Eat Loaf! Our Plant-Based Version of Meat Loaf

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hey we would like to invite you all on march 6th to join us virtually for our conference coming up called prevent and reverse heart disease and build a powerful immune system for women anyone can join us but we would love to have you sign up for our virtual event featuring dr robin shutkin she's amazing what she knows about the microbiome which you know as you know is our the biome within us our gut and how that is tied into our immune system there's nothing more important right now than having healthy immune systems it is the end of 2020 this event is on march 6th of 2021 i also will be featuring my father to prevent reverse heart disease his research with women and i'll be cooking with anne and our and and dr ann bingham will be there ob gyn the power of plants with women cannot be understated overstated needs to be stated and we'll do some interactive things with uh brian hart as well you can find a link to the event in the description below here on youtube or on instagram in my bio or on my website hope to see you there it'll be great it'll be such fun see you soon bye hi i'm jana silston i'm ann esselstyn and today we're cooking out of our cookbook the prevent and reverse heart disease cookbook on page 184 and 185 and we're making eat loaf not meat loaf but what i love about the eat loaf is that it's delicious when you eat it but it's so good to have leftovers to put a slab in a sandwich i i mean it's it's better the next day arguably better the next day because it firms up and it it sort of is more uh has more structure to it so um what we're just going to start making it because it actually um has a couple steps to it and it starts like many things with an onion and we're going to cook this over this this is hard to determine how high how low this thing is so we're just going to go this is one onion medium-sized onion then we've got some garlic and those are going to cook down first but also with them i'm going to put in the mushrooms because right now yeah because this is all just going to be loafed together and the mushrooms lose a lot of moisture which helps with the onion and the garlic i have a job i'm gonna cut the zucchini oh yeah we're gonna need a zucchini and we're gonna eat tomato look at these beautiful carrots we have this time these are can you see that weight up top they're from the chest they're um purple and yellow and red carrots do you need some watermelon okay and so our carrots look like carrots but they are dr greger says things with the most color have the most phytochemicals so they have the best ability to get in there and help your body enzymes fight and whatnot so so we're going to use colorful ones whenever we can and i'm going to wait till the mushrooms cook down a little bit more but what's so great about this eat loaf is it looks like classic meatloaf in that you put on the bottom of your of your loaf pan a layer of barbecue sauce or ketchup or whatever you like whatever you prefer in your in your eat loaf meatloaf taste and we are going to use our favorite bone sucking sauce which is a barbecue sauce in ours all right so this is just taking its time cooking down and it's going to hopefully the mushrooms are going to lose their i'm going to add a little moisture to help the mushrooms learn to lose their moisture really just it'll steam them a little bit and get them going i think i sometimes i do that again i don't quite know how this i'm not used to cooking over this portable is it butane i don't know what kind of fuel it is butane uh i'm not gonna look still okay so once these start to cook down we're going to add the other things i think i'm going to add the jalapeno now jalapeno sounds scary but it actually just adds that sort of how would you describe it intenseness of taste yeah it because your tongue is 80d it needs things to distract it and when you're taking away some of the stuff we take away from a lot of our recipes um your tongue is looking for stuff so if you give it some spices and some heat and some just i don't know things to get distracted by it helps things taste good so this is about this is about a half of a jalapeno half of it is sticking into the bowl there you go and and i've just cut up an onion and a zucchini okay and this is uh about a half cup of carrots and a half of a red pepper again it's on page 184 in our cookbook if you're following along would you like my zucchini and tomato or not quite yet bring it on it's all cooking down it's all just cooking down onion garlic mushrooms jalapeno zucchini carrots pepper tomato and four cups of spinach or greens and i think we're going to use kale because we have this beautiful fish bowl full of kale and you're gonna want about four cups which is about four um before or so of these uh stripped and then i'm gonna tear it in little pieces to help it cook down faster or just tear it up actually play more like four or five well that's a big one yeah jeez look how beautiful and colorful this is mommy actually this is her recipe what am i saying and this is how you when you cook it does it look this beautiful you colorful oh yes always always nice you never can put up in too much kale or too much spinach or too much swiss chard our napa cabbage or bok choy i wish i knew essie's wrap by heart all right i think this actually is good and i think we're good all right so this is all going to cook down but while this is cooking down we're going to do the next phase of this which is we need a bowl can we get this bowl um we're gonna do that sort of the dry the dry mix of this if you will while this finishes cooking down and that's gonna be um oh you know what i need to add the parsley about a half cup of parsley so i'm just going to self harvest half a cup and then we're going to put in some beans right yeah we're going to bread um yeah i'm going to put the parsley here but yeah the we're going to do two cans of beans any white beans or any this is it do you have to be white you think or is that perfect you could do any things but these are cannellini and navy um so so we're gonna put those in a bowl and these are rinsed and it's always good to rinse beans especially if for any reason you get beans that have some sodium in them because beans can be deceptively high in sodium and rinsing them at least gets part of that out so you want the beans in here put the bees in the bowl and then we need a half cup of salsa gosh it's so nice to find to have found the half cup i know we didn't have it for a while and uh we kept having to do things in quarter cups so there's a half cup of salsa going in and now the oats so stir that all up if you wouldn't mind it's kind of a strange texture beans and oats and salsa but that is what's going to give i don't know i