone please come look at me and know i am a good people which one are you where's the super secret code i'm gold follow me i'm green okay look ah okay she said gold who shut that door we're all hey why is it it doesn't matter follow me look look look what i could do oh so you are safe you are safe see thank you i just want to say that wow pink or green it was pink or green uh i saw green swipe was it green pink pink or green it was cyan who's yellow wait why are you saying it's cyan i think i saw it what did they turn into they were signed and they turn into something pink pink or green pink or green pink or green hey who's green tuck up right now before i poke you yeah it's pink wait why did green just blow green cough up hey green draco rainbow what if i vote myself out again i'm disconnecting i'm leaving this better not be mean was it just me all around the hate off the worst killer ever lunar why are you so quiet yeah yeah it's just the five of us now because everything keeps crashing and disconnecting you got it you've got horns of anger yes i'm angry i mean i'm angry because the last two rounds with only us crash two um so angry okay let's just do guys stop going it was blue it was blue it was blue it was blue it was blue oh wow blue's dead nope no there's a blue right there no it's obviously lunar and she's obviously blue i'm not blue actually well blue is right he's talking who's alive who's dad me does anyone does anyone know who's dead who's it's blue bull died because ryan is dead okay i'm not cyan is dead and blue killed it because they wanted to be the only shade i think the okay whatever i think the person who self-reported i don't know who's talking but i think so myself no it's blue it's blue dracula you killed zion you're blue draco i'm not blue type in the chat and say i'm on top left top left is blue then why is it say your blue right blue skipped i'm not blue wait blue skipped i'm green which one now you're all dead don't let them go near you who's blue oh should we play duck duck goose you should have listened to we should have like duck dog no no we should we should die no no no no no no not on my watch what do you mean all right we're gonna weed them out rainbow who was chasing you i don't know what's up who's blue okay cough it up do you seriously think lunar is not the imposter she's literally just the one pressing the button i pressed the oh okay if i had the opportunity i would have killed you guys and not press the button don't panic on me i pressed the button but i thought i pressed the button no i probably see see this rainbow sauce also blue is dead wait are you green are you blue who's blue who's lunar i know it's funny i don't know which one's her green i'm i thought it was green i am the booger green i am the green neon green i believe okay thank you that means i'm seeing okay why do you say cnn it's science yeah you know what it's like we should vote it off just for saying cn right no i don't like weird when she says that color yeah [Music] have fun dying it's rainbow isn't it have fun dying just kidding [Laughter] draco is right all along shush draco i am the imposter i am the captain what what oops did i read that out loud what what what do you seriously think of the imposter again don't be stupid don't be stupid one in five chance guys someone go fix oxygen eight zero nine three okay she's like doing it slowly counting how could it be me i was slowly counting in o2 i think funny is actually just trolling i don't thank you i'm done [Music] when she said that no actually somebody i didn't report it because i was nowhere close okay how about we skip and then well we can't report anything i just said i was trolling so you know that i'm not it because i'm sick of being imposter i i want to be innocent forever okay oh just that i'm sick of being imposter yeah because i keep dying every round i'm impostor so now i'm innocent i'll be alright bad imposter who died everyone can someone escort me to electrical i'm scared no no one died could someone pretty please escort me to electrical i'm scared you are okay i'll do it hold on i'm gonna go from my captain's quarters where are you um head into electrical okay i'll i'll i'll i'll take you to electrical wait i thought you needed something you guys remember if i die it's rainbow because she's meeting me here yeah the rendezvous point this you is this the secret handshake hey that's not that electrical hold up i'm downloading data to my tablet i want to download the news you can't tell people who you are just play the game gold it's gold be quiet dead ghost no one's dead yeah no why are you saying that what very well i don't know how the report worked because gold clicked the button wait lunar why are you surprised everyone's alive did you kill yeah no because i saw a body and i recorded it what because you killed them no i saw her body or i reported it like probably was a ghost sherry man kind of weird glitch unless this is an among us lobby we're the dead his killer is very slow i'm assuming it's his rainbow nah that's not me wait how did they do that who's the killer how i'm dead i can't talk hello hello oh my gosh who is this person they're actually really good murderer i think it's lunar wait or is funny the dead one no does funny just die oh i'm sad why are you screaming two people died what wait oh no please oh my gosh um okay well rainbow where were you i was uh doing the card scan thing for six hours like i usually am and luna where were you med bay what were you doing in med bay lunar [Laughter] it's it's lunar just vulnerable lunar rainbow which one are you i don't know which one i have i know i did my work i did a report i reported so which one are you oh no it's luna it's luna which one are you rainbow oh my gosh you're gonna lose weight i can just i'm the pink one i'm the people are you sure you don't change right and pink votes again science vote science ooh lol bye cyan i'm gonna laugh if it's rainbow luna i'm gonna cry who is it please please please please please please please please i'm closing my eyes boom yes oh my god nice good job wow gg that first one was glitched man i swear i killed someone i thought bonnie was trolling and just not talking i was no i i died [Applause]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,405,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among uis, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, among us retexture, hide and seek, among us color swap, among us crazy colors, among us rainbow
Id: 4slfj0DBBZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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