Plant-based Guidelines to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease & How to Forge a Delicious Path Forward

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[Music] hi i'm shane i'm ann and we have this video that we've compiled to make things a little easier for you we've compiled some things that will help you move forward with your with your plant-based journey if you're going to be plant perfect or plant strong and we've chosen four different sections that we feel almost the most important foundation to have moving forward uh one of them is how to cook an onion and it also on the onion one we have how to cook mushrooms mushrooms no oil yeah oil is very important guideline for us for the way that we are touting and also how to make dressings we make a couple of dressings i think we do two or three on the video included and also learning a good salad dressing is key to getting to eat plant-based whole food no oil it is and another video about how to greens greens greens greens greens into your life in all different ways whether it's just surprising normal just there's a pile in your food beside it on top of it mixed in chopped up hope you enjoy them thank you bye [Music] these are plant perfect guidelines this is squarely for people who have heart disease so this if you want to follow along or anybody not anybody who's interested in and preventing and reversing heart disease um actually it's great at uh preventing and reversing type 2 diabetes and obesity and uh on and on so page 1213 is where it starts here in our book the preventative verse heartsies cookbook if you want to follow the guidelines our guidelines this is not plant strong this is plant perfect plant strong um varies a little bit so if you want to follow along here we go first guideline you go oh no meat no foul no pork no beef no chicken no chicken no mussels no white made of chicken no shrimp no buy valves nothing nothing with a face or nothing that poops okay on to the next no dairy no dairy and that means no milk no yogurt no ice cream no cheese no butter and cheese is often the hardest but it is such an important thing to get out of your diet yeah so dairy is it is not lots of like creepy forms it comes and not creepy but like it creeps in on many different forms uh in different products and stuff and along with no dairy there is one helpful thing if you really are committed to no dairy then it's going to make it much easier to say no to the cakes and the cookies and the pies that people offer and there are ways to make cookies and cakes without dairy oh and that so dairy oddly has the uh eggs fit into the dairy category and eggs fit in to the meat categories eggs are out eggs are out so yeah no eggs no eggs next is no no oil no oil that sounds hard but truly it's the easiest of them all you go home or you are home and you get rid of your oil i think it's actually the hardest for people it's the easiest because you have no oil and any liquid will work at home it's easy but we're going out going to friends houses oil is just sort of it's it's used it's like sunscreen all over all the fruit vegetables in the pan when they're cooking even the pasta sauce or even pasta or even like the rice at chipotle i'm so upset they put a cup of rice per bin a cup of oil per bin of rice it keeps it from clumpy sometimes i've even discovered when i've gone to get raisins in bulk that they will put oil in the raisins so they don't clump so an oil is like you know when you have a little your dry skin you need lotion and you're at the bottom of your lotion bottle and you're bang bang bang trying to get it out that little bit of lotion you get out it actually can go a long way well same with the oil all over inside so a little bit of oil get rid of all the oil okay next we want to make sure people get in the plant perfect plant-based eating is oats for oats find a way to eat oats and i wanted to just show these two different examples of that we find these are the best kind steel cut oats wait a minute just one minute the first oat is the whole goat the oat groat which takes a long time to cook and it people like it if you've got it it's it's amazing second in line are the steel cut oats that's the oat growth that's been chopped by a steel blade about two or three times these are my favorite because they keep the oat whatever you're cooking a little crunchy but then the oats the old-fashioned oats are the ones that most people consider using in their oatmeal it's it's this this is those the three oats the oat groats the steel cut the old fashioned use anything underneath that like though quick cookie notes have go to sugar quickly so stick to everything up above the quick cooking and there are four reasons why it's wonderful to eat oats one they are totally help reduce your cholesterol two they help reduce inflammation three they're dose responsive the more you eat the more effective and four what is four oh they help keep your blood sugar nice and steady so you know and the other thing i think is so important is when you're eating food try and think of the food that's going to be the most powerful to make a difference and you're in control of breakfast almost always so you can get to the oats and get in greens every day if you can't that's uh that's that's another one of our so we actually have a video about how to get these six how to get greens in six times a day let