How To Use PS5 Remote Play on Quest 3

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hello again I am Blondy this is me playing my PlayStation 5 inside my quest 3 VR headset and I can do this in VR mode in my Hol deck I'm such a nerd or I can do it in mixed reality mode so I can see my own room now what you were seeing here is just video recorded using the headset's own built-in video capture system so the quality is a bit low and of course you can't see everything I can see inside the headset in VR mode where I can get a much wider field of view but you know you get the point you can see how it's working a few weeks back Mark zaborg beep booped his Collective Consciousness onto a stage set the release for The Quest 3 and spoke a bit about what's coming in updates in December among these was an official partnership with Microsoft is that xcl Xbox cloud gaming is coming to Quest in December to bring Xbox cloud gaming and streaming to the medaquest ecosystem which is pretty damn cool and considering how popular using flat screen applications has become on the quest 3 especially in mixed reality mode in the couple of weeks since launch seriously social media is filled with people doing all kinds of nutty stuff stuff like Xbox cloud gaming seems like a killer app to sell these VR headset things to like like regular boring people something I spoke on in detail in a different video recently but while Xbox came to the party PlayStation is still out in the cold which is dumb with a bit of luck PlayStation are already making moves to make this happen on the quest Tre but we all know Sony and we can't really count on that can we anyway even if Sony are too much of a penis Hammer to just give their users this functionality for the quester we can do it ourselves can't we and it's a pretty simple process on paper it gets a little Annoying In places but but we'll get to that but if you find this guide interesting or useful a quick little cheers blunty is available in the form of that YouTube thumb shaped button down there go ahead give it a poke thank you so step one you're going to need side quest installed if you've not yet come across it side quest is as the name cleverly implies an app designed to make side loading apps to your quest headsets simple and easy and just so all our bases are covered here side loading is what we call installing an app to a device using a second local device this is often done to install things not available on otherwise locked down systems with only a singular official storefront like for example your meta Quest VR headset side quest has been around for a decade now and has evolved into a pretty damn robust system it's it's been a while since I've last used it and it is really smooth now I won't cover the details of installation here as the app itself is pretty straightforward in guiding you through that and and their site itself links to several Community made tutorials if you need more help than that so we can save a little time by skipping that next you'll need the install file for the official PlayStation Remote Play app for Android there are a few different places you can obtain Android APK files that's application package but one of the more popular and trusted is APK pure that's where I got mine from oh and yeah by the way if you're not already Weare the quest headsets burn Android as their fuel under the hood which Yes means you can use this learning technique for all kinds of Android apps although keep in mind the quest does not have Google Play services so there are some limits in what's going to work properly and speaking of limits while you are loading things with side quest I strongly recommend checking the Firefox browser on dequest for a start it's just simply a better browser than Mets built-in one secondly you're probably going to need it capital n d need it just to log in to the PSR playay app for the first time I don't know why but for some reason no matter what I did the built-in browser would not work for this so once you've installed what you need bring up your app library inside the quest UI as you normally would but your Sid loaded apps won't show up here with the rest of the icons instead you'll need to click on the search bar and then use the drop- down menu to the right of that to ask it to show you apps from unknown sources I suggest running five Fox first and use its options page to make it to default system browser at least for this part you can change it back later if you want then click on the PS remote play app and your first time in you will need to log in to your PlayStation account this is the absolute worst part the most miserable part of this whole experience see Sony's new capture system to make sure you're a human logging into the account is one of the absolute worst most violently hostile and broken systems I've ever met it is truly terrible just just just abusively horrific and I'm not alone in this either after spending half an hour bashing my face against it I found Reams and reams of pages after pages online of people complaining about this monstrosity of a system countless people struggling to log in with it on all kinds of systems it is properly horrific what worked for me eventually was using the optional audio version which obenson but let me tell you as an autistic person with sensory input issues around hearing it is not accessible everyone at Sony who approved the use of this system this crap can go Violet themselves with a syphilitic donkey dong as far as I'm concerned and if I was in charge of the world they would be exiled to a prison moon but once you do eventually get it to work and it did take me five more tries with the audio system alone everything