Oyster Mushroom Roast, a Savory Plant-Based Centerpiece

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[Music] hi i'm jane esselstyn i'm ann esselstyn and i'm paulie labar she is my daughter-in-law okay sister-in-law you're about to say sister-in-law where are you you're my mother-in-law she's married to zab my little girl my little brother so polly has the most amazing dish she made for us for anne that's his 60th wedding anniversary so she's going to tell us all about it she's doing all the driving today there's no recipe that i'm going to go to you're just my beautiful ornaments yes so take it away let me wait before polly goes i just have to say polly is the source of all she's the basis of so many recipes in all our books so many we count on poly and the first recipe that i remember using was a a soup that i made when you were about to deliver georgie and it's called georgie soup but it's all polly's thoughts in it georgie's my daughter all right we're going to make an oyster mushroom roast and the inspiration for this was a couple thanksgivings ago i had my family coming to my house and my side of the family is not plant perfect though they love gorgeous vegetables and actually my sister and i were trading recipes my sister's an amazing cook and she sent me something from food 52 that really caught my eye this idea of using mushrooms in a way that it almost forms a solid roast which was super cool that's exactly how it looks it does look like a solid that's a great way to put it right right so it was almost like okay could this be the meat centerpiece and i was gonna give that turkey leg a run for its money um so i have been playing with this this is way better than the turkey yeah so this is my umpteenth time uh making it i played with all different kinds of marinades to really just bring out the umami uh deliciousness of this mushroom so let me talk about these mushrooms for a minute these are oyster mushrooms i'll show them to the the camera top cam here you'll see they're this is a different batch than um these older batch so i just got these today from a local grocery store i tend to get mine from uh the farmer's market there's a guy i'm in connecticut they're called seacoast mushrooms absolutely gorgeous we get them at the farm from the farmer's market but if you don't have a farmer's market or you can't find these gorgeous um what would you call this like a bulb i don't even know a bulb of rhizome right exactly if you can't find these soccer ball size yeah often they're packaged and you can buy it like that too and i was talking to my mushroom guy and he said look we're like the cobbler's children we don't eat the most beautiful oyster mushrooms my wife and i eat the ones that have been in the fridge for two weeks they're still good so whatever you can find oysters come in blue pink yellow gray they're amazing so let me just tell you how i'm going to prepare the mushrooms and then we'll get started on the recipe um i have learned how to basically de-bone a mushroom because you'll see this inside part here this is not this is not edible you don't want to eat that you just want the yummy sort of uh mushrooms is it just like chewy it's not like inedible poisonous well it's so chewy that it's just not fun fibrous um and the reason why we use uh oyster mushrooms for something with a really hearty marinade is that they have almost a tofu like quality where they take on the flavor of of what you put on them and they're really absorbent which is great wow so you see how i kind of deboned that and it doesn't matter if you have little scraps right could you eat that could you slice that in thin pieces ann would try that i wouldn't and i'm going to continue to uh sort of just take off the little bits you can almost feel the bits that are too fibrous and you basically want to start to just have these gorgeous little petals and that's what we're going to use for the recipe and i might have jane um continue to sort of debunk do you want to prepare do you want to have them pedal independent individual really doesn't matter this is not i like them all together sometimes together if they do if they fall apart when you're cutting the whole point of this is don't get too fussy just just sort of keep plowing through because otherwise you're going to feel like this is tedious and see i'm just throwing these things out look fast fast fast no big deal okay um i'm gonna do those so i'll take that one's basically done so wait a top shot here i'm gonna debone all around this stuff this kind of looks like it's dark and yeah stone like almost and one thing you'll notice is we didn't quote unquote wash these you never want to wash mushrooms we often get mushrooms right they're grown in a uh medium from the mushroom guy you might have a mushroom guy or a mushroom gal maybe um we have a mushroom cupboard here and a mushroom shaker and if you if you feel fastidious you can take a wet paper towel or wet tea towel and just sort of wipe them gently but they're very um delicate so you don't want to do there that was a nice deboning okay so that you do yeah i know and by the way will you please talk about the knife you used to de-bone chain i would want to but she was speaking this has been was my birthday gift