me go back we have no meat etc no dairy no oil oats for breakfast or whenever in the day and now we want to talk about the power of greens and all of the vegetables actually not just greens i know but all of them many colors leafy greens are yeah leaf just greens greens greens um in your day as often as you can i mean i think most people just sort of don't think about putting greens speaking of greens here's we have dedicated our book to greens to and this is my we have a t-shirt that um that says this is my husband's little um what do you call that little saying little people try to call it a rap but he's by no means wrapping it when he says it um bok choy swiss chard kale collards collard greens beet greens mustard green turnip trees napa cabbage brussels sprouts broccoli cauliflower cilantro parsley spinach arugula and asparagus and there's actually some of the most powerful of the i mean and they're all good and everybody everything has a different piece to add so mix them up don't just focus on spinach because you're not going to get all you want all you need so do the whole range but the the most powerful ones are arugula and uh bok choy and i mean not bok choy um beets and beet greens kale um spinach what did i get what did i miss anyway greens greens and all veggies um other thing the next thing is beans lentils or as categorically they're known as pulses not like pulses but but um that sort of legumes and we try to get these into a hummus obviously is a very accessible form of bean um and there's you can add you know a black bean hummus or white bean hummus or cannellini being hummus all kinds of hummuses are out there uh the hummus is made of chickpeas and um for in soups it's so great to have you know have make a 20 bean soup if you can find 20 beans to put in i couldn't name 20 beans um and you know and the other thing is put if you're having a salad put beans in your salad especially if you want just one meal one dish in summer fill it with beans and last the other night we were having a meager dinner i thought and i but we had a nice salad and i put kidney beans in our salad and i tell you my husband and i both just couldn't we couldn't get enough of that salad with those big kidney beans in it so bean things up bean your life up and lentils too i mean lentils are great red lentils dissolve quickly the black and the green will keep their shape better for salads and things so um fill your life everywhere you can put it with beans or lentils i had to make a comment about them i can't remember i was just saying but on to the next onward so whole grains whole grains whole grains that means you know quinoa barley whole wheat wheat berries brown rice if you're going to eat a grain make sure it says brown in front of it or whole in front of it because then it's got its whole whole good self that mother nature packaged that way if it says semolina wheat it's white flour if that whole is not front of wheat it is white flour so you want to get that nice whole grain in so make sure you read ingredients on those things okay avoid salt and sugar as much as you can we do say to use minimal salt minimal sweet that's our guideline i know it sounds vague but we truly do mean it um like in some of our salad dressings or sauces we use a little bit of maple syrup to cut the acid or to um actually you don't have to put it in your salad if you don't want to you don't have to put it in those things if you ever want to have some kind of a dessert often you need to have some sweetener and whether your sweetener is brown sugar dates maple syrup anything it kind of all acts in the same way so go as minimally as you can in that we chose maple syrup for a couple reasons you want to avoid the fructose in uh fruit no it's the lowest one in fructose of all the sweeteners right and it's got more to it than just just the just sugar it's got some fluid in there it's got some minerals in there and it's ghastly expensive which is a good governor and salt please i hope you have a spice rack as busy as ours we've got bins and we overflow because all these spices all these ways to season our food and flavor our food beyond having it be greasy and salty our american palettes are so used to like a greased and salted tone or texture to our food and believe me your tastes change i i cannot go out and buy a soup or you know in in like a place where they sell it vegan soup it doesn't taste good to me it's too salty so my taste is really changed but before you want to add salt to something try three things try adding lime or lemon try adding any kind of hot sauces um i mean just a little hot sauce it doesn't have to make it hot it just will sort of give it some energy and also or other spices any any kind of spike vinegar vinegars of the other thing that really make a difference for me to up some potatoes your tongue is 80d it just wants to be distracted it wants to have it wants to have some stimulus and it's so used to the sugar salt fat um and right sugar salt fast and acid so give it some spices give it some of these acids she's talked about just give it some attention and it'll be happy our next guideline is to steer for heart disease patients clearly to steer clear of nuts avocado and coconut there's just so much saturated fat in those foods the if you don't have heart disease a a little handful of fourth cup of nuts is fine especially especially walnuts but if you