Planet Coaster - Ep. 8 - MEGA MALL (Grand Re-Opening)

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this is episode 8 now on the series you guys may notice the place is looking like a ghost town we don't have anyone in the queues we don't have anyone in the park at all other than our employees now I did make a couple of changes off-camera starting off over here with the queue for quick draw I did change it up a little bit it was starting to get a little packed so we have a new layout here I'll add you know decoration and whatnot later on nothing else is new on this side of the park if we come over here the only addition that I made was made these two buildings into one so it is now just one big food court so with that being said I did have to delete the old building and unfortunately hire some new staff so this guy here Owen Escobar he's new Millford Mac he's the og DeWitt Faris I think he's new as well so they have to get learned up in trained so you can probably tell that I did closed down the park and the reason that I did that is because I'm hoping that maybe people are gonna start flooding down this path here but I'm hoping they go to the information booth first that way we can start selling a little bit more priority passes so we have the information kiosk sort of advertising for everywhere in the park I'm gonna go ahead and alter that a little bit and make sure quick draws in there make sure we get a get all these stores over here in there as well so let's do one big ol selection over the whole park and that should be plenty nineteen out of fifty that'll do it okay so challenges we have have 39 people visit your restaurant for one month in a row have a restaurant with at least two rooms and have a hotel with at least two rooms what I think we're gonna be doing today I don't know if I'm gonna have time to add the restaurant we'll see but I do want to make a mega mall just the biggest mall you've ever seen and then I also want to see if we can't add a hotel I have a pre-built hotel that actually looks pretty good so I made this actually a long long time ago when I first heard about this game and honestly I think it turned out pretty nice it it does have a pretty q scenery rating so it's it should be at a hundred percent I think but it's a pretty expensive building and the other reason that I wanted to close the park is we were getting money hand-over-fist no we don't need that much money right now I wanted to sort of have this be at least kind of difficult but it's been honestly a breeze for us so far now in terms of location for the mega mall I think right back here in this open area like as you enter the park I would like this right side over here to sort of be the food court the shopping center that type of stuff maybe the hotel as well and then the rest of the park obviously I want the rides the attractions and that sort of stuff so I will show you guys my mall blueprint it's called mall obviously it says mall on the front here it's got the 2g colors going on there so it's pretty basic on the inside it just has some shop centers it comes with out shops so we'll have to add the shops later on this big section right there in the middle that is going to be a staircase I also added some some skylights in there that I think are gonna look pretty good but it's it it's a nice looking building it matches the same sort of design as our food courts and I think it's gonna look pretty good so before we build that we're gonna have to get a path system figured out it's here so I want to do a grid from here and try to keep everything in the same grid so we're gonna put a path here a path here and let's see if we can fit that in there now we might have to bring it out a little more oh no that could work so I think it's eight wide and was it five deep so that's gonna be the main floor plan now in the back over here we do have to build a staircase so we'll put a staircase right here that should snap into place and then it's gonna have to lower back off but right here this is where it gets kind of tricky so I'll take this around there we go something like that and then right here this is the part that it has to go up once more so if we put a staircase there and I don't know if we should be using the same floor for this I almost wonder if we should do the wood I think this will look ok so now we have to try to square up this corner right here the building itself is square we can't have a round staircase in a square area we'll bring a path off over here now we're gonna need like a ramp and then it has to go flat again and I think if we use let's get rid of these if we use this grid that should be the perfect height to make that square awesome okay so now that we have that out of the way let's get rid of this path that we had to make over here and now we have to make the upstairs so let's grab not that grid we're gonna have to bring a path off of this and then select the grid so we'll do that there select this grid and then we can start bringing this around as well now the actual structure that I built does have a opening in the center so if we delete that that'll allow the skylight to go through the upstairs here and that'll that'll let light down into the the downstairs area the only problem I'm gonna have is actually lining this up if we place it there we can do the advanced move and move it around that way maybe that'll be a little bit easier I think we did it I'm gonna put that right there so we have a mall now in the back lot we got a planet coaster sign back here those globe signs as well we'll have to update the advertisement area for these and the actual mall sign the shops in here are empty so we're gonna have to fill these with gift shops and in different things like that but look at this this main entryway from the