Zeb's Plant-Based Waffles!

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[Music] hi i'm jane esselstyn i'm ann esselstyn and i'm zeb esselstyn my little brother our youngest son our amazing youngest son and it's so fun to have him here today because zeb has always been famous for his sunday morning or any morning or any time of day isn't it saturday morning saturday morning yeah every time i have no you gotta have because you got sunday you can you freeze them oh for sunday okay waffles zeb's waffles and if you're following along he has of course as many amazing recipes do they grow and they change and they evolve and they become a little bit different but the foundation of this recipe is uh in plant strong on page 144 if you're following along well the recipe hasn't changed too much and i i've been doing it for a long time and don't experiment much this is just what i do okay let me just say he doesn't even measure he says wait we have four children rip ted jane and seb and incredibly all our boys are cooks jane jane and all your girls yeah i'm just saying and all of them but but zeb i think wins the prize as the sort of cook of cooks thank you so you're gonna get more of these all right let's hit it how do you make your waffles all right sunday weekend waffles i use uh oats so what we're going to do today is we're going to use uh i usually use more than this so this is going to be two cups of oats i usually double i usually double this oh well he doubles it because he freezes them yeah uh so i use two cups of oats and then i'll use uh right now we'll do like a quarter cup of uh flax flax that's about a quarter this is like a two you never measure so this is exciting yeah uh that's the wrong so and i do it right into a blender we have a blendtec this is a vitamix which works well you can also do it in the cuisinart i find the cuisinart doesn't quite uh our food processor yeah food processor doesn't uh smooth it as much the cuisinart doesn't smooth yeah the vitamix definitely it makes it smooth it dims the lights yeah is that black yes put that so yes so a little bit of applesauce usually i do about uh eight ounces i think it is six ounces um that was about yeah that was the right and then we'll do i do one banana we're gonna do today and then we're gonna zest an orange do i get you get the zest lucky death uh do i do the whole orange or just oh yeah no and do it well you just don't don't you can't no no then you show me how and you're the queen of zesters i know but i i but zeb controls that goes right down oh my god you're way better zester than i am just right now you gotta write down to it and you gotta i know you can't you can't do she's thicker hey we use that possess for the top camp we use that's for the top ten don't go high go shadow how you're actually making that's way better he's just he's organized he's organized about it you kind of i go i go i i do not it's like cutting the lawn you got to go you know you got to go in strips randomly i have so many bald oranges but they are all sort of outrageously unbalanced yeah you kind of use this in an 80d kind of way you can hardly wait to zest again oh you just a lemon too yeah yeah i'm always careful to not go down to the white pith yeah yeah bring it on i don't i don't go too deep i don't want to get all of it but like a little bit it's not going to matter this is fascinating compared to yours it's a small lemon are you zesting your wrist a little bit i'm just just like just my knuckles [Laughter] what's so cool about zesting is you get the flavor without necessarily i think you get the sunshine when you zest something you really can taste the sunshine so we'll put that in uh oh nuts walnuts then we'll do the walnuts just yeah yeah that's about an idea about a half a cup yep for this i think in here we had three fourths cups yeah that's fine half a cup slime a little bit of uh baking powder not too much baking powder there was no baking powder in our recipe and uh go ahead and throw a little in there if you're following just so i can talk about baking powder again the sodium in here is 1 8 teaspoon is 80 milligrams of sodium so if you buy hang featherweight baking powder it has zero sodium all right uh and then we're going to do cinnamon i'm going to do i guess i'll do a half a teaspoon cinnamon i might even just do a little bit more um i usually just kind of and then we'll do amazing cinnamon we'll try doing uh a teaspoon or tablespoon let's do it let's let's just do a we'll start with a half a teaspoon let's see how we go you think i think a little more let's try that we'll try is that um we'll try it yeah yeah whatever that would be two teaspoons we have oh my gosh and that's it and that's it super fluid oh yeah yeah now we got to do i use uh basically any nut milk that we might have we have a little bit of almond left and we've got a lot of oats so i just here can we start let's empty this one if you don't mind or is this either whatever we're going to need more than just this i know that's why i said let's finish that let's kill that one yeah i want to go here and you just move it until until it's so you i would say you're going to need probably 16 to 20 ounces for this um i what i find is that when you do this i like to get it a little bit you put it in the blender and it'll be a little bit liquidy but then all the oats over time will really suck up that moisture so two cups that was two cups six signatures the flax also absorbs the liquid yeah and i'll also look and just i'll pour more in as as needed i guess all right we had uh young teenagers when we started so the kids zapped this years ago so we do get some batter up in the wand how does that fit it just goes online oh it's just like that okay and go i thought you had to all right so let's turn this on you know what ashley bought me ear defenders to use with this and i keep them in the kitchen you should be wearing them when you do that ours