have heart disease it's just better just to avoid it because you just get into hot water however i wanted to show you something that i think is amazing and that is coconut coconut is um coconut is 90 saturated fat this happens to be 14 grams of fat in this in 1 4 cup and 13 of those are saturated fat i wanted to show you what an inside one of these looks like i was simply stunned when i opened it we may need to get a knife it's coconut milk this is coconut milk and this is simply straight saturated fat and it's there is a little bit of liquid but look at this to try and get it out i mean it's it it this shocks me and in all of the today you can't buy and vegan ice cream that doesn't have coconut cream in it this is coconut cream use it as an a lotion yeah it's a lovely lotion lovely lotion actually if you love but not inside if you love coconut buy coconut extract and one teaspoon plus a a cup of alternative milk of your choice and you have coconut milk without all of this coconut i don't know saturated fat it's just going to rest in those arteries so and then as far as seeds a few seeds are fine and we hope that everybody every day has at least a tablespoon or two of either chia seed or flaxseed meal flax seeds need to be ground or else they go right through you and they're great they're great with the against inflammation and you know some sesame seeds some pumpkin seeds sprinkled on things are fine um but don't eat handfuls don't eat uh cupfuls and speaking of eating i'm gonna talk about drinking please drink water you're gonna save yourself thousands and thousands of calories and thousands and thousands of dollars by just only drinking water um and the key thing is chew your food chew your food don't drink your calories don't drink your calories chew it okay and that being said um look at the ingredients in any product you're purchasing i knew i was gonna say back in the beans comment i i have a certain brand of of kidney bean i would always buy when we were gonna make chili for example and i decided to buy a big can of it because we had to buy like 40 ounces of kidney beans or something i went for the big can and it had not just kidney beans but it had high fructose corn syrup sugar salt and a couple other things and i was just thought how long have i not been reading the ingredients on this bean can it just says kidney beans but it had all these added things there's just unnecessary roughness i don't need that one other thing about beans if you are buying beans in a can buy the beans without sodium and you can find them and if but best of all is make your own beans and it sounds scary and hard it's really kind of fun and it doesn't it's not it's not hard it's just putting them in a pot putting water in the pot and cooking them we have a video of that coming up soon um and the next thing the last thing we want to talk about this is sort of an addition to uh this guidelines video and we didn't talk about it last time is vitamin supplements we don't take um any like nutritional based supplements or vitamins we do take two things that are sort of more environmental a b12 is something that was found you know rolling through in streams and in the soil and since we don't drink out of our streams anymore and we don't go from our the soil to our mouths we actually have very clean food which is actually probably a wonderful thing for us as a culture um but we're not getting it um the way that we sort of where mother nature probably designed us to get it so we take supplements and did you bring it give an example we have i've got here here b12 we just we kind of get um i don't even know what this country life right and i'm not we're not supporting any type of well i i'm telling you i love the country life menthol b12s because i love the way they taste which which flavor is vanilla flavor no no it's just his country life menthol b12 menthol is the one that has a good flavor but um but doesn't make any b12 and b12 is people go back and forth and yes make sure you have it in your life and if you're under the age of 60 um at least 250 micrograms um about a little more between 60 and 70 at least 500 micrograms and if you're over the age of 70 1 000 micrograms that's what um i asked my father what he thought and what he recommended and we we just ran a just a survey and things always change that's what we're saying now and this is this is you know 2019. so it might change greatly and we are open to that because that's what we're sticking with right now um and vitamin d we all know that comes from the sun and actually found also in mushrooms which don't live in the sun which is weird so you should eat some mushrooms every day every day like in my breakfast cereal yeah um and so uh vitamin d uh we right now again level labs are different levels change and vary but we basically want you to be at least to the normal level even the low side of the normal level and that might mean um getting to like a thousand to two thousand units um micrograms several times a week i know i don't really remember to in the summer i never do it but i don't really remember to take it except for a couple times a week on a good week so that's all of our guidelines for now and thank you for letting us know i don't think i ever take it but take what vitamin d good thing she's standing right here bones are intact still all right thanks for listening to our guidelines and remember