upstairs with the skylights up at the top that looks so good I'm actually I'm really proud of this building it didn't take me too long to actually build to complete this path we're gonna have to grab one of these and see about taking it over to there actually you know what I kind of want this to be a little bit bigger maybe we should make the path a little larger okay now we just have to connect this back up right there looks good and then we do have to connect these awesome okay so we have a pretty big path back here now that's gonna come in handy because we do have to put the hotel back here as well I don't know where I want the hotel at necessarily I feel like we should lead space on this side for more rides and attractions I don't know maybe we could put the hotel on this side actually let's see if we put it right here is that gonna be too close to the path on the backside I don't think so let's expand this some more just so we can make sure okay so let's plop this hotel down this is like the most elegant designed hotel I think I could have possibly made I'm pretty proud of it what about right there is that clipping anything actually that's pretty solid that looks good now the hotel obviously isn't gonna match any of the other buildings because I did make it a long time ago yeah I guess that looks pretty good put a path right there you can't see the path after it goes underneath these hedges so I think that'll be okay so let's check out the hotel here we have hotel GG we're gonna change this to obviously GG that's my initials we're gonna do hotel to G I don't even think I had a YouTube channel actually when I made this hotel that's how long ago this happened all right so in hotel 2g we have ten standard bedrooms and we have five luxury bedrooms with a 70% scenery rating that's that's fair I honestly I remember it being better than that but that's okay it has room service a restaurant internet access a spa a gym and in arcade and it has a maxed out prestige so that's perfect oh yeah that's right if you have too many rooms then the prestige level starts to go down so we will leave that there we might have to delete some of these rooms I think on the inside of this there's actually yeah there's a ton of rooms that aren't connected yeah I remember when I first built this I was under the impression that okay we I didn't mean to delete that that we just have to basically fill an entire building with rooms but that does hurt you in the long run because even if you don't have all of those rooms connected you're still paying for the monthly running costs so it ended up hurting my my first save my first theme park pretty badly so we're gonna try to fix that before we actually open this place up we want ten standard rooms and five luxury rooms I think should be the perfect amount here all right I think it looks pretty good so we we'll have that opening up the mall we will have that opening up as well we do have to add a couple of shops in here though we're to go into shops in facilities and let's add the gift shops that we have we only have three so I think we'll leave the four spaces down on the main floor probably for the food most malls I think have a food court so let's get a hats fantastic up here I should probably check to make sure that we don't have any more wow they have a great song to make sure that we don't have any more researchable facilities here so we got just a momento that's gonna go over there and then loony balloons we'll put this over on this side so with those three gift shops over there let's go ahead and add another facility so we're gonna have to get back into editing this building so we already have cosmic cow milkshakes and we already have gulpy soda let's do coffee upstairs we got a street box coffee we'll put that one there and then let's go downstairs right here we're gonna put the Pip shot water that's gonna go right there obstructed by what oh the path duh okay now we should be able to add the Pip shot water right here rotate that around we'll put water there let's do smoothies maybe over here I don't know so that's what to drink places already most malls have a smoothie place so we got it we got to add some smoothie in here and then let's go into food shops we're gonna get stuff that we don't already have so churros who doesn't love a good churro we'll add a churro shop right here let's do a Tiki cheeky just because I like the name of it yeah dude that's what I'm talking about right there okay so we should have plenty of stores in the mall now let's see we added one two three four five six seven eight more vendors so three more vendors that will bring us to 20 so we'll have 20 vendors for 15 shops that way they can all alternate all right now for the work roster we do have to change this so let's add the mall in here okay so this will be our new vendor roster now we're gonna have to make sure all of our vendors are under the vendors roster okay so we should have all of our vendors on the vendor roster now and everyone has the same outfit and I think I think I was able to edit all of these as well of course those shops aren't open let's hit play here just we have them open there we go he's looking good everyone's rockin the same fit now I hope who not you though so we've got 28,000 bucks in the bank everyone's got to get paid the same amount so we're gonna do a hundred and fifty bucks for all of our vendors we're gonna be making stupid money yet again especially with the addition of all of these stores so I am NOT even worried about paying these guys an arm and a leg guys and girls all right it is finally time let's go ahead and hit play here we will open this sucker back up we don't do that there do we would do it right there all right so we still aren't charging for people's entry I do think we