Play PS5 on Meta Quest 3: Ultimate VR Setup Guide

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hi there welcome to you DIY my name is Ben we're going to play the PS4 PS5 and Nintendo switch consoles with the meta Quest [Music] 3 okay so welcome to this video my name is Ben uh we're going to look today at The Meta Quest 3 and using the PS4 PS5 Nintendo switch and anything really that outputs HDMI into the meta Quest 3 um so I'm not taking credit for finding this um there is someone on Reddit called missing number 700 uh they've done a post on Reddit um I will share the links and the credit to them uh they did a post around playing the Nintendo switch on their meta Quest 3 using a capture card obviously a Nintendo switch and the Met Quest 3 um using basically some capture cards um so it got me thinking I've got capture cards I've got a I've got Nintendo switch well Oliver's got a Nintendo switch we've got a PS5 PS4 what could we get going um so this might be tur into a bit of a l lengthy video cuz I will try and talk you through and walk you through kind of the steps to get this working and what you will need to get this to get basically get it working um so this in theory is possible on any device that outputs on HDMI this could be a laptop a PC Nintendo switch PS3 PS4 well anything outputs on on HDMI to then display inside the meta 3 uh so some steps to get it working some things outside the Box you kind of do a you got to do a little bit nothing that will break your headset nothing like that you don't need to I don't know hack it or anything like that it's all stuff anyone can do it just takes a few extra steps so what we'll do I'll break it down to a little diagram first just to show you kind of what's going on and then I'll go through each of the individual steps I'll break the steps down within the video so you can then jump to different parts if you need to or jump back to certain parts and I'll try and be as detailed with those sections as I possibly can um so first up let's jump to a quick diagram that I'll just draw out um and then we'll kind of jump into the first step which will be uh installing something called side quest but let's jump into that in a minute okay so let's do a little bit of a schematic now on this whiteboard we've got here we'll keep it nice and simple overall so on the right hand side here so let me just get a little pen so we can see what we're doing so on the right hand side over here we've got the PS5 PS4 Nintendo switch PC so any HDMI device that can output or sorry any device that can HDMI output is in theory capable of doing this and display inside of the meta Quest 3 so we've got PS5 PS4 switch PC which we will use in this video to show how it all works so those PS5 sorry those devices output with HDMI so it's an HDMI cable out of all out of all them obviously that will output just standard cable obviously the better cable you can get uh the better um for stability quality Etc so in the middle we've got a couple of things we need to go through but obviously on the other side you can see we've got the headsets that's the head headset is the headset met Quest 3 or met Quest 2 not sure about other devices but those two are supported with this method in the middle there's a little bit more to do so the first one is the capture card so this is the capture card here so the capture card basically what it means is it's capturing the HDMI from the device on the on the capture card and then sending it onward um in a different format to the headset so in this video in this example we're using a couple hopefully three examples of capture cards just to show you what's capable we got the Elgato cam link 4K we've got the oops we've got the Elgato hd60 and I've got an older device which I've not tested yet which is the AA media lgp light so this is here so this will be lower quality in terms of the I think it's HD 720p that can do whereas these are capable of up to 4K um so those devices obviously naturally will be better quality got those two so those are the capture cards and you can see there I put a little symbol on which is the HDMI in so both of these devices all three devices have HDMI in so a port on them literally is for the HDMI to go into so that one's there that one's on the for on the cam link is much easier to see got the HDMI in and then obviously out and again on the other one we've got HDMI in so that's easy hm is easy on the other side a little bit more tricky in terms of outputting from the capture card into the headset we still do need something in the middle in the way um so for my example for the one we're doing I've got a couple of hubs so hubs or Dockers or they're called different things depending on what you're using them for but essentially this will plug into a PC um and then you can input devices into it as like an extension so it's like a hub like on thee-o HUB so this one can be used for all kinds it can actually be used to Output to a to a monitor but we won't go there but basically it's got two USB ports on it so I can plug that into my laptop but in this case The Meta three into the into the three and I've got USB be input so all we're going to do with this example is we're going to take the cam link 4K going to input it into the Hub like so that will have the HDMI cable on the end of it and then that plugs into the headset so