read ingredients that is going to change your life yes change your life read ingredients [Music] hi jane esselstyn here this is my mom anna holton today we're going to be making myself just a little taller today we're going to continue with our recipes in our prevent adverse heart disease cookbook and sometimes people starting a recipe they they use an onion onion is the basis it's the basic beginning stage of almost almost every recipe that's sort of savory and delicious and cooking an onion with our guidelines of not using oil in the pan sometimes people find that to be a challenge so we're just going to show you how to cook an onion and actually we're going to show you how to cook mushrooms too but chop up an onion however you'd like this has been chopped in half and then in half again you can do it julienne you can do a fancy diced however you like it half moons i just kind of do it however i whatever whatever strikes me in the moment and that is cut a little bit into the thirds like so so or fourth so we're going to do that and this pan is on high heat right now and when you add water and it sizzles like that it's in my mind not quite ready to be i just put my onions in whenever i want i never ever worry about heating the pan i like getting it hot enough so that the beads dance around like a pearl on uh on a surface uh so hot that they're like the water's burning or something pan's hot enough water's dancing here we go i wish i had a competing pan and i actually use this is our onion board my husband and i don't like how the flavor of onions can seep into you know if you're slicing strawberries or something so we have an onion board look at this great old bunny onion board i actually got this when i was working for outward bound in costa rica we uh i'm the instructor for outward bound and i had to get a cutting board just to use for the hiking trip and i put this in my backpack like that and i love this handle to just do it like that so i've had it for 20 plus years even broken its spine once all right enough about the cutting board onion board garlic board just cook the onions once you put them in the pan you simply stir them and pay attention to them out of the gate they brown nicely as we can see see how it's browning even a little bit here it just works people think that somehow they need to have oil in the pan you don't you just have to have a pan that has a bottom and you have to have a source of heat and these thirst stir stir once it gets brown enough or it starts to get a darker brown you can turn it down the heat a little bit and the moisture from the the onions seeps out and it's onions just have much more liquid in them than you realize and to talk about garlic because garlic garlic garlic unlike onions doesn't so if you were starting with just garlic you would need to put a little water in the pan or broth or broth or beer kind of liquid or wine to start with the garlic or whiskey didn't some something you can also if you find that these onions are getting just a little browner than you want just throw a little liquid of any kind no we don't we don't we're good now we're good you don't need that oh i just want to show them thank you um so this is good this is browning beautifully and i'm going to dial it down a little bit because it's it's a nice brown it's not stinged it's not uh it's smell it smells delicious it doesn't smell like it's burning and guys just make me hungry hungry it is amazing how the smell of cooking onions are cooking garlic is a trigger so speaking of garlic right about now i would add in the garlic if i had some garlic to go in the recipe we're making and that would have all this moisture from the onions to help it cook and it wouldn't it wouldn't burn and you don't want to ever burn garlic so it's better to add it later in your cooking okay and maybe if you can see here there's a little bit of caramelization on the on the pan if you add a little water it lifts some of that great yummy brown caramelization off the pan and it gets it on to the onion so this take your time if you want these to cook light brown for a long time just take your time and just stir and cook have some good music on have a friend over whatever you do listen to a book on tape while you cook i love doing that she blasts npr the whole time anyway these cook down cook down beautifully and deliciously if you want to add some of your spices for your recipe now this is a good time because they really start to blend with that beautiful cooking onion flavor okay and add a little more water lift off some more of that caramelization okay maybe we'll come back in a minute or two when these are cooked down a little more okay the onions are cooking back there and we are going to talk about mushrooms now what i love mushrooms and my kids are all growing to love mushrooms i have three teenagers and it's so exciting to have them be on the mushroom fungi train i buy sliced mushrooms and never i buy them whole i like to be able to slice them this is just quicker to use and also if you buy them like that they don't last as long so that you can get that after a long time that's true and this cooking technique for mushrooms is pretty similar to the cooking of an onion in that you just need a pan it doesn't matter what kind and you need to have a bottom on that pan and a source of heat so placing the onions or sorry mushrooms in the pan literally