Top Apps for Meta Quest 3: Official Picks & SideQuest Gems

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hi there welcome to you DIY my name is Ben in this video we're going to check out a load of different applications on the meta Quest 3 okay so been using the Met Quest 3 now for months uh loving it uh trying out different things different applications getting different things working and we've done we've done videos so far on the channel on different stuff uh so connected to a PS5 uh using Xbox applic a tons more um and we're just really scratching the surface and hopefully with the Met Quest 3 and other headsets um kind of The Best Is Yet To Come the development on top of what's there it's going to be brilliant uh so it's quite an exciting time I think for VR headsets generally and obviously into AR and Mr um so yeah and now with the Vision Pro coming along uh hopefully that'll kickart things even further um so this video I'm going to go through a few different applications a few different things you can do with applications on the meta Quest 3 uh just to show show maybe some capability people weren't aware of and just to show and share some of the applications that I use and how I use them so we'll jump into the headset we'll cover off first of all applications that are kind of built and are on the meta Quest 3 uh built for sorry and on the meta Quest 3 uh from the app store that's built into the into the meta ecosystem uh and then we'll have a look at some of the side loaded applications that I use and how you can use them and maybe some tips and tricks that I've picked up uh that you might not know so we'll jump into the heads set into the metaverse and check things out okay first of all let take my glasses off so I've done a video um I've got the ad lens VR Pro Optics inserts lens inserts in there allow you to not weigh your glasses inside there which are brilliant uh so I'll link up here somewhere to that video we did uh so let's jump inside the headset first of all uh this is um a cheap 11 um head strap I'm using uh that I got off alexpress again I'll link to that video if you want to check that out it's working really well so far especially for the price I'm really really impressed so let me just kick kick recording off inside the headset so you can see what's going on okay we are recording so hopefully you can see I'm obviously in pass through mode at the moment uh and I've got three applications open currently at the moment uh I'm not sure if people realize they can do this with with applications and multiple applications uh but you can have three side by side built in um that are built into the Met Quest 3 running at the same time so just to really quickly show you uh so on the left hand side over I've got YouTube so this is the YouTube uh application built into the meta Quest 3 I've got the Houston DIY channel here um so you can jump into here so if I just open up um previous one we did which was around let me just mute the audio this the one we did wear the N Nintendo 3DS games on the headset again another use case there for you um so you jump over to that video I'll link up here if you want to check that out so you can play you can be playing YouTube videos over here which is great um in the middle here obviously I've got the recording at the moment and on the right hand side I've got a web browser so I've just I've just put Amazon on for now and you can see you can just be browsing Amazon but I can look keep an eye over here on my YouTube video so if you want to be looking at things that have been shared on a YouTube video perhaps over on Amazon you can do that at the same time um so that's that's Amazon you can go and obviously you can go to kind of any website you want so if I go to news uh. Sky so that should take us over to the Sky News website um again I'm not sure if you can do a watch live but we'll see if you can you can so watch a bit of Sky News over there you YouTube that is now paused in fact can you play both at the same time Sky News it does seem to pause you can't have two video players at the same time but you can still browse obviously browser website so I can play the YouTube video and I can be browsing across this website here you can see there's the Sky News and there's a video continuing to play over there so that's great and then in the middle I've currently got my camera application open but if I go here and press that I can then go and open a different application and this is an application I've done a separate video on but I will show you anyway so this is the uh remote display beta application so this is a single screen remote display application connected into a laptop so I've got a laptop here hopefully you can see that I'm through and passed through and I've got my Houston laptop so I've got the application loaded on to the laptop and I can connect to it there so if I do that connect to it it should hopefully connect through okay and we're in so I've got my mouse and my keyboard here and so I'm using my my uh laptop so I've got YouTube play still on my video over there I've got a web browser over there at the same time which I can do hand tracking on I can be moving around there and then also so I've got my uh laptop here so I can open up any application here I want to um I've got uh cry cut doing design on here so you could be doing a quick cry cut design uh I'm here um while watching a YouTube video and obviously um looking at the website maybe you're following a tutorial on a website perhaps for a cry cut design I don't know the the the uh potential is endless I think to be honest with you but it really shows kind of true multitasking on massive screens in front of you as well um so a hover over if I get my you can actually go bigger with these screens as well so I could go maybe a little bit smaller with my YouTube video a little bit smaller with that I could move this around as well so you can see it's really really good there in terms of multitasking um and what you can do there is obviously it's brilliant to it's really really good and I do this if I'm sat down on the sofa just chilling um I can be doing multiple things at once and that's really really good and this will work with any of the built-in applications um that are single screen applications on the meta Quest so this won't work for example if I uh so this middle screen now if I go to my applications and if I try and open up my cloud gaming application I think this will close everything down to be honest with you and it will just open up that yeah it