Planet Coaster - Ep. 22 - The Splash Zone

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this is episode 22 now on the series in the last episode we made this monstrosity it well actually we didn't make it I basically just kind of showed you guys what I had been working on yesterday morning so this is the raging river it is our first official water ride in the park now I did get a suggestion that in the outskirts area this new zone over here that I should try to maybe incorporate a couple of different water rides so we started off doing the overpowered right here the Opie and it is technically a water ride I know no one's writing it right now I can I can fix that we'll change this back to full load there we go so now people should actually be able to get on that but it's kind of a water ride in that it splashes you as you go around it and yadda yadda yadda so we only have two water rides over here so far today what I think we're gonna be doing is adding our third and I have kind of an idea of how I want to do this but I'm not a hundred percent sure that it's even gonna work so you guys may remember in the last episode we added this little food court area right here and it's pretty cool we got a little staff room right there but on the back side I don't know if you guys notice this but we did have a path that started to go through the mountain so what I did off-camera is added a couple of Lights in here to sort of brighten up the area and it comes through to the center right here of the mountain so what I'm thinking about doing guys is putting a coaster inside of the mountain but to do that we're gonna have to flatten out quite a bit of the terrain here this is gonna be a weird one that's for sure guys I hope you guys are ready to see what this thing's gonna look like so now what I want to do is grab the smooth tool the lighting in here is pretty terrible but I'm gonna grab the smooth tool and just come around the edges where it used to be rough and try to smooth it out a little bit make it look not so jagged and I'm gonna do this one a little bit differently actually I think I'm gonna start off by making a cue okay I think we'll finish it off there that looks like a pretty good size cue I think a lot of people are gonna ride this thing I don't know for sure but the idea in my head is pretty solid guys so you may have seen me messing around with this in a previous episode I don't remember if I left that part in or not however this is a roller coaster that's both coaster and sort of log flume type of rides so I think it'll be a pretty good fit for this area okay so this thing's going to auto tunnels so once we are complete with the ride I'm gonna have to come through with a couple of lights and make sure that everything is well lit so this thing isn't just rolling around in complete darkness the entrance is gonna go right here and the exit will go right over here I think right there should be a good spot for it and then we'll do a nice little ramp right there that should work perfectly for our exit I don't want to do anything too crazy but I want this thing to be pretty fun so let's go ahead we're gonna go sixty degrees straight up we have to keep in mind we are going to come in contact with Pelican at some point we could also come in contact with Acrobat over there so I'm gonna make this a really really big 60-degree incline here it's gonna come all the way up through the mountain and then we'll have it back off right about there and this section will go back to zero we'll make that as short as we can there we go so this will be the first drop of the ride now I don't want it to be a water ride just yet because we're on the outside the water ID will be on the inside the outside over here I'm gonna try to make an actual coaster so now we're on technically the inside of the area so what I want to do here is start the boat so we want a channel entry right here and then this is gonna be the conveyor belt lift wow this thing's crazy conveyor belt lift exits oh I got it okay so this thing can't go down it can just go putzing around so let's try to just sort of weave in and out of this area a little bit we'll do a 90 around here and then right here we'll start the conveyor belt chain lift place that down there so this is gonna bring the boat out of the water and back into a coaster I believe if we want it to it'll just be a coaster again I don't really know if it's gonna have enough speed for this so I'm gonna start a test we're gonna have to play it out here but I want to see Oh gonna have to change the speed of this over here - aren't we change that to 14 there we go and then this chain lift over here this we want to be 14 miles per hour as well oh my god you're kidding it was so close oh man okay so we have to make that a little bit steeper if we do something like that this might work it also might suck so let's go ahead get the first raft up here there we go first raft coming down carries a little bit of speed Oh get there come on yes dude that's perfect alright so now it's just a boat and the boats gonna go through the water here there's no way that this thing just doesn't rust out over time because you got the roller-coaster section underneath the actual boat it's got to be just one rusty pile of crap dude okay there we go perfect that's all I needed to know it made it to this point so we're gonna back this up this we're gonna have super shorts we're gonna do a 45 degree turn at a twenty two point five degree angle and we're gonna run this underneath of the staircase and then at this point this will be the splash down section so at a 45 degree angle it's gonna come in pretty hot this will be fairly long and then shorten it up to right about there we'll put the splashdown end right here this is gonna be a pretty long ride you guys it's already looking crazy wait what happened over here what okay well that fixed that I don't know why that was broken back up to zero back down 11.25 we're gonna have this be a little bit of a hilly section nothing crazy just a good exciting section of track here right here I want to start bringing it back up not very high and now we can do the channel entry at the top of the chain lift alright I just want to test this thing out to see if it can even get to the point where we are right now so let's go ahead and fast forward here so this is the first section it should be pretty quick through here should have decent excitement up until you get to this top point gently drop itself into the water trough and it'll start working its way around here this is just to get people you know acclimated with what the rides gonna be like now coming around here it'll go back up the conveyor and then start its first technical descent tear into the splash zone that looked good back up and then we got this kind of wavy section of track here excitement's not very high through there it's kind of upsetting up and over its gonna go back into some water here and then it'll go around this bit again excitements not anything crazy nothing to write