flat on the surface is the key my mom taught me this yeah but i just dump them well you have to have you well you're going to taught me that you have to have them all in contact if possible right right but shouldn't you do it once they're there i'm gonna go back and just do this like that and let them go and then what you do is you go away and do something else because the temptation is that something's going to be happening to them that shouldn't so you've got to leave them all alone yes step away from the pan back away back to the onions yeah well the onions are looking great back here but uh these make all kinds of beautiful noise when they're whole and you're cooking them and we'll actually do that another time but sizzling away right here is the good sign you can tell the moisture from the mushroom is leaving and the surface that's touching it is browning and you really need to wait for five minutes ready go while these are cooking i would love to talk to you guys about portobello mushrooms actually you know the first thing that when we changed how we ate 35 years ago the first thing that we ate were portobello mushrooms because they are so meaty and amazing and they uh the juggles they're they're great like this alone can be a burger just cook this up with a little barbecue sauce on top yum so these mushrooms they're doing well they've been they've been going for almost five minutes about four and a half minutes and you want to flip them over now i want to show you something that jane doesn't know i'm about to do and she's going to have a fit but you just watch okay so make what let me just let me turn them over jane don't touch them you take a little balsamic vinegar and you just sprinkle a little like that not very much and you watch what happens to them be sure you mix them yeah just turn them over and they are simply incredible it is stunning look at that they are just beautiful it's done [Applause] are you mad no they are brown and delicious aren't they can we let's taste one wow that is a good trick she was vinegar i was afraid if i told her ahead she wouldn't let me do it so i had to do it she puts vinegar on everything no i don't yeah yeah thank you so much for watching our video today about how to cook an onion and how to cook mushrooms and eaten almost all of them it looks like but they are delicious please try them yourself if you have any comments or questions please add them below and subscribe above thanks so much bye thank you oh and goodbye but one minute this is the biggest best looking mushroom you've eaten all of them i know fine [Music] hi jane esselstyn here with my mom ann and we are going to continue with our prevent and reverse heart disease cookbook videos here we are working on making dressings today if you're following along in our cookbook that's on page 167 on we got some crazy feedback from amazon or a comment on amazon when our book first came out and someone said they love the book but there are too many dressings the thing is that everybody's taste is different and the key thing is to figure out some dressing that you like that you love and that you can use all the time yeah whatever works best because we have tons of ideas here yeah well um so we're gonna go thr three quick ones today and um again they're all in the recipes or the dressing section of the book i'm gonna start with my quick one called three two one dressing it's three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar here's our favorite kind three tablespoons balsamic and what flavor is that one this one happens to be black currant and two tablespoons of mustard any kind of mustard just open up the drawer or the door of your refrigerator and i'm sure you've got like archives of mustard in there and then one tablespoon of maple syrup that's the sweetener we prefer to use we don't like to use sugar or honey and stuff so three two one there you go that's the great foundation and then to this you can add horseradish you can add garlic you can add lemon you can add lime how is that it's all right oh my lemon press lemon press i can't find my lemon press so i'll use my mom's reamer i don't like the reamer as much as i like my lemon press i love the reamer and you know why because i don't have to really wash it you'll see you'll see see you just go like that and then you can even wipe you got seeds in my dressing actually i think i got seeds in there too yeah um but anyway there it is three two one and i love a little lemon in mine and um i think you got some lemon in the cameraman's eye too and it is good to go it's got swing it's got zing it's awesome now my dressing on the other hand i try and avoid using maple syrup or sweeteners as much as possible so i start out with a hummus now you can make your own hummus i love the engine 2 hummus which has no oil and actually no tahini which is excellent if you have heart disease so i will just take some hummus and then i will take an orange and here is an orange what i've done is the orange that i actually had was kind of small and i take a knife and i cut out the little sections put them in etc and then i that cut them there and if i really wanted to get the rest of this out fast i could just take this reamer reamer again and do this and get ton that out really quickly and sometimes believe it or not i buy freshly squeezed orange juice which is a no-no but i might just be able to use it no