else is going to go pretty smooth couple of things to keep in mind though when you boot the PS remote play app it'll always default to a phone like aspect ratio because well it's it's a phone app and of course the quest does not have the uh horizontal rotational sensors that phones do so it can't tell you want it in landscape mode so before you connect to your PlayStation grab a corner or two and stretch it out to the screen size you want do not try to do this after you connect to your Playstation because Sony are just kind of super at making apps and for some reason this always disconnects me super duper annoying anyway from here it'll just act like the app does on a phone or tablet or whatever you will of course also want a controller connected to put your PlayStation 5 controller in sync mode hold the share air button that's the one to the left of the touchpad and the PlayStation button if I have to tell you which one that is maybe you should try something simpler like um Play-Doh hold the buttons down till the lights flash quickly you are now in pairing mode so inside the headset connect to it like any other Bluetooth device you go to settings you go to Bluetooth you go to new device All That Jazz now the one gotcha about using the controller and this hung me up for a little while I got very frustrated with it until I remembered what was going on because it's been a while since I've used the remote player but by default it won't work inside the app and doing something like tapping the circle button will prompt an exit from the App instead so after you've synced your controller and after you've connected to your Playstation in the app and before you try to play press down the share button and the menu button that's the one on the opposite side of the touchpad tap them down together and this will change the mode for the controller within the app and from here it'll just behave it like you expect like you know a game controller now one last thing to know for some reason again likely Sony's catastrophic NEP itude the touchpad on the PlayStation 5 controller will not work like this and this is not an issue specific to the Oculus or our work around here it's common on basically every platform even official platforms that PS remote play works on even non Android devices like the PC can face this problem Sony are just not good at doing things it's it's so frustrating how many little Hoops you have to jump through just for something so simple anyway there is a rather idiotic workaround using two different PlayStation accounts the basic workflow for that is on screen for you here you can pause and work through it if you want I've seen many reports of this working but I cannot confirm personally that it works because frankly it's a lot of fuss I can't be bothered with it and the two games that I am playing like this don't need the touchpad monster under world/ iceborn doesn't need it at all and Spider-Man 2 has accessibility options to move the essential touchpad functions to the d-pad shortcuts instead but depending on what you want to play here your manage may vary hopefully at some point Sony pulls their head out of their feted rectum and just makes an app that works properly in any case now you can hopefully remote play your PlayStation 5 inside your quest 3 in VR mode and indeed in mixed reality and Playstation 4 for that matter if you're still last Jenning it because well it's the exact same app for that too and it all works well pretty damn well mon under here is a game where input timing is critical and I mean critical and although there is a tiny amount of extra lag because well at the physics there was just extra steps going on with the video and audio having to be encoded sent along the Wi-Fi and decoded uh at the same time as sending the controller inputs back so just by Nature that induces a little extra latency but it is indeed very very small amount and I had no worries at all with Spider-Man 2 a very fast-pace action game which which I did test but I'm not showing much of in this video because I was a huge dumbass and what I recorded was from the post game and I didn't realize that until I started editing I went oh hang on a sec I shouldn't show that in this video because the game is only a few days old and I didn't want to be you know the spoiler jackass just just springing up oh bloody you should have put a spoiler warning no I just won't show the footage instead yeah it's got the same kind of thing with the master ranked monsters in Monster Under iceborn I had no worries well not no worries but no extra worries uh thanks to any kind of lag or anything I mean the game is tough to begin with oh and by the way I'm not even using the fancy new sort of low latency Wi-Fi 6 stuff this was done just using ordinary Wi-Fi 5 so give it a go let me know how you get on and your favorite thing to play this way and hopefully this has been useful and or interesting if it has a reminder please do the thumb sub bell all that kind of stuff thank you as always to the patrons scrolling up above there I am blunty and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Blunty
Views: 32,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quest 3, PS Remote play, PS5 remote play on quest 3, PS5 on quest 3, how to play playstation on quest, Quest 2, Mixed reality, Virtual relaity, VR, MR, Playstation window on Quest 3, PS Remote play APK, Sidequest, APKpure, guide, how to, fix, sync PS5 controller on Quest 3, Get touchpad working, Spider-man 2, Spider-man VR, Monster Hunter, Monster hunter VR, Monster hunter MR, MHW, Iceborn, Spiderman2ps5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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