Planet Coaster - Ep. 23 - I'm Flying! Jack!

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this is episode 23 now on the series in the last episode we built this the splash zone and yes I did forget to name it in the previous one but it's really not that great and honestly guys this one kind of pissed me off a little bit we started out with 20 trains on the ride you can see it splashing over right here we dropped it back down to 16 and then I did a little bit more editing and then it all of a sudden was only five I tried seven but it didn't actually complete a full pass of the ride so I'm just gonna leave it I'm not gonna touch it it's just gonna stay the exact same way that it is right now I guess and we'll just live with it but that was kind of a fail if you guys were wondering why the episode was much shorter than it probably should have been I bet I was recording for actually I know I was recording for at least two hours on that one and the episodes only about 14 15 minutes long so if that tells you how much I actually had to cut out of me either just not talking or trying to figure out like troubleshoot what was wrong with this thing but but on a lighter note we do have a couple of things to go over here stuff that I did off-camera starting off over here at pathos the cue scenery rating for this was like 8% or something really low so I bumped it up just a little bit but there's honestly not much more I can do over here in the way of adding you know plants and things like that but people are starting to line up for it a lot more than they were previously the queue scenery rating is an 82% with a prestige of 649 now another thing that I added you guys might notice this is a block section on to tornado king coaster what are you doing up here dude there's literally no one up here you can't get in there I guess he's just waiting for people to exit the ride and the queue was getting all the way back up to the entrance and I was like god how can I you know how can I improve this so I just added a simple single block section I tried it with three trains and for whatever reason it didn't work I think it's probably because I have the block sections to close right here now we at least have two trains so by the time the first one leaves the second one comes back in drops off all of the passengers and then let's new people on and by the time that exchange happens the first coaster that went should be coming right back into the block section so much much more efficient here yeah dude this thing has brought us in 12,000 dollars almost 13,000 dollars in the last month our money situation is kinda hurtin a little bit with the running costs for the splash zone and the Rapid River is that what we raging river jeez I'll never get that name right so although this is arguably our coolest looking area it's not our most profitable unfortunately maybe that'll change once they hit the classic status something else new that I don't think I mentioned yet is we added a little bit of scenery over here behind the Opie the overpower this one same thing not making us a whole lot of money bumper cars have been vacant for quite a while for whatever reason so what we have to do guys is try to get a little bit more traffic over into the outskirts area over here the only entrance into this area would be this path here as well as this path here so I think what we're gonna do today is a little bit of redemption obviously the splash zone not exactly what I wanted to do over here at all but like I said we're just gonna leave it so we are going to be adding another roller coaster over in this side of the park to hopefully drive a little bit more foot traffic over into the outskirts I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is just yet I'm just gonna grab it of this building so if you guys do remember this one we had to edit to make it larger so we could actually fit the base of the Pelican inside of it all the other ones are fairly small like Acrobat tornado Thunder so I'm going to duplicate the Pelican building drag it all the way over here just to an open area so we can kind of play with it a little bit I don't have a name prepared for this thing so we're gonna have to figure that out maybe at a later date or maybe I can think of something on the fly but that never ends well that's how we ended up with the name Pelican even though it's a stork so since this is supposed to be our water area we don't have any more water coasters to use but we do have this ride if you can kind of get a good look at it right there I'll place it down and get a better look at the actual coaster itself here in a second but this one is called the Stingray so it's a flying coaster basically here I'll show you how the the sequence works basically you sit down in it upright like this the latches come down over your shoulders and you go up like that you're literally flying like this thing's gonna be absolutely wild Oh huh well that's weird I was under the impression that we were gonna need a wider area that's awkward so I'm gonna set this down right over here just for a minute we're not gonna edit the track or do anything like that just yet right now I have to try to figure out how to get it inside of the coaster station that we've built so first I'll line up the front section of it I think about there should be good make sure it's equal with the rear now we can adjust the height the height is probably the easiest part you just try to get it up above the little joist right here perfect you know what I think I already got a name guys stinger instead of stingray it could work so we got stinger on this side let's go ahead and edit this sign over here as well and we only had to change four letters that's how you know it's meant to be right there we'll change the colors later on as well but for now we're gonna stick with the red white and gray okay let's go ahead and get this thing into position so we're gonna select the coaster what I don't know what I just did that's weird okay so we have the building selected we need to select the ride and the building so I guess we'll just do a big selection like that all right that might have to do of course now that I turned off angle snap I can't really tell what's straight and what isn't so I'm just gonna leave it and we'll place it down so that will