no to drink to drink to drink and to use it in making this but i really like taking the whole orange and then i will take some ginger love ginger now you can use the microplane oh we haven't but i love this little way of grating ginger and that is you take it and just grind it here like this and it's a special plate and this little plate and then it comes with this special little sort of what do you call it it's a brush a little brush and you can brush your your whatever you want into here now i also this plate's got texture to it i also like to put in a little turmeric because turmeric is good to put in this also will work if you want to grate your ginger yeah but this also this is a turmeric root turmeric is amazing for for against input to to keep everything without any inflammation at all in your body and so this too is fun just to grate like this and put a little bit of that in in here and then i will put a little bit of mustard whoops everything's falling you can use dried turmeric as well ground turmeric it's available in any store in any spice area so and then you can add some some balsamic or some vinegar of some kind i like i love the balsamic vinegars um we got a long ago introduced to the olive tap which has got a thousand different kinds of infused vinegars um and if you can see these two this one is a dark one and this is a white vinegar white balsamic vinegar and if i want to keep this white i would use this and if i want to have it be a darker color i would use this one this happens to be black currant this one is an orange white so i'll put some of this in and you'll see that it will it'll keep this a white color and then mix it up now it takes no time and even if you spill it as you're making it it is still delicious and uh if you attacked it i love it and i love these little little bits of orange that are in this if you tapped into my parents like like a you tap into a maple tree to get some syrup running out of their bodies would be this dressing they make it every night it's what works for them but it's different every night because it's a different mustard a different vinegar it's but this is the same generally if i don't have an orange i might use a lemon or a grapefruit or water all right some people don't love vinegar as much as the acid queen here loves her vinegar and her lemons and her limes but we have a dressing that doesn't have any vinegar in it that we love and it is made of oat milk mustard and this oh this is called the sweet hot mustard dressing and dip and it's sweet with a little bit of maple syrup my mom and dad don't like to use maple syrup as a regular thing and here's maple syrup and it's got some cayenne for the heat and the original recipe for this dressing had two tablespoons of cayenne i reduce it down to half a teaspoon of cayenne and it still is flaming hot but it's balanced out with the sort of the smoothness of the oat milk and the sweet of the maple syrup and the mustard just got a nice little zing to it but this often times that our immersions that we do with engine two this dressing is usually the one we have to keep remaking because people just love it and then so the official names of these of these dressings are jane's favorite three two one anne and essie's favorite dressing was the one handmade and this is sweet hot mustard dressing and dip so i hope you have fun making recipes that work for you and use them and so many of my husband's patients actually love some of these really when you discover the the deliciousness of some of these balsamic vinegars they use just the vinegars alone on their salads yes it's great okay thank you for watching this video about making dressings with no oil we have the official names of our dressings which are three two one jane's favorite three two one and nessie's favorite and sweet hot mustard dressing and dip these are great to use not only on salads but also you can put them on rice on top yes plain rice plain quinoa any of your grains on top of greens this is great sometimes so you actually dress up your greens so you can get them going get them in and you can even use some of these things to dip your sandwich in if you want your sandwich to have a little more shazam to it any of them are great and there's many more in our book and please invent your own we'd love to hear about it comments below subscribe above thanks so much for joining us happy dressing bye today we're talking about greens my dad always talks about eating your greens every day i'll get a close-up of this picture for the camera six times a day for those with heart disease the size of a fist so everyone asks well how much what does he mean does he mean cooked greens or raw greens and some of the greens he's talking about are the following i'm gonna read them from his t-shirt this is my dad's t-shirt bok choy swiss chard kale collard greens turnip greens mustard greens beet greens i mix those up sorry napa cabbage brussels sprouts broccoli cauliflower cilantro parsley spinach arugula and asparagus so we're not asparagus that's all right we don't have that's we don't have asparagus because we ate it last night oh okay the dangers of shopping life so to start breakfast um how to get greens breakfast how about we hope everybody's eating oats for breakfast you can put greens into your oats easily i want to quickly show you my favorite breakfast which is here that i'm just putting