does that opens that up and if I try and open that you can't so there's some application like the Xbox one it's a single screen only um which I guess is because it's obviously using more potentially CPU Etc on the headset and so far it gives you a great understanding and good picture of what's going on there with multiscreen with met apps okay so that's meta applications obviously they're kind of from The Meta App Store um I think there's a couple from the app app but built into the headset so they're not side loaded they're just directly from meta store or the Oculus whatever it's called now but the official applications as such on the headset and that works great I use that multitasking all the time not always with three but gener generally with two uh so I'll have like uh YouTube open and I might have WhatsApp open and it just saves you literally don't need to go on your phone then you've got WhatsApp YouTube web browser which is brilliant um so what we'll do next we'll cover off some side loaded applications so I've done a couple of videos that have use this functionality it's around side loing applications uh because the meta 3 is running on Android basically um I've probably really oversimplified that but it will run any application in theory that's Android on the headset that's in theory there are some uh restrictions Etc I've just really massed that but basically you can run Android applications on the headset um so I've done this so far for the 3DS one I just showed um 3DS games that use a Citra that's an APK that's loaded on to the headset using side quest um so I won't cover that off in detail but there are other videos and I will will link in the description and up here uh to some side quest stuff in our previous video on what other people have done um so yeah I've loaded a few um side loaded a few APK files now onto the headset to try things out just for further flexibility just to try it over a bit and bats out so I'll just go through a couple of applications on there now show you some of the restrictions and what you can and can't do so we'll jump back into the headset and we'll cover that off now okay we're back in the headset now so you can see I've just come back to where I was before I just keep the calling off I've lost my remote desktop session in the middle um so that is that so I've got um three applications open currently so if I go into my applications now let me just bring this a little bit closer I will show you a different view actually so if I cck click on this little icon here between notifications and the pass through it's got the switch distance so this changes the view so this puts three windows in front of you rather than having that wrapped around look so you've got like more of a flat view which for some things you may prefer obviously for that slightly more immersive feel you would you would want that kind of more wraparound feel um so yeah so there you can do that so let me jump to this one for now so let me play my video over here so we can just see that continuing hopefully so that's my YouTube video playing there got my web browser there and in the middle here in my application Library there's a drop- down box which will show me my unknown sources application these are basically the side loaded applications um so if I show you just a couple that I've done so far just to give you an idea so I have done uh Tik Tok so open Tik Tok as you can see that is running there so I've got basically Tik Tok application logged into there as well so you see my profile my personal profile not the Houston DIY one um so that's there and I've got I can go through and I can use if I show you I can just use my flick down button to flick through video videos which is great so you can kind of have your hand back there and you can flick down through videos you can again do it just by pressing the trigger button at the back and sliding down but yeah that's Tik Tok if I go to the wraparound look I can then obviously resize that as well so i' got massive Tik Tok over there um it's obviously not playing the video cuz we've determined you can't play two videos but I do have the web browser over here as well um so that's Tik Tok Tik Tok playing absolutely fine the quality is really good as well if you can see that on on the screen recording but the quality of Tik Tok on there it looks better than my phone to be honest with you um you can really see obvious the better quality videos looking really really good um so that's Tik Tok working really well so if I go back to my application Library you can see I'm backing there at my unknown sources I'll go into Google Earth so I've been messing around with Google Earth a little bit in here and again I will go to wrap around because I can then resize the window so this isn't the immersive uh kind of VR version of um of uh Google Earth that you can get if you're using a pcvr uh but it is a really good experience and the and the kind of latency and the the reaction time is brilliant to be honest with you so I'm just using the trigger uh button on the back to move around and I'm just using the cursor um the analog stick uh to kind of zoom in and out so you can see there think let book booking on Palace got 3D mode turned on and depending on your internet connection obviously will depend on how quickly that loads you saw then a real life kind of issue then obviously because the application isn't supported or anything I've just side loed this on you had a bit of a w the application did then um but it's about working now but probably good to show that these things out so that what you get with these applications because they're not officially supported um you will find you do get issues now and again some of them won't even work um you can see generally it it works absolutely fine you can zoom in out all over the world you can resize that window so you can get a different view on there so that's Google Earth looking really really good we done Google Earth let's jump into the next one let's make sure we're recording y we're recording so that's Google Earth um so there are a couple of other ones and I've noticed obviously the the to get certain things working so Tik Tok for example I couldn't get working with just using the standard meta Quest browser uh cuz when you try and log into Tik Tok it will take you to meest browser and doesn't work so Tik Tok Works without logging in but if you want to log into your profile you'll need to get the Firefox browser um so I've downloaded the Firefox browser again and side loaded that on and