be the resting place for our coaster and I think that'll work out pretty dang well now that we've done that let's come up here and place our entrance always right there in the exit up here so we have the exit pretty close to on pretty much all of these coasters actually we have the exit fairly close to the operator which is good because then the mechanics can get to the operator station fairly easily all right entrance is looking too solid let's go ahead and go into operations here will change the men Rider load to full load turn off the waiting time departure time I've been doing five seconds and then checking don't block section so I don't know if that does anything at all but we're giving it a shot here I want this right there and then we'll do the exit over here in the corner all right I guess that looks pretty good it's not as round as I wanted it to be but that's all right so we have our priority entrance we have our main cue entrance and we have our exit all figured out I think it's time to get down and dirty with this bad boy this is gonna be crazy you guys okay so in edit track this is where it's gonna get interesting guys I've never messed around with a coaster like this before it's normally a safe bet just to start going straight up or as as straight up as you can this one's only sixty degrees so we'll do a chain lift up and then drop this back down to zero so that'll be our first climb this thing's gonna look kind of weird out here all by itself and we are going to drop this thing 90 degrees straight down curve it back in 180 you think that'll work because at this point you'd be laying on your back I feel like this would be really dangerous all right I gotta test this out just to see if it could even do this and I want ride view camera actually hang on a second before we test it we do have to change the chain lift speed to 14 miles per hour there we go and then let's go to ride camera oh that's weird right cameras not working probably just because we're mid edit I guess so when it comes all the way up to the top guys keep in mind you are literally facing straight down right here so it's gonna drop that's the slowest thing I've ever seen why is it going 9 miles an hour I'm not like slow mode or anything you guys that was seriously the drop I don't understand did it get messed up somehow well bring it back up to the top that was so weird yeah there we go Wow okay hey it works phears pretty high but it works we might keep it we're probably gonna end up changing it later on but we'll keep it you think they'll have enough speed to do a loop I highly doubt it Oh nope can't do it I'm gonna go up 45 degrees and back down to zero we'll see if it can get up this high and survey says it can it's slow but it can do it and now at this point we're gonna go 45 degrees down again to 90 to 135 so now everyone will be upside down here at this point I'm just gonna let this thing sort of go around wherever it wants to go and we'll just sort of see what it does all right can it do that though it does carry a lot of speed down that slope there up and around down and around this bit it seems to want to keep climbing which is awesome let's go ahead and place that down there we'll make this go back to zero all right will it get up to the top you guys oh yeah dude it's got that like it's nothing that's sick you guys this is easily the most intense coaster I've made so far and it can't figure out how to autocomplete so we're gonna have to help it out there okay so starting from the back of the track over here we're gonna see if there's some way we can get this thing to actually come into the station so far it's not looking so good guys oh is it because of the sign if we go into settings here guys go into disable coaster collision resumed does that help no disabled scenery collision coz of the sign that didn't help oh yes it did alright okay so I'm gonna make this really really long we're gonna turn it let's do a 90 right there and now let's see if they can do an autocomplete oh yeah no problem okay guys this will be the maiden voyage of the stinger this is already pretty crazy like the first drop it just propels you enough to get around the whole rest of the track so now we're just upside down oh this is weird dude so I guess you wouldn't be looking up like this you'd be looking like this this is so scary oh my god this is fast it does slow down a good bit though god the fear so high dude there's no way people are gonna ride this so this is the first attempt to you guys of trying to do something with this coaster if it doesn't end up working out you try to figure something else out I guess get a little bit more speed tipsy buck is now playing sdk-based 2007 if you guys don't know what that is that would be roleplay would be GTA RP your ride exceeds g-force limits okay well I kind of figured that would happen so I'm gonna select the entire track here get rid of it try something else and I'll see you guys when I'm finish with that [Music] all right you guys so I tried to sort of envision like a stingray swimming along through the ocean doing its stingray thing you know so just keep that in mind while we go around here so the initial drop not much changed except from going the opposite direction now very very fast through here extremely fast actually fear and excitement sort of hide just on the initial section but wait till you guys see the end section here so we have that little pretzel loop that's the first one there's two pretzel loops in this coaster gained a bunch of speed here up and around through another pretzel loop which has pretty good excitement high on the fear but not too much around this corner and this is where it starts to get in that sort of swimming motion of a stingray you guys can see it's going up and down and up and down moving along through the water here another little section right here around the bend last little section here people really like this the excitement is through the roof little break section to a block section and then back in to the station here so let's see what we got a seven point six eight that's actually pretty good for us this is one of our better performing coasters I'm actually kind of nervous to see our prestige on this one 12:31 boys 1231 that's insane that is our best coaster ever by far and it looks pretty