all out right now into can you see this i'm putting this into my bowl these are my greens i mean this is my oats and in here i have put this handful of greens like this and i chop these greens with my trusty little knife and i just chop it up in the lip sort of bite-size-ish pieces and this ends up if you're actually measuring it to be about two cups but i put this and this is a big fistful into my oats and the we we cook these cheesy oats but you can do i mean any way you choose but that makes it so quick and so easy and so delicious and you don't even know that you're getting all these good greens so fill your breakfast bowls with greens so that's breakfast and then the mid-morning snack what kind of greens do you want to snack on mid-morning i thought um what was kind of a cool thing to consider and what we often do have are beets and of course when we went to the store last night they didn't have any purple beets so they had golden beets and they and they didn't have good beet grains kind of what looking dead but you know what they taste just fine even when they look limp so we always get turned off we always buy them with the greens because the greens are the best i cooked them last night i rinsed them off i taste it and they are to me beet greens are oddly salty i think all this sweet gets put into the beet and everything else kind of goes up into the green and they have a little bit of a with its celery is kind of salty beet creams have this savory salty flavor so these are the all this right here was all that right there and what's so fun is after you boil the dickens out of your beets um peel them we already have a video about this but we love that that's live it sort of taking the skin off a giant fat snake a beet shaped snake yeah it's just it is like a big peel and then you can oop you can just cut the little stump off on the end and if it gets caught you can also peel it but uh these are then ready to go so i think a midday slice or two of beets just like this it's great and you can put on here mustard you can put vinegar um i also recommend um this is a thought but it's not always convenient is it while you're cooking your cereal cook a whole lot of any kind of greens and you know those wide mouth thermos jars just fill it with the greens and then you have those greens for whenever you need them throughout the day and they're they're still a little warm and you can put a little vinegar on them so but the size of all those greens freaking down to just that little plate of greens i want to show you here people ask about handful raw versus handful cooked um and one of our favorite plant-based eaters john stuart had a great video about eating his greens with nutritional yeast we love to do that i'm not sure what greens he was eating but i think they were cooked so i'm going to show you now this is spinach this is organic spinach and this is 10 ounces and one handful of this would be you know maybe this much and so okay let's just look at that this thing is still almost full and with a handful of spinach actually i'd be more generous this much spinach i'm going to cook this right now while we're talking about the other greens and as you know spinach cooks down to almost nothing so uh we'll be able to compare that in a second but i i have strong feelings that you need the variety of the greens don't get stuck with spinach because spin it they all sort of are like a symphony and they all move into helping you in all sorts of good ways so um i i tend to focus on kale but i get all of the different greens in and a lot of arugula arugula is really a powerful green and how do you prepare your kale when you make it how yes what do you do i strip it first just like just strip because it's so fun to strip with you my mom taught me how to strip one two three yay and just strip it and then you can chop it into a salad you can cook it in water um we boil it in water you can chop the stems and cook them or this is swiss chard which uh has a colorful stem sometimes sometimes not as as i usually try and buy the red swiss red stem swiss chard because i feel like it's got a lot more antioxidants from our garden i know it's beautiful thank you um and then i want to talk about broccoli broccoli i always buy broccoli crowns she doesn't like to buy the no i like them um but the reason i do it is that that i always just take a little pot of water in the morning and i just as i just crack the the broccoli like this into the stem and dr michael greger talks about some i'm gonna say it wrong so i'm not gonna say it right in the first place you crack it open and something is released in the broccoli that helps fight cancer and disease and it's released about 30 minutes after it's been broken or traumatized like you know torn into these these bits so this is ready to go i just put a lid on it wait wait wait you're missing it's ridiculous shane it is totally ridiculous not to eat this you can just cut that a little bit my spinach is done i think it's been cooking for like a hot second put this in that's good it's silly to waste any little bit of the broccoli jam i know i know the pond's over there no see dough dosie dough here comes the spinach if you're if you're having a soup the soup should be filled with absolutely any of these greens if you're using say a recipe calls for a tablespoon of parsley forget it take the whole bunch use it all and use the stems