this works absolutely fine so it's just an alternate browser um which works fine again I can resize that window and one thing to look out for with Firefox if you want to use it for kind of logging into different applications is let me just turn we go turn password off so we'll go into the three dots uh down into settings and you'll see that I've got set as default browser turned on so anything I try and do authentication wise it will take me to this Firefox browser instead of the meta browser and that's how I got things like Tik Tok working with my login um so yeah you might not use this as the your main browser but you may need to use it if you want to do certain things for authentic ation reasons so that's firef fo browser working absolutely fine so we'll have a look at another one I think we' got one more we can probably look at uh which is Microsoft teams so this again is side loaded on and you can see that I've got um an error popup which teams won't run about Google Play services which are not supported by your device so not to go into too much detail but Android uses Google Play services in the background to kind of run different processes and Link into different Google services basically different applications um so the teams does work so I'm logged into a certain account on here and I can um I can send messages and I can type things in here in there there so I can send things there I can type messages in and that will work fine so send messages in Microsoft teams I can go into my calendar I can do a me now and I can do a teams meeting so obviously this is just me going to a meet now and and that's and that's um that's using obviously my headset settings in terms of my microphone camera wise there isn't a camera I don't think you can share a camera is in um if I go into here okay so this obviously can't choose my settings in there but General um it works for chat I've used it for chat a little bit um I've just hidden some of the chats but I've been using it for chats and obviously can join meetings so if you really want to use it it's not the greatest um experience I'm totally honest with you but it does work just a couple of restrictions there obviously with the um Google Play services error okay last one from uh side loaded application wise um so if I go to my library I've got chiak I think that's how you say it chak not sure you say it to there so this is um an open source I think it's open source um Android application for connecting to um PlayStation 5 and Playstation 4 um so this I've watched a couple of videos on this it looks good um I've not fully tested this yet so I'm not going to show it cuz I'm not I'm not sure it definitely works um but obviously I've got PS5 and PS4 on my network um so at some point we'll do another video on this but go through it in terms of maybe some uh the best settings best settings to use in terms of resolution etc etc but the application should work in theory and use it in the same way so you could be playing your PS5 again in here and you could be watching uh maybe YouTube not YouTube video but go be going on different applications at the same time so that's another one that might be quite useful if you wanted to do um PS5 Remote Play using chiak okay we're all done there now uh really quick video just showing off some applications inside the meta 3 so some uh officially supported applications in terms of the from The Meta store um so we showed them side by side in that view uh we then jumped into looking at side loaded applications using we use side quest to get them on and gone through those um so you can still do that multitasking so you can have two uh applications uh from a official meta Quest perspective and have you single side loader application in the middle or one side you can't run or I've not been able to run multiple side loader applications at the same time uh but if you're using them in conjunction with your actual officially supported ones then that does work um and obviously I've not tested every single Android application because there's millions of them uh in terms of on The Meta Quest 3 uh but there is some trial and error there in terms of some just won't work uh some you will need obvious as I mentioned in the video the Firefox browser for the authentication method and that does get you around a few different bits and bats with authentication so if you are struggling with applications because you can't sign into them um I think it does it with the PS PlayStation Remote Play application get the Firefox browser installed on your on your met 3 and that will get around that problem um so yeah bit of a learning curve um some really good stuff out there there's other applications that are obviously available that you can get side loaded which may be useful and I'll keep testing if I come across any gems I'll probably do another video on them uh and I will do a video soon on the chiaki application um as a followup to the previous PS5 video we did uh which was kind of using a capture card to play your PlayStation and other devices um so we're all done now hopefully it's been informative if you've liked the video please do give it a thumbs up give it a like if not for any reason give it a thumbs down give it a dislike let me know in the comment section why any questions about the video any questions about my setup anything I've done in the video obviously drop that in the comment section I'll reply to all questions um if you've got any applications that you really do like on the meta Quest 3 or two uh that you've side loaded then please do drop in the comment section let me know cuz I'm I'm up for trying different bits and bats and different applications so that would be really useful to know uh and if any other tips and tricks anyone else has got again drop them in the comment section share them with me share share them with other people viewing this video uh and if you want to follow the Houston DIY channel along for more VR videos home DIY projects and much much more hit that subscribe button and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Huson DIY
Views: 9,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meta Quest 3 Apps, Best VR Apps, Meta Store Recommendations, SideQuest VR, Virtual Reality Experiences, Quest 3 Games, VR App Guide, SideLoaded Apps, Quest 3 Utilities, Meta Quest Gaming, VR Productivity Tools, Top VR Downloads, Quest 3 Enhancements, VR Content Discovery, Virtual Reality Gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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