good too even like if you were walking up from the front and you saw this thing you'd be like I want to go on that like this thing is perfect I would do a little bit of math but I'm not quite ready for that just yet we do have to go into operations change this to block section because I did add a block section over here just two trains on this one guys don't get all worked up in the comments section full load all of that's turned off everything right there looks good let's go ahead and test it out with two trains this time two trains oh my god that was lame what why is it what what's going on I'm so confused I was just said you're waiting for the test to play out and the coasters stuck at the top here and this one's down at the bottom I think we need another block section whoops this little friction break section I'm gonna turn into a block section I don't think these are probably spread out enough target speed 14 release rate 8 release acceleration for D cell 20 meters per second is this one the same thing there we go okay it should be able to do it now I know you need at least two block sections if you're going to have two trains running at a time there we go now this one's gonna go into the station okay hopefully it doesn't get stuck at the top again nope we're good if we go to results I want to see with the fastest time oh wait a second it's just gonna go oh that's crazy we could probably do like three then dang dude I didn't know that I didn't really envision this being a hold section up here but I guess if it wants to do that that's fine okay maybe once the other one pulls into the station the chain will continue in it'll fall there we go okay that's good news see if our prestige changed at all nope still 1231 that's perfect we're gonna open this thing up so for the math it'd be 1231 divided by 35 that's 35 dollars and 17 cents you guys that's nuts yes it does cost an arm and a leg but most of our visitors have been pretty willing to pay whatever we asked them to pay okay now for the ride colors I'm not gonna change it up too much but I am going to increase the intensity of each color and just make sure that it is as bright and as popping as it can be so we get a nice purple here we'll leave that still purple the blue I want to be a little bit more of a light blue something like that should look good and this is dark blue I think let's leave that as a dark blue something like that ought to do oh yeah dude that looks sick that looks so cool okay so I'm gonna use those same colors to color the signs out front here so we'll do purple outside like a light blue teal inside for the lettering and then we'll do a blue trim around the letters I think that should look pretty nice Oh guys I just realized something I think we have two of these buildings here because if I delete something it's still there that's not good okay we're gonna have to do this over in that case so I'm gonna try to do this as carefully as I can I'm going to select this whole thing deselect the ride delete oh god it looks so bad now and we'll grab thunder now the good news is we should be able to rotate this thing around with angle snap turned on to match that same angle I think nope looks like it's a little different okay give me a second here boys okay I think it's back to looking how it did before I'm pretty sure I don't know it looks close enough but anyways now I have to go through and edit all these letters again okay after many many many hours the deed is finally done we have new signs out front of the stinger actually did I call this stinger I want it the stinger there we go okay for the track Keller I don't hate this I don't hate it at all the light blue needs to be a little bit less bright and this blue I think I'm just gonna change to the dark blue that we have on the coaster whoo this changes a lot though purple could be cool for the track and red for the supports is that too much you think now there's no such thing as too much you guys so for the operator colors we will go ahead and adjust those accordingly we'll do red hats purple shirt blue shorts and dark blue belt in shoes does that look dumb yeah it looks pretty dumb but they can look them that's okay and then let's go over to this lady right here do the same thing there we go and the ticket handler perfect they look horrible all right so Thunder has broken down we will let him mechanic get out to there when he can to understand a good coaster man it just keeps getting better Acrobat insanity all those are broken down alright so now we have to go over to our planet coaster sign this thing is about full I think yeah this will make it 50 me selecting stinger right there confirm that that way people can see the advertisements about it and they'll know where to find it and then the last thing we're gonna do is over here at the information booth starts to get real frame ready when you have a lot of stuff select we will add that to the info booth as well and there we go let's go ahead and fast forward here make sure people actually come up to write it I am curious to see if the foot traffic gets a little bit thicker oh yeah it looks like a couple more people are starting to come to the right over there and quite a few more people over here to the left it's gonna take a while you know it's gonna take a while it's not gonna be an immediate thing but man this is one sweet sweet coaster I want to get a better view on how this actually works to this whole like flipping mechanism here so you do just sit straight up and down like a regular coaster and then it rotates you up whoa well that was way too fast I forgot I was in fast-forward there there we go we got some more people on it but let me know what you guys think of course if you would have done anything differently on this coaster I'm pretty proud of it I'm gonna be honest it's one of the better coasters that we've made it's the most I would say quote-unquote realistic coaster that we've made so far so now that we finally built a decent coaster here in the park I do think I'm going to leave things off here if you guys did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 12,533
Rating: 4.9737706 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: 93uYDb8HOIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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