there is nothing wrong with parsley or cilantro stems so you know two to a one tablespoon one bunch it is great and here comes jane with 10 ounces of cooked spinach it is now spinach doesn't integrate it's tiny it's too hot to handle right now but it's tiny how much 10 ounces is so i mean i really could eat this for my mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack if this was so cooking your greens it is remarkable how much smaller that turn look at that how much that's like maybe two cups or not even um yeah wow now the other thing other time when you if you're desperate for greens keep in your refrigerator three hearts of romaine and when i don't know you suddenly realize oh my gosh we have no more greens and you can pull out one of those hearts of romaine because drain you're so strong because you're plant-based you twist this end off and now you have lovely little handful of scoops that you can use to eat whatever you're eating with or just munch on through the day or dip in your vinegar a dip in hummus and a hummus without oil without tahini if you have heart disease perfect or it it's it's just wonderful how it chops so easily if you suddenly need to add to your to your your salad for the night um because you have lots of other goodies maybe some fresh rice radishes or some fresh cherry tomatoes from your garden and you want to just bulk up the greens in your salad there you go speaking of good chopping here let's make this this is for tonight so can you throw i'm gonna put some of that in there i'm gonna put some arugula in an arugula i'll bring it over please you know what arugula is called in in the uk do you know yeah stock it oh it's called rocket because it just tastes like you just ate mother nature's rocket fuel i think and it is something else um we just love how you can feel i like making your nitric oxide expand so let's leave it okay um now this is bok choy and bok choy is a wonderful green it can be eaten raw it can be cooked and it can be a dip like a carrot stick it can be um cubed whatever you want it's really good in stir fries i always call it like your most insecure friend like oh my god what are we doing now we're cooked oh my god are we raw oh my god are we chopped i have a salad and a cool thing about bok choy is that really lasts a long time in the refrigerator so get the baby back choice too they're nice yeah so this is so this is going to go in our salad as well you can do the white part you can go after the green part it's just when you do it all do it all and a very similar one to this in my eyes is napa cabbage and napa is again easy to eat raw or cooked and this is like a small child and it's quite it's quite rubbery again the raw cooked thing is wonderful about this um so where else we uh asparagus you ate last night uh parsley cilantro basil all those greens herbs and things they are so potent and powerful wonderful can i put some of this in our salad and just get them in there my mom just uses all the stems of everything we eat so she's made me be quite bold as far as being a stem eater and i bet you don't even notice when you're eating a stem you just don't because they they vanish especially if you cut them small and especially if you did not do a good job cutting these super part goat okay um so i think i think we're through a lot of essie's uh greens and and i'll put them burritos put them in your sandwiches if you're making if you're having a pizza put a cup a whole ted of kale into a half a jar of pasta sauce mix them together and spread that first on the pizza my favorite thing of all is a kale sandwich where you take some bread and hummus and then thin slices of lemon then then and just pile it high with kale as hot you know two or three cups and then put some lemon on top of that and on top of that a little lemon pepper such a cool way to get lots of your greens but you know greens are wonderful just as a side dish sitting right there put a little balsamic vinegar on them or nutritional yeast we get it in bulk but you can also get like this official yeast is great this is what john stewart was eating on his green on his yeah his cooked greens and he was eating i think more nutritional yeast than greens at the end of it and the last thing is it doesn't look like a green but it is it's cauliflower and we eat this much the way that we eat broccoli uh steamed lightly boiled or cooked until it's soft enough we also roast it with this wonderful hummus topping where are you going with those um and uh with like what jane did this is getting ready and so then lots of different ways oh buffalo we make buffalo cauliflower wings we'll make buffalo cauliflower awake sometime we haven't done that yet all right you can just put just chop up cauliflower put it you know on parchment paper and roast it you don't need to even put anything on it or put some nutritional yeast and a little balsamic vinegar and it is delicious okay acid queen of course okay just just green your life up greens all right thank you let us know how you eat your greens if we forgot one bye [Music] you
Channel: Jane Esselstyn
Views: 240,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Plant based, Vegan Cooking, Vegan life style, Jane esselstyn, Plant Based Eating, Plant, Based, Cooking, Ann, Esselstyn
Id: KoqlgpOwtbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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