Planet Coaster - Ep. 19 - Bumpin' Uglies

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this episode 19 now on the series in the last episode we created this ride right here the Pelican which is not a pelican at all it's actually a stork I don't know why I called it a pelican I'm assuming because I saw the giant beak on the front and I just sort of said it was a pelican but still a good name for the ride if we were to call it the stork we wouldn't be able to fit that on the sign the sign has to be seven letters we could of course shorten it to just a few what a stork five that's that five letters but I didn't really see the need to do that so what we're gonna be doing today is we are going to be adding a another ride which I'm sure the thumbnail shows what we're gonna be doing there but we're also going to be getting rid of looper and I think I may adjust the Pelican just slightly I'm not sure yet that might be an episode at a later date but you guys know this little block section not exactly what you're supposed to do here you should be placing the block sections around the track not all in one big group like they are here and like they are over here on the Acrobat so we will change that I just don't know if that's gonna be this episode or maybe another one later on but this ride right here looper sucks literally no one wants to ride it and I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that we don't get a ton of foot traffic over here because the swings of death or Sundance has a pretty good cue people do line up for this ride and really quick I do want to show you guys this look at that this thing at night looks so dang cool it's got lights all the way up to the top and I just really really love this it looks like a big neon sign I think that is so sweet but anyways I think we're just gonna go ahead and get rid of looper I mean look at this people walked by it all the time no one wants to ride this thing it has a great Q scenery wait a second what ah the wear and tear is down completely maybe that's why no one's writing it hang on a second let me get a mechanic out here and we'll see if this changes anything I never noticed that I never noticed that maybe that's the reason why people don't write it though well it only has a prestige of 580 which isn't the best and no one no one even says anything about it multiple rides are broken down uh-oh okay Sundance for starters we'll do a refurb on Sundance the Pelican broke down and kickflip broke down so we'll get a refurb on all three of those but even still after we did the refurb it doesn't look like that helped at all so we're gonna go ahead and hit pause here and I think we're just gonna straight-up delete this thing boom gone alright so we still have the priority queue over here I don't think that should go away just because we deleted it but I do have an idea for a ride that we can put here that's too big that's not the one the Hellion Ring I think this will be the perfect fit over here so we just have to line this up kind of in the same place that looper was in if I can get this to work there we go something like that ought to do now we just have to place the entrance in a similar location will do the entrance right there and the exit will be over here we will have to delete this path I think maybe not maybe we can just do that I don't really care for this little bit there but that's okay no one else but me will see that well and you guys but hopefully you guys don't care either so we're gonna make the station or the area that it's in we'll make that wood and then let's figure out this cue I think we use 13 foot wide paths here so let's bring that out one more and then we can connect it up just like that all right what is our oh that's not good 387 how can we improve that because cue scenery rating is a hundred percent let's go into operations we'll change this to full load change the min and the max get rid of that enable the priority queue and we'll turn it on high priority that's all looking good so we have a couple of animations here let's see what all we can do forward loop backward loop swing and swing stall we'll test this out maybe that'll be a little bit better just changing that a little bit it was like 380 something to begin with so we'll go ahead and play this out and we'll see what happens while the ride is goin we could customize it god super high broke down geez 682 bucks to fix that thing teabags broke down literally all of our rides break down at least every five minutes now just because yep there goes another skies we'll refurb that but they all break down just because most of them are in the sort of classic status let's see the prestige on that now 542 so it went up slightly let's see what could we possibly do to get the excitement up a little bit go into sequence again I wish this had the sort of heat map that we could put excitement on here like we do with the coasters we could just make the ride a little bit longer we have quite the queue out here so let's add four more sequences will do another forward loop backward loop swing and swing stall or stall swing Jesus I'm Dyslexic and then we'll well test this out and hopefully that does a little bit better this rides wild dude I don't think I would want to go on this I feel like it'd make me way too nauseous I don't really love going in loops loops on coasters totally cool but loops on on something like this just a constant loop I don't think so alright we got two notifications skies has been fixed super-high has been fixed I think that is everything we needed