that's that example the hd60 is a little bit more temperamental with USB C3 it does require USB C3 all the way from here to the hub into the headset anything in between you don't do this won't work just won't out it won't it won't work so this one HDMI in we've then got a cable USBC cable out which will go into the Hub these will connect together via a wire and then that will go again like the other one will go into the headset so from your capture card to your Hub we'll call it the Hub into the headset so they they're devices you need in between basically capture card and hub um so we'll be using those two together we'll use the cam link together and then we'll see which one we can get working with the one if we can um so Hardware wise I think that's everything in for now okay so that's everything from a hardware perspective now kind of mentioned so we've got the links all the way from the device all the way through to the headset we will go through this kind of practically in real life just to show you it the best we can um and try to keep it as simple as possible so just a couple of things to mention along the way so a couple of things I've seen on the PS5 and PS4 is you need hdcp turn off now this stands for high definition content protection I think it is the HD B might be wrong I'll confirm in the description but basically there's um content um protection applied on the PS5 and PS4 to ensure to try stop people obviously taking copyright information away from them and producing elsewhere so we're not doing this with this we're using it for personal reasons and not you know we're just we're not we're not uh stealing the information or anything like that so hdcp needs to be turned off on the PS5 and PS4 as we're going through it I'll try and get quick grabs of it on the PS4 PS5 but again I'll put some links below to other people have done videos on it to show you rather than go through too much detail so on this side that's all I've seen so far that's all you need to do hdcp turned off on those if you don't it won't work simple as that you need to turn it off um on the headset side is where we need to concentrate on now in terms of how to get that working on the headset side so by default out of the box meta builting apps this won't work there's a little bit of side loading we need to do in terms to get this working um again it's not damaging the device it's not hacking the device it's using something called side quest now I'm not going to go into massive detail about side quest I may do a further video on it but there's tons of videos on YouTube about sidequest how to use it we're going to utilize side quest to Sid load an application called USB camera onto the Met 3 so at this point you may think I don't want to do that it's not for me then that's fair enough and that's nothing against anyone if you don't want to do that to your headset that's fine I've done it I've done it on the three so far we will do on the two at some point it shouldn't damage it shouldn't um it shouldn't affect any anything obviously it may not work perfectly because it's not been designed for the Met 3 but in terms of everything else there should be no issue with your headset but this is this is a disclaimer don't this is my responsibility if it does go wrong for you that's doing this at your own risk um not that there should be any risk let's just put that there so we need to get side quest on our PC so you need a PC for this for side quest to be installed on and you can do it on your phone I've not done that yet so far so we will do it on the PC I've done it on my laptop I've not done it on this PC so I'm going to go through it step by step now I'm getting side quest onto the PC just step one we're then going to uh download um the application file the APK for the USB video uh USB camera application so that's step two and then we're going to side load that APK the USB camera apk onto the Met Quest 3 and then that should in theory be it we should then better do all this connecting together and things should start working so bit of a deep breath sorry it's taking I've gone into some detail there just to show you what's going on hopefully you can see what's happening for getting your device into the headset so we're going to concentrate on this headset bit now and we're going to do the element of getting side quest sorted so I'll get things ready on here we'll download side quest we'll do it in I'll do it in real time just to show you because I've not done it on this PC and then we'll take it from there okay here we go so we're on the side quest website which is side quest as I said there's tons of stuff on side quest not just what we're doing that you can do get early access to games beta version of games uh loaded on there I'm not going to cover that I'm just going to cover what we need to do to get things working for us so I'm going to go to get side quest you can see there and for loading the APK files onto it you need to get the advanced installer which is for expert users I'm no expert but we need the expert one um so you can go with the easy one but you won't better do the loading of APK I made that mistake the first time uh I didn't get it and I couldn't work it out so yeah install the advanced installer so we'll do it I've not done this before so we'll do this in all in real time hopefully it doesn't