10 Must-Try Meta Quest 3 Experiences [Non-Games]

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be exposed to the raw danger of rope free climbing in the Alps lose the controllers and play around in a magical lab explore the whole planet with personal tour guides learn to defend yourself immerse yourself in a hyperrealistic forest look down at Earth from the International Space Station or just kick back and watch a 3D movie with friends from anywhere there's an endless supply of relaxing engaging informative and exciting ways to fully immerse yourself in VR for free on the meta Quest 3 Quest 2 and the quest Pro I have tried countless different experiences over the last few months to pull together this list of the best of the best welcome to gamelist plus I'm Josh and here are 10 mustt try meta Quest 3 experiences this video is focused on non-gaming experiences watch till the end to see a couple of bonus experiences that are absolutely mind-blowing one of which is a free and actually more functional version of a major paid app let's get started at number 10 Lial VR Lial VR is an interactive virtual reality platform that gives you the chance to choose how you'd like to feel and guides you in in that direction you'll step through one of six portals for experiences that help you get some energy feel amazed get some pain relief Focus or even help you get some sleep basically this is a multifaceted experience that lets you try out all kinds of different settings and visual experiences that can be downright amazing there is a rotating library of experiences that are mystical thrilling hypnotic bizarre colorful and exciting there's a lot to try out including entire guided meditations one of the coolest things about this is that each experience is something that you can rate at the end so when you go to try out new things you can look at the ratings that other people have given each experience and decide if it's worth your time or not there are even some light gaming experiences in here that are more about the way they make you feel than the actual gaming itself which is great because that's what this video is all about experiences not games if you just want to zone out and try some new things Lial VR is definitely worth a try next up at number nine big screen beta join friends or strangers in over 20 unique environments where you can just sit down and watch a variety of movies and TV big screen beta VR is not just about watching movies in VR it's it's about creating a shared cinematic and social experience with friends no matter where they are in the world you can watch whatever you feel like and choose your setting from a cozy living room to a grand Auditorium to outer space big screen beta makes this a virtual reality Beyond movie Nights big screen beta VR offers various other functionalities you can also play your favorite PC games on a giant virtual screen hang out in public VR chat rooms and meet new people jump in and watch a 3D movie with a group of online friends and even watch a live rocket launch from NASA you can even pull out a set of drawing utensils and draw in midair just don't block your neighbor's view of the screen big screen beta VR also integrates with various streaming services allowing you to watch your favorite movies and shows directly within the platform how cool is it that you can fire up Pluto TV and match your environment to what you're watching like classic Star Trek in outer space this is such a nice way to immerse yourself in a TV show big screen beta is an awesome non-gaming VR experience that you definitely don't want to miss out on at number eight mission ISS Mission ISS is an awesome virtual experience where you are plopped into the International Space Station with the ability to to float around in the zero gravity environment you grab onto the walls to propel yourself forward and backward through the space in space you can also complete simulated tasks by participating in Astronaut training exercises such as docking a cargo capsule or conducting a space walk along the way you'll learn about space exploration and the International Space Station's role in scientific discovery this experience is definitely not for the faint of heart as the motion within it can be extremely disorienting but it is very well worth it for a short-lived experience I just highly suggest you try this one when you're sitting down on your couch I love just pulling up to the window and looking down at earth below it is really a worthwhile VR experience for that alone next at number seven pollinator Park pollinator Park is a fascinating and educational interactive walkthrough ecosystem it's kind of like a biodome in the middle of a desert as you walk around you'll learn all about the various aspects of pollination in the world and how different types of bees and other creatures cross-pollinate plants and create fresh new ecosystems step by step as you go through the park you'll encounter various interactive sections within the experience that really are entertaining and sometimes beautiful it also gives a rather Bleak reality check showing what could really happen in just a short amount of years with a lack of pollinators when I first fired this experience up I actually really thought it seemed boring and went on to something else but once I gave it another chance it completely blew me away not only does it give you a unique opportunity to connect with nature but it also helps you become an advocate for conservation it's captivating light engaging and knowledge building entertainment