Kale Burgers, Kale Yeah!

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hi I'm Jay Nestle Stein and Esselstyn and today we're cooking out of our cookbook that the prevent and reverse heart disease cookbook and we're gonna do kale burgers kale yeah when we were making this cookbook we have three different burgers and this happens to be my favorite of the three yes where are the three by the way they were the s o s OB burger burger and the beef burger all are good all are great yes OB is the smokey oat burger I loved how she wanted to call an sob burger and then a beef burger Oh with grilled pineapple on top that was a great one you'll have to do that one soon but the kale burger this is just such a simple one and what I like about this is that it it holds together so well that you can almost eat it like you know cold like a cookie I mean it is amazing I know I well I mean it's it's it's good if you're following along we're on page 227 of the prevent and reverse heart disease cookbook okay and it starts with cooking like most burger recipes a cup of onion so let's get this on high oh there we go okay one onion cook it up and then we're gonna add in some minced garlic and two here and just cook it all down yeah you want the garlic now Jane um let's give it a minute listen let's get it let's get it cooking um actually it's probably better to start with a hotter pan but um throw it on in throw it in let's go for it let's see what happens you know what there we go oh there you go so we have onion and garlic which we're gonna just watch and stir around because when we're not cooking with oil sometimes things can obviously cook and burn if you're not watching them but if you have an eye on it and you watch all the moisture come out of the onions and there's Brown nicely things won't burn okay so we've got this going on high and this burner is a little bit different than our our stoves at home just because it's a it's gas and heats up faster in stand but I think it cooks quite uniformly so this should be pretty true reflection all right so these are gonna brown for a little bit the other thing we're gonna add to the pan to cook ahead of time before we like make recall is it burger batter what are you calling okay while these are browning what Ann's doing is she's preparing we thought we've cooked this um sweet potato it asks for a medium sized potato so of course she got one of the size of like an NFL certified football this thing is huge wait what you ain't ready to put them all I'm gonna put the stuff in here this you're gonna put the burger batter stuff some oats and then I'm gonna put some sweet potato and by the way I cooked this sweet potato for about Twitter this big it took about 12 minutes in our microwave chef Mike otherwise she would just have to cook it in the oven because it's such a big one I'm not being picky about every little bit you look like you're getting beautiful day for work with that okay so I'm gonna be I'm about to add I am here I'm about to add and mushrooms to forget the fork this you have to use your hands in this and the kid in to get the kidney beans in there too I know but I'm just starting it here okay all right so after I'm gonna put in the kidney beans yeah so we've got oats I cooked sweet potato and kidney beans in the bowl while the sriracha but it's gonna be coded and I and it calls for a couple tablespoons of this and you are to tender about two tails but it's surprising that what it works but people are scared of hot sauce what's interesting is that your tongue is a DD it's looking for flavor it's looking for sweet so acid fat any kind of any kind of flavor so if you can give it a little bit of heat or a little bit of spice or something else it it is satisfied by that so when we add sriracha to some things or jalapeno to some dishes it's only because we're looking for a distraction of flavor for your tongue to feel satisfied or speaking of satisfied this is really satisfying to do this part I think I was you are I'm so sorry for you having to do that part because that's the really good part so are you smashing the beans a little bit too music squishing at all I think is I think sometimes smashing the beans and opening up the bean skin get some of the bean insides which help form the burger to be this burger is good even if the beans are not oh I don't hate all are being smashed but the bean skin like hummus how much has a beautiful texture because the beans are broken and if you ever had we had like a black bean hummus or I'm going through with my phone now and summing them open or you could do a fork and smash them open on the side of the bowl like most humans do okay there you go do you want to use that okay you need to put the kale in I know I know Bri I was just about to sew the kale it gets put in right here after the maybe you can hear the sizzling over the video I hope so but the onions are nice and glistening and browned a bit and the garlic don't even know where it is in here it's just all cooked up and the mushrooms shrink down quite a lot once they lose and their moisture so I would leave them to lose some of their moisture so the kale yeah perfect perfect timing I put a little bit of I rinse it a yell a little so that there'd be so the kale gets cooked in this is why it's a kale burger we've got kale that we stripped off the spine and chopped up otherwise you'd have the huge ribbons or continents of kale in each bite of your burger so chop it up a little bit oh this is so pretty beautiful isn't that just gorgeous that green color and you know you could stop right here and just serve this as a whatever you want for a meal yeah this would be onion mushrooms with kale and we put on some of our delicious sauces or or just or just use that on top of rice yeah okay so how are you doing there you're getting it all mixed up yeah clearly okay so this looks like it is wonderfully warm and cooked so I don't want this to burn your hand so I'm gonna put it in there but then we'll maybe stir it with a civilized utensil you think all right and you can you can wash your hands or just use dirty hint wherever you wish all right so in goes the cooked mushroom onion garlic kale into the sweet potato oats and kidney beans and put this hot pan over and let it do its thing I'm not washing my hands because I have to go right back in here because we're gonna have to form the little patties oh I'm bringing the pan back I forgot I got into the pan I got to use a pan again second so we're gonna use the semi semi dirty pan - this is great fewer dishes alright so mm-hmm when you are making burgers you just choose whatever surface or plate or area you want to put them on I'll get a plate we can