there so I totally forgot to mention this you guys I'm gonna go regular simulation speed here off camera just before I started the recording I did add a new path over here you guys may remember we have the exit path over here for Pelican which is actually a stork just go out to here and then it sort of followed this a little bit and curved back over into the larger path well I got rid of that and I did a large 33 foot path from here all the way around behind Sundance behind formerly looper now the Hellion ring behind this and all the way back over to the main path that we had at like the end of episode 4 or episode 5 something like that so now everything does flow a little bit better there was a pole here from the chairlift right in the middle of the path and it wouldn't go away so I edited the chairlift a little bit and just added two poles instead of one to get that thing out of middle of the path let's go over here it looks like the test is done did it make it worse it made it worse wait no it didn't it's 496 now and how long does it take doesn't it show us somewhere how long it takes to actually complete two hundred and fifty three seconds so really not that bad what are these rides over here 154 kickflip I know is pretty long 236 insanity 147 I'm not mad about the length I think the length will be okay at 253 that seems to be about the average around the whole park so let's go ahead and open this thing up maybe people will actually ride this sucker now we do need to do a little bit of quick maths here 496 divided by 35 is 14 dollars and 17 cents so we will charge 14 14 17 we could do 14 flat but I like to add a little bit of change in there I've been challenged to reach a million dollars in the park now and I said that that was super easy also to the gentleman that commented I still don't know if your name is Kyle rim or Kyler I like Kyler I am anyways that's beside the point you can let me know which is which but he challenged me to make a million bucks in the park and I said that was super easy and then he came back and said let's make it a billion now a billion is gonna take me a long long time a long periodically time so I think I will shoot for a million I think a billion is probably a little out of our reach here 926 for a refurb on thunder that is definitely worth it that's one of our best coasters because it doesn't have a block section unlike these two over here everyone hates sitting look at their faces if you can see them they're all like exhausted from just sitting look at these guys they're gonna come back super happy and wait for it it's not gonna take long boom sadness everywhere everyone is pissed insanity broke down that doesn't need to refurb that like just happened oh wait a second yes it does yeah that's really bad there we go insanity is one of our worst there so it looked like a couple of people were walking in to the Hellion ring I'm going to call this one the Circle why does circle look so weird is that not how you spell that anyways circle of death and destruction now we'll just do death okay perfect and I actually you know what I think the colors are probably okay we might be able to adjust the flames on the side so there's no blue in there let's see what does this change that's the blue so maybe we make that orange change that to orange the red of course we'll still have red but it'll be bright red the orange here ooh let's do that God white looks pretty dope let's do white there and then this orange will be yellow it looks more like a fire now right it goes red hot in the center orange to the outside and then yellow on the tips we could also do blue tipped fire as if we have like some copper in there I don't know that doesn't look bad I kind of like the yellow though let's let's just stick with the yellow all right operator colors we'll just do a same or a similar thing here a same thing god I'm an idiot does that look good oh dang dude look at the the golden shoes gold belt these people gonna Rock some Gucci and we just have to change the ticket handler alright everyone over here is set let's fast forward a little bit see if we can't get a couple more people in here so we can at least get the ride to move we do have it set for full load so it's not gonna go anywhere until the full train car is all filled up with people we're on year 22 now guys we have five hundred and sixty-five thousand bucks and we are actually surprisingly enough making money on our shops and facilities now we're at 4,700 bucks twenty-eight thousand for rides and tickets and we are losing nineteen thousand on the park management and that's because we have we got a research to reveal we have these going at all times now all of these market what is what is this called it's just marketing duh all of these marketing campaigns are just steady moving so we've spent or I guess we're spending fifteen thousand dollars a month on the actual marketing cost lifetime we've spent four hundred and forty seven thousand dollars on marketing so if we didn't spend the money on the marketing I feel like maybe we'd already be at a million but that's okay we can let this run out over here under research let's go ahead and reveal that new coaster the Enigma that one looks cool actually I sort of dig that the last one that we had was the steepest drops or something and that actually looked pretty dope to go into custom it is called the atheon a thon but anyways it's huge it fits a ton of people and I'm sure with a block section that would look even more BA because I don't swear on the channel here all right now