that is well worth your time next at number six The Soloist when I as a kid I lived in a very small town on the side of a mountain where there were lots of rock formations in the high sieras that I would climb up with my friend Luke we would often climb very Steep and dangerous Cliffs without any ropes or equipment but we just didn't know any better at one point we climbed to a cliff that landed us on the edge of a road that wasn't anywhere close to this park that my family his family and my family were all hanging out at our parents definitely had to drive all the way up there to save us we both got grounded but yeah we definitely were much more safe from then on but we would still do some crazy stuff so obviously I have always been fascinated with climbing since I was really young with the VR experience The Soloist I experienced the flash of what my life might have turned out luck if I had taken climbing seriously into adulthood it really takes you on an incredible journey with Alex hanold the famous climber who was the star of the Oscar winning documentary free solo this is basically the VR experience version of that visually experiencing the ways that this man climbs without any ropes or equipment is really just awe inspiring not to mention the incredible views from high on the cliffs there are no crazy fast movements in of any kind to make you feel sick thankfully but if you are afraid of heights this might just be the right tool to help you get over the fear in a beautiful and death defying way this is an experience you do not want to miss in VR there are some beautiful Vistas to experience in this to access this you just need to go to the app meta TV which is pre-installed on your quest then you just type in The Soloist and Jump Right In you will not regret it very quickly if you are enjoying this video now is the perfect time for you to hit that like button it really does help the channel also don't forget to hit subscribe so you can see all my upcoming videos anyway at number five elixir Elixir is basically a fun and fantastic hand tracking demo to show what you can do in VR using just your hands without holding the controllers this short and sweet demo starts you out with some basic instructions on how to teleport from area to area then pops you in the center of a fantastic magical lab you then interact with various aspects of the lab like shining crystals electrical conduits molten lava and some strange creatures along the way it's nothing all that crazy as an experience it's rather short but it is very well worth your time to experience the fun ways you can use your hands within VR without having to hold on to the controllers it really does show how much the future holds in terms of hand tracking technology it's done in such a fun and colorful way that it really does leave you wanting more at number four Anne Frank house VR not all things on this list are super cheerful and colorful but are experiences that should not be missed anrank house VR is definitely that in this virtual tour of the anrank house in Amsterdam you will learn about the dark history during World War II when Jews had to hide from the Nazi soldiers so they would not get cast into con conentration camps I remember the movie The Hiding Place from when I was a kid that was the story of Anne Frank and her family this VR experience takes you on a journey with readings from her diary where she talks about her experience there in this tiny hidden house within a house it's rather powerful to see the space that they actually lived in as you hear the specifics of what it was like to be in that place at that time it's a fascinating look of what life was like not that long ago for people not that different from us as much as it's not a light experience it is beautifully done well acted and quite eye opening onto a much lighter experience at number three world world is a captivating social exploration experience this is basically a 3D replica of the entire Earth which is amazing where you can not only explore iconic landmarks and hidden gems but also connect and interact with people from all over the globe it's really cool this is one of those unique experiences that you can only have in VR they take Google Earth and integrate a social aspect that makes it super engaging and interesting you have a giant flat plate that is the map that you can use in mixed reality with your space create your own room that people can join then give them a personal tour of places you've been tell them stories about things you did when you were there or instead do the same thing in someone else's room where they can tell you all about the history of the place where they grew up this is truly one of the most interesting and engaging social experiences out there not only is it fascinating to explore by yourself but getting a tour from people who have actually been to those places is a really awesome mind expanding experience there are also games to play and computer Le Tours of major landmarks some sometimes though it's just fun to hop around in the world and see various landmarks and enjoy the 3D maps of places like New York City or Tokyo world is the kind of VR experience that can appeal to anyone especially non- Gamers at number two fight back fight back is a rather strange etherial experience in VR where you face a series of dark beings and learn various ways to defend yourself from their constant attacks this is another very well-crafted hand tracking experience in VR you use your finger formations to create an explosive force field a