take too long for us so I'll do it in real time so we can see it working and just how easy it is to get set up um so we'll download the uh x file I'm on the Windows machine this should as it says be in uh capable on a on a Mac as well um so it's downloading now and but obviously we I've got Windows machine so we'll open this x file in a moment okay so I'm going open open the x file now I want to just install it just for me go for all the installer as per any kind of other application okay so run side quest as well so it's as easy as that from a side quest perspective Okay so we've got side quest running now on the PC so I'll put that to one side and then we will open this one and then what as I mentioned previously the um the application we need or the APK file is something called USB camera so on here I'll just go to Google I'm going to search for Android a APK I've used APK mirror um so APK APK mirror um in theory everything should be safe on here in it's got a good reputation in terms of safe apks there are some sources where the maybe some malware Etc installed there um but I think if you know sensible get things that look supported Etc again please do not take this as me taking any responsibility for anything you do with this um it's work for me it's worked for others so it should work for you so literally I'm going to go USB camera going to go with the first one which is this one it's exactly what I've done on my other Machine by the way so this I've done this previously and I've gone for the top ones you can get different versions of the application I've gone with the Android 11 plus one okay there we go got stuck in an advert I think so download the APK now that should start downloading and it's second okay so we got the APK file now so if I take this APK file I'll putut it out of here and I want to pop it into my downloads here Lo of rubbish in there so I'm pop it into my download section so that's now ready to upload onto the meta Quest 3 once we've got things going so you can see on the meta Quest on the side quest application here let me just do this full screen so you can see it properly up up here it's got are not detected so this is really good step-by-step instructions on what to do um and there are some things you need to do first of all to get this working um in terms of uh creating an organization so you basically need to enable Dev Dev mode on your headset okay yeah so the dev mode so um I've done this previously when I set it up on other PC I've not done it before so you basically need to get Dev mode or developer mode onto your meta Quest 3 or Quest 2 uh which you need to do certain way with an Oculus uh developer organization you can see there's a video playe here it shows you what to do it is really simple I wouldn't be put off by this um as it says here it's on the meta website it's free quick and easy there's a link to it there where you got to sign up and create an organization it's super simple the the video it's showing there is literally how long it takes um that that's kind of it so I will find another video on YouTube of someone that's done this um if you want to go to their video because I'm I'm not going to show this on a video but it is super simple to do one once you've created the organization you then need to um enable developer mode on the headset again there's a great video here showing you how to do it it's really simple to do it's within the settings there's nothing difficult about it I'll I'll again I'll try and find another video on YouTube might be the same one uh just to give you some instruction there so create the organization um and a developer account on The Meta or the Oculus Oculus website enable Dev mode on your quest three and then which I've already done I've done that part and then it's a case of connecting up so in theory I should be connect my meta Quest 3 now to my PC and it should detect the P The Meta Quest 3 so I'm going to try it now okay so as you can see just need to plug it in as it states on the instructions and you'll probably get a popup inside the headset about USB debugging um and it just G it's me about giving you access or giving access to the to the computer to do it so I'm going to plug that in now there and I'll jump onto the headset allow it on the headset okay so now I've allowed that on the headset and you can see hopefully at the top left corner put my glass back on so I can see yeah we're connected to the Oculus Quest 3 100% there so that's all done now we're connected up and ready to install the APK onto the headset so I know there's a few steps to do there but once it's done it's done and the ready to just do do this and other things with side quest on the headset okay so we got the meta Quest 3 connected now as you can see it's successfully connected you can also see it here on the connection state we've got the quest detected Dev mode enabled ADB detected and device authorized that's all done now that's all included in these little guides so we're ready now to side load the application on uh so what I'll do is go up here into side quest you've got the little menu icons across the top and there's a little more like a folder with an arrow and it's to install APK file from folder on computer so if I click on that and this should hopefully yes it does puts up a folder window file explorer window sorry and then