Playing As a NINJA Girl In Minecraft!

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in the night of minecraft the sneakiest player lies in the shadows meet the minecraft ninja she has the most unique abilities and weapons you've never seen and her abilities get put to the test when a master swordsman puts the entire server in danger and kidnapped her best friend's cat now tasked with saving the server will our cute ninja be able to save the server from chaos and find the missing cat let's find out also see that subscribe button be sure to sneak on over and hit it thanks welcome today i am a ninja and i am the most stealthiest person on this server i have so many tools to help me like my smoke bomb oh where'd i go oh yeah you still see me okay all right that's because i'm on the camera but that's perfectly fine don't worry i have other abilities too like i could do this see those are my decoys and my decoys will basically make sure that nobody can find the real me especially if i hide right next to them like this see okay and also uh sorry also i can kind of do something like this you know teleport from here to there pretty simple huh but very stealthy and simple so someone needs my help i gotta make my way over there okay okay okay i'm going over there don't worry i'm coming over there whoever's having problems huh you know what i better use my fast ninja run dude okay i'm on my way don't worry i'm coming okay about to be there oh i gotta get my ninja sword who's doing that who's doing problems that's right those cakes are going to be mine you can't stop me so don't even try well that's too bad because they're going to be mine anyway yeah my cakes [Laughter] all the service treasures will be mine what what is that what's that hello there oh well hello aphmau you're the evil samurai war how could you and you're the evil ninja wait no no i'm the evil one yeah i'm i'm i'm the evil one yeah okay anyway anyway what are you doing to this poor innocent cake shop that i frequently buy cakes from when i'm not doing my ninja duties well i am taking it over and i'm taking over the whole server because this not only the cakes but all the servers treasures will be mine because i have the power to do so because with this sword i will conquer well i guess i guess all the treasure that i've hidden the golden treasure that i hit to the north is pretty much useless now since you're taking over the silver and all you'll never find it though oh the northeast yeah well then what direction's north that way that way sweetheart okay it's that way oh god i got it it'll be mine hang up you're having some problems there you'll samurai no it's fine it's fine it's uh um see ninja tools am i right oh they're dumb that's not you know how to use them oh my goodness see okay all right you know what he's gone that's all that matters now i need to save kauai chan and get her out of there i use my ninja wind ruined there we go it should perfect i've done it she'll never know it's me wait what what oh no oh you you see nothing you see nothing all right so you know what i gotta make sure i practice on that uh disappearing act a little bit let's go just there we go come on leaves put out that fire looks like ian has done ian's done some damage definitely done a lot of damage here i just wonder if kwai chan is going to be okay ah she's really oh look what's going on over there huh oh no what [Music] now the kitty is mine and nothing and no one can stop me i am taking over this server and if i can't have cakes then i'm taking your kitty cat what's going on bye-bye what's going on i came as fast as i could i saw everything oh hey whoa oh yeah um well you see ann came in here and destroyed my place and then he stole mrs he stole mr sprinkles but he was the heart of this cafe you have here i know oh my god this is terrible it looks like ian the evil flame wielding sword samurai has had a really really really evil streak going on he's been stealing and like literally putting everything on fire out here and i can't let him get away with this as a ninja i'm going to stop him and i'm going to need some help probably hmm that's it right what what you're coming with me well yeah i mean i already have this super cute ninja outfit ready you're just happy and i want my revenge you just had this lying around oh my gosh wow yeah okay okay all right all right you know what perfect i'll take you out as my apprentice and as my apprentice i realize that you can't see me so step up let's go wait what come on let's go all right so can you can you do something like blink over here like this blink i can grapple oh look at you all right that's good you have learned the first basics let's go let's go let's go like yeah i'm gonna be cool like you i'm sorry you'll be cool with me someday thank you then follow my instructions let's go see if anybody else needs help all right we're ninja and we're out here making sure that everything is safe we see some bandits down there but i don't know if there's anything actually going on no what should we do i don't know okay so we have to find out where