from polly to me it is this most amazing i'm going to say it wrong um thank you say it again knife and it is a left-handed person's knife because we let's make the marinade while jane is doing this okay so this is a rich umami flavored kind of marinade um i'm gonna do two tablespoons of tamari would you do four tablespoons no this is not tamari this is balsamic you do chew those tomorrow where's your tamari it's right behind behind okay i'm gonna do four tablespoons of balsamic or here i'll do that and then we want two tablespoons of tamari this makes enough um marinade to then baste halfway through which is great because then you really get that yummy caramelized a good amount so we have four of those and i'll talk to you a minute about paprika so this is the spice we're using in this dish paprika i find confusing i don't know about you there's smoked paprika there's hungarian paprika there's uh sweet paprika i'm using sweet paprika uh in this recipe i get a lot of my spices from this purveyor burlap and barrel they're absolutely amazing um they go all over the world and they work with artisans and help build their businesses but you can get this at the grocery store just look for uh sweet paprika or if it just says paprika that's probably the sweet paprika you can also use the hungarian paprika which has a really kind of um bold and tangy sort of flavor so either of those would be good i don't love the smoked in this so we're not going to use it for that okay i used smoked in it a little i used both actually and it was okay if people like smoky flavor if you like smoky flavor um i'm going to put let's see let's put two teaspoons of the sweet paprika in if you like smoky put two teaspoons of uh smoked as well you could do both all right and then i'm gonna put in six minced uh garlic cloves large garlic cloves and minced very fine holly is a garlic freak i am a garlic bacon i confess you are actually she's the acid queen i'm the garlic what garlic fruit the garlic fruit okay all right let's not get ahead of ourselves tomato paste we're gonna do two tablespoons and while i do that i guess we only have one tablespoon so this isn't here i have a tablespoon or something another tablespoon can you do the maple syrup i think we should use but it's so helpful yeah what i like is it's going to be easy to lick this yeah oh gosh so jane and anne like maple syrup more in their recipes than i do i think so i put in i last time i did this i put in twice as much what was that two that's one one let's do one two yeah that was two they're two scams yeah you can do like you know a little bit you can do two or three is that okay see that's that's yeah that's a little thick okay that's what i was curious about yeah that's where we i the first time i did it i left those and i think you and i thought it was rather fibrous all right so we have tamari we have balsamic we have maple syrup we have tomato paste we have garlic cloves i had a half a cup of water just gonna throw half a cup of water in to give it a little bit uh more volume we have the paprika jane where's your giant test uh peppermint yeah okay my gosh i feel like oh my goodness isn't it the best don't you feel like you're jacking the beanstalk oh this really gives you a nice amount yeah sorry okay about a teaspoon so i don't know that was six grinds um and then oh my god airborne excuse me and what is this what's this you're grabbing oh look at that beautiful plants only yeah pot and that's fresh rosemary oh that's great so i'm gonna take one sprig fresh rosemary we're going to use the other sprigs for the cool set up for how we actually bake this excuse me and i'm just going to chop that up to throw in and using a right-handed knife oh gosh i'll be fine i'll be fine jane i have the left-handed knife yeah jane and brian are brilliant they have an onions only cutting board which is underneath right here which i cut all the garlic on normally at our house we cut the garlic and the onions and then we cut the watermelon and the mango and that's that's usually and our daughter just you know spits it out at that point i i would do i'm with her okay i'm trying to de-bone these but they somehow move when you're not looking yeah i don't know what i've done all right i think i think that's we can sort of get started on the assemblage which is the fun part of this okay let me take over the mushrooms because i have another task for you thank you which is cut these all look great so we basically have here a pile of deboned mushrooms ready to go if you're going through them as you start to assemble and you feel these sort of fibrous uh bits you can just cut those off jane is going to help me start assembling by cutting three or four depending on the size of your pan we're going to use this lovely big roasting pan so we're going to cut those in half i like to cut an onion um stem to stem that's a nice way to do it and you can either cut off the ends before or after and then just you know take the take the paper off and then ann and i you stirred this up right yes you know what i might um that's good that's great i might even put a little more garlic no i was gonna say water so what we're gonna do um is take these beautifully separated mushrooms and very i'm going to