make I'm gonna put them right in the pan are we can put them right in the pan but if we want to perform work all these are not gonna fit in this pan so no let me get a get going on medium that's big yeah that's what they get so you can make it a little thinner so you can go faster you can make about 8 if you make them sort of generous or 3/4 this big well I'm gonna go sinner so they cook its nicely I'm gonna go get a little small well then they'll be they'll be what all right now these are gonna cook and I think they're nice a little thicker okay let me get a cap thicker but no you know what I've never made them thin well if that's considered soon it's a burger distance or burger thickness you can do it on a pan you can do this in a here on a on a tray we can just make a few burgers let's put them right direct in here okay and I have fun parchment lined pan and put them in the oven or the toaster oven I think they're going on unless but I do think it takes maybe 10 minutes on the side and don't put them on high heat because they do burn so just keep them you know medium-low okay but this this makes a great dinner a great lunch to take along any as you said earlier cookie no what I meant is that it it picks up so you could just pick it up and hold its form it holds its got some more space on here so we can get all those on there I'll get two more okay so these are gonna cook for a while and you and you know you can piqué and piqué and piqué or just let them just trust if you smell it burning it's probably burning so pick it up but this no you need to let it stay overnight but I think I had it on I think I have the medium high again this thing is weird read it says it has a maximum and a minimum and just anyway I we may have a little darker when we flip it over than I intended but we'll see but look look at them I mean don't they look appealing already I guess I'll wash my hands finally okay so one two three four five six seven eight nine you could have made ten ten or eight like you could make this go or you could use sixteen little what are the little ones called little burgers called sliders spiders I think it's called sliders little finer or whatever or make them into longer leaner and call them sort of naked bratwurst because they're missing the skin I smell burning shoot shoot shoot I think I burn I think I burned that you know what funny thing is no it's okay they're okay when they get a little bird okay well we're gonna we're gonna cook these down for a while and it's gonna be a few minutes on each side okay I didn't burn him what something's burning in our house then you smell burning no but Jane has got an extraordinarily sensitive nose yeah I could have easily worked in a perfume Factory funerary whoever those are called alright so we're gonna take a few minutes to check this out and companies for her hot sec okay you're back oh wait before you leave I mean come right back know what I recommend is that you could freeze these cooked or even uncooked although probably best to cook them and then freeze them yeah okay be right back all right our burgers are done and they're wonderfully browned and blackened in places and like I said learning to use this stove is kind of exciting but it's actually that's how mine look this the other day I get great yeah they're holding together look great so we've got a variety show of bonds here we've got our standby go to Ezekiel bread which we love and we also have oh we have some whole grain buns that were left over from a cookout that somebody had a cookout with like a team swim team get together so this is just one bun probably on all whole-grain but we'll give it to someone who's game to eat that and then this is a wonderful thin what does it call it sandwich buns it's a little sandwich sandwich bun hosiery and this is gonna get the big one and we just toasted them so they're a little bit crisp which will make them yummy yummy and now we're just gonna decorate them like you would your favorite burger so I'm gonna put on what did you find yours Jane what I'm gonna eat mine plain oh really yeah that's how I want mine with mustard and some some spinach and arugula that's what I'm ruling nothing when yours I want tomahto and some red onion you want you maybe want to catch it by God ketchup the only reason I like burgers it's a vehicle for ketchup say I think I don't like ketchup how'd you raise me if I I don't know every all of you like ketchup huh yeah I like it out of hot dogs now there's water all right let me make let's make this for we're make this for our video fellas okay what do you guys like on yours well you should have put mustard on the top player so it shows you guys like mustard right mustard we put ketchup on the lower layer for you guys so that that looks nice mom you're not gonna have anything arugula nothing on yours no I'm just gonna eat it playing like like a cookie you and your cookies okay you guys are getting some spinach it's a burger cookie oh gosh and some arugula and tomato and you're gonna get some red onion and you're gonna get a oh I I gave you there I made it upside down didn't realize I'd pick up the pace okay here's your here's your cookie no you really it's all your let's make this alright I'm ready to bite mine this is gonna be a hot mess I think I mean a napkin I'm bored you gonna put ketchup on yours well no I'm making this just you know and you have to try it okay I'm ready to give a bite of mine wait wait for it well she put everything she's putting hold compost bin on hers I'm putting oh that's me who wanted nothing to he who's having everything wait all right cheers Cheers no oh my god that's that's once it's gonna do a lot where's my lid here oh there you go making all the little noises here this one's got some morphine eat it oh there's your oh there's the top of the burger okay that's the biggest switch from I want nothing on mine - I'm having everything I don't know I'm I'm just definition of contrarian okay Cheers okay I'm gonna mmm [Music] the purpose great mmm my ketchup is great I like the burger mmm no it's great there's great all right well you guys enjoy your kale burgers and put me put on um sauerkraut relish pickles wine onion red onion lots of kale or barbecue sauce kale spinach collards asparagus here oh good all good all right here eat it plain like a cookie oh thank you for watching bye [Music] you
Channel: Jane Esselstyn
Views: 124,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Plant based, Vegan Cooking, Vegan life style, Jane esselstyn, Plant Based Eating, Plant, Based, Cooking, Ann, Esselstyn
Id: -KC7bKYOcl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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