don't know what was in what is in um eat meatloaf that people make but i think it's just this is the nuts and scraps of things from the fridge it's a really good sort of recycling and reusing of the nubs and stubs and it doesn't really matter what you put in here as you can tell it doesn't matter what you put in here we could have put in green peppers or shiitake mushrooms or any kind of grape plant eggplant anything but i think that what holds eat loaf or meatloaf as a as a oh i actually probably had like egg and stuff in it didn't it do we have uh what a real i never made real meatloaf i don't even know what held together but what holds it together for us are the oats and the beans we're gonna smash them together with all this stuff so i'm gonna turn this off because it gets to be quite hot and sometimes when i'm making this i let this cool off for a little bit and i add this right in here but i'm wondering it's going to be too hot to touch oh i have good i have asbestos hands asbestos says she's up for the task so let's clear the deck here and we're going to get we're going to move this to there really this pan is even hot and i don't know if i want you to do that now you want to put this in here so we add that in there i'm going to add our spices our spices for this are about four grinds haha of our fee five faux fun black about a teaspoon i think it's what do we have here we have half teaspoon and then half teaspoon of white pepper black pepper is you feel in your mouth white pepper you feel in the back of your mouth towards your throat so it's it's um it's good to have that multi-flavored this is white pepper and then mrs dash we're going to do actually a whole teaspoon of mrs dash with a little extra all right so that doesn't have to be the original mrs and now we stir this all up which has made me sneeze mrs dash made me smile i think it was the pepper all the different peppers oh wow doesn't pepper make you sneeze yeah it does okay now centered it is really hot i don't think i want you to touch that let's get a masher let's get a masher it's bet it's best to oh god and no no here here here it works the reason that we want to mash it or squeeze it is that when the beans when the beans um smash they release them they're innards and it is too hot the spinach is i mean the kale is hot but the other part is not yeah the oats and the beans are not so when it just makes it be sort of more like hummus you know it's just that creamy texture you want to give it a few smashes i dropped a thermometer so this is just smashed up smashed up here i'm going to keep i'm going to keep piling it you keep smashing it and this mushmash is what our loaves are going to be made of i'm so interested to like to look at what a meatloaf recipe actually had in it because it's so cool how these recipes work out so you're going to have two loaf pans this is going to bake two um classic whatever what i don't know what the size of these are this is it doesn't say but loaf pans that you would make a banana bread or a some sort of loaf of bread in and we're going to do is put in the bottom is it barbecue sauce right here that's that looks like salsa oh barbecue it's right around the there she is okay so you're going to line the bottom of your pan with a layer of barbecue sauce each of them this just gives a nice flavor on the bottom and we're also going to do the same on top all right so let's load these up and about half you got it half goes in we'll give you another this is not a great a great lifter all right i can help scoop so this fills up the loaf pan and if you can get them to be even perfect if not one's going to cook for as long these cook for roughly an hour oh it's from above it on these cook for about an hour and they don't have a top on the on the lid so the barbecue sauce or ketchup whatever you're using will get that nice sort of glazed lazy caramelized look on top so we can get a little more in this one yep it's so pretty look at the purple carrots purple carrots red pepper the bright green kale spinach it wilts much faster and it's sort of also a beautiful green presence all right so here here is this mommy's got the pepper peppers making your nose run okay there is that and here is that so we're going to cook this now for an hour and because i knew this would take an hour guess what i did last night i made this last night so we have an example of one that will be as firm and as delicious as the next day and as an example you open the oven thank you great so check it out i have a sample one right here from last night so this is what it looks like when it's done done done done and it's it's a gorgeous um here let's make it look okay you can rim around the edges there and they get a good knife to show how we can plate it and you can make this warm however you want to uh you're going to take it out of here you want me to do i'm going to try to do this and it looks like that's not big enough ah look wow my hand has got some barbecue sauce on it but this way can you see this loaf do we have the side camera on here i'm gonna slice it yup okay my hand just looks a little bit too barbecuey okay it slices in these beautiful meat loafy i have a big mushroom on this one i can feel it there we go oh no there's a bunch of kale in that one look at that and if you can we can put these in a frying pan like a non-stick and just fry them up you can serve it warm the night of it's totally fine it also slices and serves well but the next day it does have a great structure in the barbecue sauce you could even do it in the microwave barbecue sauce gives it that just great flavor you expect from your eat loaf oh that one's kind of falling apart shoot anyway this this is our sort of our favorite show-off meal for people who think that there's not a lot of flavor in plant-based cooking because there's plenty all right so we should i think we're going to how should we heat this up oh i just can't wait i want to eat i want to taste it let's taste it right now here let's give it a go wait do you want to taste this cold do you want to heat it have it heat it up all right here i'm going to get a little bit for you i just had a little bit oh one of the cool things just to get the get the barbecue sauce yeah all right let me try it's really good anything with barbecue sauce or ketchup it's so darn good wow all right whoo all right make sure i'm here with eat loaf thank you all right bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Plant-Based with Jane Esselstyn and Ann Esselstyn
Views: 277,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Plant based, Vegan Cooking, Vegan life style, Jane esselstyn, Plant Based Eating, Plant, Based, Cooking, Ann, Esselstyn
Id: 0QbQS5Fm5qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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