use my hands my hands are clean um and then just very very gently coat the mushrooms with the marinade okay and you can feel for any stems i may not have gotten yeah i'm doing that right now that's great this is this is your little your little feeler so you just want them lightly coated great there we go gosh see how beautiful that is i know what the end product looks like and i can't imagine what you're going to do from that now how do you get this into the pan okay so we actually are going to get started i uh should have washed my hands before i did this okay here we go we're going to get this can you get the three skewers all right here we go three skewers all right and then we have the twine twine is in my blue pan okay which i will um change the twine right here so what you're basically going to do is throw your onions i have these skewers too thank you more than we need it right more twine if you're going to throw your onions or your base oh i'm cutting off this little tail i know i'm getting ahead of myself and then you're going to take three skewers and wait tell me if you're you're getting this i this is my this is how i learned how to do this i take the three skewers you can use these sort of bamboo wooden skewers jane has these looks i have holes or you can write the twine because these are probably more readily available for people so did you see how i wound i want this is this all stays together when you wind it you can do this without any help i only discovered the second time i did it and then i just tie it i tie it twice with a little knot oh i'm getting weepy eyes over here onions all right let's cut that guy i guess we've got scissors i don't need to use the knife okay so excellent let that have a little boost sorry we've got a whiny puppy in here that's all right he's not happy anyway all right exactly do you want another one i would say yes it's it's better smooshed and and talk about how much you love these onions my favorite part of this dish is well not the favorite but i can't believe how delicious these onions are baked with the mushroom and the sauce oh all the marinade drippings must be nice i i've used them for even in salad at the end i mean it's they're crazy good they are and so we're going to we should always get uh sweet onions here yes yellow sweet onions i'm sorry i didn't say that three or four yellow sweet onions depending on the size of your pan so you've got your kind of little uh triangle uh of of three skewers and you just we're gonna just start oh my god yeah we just start throwing them on and again you think oh is there an art to this no there's no art to this it's it doesn't matter it is completely forgiving because they just turn into one melded mush not much that's not it's a beautiful roast and it it seems a little bit of a shame almost because the oyster mushrooms are so gorgeous in their beautiful pristine form and we're kind of well you're pretty taking them apart and putting them back together you're putting them back in their form exactly exactly the first few times i did this i was so fastidious and pristine and thought it had to be perfect and now and i took a video of her doing it or maybe that wasn't the second time probably so you're not putting them on like the gill first you know what i learned to do i go back and forth uh because alternate guilt and what's helpful is i assemble it over the onions so you get you're already getting dripping you're getting drippings in so you're so clever you see i think would this you put it this way or do you go this way with it well ultimately so see these two little handy skewers or we could use your the longer ones would be you could look like but this is how you somebody fell off yeah that's okay you you ultimately lay it like this but so we have a little bit of a process maybe maybe wade will speed this up for us so you guys don't have to watch this whole thing um but this is you just let's happen maybe and i can poke someone too yeah [Music] so we're getting we're getting to the end of the mushrooms and the end of the end of the skewers um and like but now we're only on the little ones we've got all the little the little bits and bobs in here you want to hold that up yeah so these are just little ones that are kind of hard to get on the skewer so let me show you why it has a trick for the little little wee ones well this this is all part of the the roasty roastedness of this um so what i just take is just all this delicious goodness and this is almost like marinating it more and i sort of fill in the gaps oh my gosh and it just gives it delicious thanksgiving yumminess a thing now there's a teeny bit of marinade here halfway through the baking about 20 minutes through the baking i'll just open the oven and you know almost baste it uh right on now what i tend to do um yeah we gotta put the rosemary in we're missing one one ingredient which is underneath the roast we'll put four sprigs just take the spears and throw them horizontally yeah across that way well yeah horizontally that way okay yeah there we go and those will sort of bake in with it look how absolutely let's do one more do you want this one yeah it smells like this you know what these smell like pine trees i know so they smell wonderful