I click on that and got the app the APK file there and it should just be a case of clicking open install an APK you see the red bar at the bottom down here all task completed success that's it that's done so that's installed it on the actual meta Quest 3 ready to use ready to go ready to open so what we'll do now we actually jump into using this now because there's nothing more we need to do away from the the quest 3 headset we need to now go and test it out so we'll go on Nintendo switch and PS4 first upstairs then we'll knit downstairs and we'll try out the PS5 so Nintendo switch I will use I'll use this older one to start with the ather media uh lgp light just to see if we can get that one working just to show you different functionality and Fe different ones you can use um and then we will use the cam link and this Hub here for the PS4 um and we will use the other Elgato and that hub for the PS5 so we'll nip over now go to it on the switch and then move on to the next ones okay we're here in Oliver's room and Oliver set up here so just messing around with Nintendo switch to start with so let me just flick around and show you the desk set up what we've got going on at the moment uh just a quick one though the AA Media One won't work I can't get that working at the moment I might try again but it won't work with the switch so let me just show you what's going on here so we have got so I've Got The Meta Quest 3 here so that's got the uh Hub connected into it this so This Is The Hub that we showed previously so that's got the uh wire plug down directly into the meta Quest 3 I've then got the Elgato cam link here which has got the HDMI cable in which goes into the back of the switch dock so we got the switch dock there HDMI out into the Hub Hub into the headset hopefull that's nice and clear you can see what's going on there um with the Hub and the capture card being the most important of bits in that in that process so let me flick around I'll put the headset on and we'll get things going and I can show you I'll keep this camera on as well just to show you what's going on real time so I'm going to go into the headset first of all I'll set off screen recording so you can see what's going on so I'm just going to do record video so I can show you what's happening set my microphone to record as well right so I'm recording screen something come out of here so just a couple of things as well when you go into your applications when you go into your applications once you've installed the side loaded applications you need to go to this drop- down menu here so if you go to all which is what what you usually have it on you've got all your applications in there all the official ones Etc if you go here drop that down you go to unnown sources and that will show you so you can see at the bottom there we've got the USB camera application installed uh so if I click on that you'll first of all re so straight away you can see the switch has work there I've done not done any settings whatsoever with this yet it's just works straight out you'll see obviously we've got the portrait view uh what we need to do is we just grab the corners drag it out and you got a giant Nintendo switch screen in front of you which is absolutely fantastic um I'll be honest I don't use a switch there much so I'm not really sure what what's going on there so let me just grab a controller um I'm in the new section whatever that is don't know what big is that's B it back there we go all right okay so if I go into Roller Coaster Tycoon oh maybe not but you can see that's working there so we W doing a gameplay on the switch because it's not my switch it's my wife's switch and I don't want to mess anything up so you can see that's working though um nice large screen in front of us there um latency wise I'm not too sure yet because we're not uh obviously got into gameplay but I can see the controller I'm moving the controller there and it's moving things around pretty good i' say so latency wise we will probably see more in a PS4 game um so that's working straight out side loaded on no setting changes loaded up straight away Nintendo switch I'd probably say that's like good 100 in screen in front of you I can see I've got pass through on there into oliv's room as well um if I come out of pass through let me try that see what that looks like okay so in the virtual environment there as well so that's as large as we can go looking great so that's working fine so what we'll do now we'll jump over to the PS4 and do some actual gaml on the PS4 uh but that is so far so good okay so just confirm the setup now I've got the cable here uh sorry just here is a HDMI cable from the PS4 so the PS4 is just in there but the cable goes behind HDMI cable into there into the cam link into the dock into the Hub whatever you want to call it and then into the meta Quest 3 so let's get onto the three onto the quest sorry so I've literally just switched the cables round not done anything yet on the headset so let me jump onto the headset I have turned HD CP off earlier you need to do that before you plug it in I'll just show you in the menu where that is okay so we're recording 3 two 1 now hopefully so we're going to jump over to Applications again back to the USB camera app so at the moment we're not getting anything let me just check what's going on let me just