for the reason you're all probably here let's make sure all of these are good to go sweets looking good we're gonna be adding some bumper cars and I think we're gonna put these since there's honestly no space anywhere else in the park we've kind of filled it up I think we're gonna put these over here so let's go under rides sort by price high I think it's further at the bottom the bump and Derby not very high on the excitement nauseas pretty solid let's go ahead and rotate this sucker around here and let's just put this as close up to the main path as we can without it looking too weird and just in the corner just like that I think that looks perfect alright entrance oh shoot where do we want to put the entrance so people are gonna flood in it looks like they can just run on anywhere I don't think there's a proper like cue line once you get into the ride so let's go ahead and just put the entrance over here and the exit about there looks pretty Center so the only problem is I don't know if this will work we'll try it we'll see if people can actually exit this thing anyways we will start over here turn an angle snap back on with the cue now I think I'm just gonna do something real simple here I don't want to get it too crazy we'll do that and then have the entrance come off of right there perfect all right now without a test let's see what the prestige is at 2:55 that's really really low cue scenery rating is as a 10% decrease here we can fix that later on not super worried there all right now for the coloring of this thing white looks bad but it probably only looks bad because of the accent colors oh this changes the cars this is how we color the cars well in that case I want to G colors over here what do we think about that also the pink looks more like a purple but I think that's just the way it's gonna be and the the yellow adds like a green tint to it so it's not gonna be the prettiest thing in the world but at least we'll have some 2g colors on the top I guess that looks nice and then let's do the operator colors where's yet oh he's covered anyways no one's even gonna see him bumper car medley okay so let's make this obviously we have to do full load but I want to make it as long as possible without it taking forever so let's bring the priority queue off of this section here and the exit for that will do as close to the front as we can right there looks good all right well just connect these two up and we should be ready to rock and roll here there we go connect that there and that is the priority queue finished let's go ahead and open this up actually you know what before we do that there's only two sequences right out the gate so I'm gonna add a fourth I'm gonna add two more to make four well test this out fast-forward through its get our test dummies in there bumping around it was like a 250 something I think from the start so maybe adding two more sequences it'll be a little bit better I can only hope all right stop the test let's see what our prestige is now 421 that's better I'm gonna stick with that I don't want the ride to be too long to the point of where the queue is full at all hours of the day so let's do 420 1/35 1202 twelve dollars and two cents there we go all right let's open this thing up and we'll see if people start to go over here 420 blaze it has broken down alright now let's do the advertised destinations of course this should get us to 49 no that is 50 ok so we actually oh duck as we deleted looper we had to add the heli and ring back in there so there we go that is all of the advertisements we're gonna be able to do for that sign now over here at the information booth we're going to have to advertise the whole park once more select everything that's 49 out of 50 confirm that all right and tornado broke down oh hammer time broke down that's fine tornado broke down that's also fine I don't want to take away from the other work rosters that we have so I think I'm just gonna have to make a new one and since it is in the northwest I'm just gonna call it the Northwest West let's reveal this research we have the torque coaster that is a new coaster daredevil dragster and flawless design let's get going on both of these for 3,000 a month there we go many many coasters yet to be added to the park we have a ton more room around here so let's go into work rosters we're gonna create a new one and as of right now it's just going to be this ride insanity broke down again okay so this will be the Northwest West area I don't know what else to call these work rosters guys it's just gonna be the Northwest West so for this area okay scoop do loop to hoopty everything is breaking down the circle of death has broken down no mechanic is signed to refurbish oh that's right okay so before I get too far ahead of myself the Northwest area we have to add that is this area over here we have to add this in to the selection so we'll have a mechanic available to actually fix this thing yeah it's two minutes overdue its inspection that's probably why it broke down all right but I do want to see if people can actually exit the bumper cars we only got one car that's not being used that's pretty good make your way out of here perfect it does work beautifully done okay now there's nothing else over here so people are just gonna start walking over here solely for the bumper cars so we're gonna add a bathroom block I think over here and we're gonna make this one stupidly similar to all of the other ones that we've done in the past and that is just make a box and put some poles some columns around it and