ian is and to find ian we have to find out where his minions are hiding we only see a few around here oh no pigment everywhere get away from me get away from me no no no no no no no no no come on get away get out of this house all right i have my shadow clones around here it's okay [Music] you'll never know you'll never know which one's the real one this one that's not the real one no no no all right i think i think they're gone i think they will leave him alone you think uh it seems like it hmm i'm just gonna do this to be safe before we make sure noy is all right no way i think you can come on out now ah yeah come on don't worry we'll take care of anyone for you okay it looks like they'll leave you just ninjas thank you so much no we're just random people yeah exactly random people who happen to look like they're friends yeah so these thugs they look like the fire sword swordsman is that correct do they happen to work for that samurai the one who's got evil oh those thugs yes they work for the fire swordsman they stole my golden hoe they they said they needed it for their vicious plans their plans oh yes i was just going along everything was good and then everything changed when the fire swordsman attacked with his minions that isn't good did he steal anything from you yeah well they said he stole my golden hoe look i found him i believe that he took my cake i found okay we really have to stop him yes we do all right yeah i found them on the i found all the bandits so come on so much i stole those but i'm a ninja so i get away with it we'll see you later noy oh you're so wonderful bye wait how do you guys tell my name uh don't worry about it okay all right hey you two you two here yeah you both you both stand guard okay you both stand guard right here all right boss we got this all right yeah yeah yeah all right question where'd you go where'd you go uh right wait where did you go don't know where you're such a good ninja where'd you go oh thank you i think i've just lost though uh no that you are mastering the ninjas way i don't know where did you go actually collect yeah oh here you are all right all right all right come on such a good ninja look i couldn't even see you all right you're learning very good you're almost gonna be as good as me someday oh thank you i have a great hi this this is gonna be the big thing all right ian ian likes gold so he's made everything out of gold which means that he has his defenses are useless okay that's so true ugh i can't believe he's i can't believe he loves gold so much i know right i bet you that this door will open because it's made of gold it's not that durable oh my god watch out he's over there all right you two stand guard stand guard oh there they gotta go make sure that we're okay all right all right come on this way this way this way okay oh wait oh i was looking at the wrong one all right go invisible go invisible make sure you keep your invisibility up okay got it all set we finally have kawhi chan's cakes and noise golden hoes it's all coming together all the other treasures on the server will be mine isn't that right sprunkles oh this is a cute little kitty i love it yeah hello i think i'm not allergic to cats it's fine i can't believe it it's okay i'll probably probably treat him really bad all right sprinkle will still love you no matter what it's okay no look over here he's shooting sprinkles really good he's got two catchers i only i don't even have any for him i'm so sorry oh no he loves it it's okay it's two again oh guards get them what no way they can't see you silly don't worry oh question oh i see you two now what are you doing to this poor cat who's living in luxury tell me what am i what well first of all secondly yeah tell us what are you talking about i'm treating i'm treating sprinkles so nice but that doesn't stop stop it stop it anyway as i said before all the servers trenches will be seriously you got to stop at the smoke bombs anyway you know what i've had enough of you too it's time that you fell for my trap [Music] there you go what did you drew this for i'm a ninja okay jeez [Music] more guards okay oh all right all right all right where'd he go where did ian go mr sprinkles where are you going where'd he go wait no come back where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go do you see him hang on hang on what what did you guys do we can't find sprinkles what'd you do with him huh did you two let him go no you probably made a terrible little enclosement for him that's why he got out what i made the best like everything else on the server will be mine so if you if you'll excuse me just gonna do that get there and uh yes away don't worry we'll find sprinkles we're gonna set a trap for him come on let's go okay kawaii chan i think this trap is gonna work for sure notice kawaii chan's famous made cafe cake right here this sprinkles his favorite right yeah he goes crazy for it perfect and we got the perfect trap everything should fall into place okay all right so let's go up on my rooftop and make sure that sprinkles comes come on come on we might