disconnect and reconnect this okay nothing still so I'm going to just pull out the HDMI uh the capture card and plug it back into the Hub okay so that's working now so I just literally pulled out the capture card plugged it back in just down here uh and that's working now so you can see the PlayStation there absolutely fine so I've got the controller latency wise again it's going through the menus fine absolutely no problem whatsoever let me quickly just show you in the settings the hdcp so if you go to the main settings go down to system settings and you'll see enable hdcp there which I've got currently off that was on and it wasn't working earlier um so that's that so that's working fine now hopefully I can hear the PlayStation noise I don't know if it records it onto the recording I don't know if it does but I can hear the PlayStation menu noise coming through fine you can go into the settings menu and you can change video format audio format Etc you can do different things with it um you can leave it I think you can go to audio output routing and change that if you wanted to but I can I can hear the sound coming through the headset absolutely fine so there's not there's quite there's um a few different options you can go through within here but I've not done anything the only thing I have done and I didn't mention this before apologies I turned off Wi-Fi on the headset before I open the application um so that stops in the adverts coming through onto the app because it's an Android app and it shows adverts so if you turn your Wi-Fi off on the headset you don't get any AD coming okay so back to the main menu I'm going to just jump into um this battery's just died on the on the on the uh dual shop 4 controller let me just go grab another controller uh and we'll come straight back so I'll just stop the recording there okay we're back on the headset now we a Charged Up controller uh we see we fully in the menu now so we're going to jump into a game do some actual game play at last we've got there okay so we'll jump into a game of let's go FIFA latency wise jumping through the menus seems great so far okay so we got into a kickoff match do some Lo local play on the the device itself so we'll just go into play [Music] modes quick play mods and just do a quick kickoff you see it's pretty smooth coming through smooth on the screen itself just going jump through these menus okay what oliv quickly middle of the recording you're on again yeah it's not let me play on there are you nearly done no I you have to give me a minute mate just give me a minute just give me a minute Oliver just give me a minute okay we're going to jump straight into a classic match straight in straight through I just want to do some really quick bit of game play I won't do a full game or anything I just want to show you in terms of latency wise on there what's going on okay straight into a game let's see what this is like so I'll just do 30 seconds to a minute or so and just to show you what it's like let skip this okay seems pretty smooth to me game play is fine you see obviously it's smooth on the actual screen itself no problems there whatsoever and latency wise obviously like from pressing pass let's see if I can just score quick goal before we finish going to square it across I'm going to shoot and score so the latency wise is really really Qui good I'm not seeing it it's like playing on the screen to be honest with you I'm not noticing anything different um whether after a period of time you'd notice that difference I'm not sure but for me at the moment it's no different than just playing on the headset on a on a big screen just normal um so so far let's see if I can get a second goal no okay so really good there that's a PS4 jumping through the menu I don't want to too too much gameplay I want to show you some gameplay I want main gameplay I want to do on the PS5 just to show you that working on the PS5 see goore Corner let's do a vol uh volley half volley oh okay so we'll finish we'll just pause there for now we'll jump downstairs and we'll do a little bit of testing on the PS5 okay so before we go and do the PS5 I thought just jump into the office and do the PC first so output from the PC so let me just show you where we're out outputting from so this is the PC that I was recording from earlier so we did the Whiteboard from here so it's just a Mini PC down there uh sorry just there so we've got the Mini PC which is currently HDMI out into this monitor so I'm going to take the HDMI cable out of this Monitor and I will plug it into the same Hub uh the same Hub dock we were using previously so I'll get all that set up and then I'll jump over and we'll have a look at the latency we'll have a look at the latency uh we'll play a YouTube video just navigate around windows quickly just to show that working so I'll get it all set up now we'll have a look at it quickly okay so got everything set up down here ready to go so got the Hub here I've got the um capture card with the HDMI I'm going to plug that in now before I put the headset on so that's plugged in already so I'll jump onto the headset and I'll record on the headset give me a moment okay so let me just get things going and get recording inside here so let me just unlock it okay I'm going to do it in pass through mode so you can see what's going on around me um