we'll call it a day so we need four of these around the outside and we'll get shoot that's not gonna work is it because we have to get the roof on there first panel roof flats that will go there back in two columns this is where we get the smaller columns here and we get them to stick out just a little bit just like that and that perfect alright so this will be our restroom right here we may also need an ATM but I'll add that later on for now let's just get ourselves a restroom there we go we're gonna be done editing that building for now let's go ahead and grab ourselves an ATM and we'll put this well shoot I wanted to put it at a similar angle but we're gonna have to do a little a little free building here we'll drop that down there and then let's just build around it really quickly shouldn't take too long alright and there we go we got an ATM over here as well now what I'm gonna do is duplicate this building right here and I'm going to place it down right back here now since we already have a restroom block over here I don't exactly want that so let's go ahead and edit the building get rid of the bathroom and we'll add in a staff room because we are going to need a staff room for all of our staff that we're gonna have to add out here there we go alright done deal now it's just a matter of adding more staff staff members can't find you should be able to it seems like we got three two two two we should be fine alright so we are going to need a nother mechanic for out here honestly I could just get another mechanic to come out to this area but we will be adding more rides later on in the future so I don't want to overwhelm one mechanic alright so we'll drop him down here we will grab two more janitors alright don't go very far guys two more security officers or actually yeah let's get let's get two more security officers and we don't need any vendors so we should be good there we may need another entertainer oh shoot so we have Gopi Rex we have chief beef we have cosmic cow we have King coaster let's get captain lockjaw out here he looks pretty cool alright well let them drop to the ground now those two security officers that I added should be able to get to this Security office without a problem so let's go ahead and edit the Northwest West work roster right here so we only have the bumper cars in it right now we're going to select this building here we're gonna select the ATM this bathroom block make sure we still got that elected and the staff building and that should be about all we need out here for the time being so let's go ahead and save that work roster now under our security officers or security guards Waldo Grove and a manual Burdick I promise you I did not change his name that is his birth name 125 125 all right so we're gonna be paying these guys $125 I know they're not fully trained up yet but let's go ahead and make sure that their colors are all good okay now that we have his colors adjusted let's go ahead and make sure that he's gonna do everything we need him to over in the Northwest West area actually you know what we could call this the Northwest Wiest area that's a spongebob reference I'm sure most of you are aware of that all right so Waldo Grove is all set let's go to Emanuel verdict bird you know what I gotta do it guys I've got to do it Emanuel bird dick that is just beautiful all right so the heat that's gonna be his his new birth name and let's change his outfit change his roster to the north west west all right he's all set now for the mechanics I guess I could just be clicking on these guys couldn't I mechanic dude bro brah well no cuz I don't know what we're paying everyone so let's see 200 bucks for the mechanics Harland Wang Wang that's too hard to say it's just gonna be Harlan Wang work Rosser Northwest West white helmets I think it was orange jumpsuit like a prisoner and then it was black accents on his jumpsuit and then I think white gloves I'm pretty I'm pretty sure that's what we do there he should be all set Harlan Wang janitors we got two more of them Hilton Hayden and Joseph Parrish Joe no I'm sorry Joe pay Joe pay Joe Joe's hey I don't know how to say that we're just gonna go with Jose there we go I wish I could get an accent over the e but we'll have to live with that for now so these guys make 125 bucks an hour just like our vendors and will change his work roster to the Northwest West now these guys have different outfits each one is rocking a different so do we have yellow yet I know we have orange I don't know if we have yellow well have him be yellow for now I guess all right that's Jose Parish now let's do Hilton Hayden North West West he will be pink no we already have a pink we already have purple we could do a new color we could try to make like a maroon I guess that'll work all right in entertainers captain lockjaw he's our new one put him on the Northwest West and he makes 200 bucks a month perfect all right let's play this out oh wow we did the we did the janitors dirty that's a gross look dude there we go sorry boys now you look better two barrels right there let's grab some benches will do one two three and one two three there we go all right so this is just the beginning guys of the new addition area I guess to the park hopefully it ends up working out the way I want it to but if you guys did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 8,420
Rating: 4.8851676 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: krXL0xKi1wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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