home about it'll go up the chain lift here and start going down again hopefully gets a little bit faster through there there we go that's looking good okay so at this point it needs another drop that's the one thing that it's missing okay I changed my mind I don't want this area at all even this little loop this is weak dude it needs to be way more enjoyable than this and this little wavy bit right here like what was that that was so wack it had like I don't know was it a - I think it was a 1 on the excitement scale which is not good so let's see if it can do this should be pretty easy oh yeah dude that's perfect a really really long section of track here going down at a 45 back up to zero I'm gonna click pause again so we don't keep getting interrupted and then we're gonna turn this a 67.5 around the bend here and at this point I think we're going to take it back up 60 degrees and then start to bring it back down to zero right here back to a regular piece of track go down just slightly at a 45 degree turn and we're gonna take this thing right over top of the water raft look at that right to the end and then we'll have it go down just a little bit more at a 45 degree turn go back to zero we're gonna have it go over the top of the Pelican that looks good back it off to a zero again and now down here at the base we're gonna do another incline make it drop back to zero we'll do a regular section of track here down just a tad do a little windy section through here I've never done anything like this at just the really slight incline so I'm curious to see what it does okay and now back to this point this is where I want it to get crazy dude I want it to almost look like it's gonna hit and then start the splash zone and go can we go underneath do you think no so we could do the splash zone up here start it there and then we'll run it all the way across to our little chain drive yet again back to a normal chain drive and we'll go back up the the side of the mountain here up to the very top and we'll start the channel entry we'll just work our way this way and now we'll do a slight decline on some normal track and we're gonna turn it this way do a 60-degree plummet at a 45 degree angle go straight down right here actually we're gonna have to go this way a little bit the problem I'm running into right now is that I don't know where the end is so I'm gonna bring just a regular actually we'll probably have to do some Drive tires I'm gonna bring some Drive tires out this direction with an auto tunnel of 15 feet there we go can we do splash here okay we could do splash up here at a slight angle make this look nice and long like it needs to be then the end and let's see if we can't do let's do the belt exit and can we just get some simple autocomplete here ooh doesn't look like there's anything simple about it that's not gonna work so we need a little bit of a decline here but not much more of a turn than anything else get it to turn in like this it can't really figure anything out which is upsetting it's trying it just doesn't really know what to do there we go that looks a lot nicer so we'll finish that out let's test this thing dude I'm really curious to see how this is gonna perform so all of these chains we're gonna have to make sure they're on 14 miles per hour all right it's getting our ride camera here hopefully this is cool you guys okay so this is our first drop up bent over just barely makes it to the top here and this is where it'll plop us in the water make our way around and then this will be the first splash zone drop oh my god it's not like crazy right now but just the fact that we're above a mountain and it looks the way it does that part is crazy down and up okay and then back down around to a chain take us up to the top and then this should be pretty gradual shouldn't carry a ton of speed I don't know we might have to we might have to adjust this section here depending on what our ratings are that seems a bit boring through there we're only go in 32 miles an hour I thought we'd have a lot more speed than this honestly back up here the excitement's gonna start dropping back down and this is where it gets a little unrealistic I don't think anyone would have this here we'll see what the excitement does not really a whole lot people actually start to get bored right here and then we have this 60 degrees straight down to a splash zone and back up that was pretty good excitement through there about a seven up to the top back in some water so the water is going to take it all the way around I guess we're not trying to make a super exciting ride right it just has to be a water ride that's the only criteria for this area and then this whoa okay Wow an excitement of ten beer is really high though I guess we'll just see what our results are I don't know what to think about that last part stop test we're gonna say we're done editing it ah the exit got moved shoot it's an 8 36 you guys that's actually really good I want to see how many trains we can add because I want all of them 20 trains on a standard operation and the ride colors you guys I think I'm gonna keep them the same I'm content with this even the operator color it kind of goes along with the same theme this could be a problem I did not think about this this area right here may have to become a chain ok can we still have 20 trains on it no seriously I hardly changed anything if I go back to the way it was oh my god oh no I hope everything's saved ok oh hey we got some challenges have 24 people visit your hotels for two months in a row claim have 44 people visit your restaurant for 1 month in a row claim Oh autosave you are a good person ok give me just a second here ok so I guess we are going to just be stuck with 16 trains instead of the 20 that we had originally but that's ok 16 is still plenty so now we just have to let this thing test out one more time now the ride itself is pretty big it's probably one of the biggest rides that we have in the park right now even bigger than the raging river that we added in the previous episode so all the trains are gonna come through or not fantastic I'll be back ok let's try that again so I made this section over here chain wait a minute and now we can only do 5 what if we change it to block section ok we could do 7 I guess we could try 7 of them so long as nothing gets stuck anywhere we should be nope can't do it can't do it god this thing really got messed up you guys ok so it is an 841 I think it was in the sixties something 860 something last time so 841 divided by 35 would be $24 and 2 cents so we will charge 24:02 for this thing we are still fast-forwarding so we'll see if anyone starts to come over here to line up to write it now right well I do think that is going to do it for this one you guys if you did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 6,856
Rating: 4.9162302 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: 3V7LT7DjVf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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