should add another security camera here really quick I am just so excited for people to start coming into the park again dude it's been a minute it has definitely been a minute let's rotate this around put a security camera right there I don't think we've what too many security cameras I think I remember a guest rate being like they feel like they're being watched or something along those lines so we'll try to keep those to a minimum maybe we'll just have to up our personnel on our security front yeah dude look at that the park is starting to get flooded with people yet again we're up to 1200 people in here now and it does look like a couple of people are stopping at the information booth obviously not a ton but that's okay it is gonna take people of minutes to start funneling into the food court once again and start going into the mall typically visitors like to go into the park first ride some rides and then they'll come out into the shopping centers and whatnot something I want to mention over here guys you see all these rocks right here each one of those I had to place individually to make this rock path around the fountain I don't remember how many hours it took me to build this hotel but let's just say it was a lot so I hope you guys like that again I did build it a long time ago this mall I think took me an hour and a half to build it wasn't anything crazy this is sort of like a Bob's Burgers type of situation with our grand reopening we'll probably have to close stuff down and do do something similar now but we made $23,000 in the first month of being reopened have a hotel with at least two rooms we got that one done that's 1,100 bucks in our pocket food courts not looking too hot but that's probably just because everyone's on the rides the queues are looking nice everything's filling up pretty quickly Oh God really quickly we might have to get a couple more rides in here dude teacups queue is backed all the way up to the entrance look at the queue Oh someone's using the priority pass that's what I like to see dude that's good news dude I'm really happy with this park it's turning out awesome whoa whoa whoa you're not good yeah I was gonna say you're not gonna let fry already go ahead shops and facilities we are losing $2,000 hopefully we can pick things up here should we fast forward a little bit just to see what happens kamikaze has broken down let's do a refurb on that ah dang it before I open the park I wanted to make sure every ride was refurbished but that's okay if a ride breaks down we'll do a refurb on it shouldn't be a problem lifetime guests sales there it is boys 236 so closing the park and reopening it definitely helped us out there that's looking so so much better just for lulz I do kind of want to go on the coaster again it's been a minute since we've been on here and we are off I'm seriously so proud of this coaster you guys so proud of this thing I think it just turned out phenomenal I love how it goes through the ascendance queue now too I think that looks really nice up and around go 14 miles per hour up that thing that's nuts it's it's subtle it's very chill but at the same time everybody loves it it's super fast I just want to see what would happen if we were to do some marketing campaigns we can do three at a time ideal for larger parks we're not exactly a large park you know what let's do the larger park ones let's do three of these I'm gonna turn off auto-renew I just want to try this once if we stand right here and hit fast-forward let's see how many people start flooding into here with those advertisements out there oh yeah dude here they come look at all of these people that's insane we're gonna go from 1,600 to like 3,000 in a matter of seconds I can't believe the advertisements work that well look at the amount of people here we're gonna need a second entrance why would you not go through an alternate entrance that literally makes no sense huh that's really really strange you would think people would want to use that well in that case we're not doing that okay we'll stick with one entrance then I don't know why that would matter at all all right challenge is we had a profit challenge achieve a monthly profit of a thousand bucks what do they think we are chumps that's pocket change all right do we McGwire I'd say you're set dude you're ready to go help keep the park clean I can't believe that we would need that many janitors this park really isn't that large granted everything is pretty well spread out but it's also pretty well condensed I think I've seen a couple of other people make parks that are much much smaller than this much more densely populated with with rides but I like the flow of this I think having these main paths here that split off I think that's a good thing we definitely need to get people starting to go down this other path over here so maybe we could do another flat ride maybe another coaster actually that's a pretty good idea help people get down the other main strip all right research ready to be revealed let's see what we got going on here summit and plummets what does this one actually called in descent that one looks cool pinnacle of speed the zenith best dope it only holds eight people per car though that's kind of weak 420 blaze it has broken down the F 25 that one actually looks like a like an older BMW that's pretty sweet all right let's refurb 420 blaze it once more but there is a ton more stuff that I want to do to this park if you guys have any suggestions feel free to leave it down in the comments below but I do think that is going to do it for this episode if you guys did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 12,307
Rating: 4.9380803 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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