thre dimens itional energy shield and other cool combinations this is a very Nic looking and cool experience that does feel a bit like a game but it really is more of an instructional series of events you start out just floating out in space and then travel to a series of dark voids to fight off these dark beings with the guidance of these ethereal women with each section you will learn a new skill that you can use to fight back this is actually a very mild self-defense lesson which finishes up with a nicely delivered message about standing up for yourself while highlighting women in history very cool and definitely worth your time and don't worry even if you get yourself knocked out there's a powerful hand gesture you can use to bring yourself right back and continue the fight it is very cool and finally at number one VR animation player very easily the most immersive and enjoyable non-gaming experience on the quest 3 for me is the VR animation player with it you can explore a seemingly endless variety of artistic animated environments you use the control panel to jump from one to the next where you can control the angle or camera moves to fully immerse yourself in each and every art piece there are entire stories and animated shorts to be experienced and tons T of three-dimensional drawings and animations that you have the opportunity to jump between this is my favorite way to find some on inspiring and straightforward crisp and cool entertainment in VR yes it's nice to play an immersive game but if you just feel like kicking back and being amazed in VR VR animation player is always a great choice something that I didn't realize when I first started using the animation player is that there's a little checkbox in the corner you definitely want to click HD to make sure you can improve it to the best quality it really looks way better and be sure to check out this awesome series from Studio C about soda Island that has all kinds of cool and interesting animation experiences from the same little Universe every time I get on here I get swept away into all the various strange Creations that come from people's minds into VR the sheer variety of visual moments is really crazy I absolutely love that this is a major creative outlet that was previously unexplored before VR there's just something very different and amazing about being able to be inside a 3D painting or drawing it really is one of the best things out there all the things on this list are fantastic VR experiences now here are a couple of bonuses that I also want to mention one of which is the amazing and totally free open brush I debated putting this in the top 10 as it's one of the reasons I wanted to try VR in the first place years ago there is a $20 paid app that I saw originally that is called tilt brush on the quest store that is essentially the same thing but open brush is the original and it is completely free on the APPL you can even turn on mixed reality experiences on the quest 3 and paint within your own living room in open free space which is so cool this is truly one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced in VR there's just something so magical about taking a brush and painting within 3D space directly in front of you expand to make fine details or Shrink the image to get to different perspectives and create anything your mind can imagine now you yourself can add to the vast array of VR animations and drawings from the number one experience on today's list not only do you have the ability now to view everyone else's work but you as an artist can add to the vast world of VR immersion yourself and finally I just want to mention an awesome new tech demo that's available through the applab called Forest oniri Tech demo this amazing Tech demo shows off the technical capabilities of the quest 3 like I have never seen before this Rivals some of the tech demos I've seen running on PC VR which is very impressive indeed I mean just look at it it's stunning the lighting everything it's fantastic I am excited to see what the future holds granted you can see the little glitches and splits in reality there but uh it's pretty amazing that the quest 3 can even accomplish this I highly suggest you check it out ASAP as looking at it on a flat screen just doesn't do it justice I am including the links to all these experiences in the description below because some of them are really not readily available on the meta Quest store from just an initial search instead they're in the APPL so if you just click the links below you can add them to your library directly so there you have it 10 mustt try meta Quest 3 experiences I tried out so many different things and there are a lot more interesting things out there but these really are what stood out the most to me as the thing that every Quest owner really should try out but that's just what I think what do you think which of these experiences have you tried and enjoyed the most is there another non-gaming experience that you think should have been included in this list let's talk about it in the comments below while you're here why don't you check out my list of the 10 biggest games coming to meta Quest this year thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time on gamist plus very meta I'm watching myself in 3D
Channel: GameList+
Views: 81,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meta quest 3, Meta quest experience, Oculus quest, Quest 3
Id: wph5xVi0QQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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