so I've not done anything so it's actually opened already let me just jump quickly and record straight away for you show you what's going on so we're recording currently let me open that and you can see I've got the Whiteboard app open here so you can see hopefully because I got pass through on I've got my mouse on my keyboard so I can I'm moving the mouse around I can go to a browser window open up this and if I go into uh YouTube so again smoothness wise uh Clarity wise looking great let me just see if I can move this a little bit over just resent of this there we go so we got that in front of it so let me open up I tell you what we'll open let's open a little bit of Houston d DIY so we don't have any copyright issues Houston DIY and I'll open up the previous video I did which was playing fortnite and FIFA on the actual headset so again I'm I'm getting audio through hopefully you can hear that coming through so I'm going to mute that so you can see hopefully it's coming through let me check the met and the Met obviously there's tons of amazing games VR Games built into are great to play there's one I've been playing recently played the first time night called onward which is really really good right so that's looking great so the latency wise no problems it maybe slight lat I would say with the video but it's very very very slight um so if I navigate around YouTube you can see that loading absolutely fine smoothness is fine um if I come just into windows and go through the application ations um I can open up side quest which we're obviously using earlier so obviously I'm not plugged into the PC currently so I can see side quest working there so we jump home on side quest um what else could we do we can go into um browser let's go to news search for news and got BBC News so you can see see there's nothing nothing's delayed everything loads fine it's smooth coming through um let me check a little bit of the most recent news out absolutely fine so you can obviously my pass I can use my keyboard and mouse as well at the same time so that works great as I said previously I don't think I said previously but you can obviously use the is it called The Meta link software or remote desktop software to do this ex this exact same thing but if you've not got anything in installed on the machine and you don't want to or you can or you're using a work machine or a lock down machine this might be a great way of doing it if you got HTMI coming out of the PC it then gives you the capability to connect into the headset and still use it um so yeah and it works absolutely fine I me pass through um no problems whatsoever so looking really good so now the PC is done we'll jump over to uh the PS5 but obviously if you're watching on this video got any questions about this you want me to try out some different applications in another video Drop It Down in the comment section I will reply to I'll try out any suggestions that you give okay we're in the sitting room now uh with a TV just behind me there uh with the PS5 on so you can probably see hopefully there the PS5 is comr let me just switch it around just to show you what's going on so we got the PS5 plugged into the TV here so the PS5 is down there obviously into the TV so we'll put a new cable into the back of the PS5 to bring it round I'll set things up on the floor just down there and I'll show you and then we'll see if we can get it working so let me get that set up now so I can give can uh show you how we've got it set up okay so hopefully you can see what's going on down here now let me just run through what it is so got the HDMI cable running from the PS5 it's going into the Elgato hd60 uh we' then got the USBC cable plugged in there into the back of the hd6 there that then plugs into this uh Hub or dock or whatever you want to call it there the white one and that is plugging straight into the meta Quest 3 there so you'll see this is what I got to work around a little bit there's currently a blue light on the hd60 now if I used a different cable on the hd60 that obviously isn't USB 3 this would flash red so this is much more temperamental so the other Hub the other dock doesn't work with this because it isn't true USB 3 this must be a USB 3 port on here and again this is a usb3 cable true cable so yeah so if you have that problem with you got the hd6 it's going to be either a hub or the cable you're using even if it says it is a usb3 it might not be USB 3 so this definitely is this is some trial and error to go through I tried at least five different USB cables uh obviously they're two different hubs in fact I tried a third Hub couldn't get it working but this one is a haai one that came with my laptop that obviously USB 3 True USB 3 that is so we're all plugged in I've not checked it yet I've turned HD CP off in the menus again I'll show you where that is when we're in when we're on the headset uh and hopefully it works um so let me jump around I'll set turn the camera around I'll put the headset on and we'll see and check it's working fine okay so I've got the headset here I've got the PS5 controller here I'm going to pop it on I'll record from inside again like we did before I'll just get the uh hand controller okay I'm back with the controller now let's give this a go so I'll put the headset on the only problem with this D this Hub is that obviously