all right so this i mean this feels very uh very uh thanksgiving holiday whenever you celebrate or just special occasions but i know how it you have a wall full of scissors we do so we're just using regular twine this is probably from the garden shed you can use whatever you have uh kitchen twine i like to tie this end so that it has a better chance even of getting more yeah together to become kind of more of a unit a single single roast wow okay so i know if i want a taste of something to just take a little taste off the top instead of trying to take one the last time i did this at the farm and was pulling it off while it was still baking but that's that's a sign of a good recipe so we're going to bring it in i'm going to show you what it looks like it looks pretty impressive even before it's baked it's ready to go we're going to put it in the oven at 350 if you have a convection oven that's always a good idea then it cooks all the way through but not totally necessary and we'll put it in for 20 minutes all right when it goes here can you open the thing i have what you've seen me put it in all right here and it goes smells good okay all right holly it's a masterpiece we'll be back in like 20 minutes to baste it [Music] so it's been 20 22 minutes we're going to take a look i think it's smelling really good you can see it's starting to brown a little bit so we've got a little bit of this marinade left let's just put that juicy goodness on top all that poly garlic yeah i i don't know if any of you have one at home but i have a little silicon brush which is silicone brush which is awesome for this kind of thing but look a regular spoon works just just as well all right so it smells good we're going to put that back in for about 10 more minutes because i see it's already starting to brown so we're getting there whoa we can't wait all right the moment is the edges are kind of brown it actually looks like a real roast it does yes let's go to top campaign okay is that any top cam in it nice holly i got my little weightlifting in today yes okay so this is super hot but this is never deterred and esselstyn once wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on i can't wait i gotta wait okay so you can take this you can take a look i would recommend that you let it sit for 10 15 minutes and then it really is perfectly suited to go to table and then i serve it just like this the only thing i do is i snip this little end and then the serving is basically i slide or you tell your guests to just now this is boiling hot right now you just tell your glass okay use a slide let me slide you a little portion anne because i know you're you're going to be good for this okay if this isn't set up for a lefty okay here we go with you i'm with you here i'm just going to slide it right on the plate and soak there you go so clever so you just that's how you serve yourself bit oh that looks great and then you can also take some of the onion the onion is great the onion is stunning and then the onions you have because you're not going to eat all these onions you might slice them up and people take a little bit for their plate but for your next evening's meal or the next day we take the onions and then we saute them and use them for whatever we're making oh this is um you've hit it you've hit it it's it it's perfect i'm delicious for me oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna wait here try this that's my favorite incarnation yeah best here i'm coming in from way it's just perfect we gotta get the weight it's a little it's a little like it's imagining like a little roast a little meat roast yeah he liked it mm-hmm what do you think do you like mushrooms even i didn't even ask you i love mushrooms oh good yeah oh gosh this is yummy um oh did you want to get a bite of it i had a bite i took i took a bite it's it's great and needs more and needs more mmm yeah we do and it's nice too because note the way polly isn't serving it you get these crispy bits on top something no the i know and will go right in there you get the crispy bits on top but then you have this just succulent oyster mushroom and then all this yummy sauce as well so if you were really doing this for thanksgiving you could put that on top of your mashed cauliflower and potato or whatever it is you do i'm sure jan has a recipe for that we have we have a mashed potatoes right exactly which we will send you right here i'm calling it polly's but again inspiration was from food 52 from melissa from but came through a lot of people this has been through so many changes so this is polly's oyster mushroom roast perfection oh thank you hope you guys make this no matter how your oyster mushrooms start maybe begin with they're going to end with this delightful delicious gross or i got i need some more words for it you're good words umami meaty goodness there you go enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Plant-Based with Jane Esselstyn and Ann Esselstyn
Views: 54,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Plant based, Vegan Cooking, Vegan life style, Jane esselstyn, Plant Based Eating, Plant, Based, Cooking, Ann, Esselstyn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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