have to have a steak out for a long time target sided target get in there you chunker get in there chunkers you know you want to eat the cake go eat the cake eat the cake wait i hear evil snickering her evil sneakers i'm taking the cake too and the cake is mine you know what uh have a little more have a little more lava lava and now i make my here here here here whoa oh you're not on fire anymore i mean you're still hot i'm not you're so hot but you know what we'll put out the fire all right there we go oh okay we're gonna just oh wait wait we're getting distracted come on come if we can just make sure that sprinkles is safe we should be fine oh oh he's got hingeman he's got henchman that's it that's it what is he gonna ever actually do like i don't know right okay i got this i got this i got this i gotta think hey they're endangered you know we got to take care of them so make sure that whoa i got the strength oh my god it's so stupid and cute there you are oh cute little panda what no in wait wait what what what a cute little panda i don't mind if i do oh my god oh my god he's getting away yeah yeah no no you can't come in can't come in um it's gold we can get in we're useless that's right no no wait question we can't go after him we have to get sprinkles he's probably back at ian's base come on come on let's go get distracted don't get distracted by the panda that's once all right he wants you to be distracted and dumb like him i'm going to take his stupid hoe yeah take everything take everything you know yeah he's just stealing from us don't don't mess with that take that too he's still it's stealing from us leave the shrine here that's probably very important take all this cat trees take all the cat trees take this cat tree that you need okay you may not like it but this is peak performance of minecraft players see let's get going come on we gotta oh yeah we're getting distracted thank [Music] i see that you two got distracted of course i knew you'd go for the gold and the cakes that's not what i really wanted you see what i wanted what stop stop throwing those what i really wanted was to steal your most prized possession sprinkles right here no whoa okay uh only if you can climb my tower defeat my minions and then face the final boss it's just me yeah well you know we're a little busy down here your minions are kind of distracting us yeah i'm a little busy can you like get rid of these guys yeah no that's their jobs oh man all right we're coming up there for you yep i'll be waiting up here sprinkles and i we're gonna be best buds aren't we sprongled who is your good kitty cat who's again they're after you because you're the owner of sprinkles oh there's another one i got you girl i got you oh my god okay all right then he did oh let's see i can't we can't get up there it's okay we're gonna do something like this or something like this that is why samurai are better than ninjas she's gonna do training how dare you uh uh uh anyway anyway uh yeah one just come up here i got you don't worry she's she's working on it all right she's working where'd you go i'm still here final boss seriously you got to stop doing that you know what you know what give it back [Music] [Laughter] that's really bad for you yeah let's uh let's let's not do that again yeah let's not do it again okay where were we sparkles i've treated you so good i'm treating you oh you're about no you're a bad owner you burnt down my cafe when sprinkles was inside that was irresponsible that was irresponsible to be fair i didn't know sparkles was there fine can i trade you first bronco no we will trade him fist fight for sprinkles oh yeah okay okay yeah we're ninjas we don't yes well good thing i've got this fancy fancy fire lava sword because it can do cool things like oh and that and this good job we gotta surround him surround him pushed me into the lava i found a kawaii i found his sword he's dead now he died in the lava how ironic i'm still here i can't believe it oh he's gone it's okay i can't believe he's gone forever get out of my tower i can still hear him somewhere [Music] [Music] panda he's he's going to endanger that panda that pet is already in danger just by being ian oh my god you know what here you keep sprinkles i'm going to go save that panda i'll be right back hold on a second let's do it aim for ian's maybe hit him like right around i think i got him i think i got him i escaped okay all right panda you are safe you are safe oh you're so cute look at you it's your
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,326,515
Rating: 4.8888402 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, Aphmau minecraft, Aphmau ninja, I became a ninja in Minecraft, playing as a ninja in Minecraft, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft ninja, Minecraft Aphmau ninja pranks, pranking your friend as a ninja in Minecraft, Aphmau becomes a ninja in Minecraft, funny moments Minecraft, Minecraft ninja prank, Aphmau ninja friend
Id: yOSYBJmvNss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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