it's shorter there it does pull down on the headset so I'm going to have to probably get a different one just to get this working uh perfectly so let me just allow the connection it will ask you if you want to use the connection um okay so I can see straight away it's working but I won't do anything yet I will record this so I can show you so I am recording now so let me go back into the USB camera application so you can see hopefully it's asking me to adjust the play area now this is because obviously it's detected a new um a new display so we got all right there uh I just here so we need to make sure that it's barely visible just about there barely visible again there we go so there so we're in okay so with this one with the hd60 I'm not getting audio now I think this is because what I've used it for in the past I've changed the audio settings um but we are working we are in so let's give it a go so I'm going to jump straight into fc24 in fact before I do that let me just show you the settings let's go down to system settings HDMI and you can see there I've turned off hdcp um so that's off so let's jump into fc24 e uh EA Sports FC 24 okay so none of the we hav't got the disconnection I had the disconnection problem on the PS4 um which which disconnected once from me but I was switching between them so let's just get logged in let's get it working okay so it's smooth you can see the obviously the the frame rate coming through is really good all I'm going to do again like I did on the PS4 is I'll just jump really quickly into a kickoff just a quick kickoff game just to show you that it's working classic match man united V Liverpool okay so let's go for it see let's skip through there okay so again you can see let's check out latency wise so switch in player so I'm press it switch in player hopefully you can translate that on your own screen to see the switching player uh latency wise that with Harry McGuire is there quite a lot of latency with Harry McGuire generally I think um but you can see okay um latency wise I would say it's even this is actually better I can feel it's better than the PS4 maybe there was a little bit of latency with the PS4 cuz this does feel smoother and better to play with to be honest with you um you can see the graphics coming through great no problems there whatsoever um really good yeah so um I'm actually really impressed with this to to be honest with you you can see they it's a massive screen probably looks like like I've got pass through turned on as well um so yeah that's testing out the capability really well to be honest with you so let me just do a quick see I can get a goal here go offside there oride let's see if we can get a goal show you a bit more gameplay see if I can get you a goal scored on while wearing the headset nice bit of buildup play let drive it into box pass it back there we go gacho with a goal looking that sure yeah it was okay so that's really good PS5 tested uh working really really really well to be honest with you I like that a lot um yeah let's um let's jump over back up to the office and we'll probably do a little bit of a summ video summary video just to uh confirm how things have gone okay so just before I finish actually I want just to show one more thing cuz I thought this might get asked into the questions so I've got the cam link plugged in instead into the HDMI cable into the other USB hub that we're using which is got a slightly longer cable on it which means it doesn't pull down on the headset like the other one does so the hd6 is there not being used got the cam link plugged in so I'm recording on the screen as well so hopefully you can see that that so let's just jump back into the application USB camera okay so again it's so it's asking me to do with the settings again cuz obviously detected a new display so let me go straight into some gameplay I'm actually getting audio through as well so you can see again the latency wise quality wise is really really really good got a massive screen in front of me so I'll just do a look a little bit of gameplay just to show off that uh cam link and the uh different Hub as well for you okay another little go for you there I don't know if it's me however I just can't remember the last connection but I'm not sure if this is actually brighter with the cam link it might be some of the settings that are set on the capture cards cuz I do I've used them previously for different cameras um well mainly connected to cameras yeah so don't really use them to connect to com consoles so I may have changed the settings on the hd60 which might be the difference in the brightness um let me see I get another quick go for you while we'll do a bit more game play Tom no so again as I mentioned previously I think cly on the PC one is anything else you want me to try out or any other applications you want me to give a go so you can see latency wise um what's going on I can try them out just drop them into the comment section and I can try any games that you want to let's just try and get a final third goal here no yeah so any other games you want me to try out obviously give me a shout or in the comment section I can I can give them a go but I think we're all done now so I'll head back up to the office and we'll do a little finishing off summary okay all done there now we testing out the uh meta Quest 