is super quiet do you have air defenders in the kitchen oh you're always always always okay can i move this up there and move the oranges please all right so now hot hot pot coming in we have a preheated waffle iron here we don't have our normal waffle iron this is okay we've got the the waffle iron plugged in what's this oddity do you know that is a paint stirrer the the this was this is an old waffle iron the one i was meant to bring was not available um so so wait should we have it here which camera do you want to see it from is this good yeah i got it all right great so we'll just do you have a little uh where's that where'd that little the little blue right there yeah so we'll just pour right in wow that looks yummy actually we'll need that right now and then we're just going to let it cook oh sizzle sizzle yeah i have been waiting well since i knew you were coming to have this and i was not going to eat until you made it but unfortunately it's the end of the day and i can hardly wait so what do we what are we waiting for here we'll let us know now we're gonna no we're gonna wait till uh this is ready it's probably gonna be five or six minutes this many waffle irons have like a little beat that happens when it's ready this one doesn't so we're just going to have to time it perfect what do you mean a beep i've never had a waffle iron with a beep i've never not had one with a beep said wait a minute this one will not be i always get someone's cast off yeah often it goes from a red light to a green light yeah i understand that but i i just thought she always had to explain are there any lights on this one yes there's a light there's a light right here but i don't know what that does it's always on zip as you can see city bench and they create the most gorgeous furniture from the city for urban forest and it is uh so he's very clever look at this all right back in flash [Music] all right so now we're going to have five minutes and the the first waffle is always a reveal and so oftentimes many of the uh the subsequent ones are too okay so you never really know whether it's ready and you got it when i lift i always come down level to it because if you start lifting and you see that start to separate put the lid back put the lid back you do not want it to separate you want it to just come right off and so we're gonna we're gonna see what this what this does right now sometimes what you can do is oh oh look at that oh wow you are the perfect waffle maker so i'll use these so that ah james looks really good wow wow oh my god all right gorgeous oh my gosh oh my god we got let's make another one and it's still good run around let's get a little individual plates while it's hot yeah we're gonna we'll start this one off though let me say that when we have a big family gathering zeb is incredible in the kitchen he is so cool and he can have 20 people wanting waffles and he just makes them and there's no there's no excitement and they're all perfect and everybody is so excited i mean he doesn't get flustered i would go all right let's try some waffle do you want blueberries don't i just put my bottom out yeah all right and syrup we've got syrup's right there we need a plate here's little plates do we not get maybe we eat them without plates here we have little wee plates or not those aren't very weed but those aren't the plates all right let's do here wait wait we can just call them we'll bring i want to have a little syrup yeah should we just let's just try you know what's so good in them there's the cinnamon i i want to have some syrup on it here it doesn't even need syrup no it's good here we've got some people here today blueberry so we just we should we can just dip we're going to do a dip dip so i'll try that ryan here come have a little chase please give us your thoughts paulie we come have a taste and and wade you are i wouldn't be everyone believes wade most of all so we got to get sweetie this is the best one you've ever made golden color [Music] are we on camera uh-huh oh my gosh yummy ah that's really good it's like all crisp and then the center is just the center's like um just i've been waiting and waiting and waiting and it's even better than i remember totally worth the wait set timer for four minutes all right that was really good i didn't have and it's just oats walnuts flax orange zest lemon zest applesauce banana banana vanilla vanilla and cinnamon milk almond milk really good all right well thank you guys thank you well thank you hey wait wait wait i want you to stay and keep making them all we're gonna actually um i think we're just gonna polish this one off and just keep making them so you're right have a blast make your own waffles on saturday or sunday or freeze them and how do you freeze them how do you freeze them do you wrap it i put them in a uh bag like a bread bag or usually one of those what are the green i don't know whatever the green bags bread oh a bread bag a vegetable bag or like you could you put in like a tupperware or anything and you just freeze it whatever and then and then you toast them when they come out i i panadium but yeah dab paninis everything panini's a waffle one that seems like redundant one time we had a vegan chocolate cake it was only icky iffy i mean not icky and zeb panini did it and it made everybody love it so the panini is drafting so it works magic next to waffles and oh well everything you touch well okay you guys enjoy your waffles however you make them and let us know what you put on top we've just tried them sort of playing with syrup but there's so many beautiful things all right thank you [Music] you
Channel: Jane Esselstyn
Views: 57,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Plant based, Vegan Cooking, Vegan life style, Jane esselstyn, Plant Based Eating, Plant, Based, Cooking, Ann, Esselstyn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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