Life of a Phrog | TootyMcNooty

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I think my next video project will be a video like this about my fantasy setting's goblins.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Modstin 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man I wish I was 75% serotonin...or really any %

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Sovdark 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not mine. It was done by tootymcnooty

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Morgan_The_Cow 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
have you ever wondered what makes you happy where it comes from or where to find it well if not i'm glad to show you exactly where it is have a look around and try and spot something peculiar here if it looks like a round looking blob just minding its own business you my friend i found a frog now frogs are very much different to your regular frogs apart from the unique spelling that frogs have compared to frogs frogs have a very much different purpose in life compared to other known amphibians [Music] so if they have a purpose what do they do then [Music] they don't do that much me they're just frogs to look at what they do exactly we have to focus on what is happening on the inside you see it's interesting to note that frogs are mostly full of serotonin 75 to be exact which is the reason why they're so happy most of the time twenty percent of the time they also focus on what is known as dinner time frogs have a range of foods they may snack on in the wild these range from bugs worms caterpillars or flies we don't talk about the flies really but when a frog starts to get really really hungry and that doesn't make the frog happy that's when the last five percent of the frog comes out in anger did you know that by streaming the frog is very slowly releasing some of their serotonin making them smaller and smaller as they scream as you can see frogs come in all different shapes sizes and colors and as possible like a second group you may know that a group of regular folks is called an army well for frogs they're called a party of frogs but just like any living creature they seek that special someone to spend the majority of their time with and it looks like this fella has an interest in someone and sometimes if more than one frog is interested in another frog they need to battle it out and see which one is more victorious but how do they do that exactly well this solution can be solved with a simple dark [Music] battle and for those frogs that were able to find love they can happily settle down and have a family a family of hundreds when an egg is ready to hatch it throws a tiny little tail to help it move around the tadpole normally spends the first few days of its life feeding on algae and swimming around being a baby marks living amongst the friendly creatures that live in a lake as well once the time has come they will grow to little back legs and eventually its two front legs will start to come out once they start swimming with their front legs and back legs the tail slowly starts to disappear and once they're ready they can emerge from the water and join the rest of the party just like anyone at the end of the day frogs also get tired when the sun sets and start to get ready to go to sleep whether that will be with their group their loved one or by themselves dogs are good at getting comfy and getting relaxed ready for the next day ahead just to do absolutely nothing [Music] you
Channel: TootyMcNooty
Views: 1,767,165
Rating: 4.9850745 out of 5
Id: abxX7P1J8I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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