3 with those different devices so we covered off the Nintendo switch not much gameplay on there apologies um I don't really play a switch so as I said I didn't want to break that but that showed it working with the Nintendo switch at least of a sudden L screen we jumped over to the PS4 couple of issues there froze every now and again uh on the on the on the uh dock I was using I'm not sure if it was the Hub or if it was the uh capture card I'm not sure but it did freeze at least once there for me I was kind of taking it off going between the application in and out which might have caused that problem but overall worked fine latency wise really good on the PS4 no problems there whatsoever uh so really impressed with that we then jumped over to the PS uh not the PS5 we jumped over the PC just before that obviously the PC here in the office with me uh just the Mini PC I've got HDMI out of there into there um so that gives you a really good screen PC screen solid there to use obviously you might not use that over the uh PC link um the Oculus link stuff you can do I'm not so sure if you would but I suppose it's quite good if you're using a PC C that you've never used before in an office or public area or I don't know you could just plug straight in and use it without installing software on the device I think that's the key if you've got a device that you don't want to install software on on a PC for example potentially maybe um a work work computer uh you could potentially use that without installing anything just got the HDMI HDMI out of that computer can use it like that uh so that worked really well again Laten say no problems whatsoever probably even less so on the PC because you only doing really mouse and keyboard stuff um watched some YouTube videos on there as well which came through fine uh we jumped over to the PS5 which was the main driver for this really you been you was at PS5 um with the headset so you could be sat in the same room as someone watching TV on the screen and you could be playing the PS5 that's in that same room perhaps on your headset sat on the sof with them so you still sat with them but you're still playing on your PS5 um again we use the uh hd6 date down there on the PS5 which seemed to work fine as well latency wise again know me I can't I I couldn't tell I'm not a gamer or anything so I guess Gamers out there that that may notice latency more than me perhaps potentially but I think if it was noticeable I would I would notice um it seemed absolutely fine in terms of the latency um and the smoothness of it coming through etc etc so I guess if you're going to use one of the one of the catcher cards probably the Elgato hd6 is the one to go for it is a better device um in terms of uh the specification in there what it does what it can do compared to the cam link 4K uh the cam link is good it's more of a it's a much smaller device obviously you can use it on the go more more Plug and Play I would say because of the format it's in um whereas this one may be more for a permanent somewhere permanent in your office perhaps but again you can use on the Move um so yeah I'm not going to go into a comparison between them but there are comparisons out there between different catcher cards so hopefully that has covered everything I know there's been tons of information there I will try and capture some in the description I probably will do a blog post on the website as well Houston uh there'll be links below to that just to go through some more information and I might do some follow-up videos because there are probably some things I've not covered off the best I can but it's difficult cramming it all into one video um which brings me along to if you've got any questions or comments or anything at all about the video please drop them in the comment section this is obviously meant for some guidance it's not meant as like a step-by-step tutorial as such it's just to show you what you can do so if you got any questions not covered anything perfectly or you need more information or you want me to try another device or anything at all please do drop it in the comment section I will reply to all questions and comments I'll come back to them um so yeah hopefully it's been informative hopefully you've liked the video apologies it's been so long but if you have liked it please do give it a thumbs up it does really help me with the videos on the channel if not for any reason did I say give it a thumbs up give it a like as well H give it a thumbs down give it a dislike if you've not liked it um like I said previously questions comments in the comment section and if you want to follow the Houston DIY channel for more VR headset stuff Tech and product reviews um and baking cooking DIY projects Tums on the channel to get stuck into hit that subscribe button and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Huson DIY
Views: 14,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meta Quest 3 Setup, PlayStation 5 VR, PS5 on Meta Quest, Gaming Console VR, Meta Quest 3 Gaming, VR Console Connectivity, PlayStation VR Setup, Meta Quest 3 Tutorial, PS4 VR Connection, Nintendo Switch VR, PC VR Gaming, Console to VR, Gaming Technology, VR Gaming Experience, Cross-Platform VR
Id: 06aoCMqR2qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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