Plague Inc: Official Scenarios - Frozen Virus (Mega Brutal)

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hello everybody and welcome back to bravas gaming a more plaguing cabal's official scenarios last time we did the artificial organ smash to get 3 bio hazards on that which is pretty fun what's not so fun is moving down to the frozen virus which is actually a really cool scenario but in order to beat it on mega brutal let alone get three stars I am finding that it takes an immense amount of luck and I have frustrated myself with a lot of failed attempts so here's hoping things go a little bit better today a giant virus frozen deep in the Siberian permafrost has thawed and infected an unknown victim dormant for over a thirty thousand years it was less active at a time when mammoths and the and earth awls roamed the world it's ancient genetic structure predates Homo sapiens but DNA has been severely degraded does it have what it takes to send humanity back to the Stone Age well not when I'm at the helm but we're going to give it a shot anyway get out of here please alright so with this particular setup we're going to be sticking with the ATP boost which I have really been enjoying a lot I think you get more DNA overall from the metabolic jump but the ATP boost does quick very rapidly accelerate your disease heading that exponential curve little bit faster so I find this is more likely to lead to the three star score that you're looking for a mega brutal if you're looking for just straight-up more DNA metabolic jump is still pretty good I don't think I would go for the catalytic switch or anything like that dominus I think is a must in this particular case because this scenario costs a lot of DNA especially once you factor in the genetic drift so we're going to have to rely hopefully on mutation working to our advantage in the early game using Darwinist I could go for aqua site and I think that'd be probably alright in fact yeah I would say that that's probably preferable and instead of six stream of file I'm actually going to switch things over to 0 file giving our plague of bonus in the arid climates and also we're going to stick with a paso stasis in this case because there are a lot of abilities and resistances that are needed for this virus to be successful the other alternative would be to go for the trans stasis I think you can make a good argument for that I think you even could make a good argument for the symptom stasis but pathos stasis seems to me to be the most critical of the bunch so we're gonna try this new setup and see how that works out for me and please don't let us be attempt number 14 oh and it's called the pith of iris by the way in case you wanted to know welcome to the frozen virus scenario you are an ancient virus that has been frozen for thirty thousand years repair your damaged DNA to restore traits from your distant past oil drilling in the Siberian permafrost releases you highly resistant to cold you will struggle to infect warmer climates that's why we went for the zero file extrema file is really good in all climates for a very small amounts but zero file is far more effective just in the hot climates which to be honest is where we are easily going to have the most trouble so that's why I went to that ok now starting with the transmissions we have amoeba one mu is susceptible to viral infection and spreads primarily through freshwater and saltwater increasing infectivity we also have access to water which is good in the collection for having a really hard time getting some islands but ideally if you're lucky you don't need this ideally but if you're having a really hard time this could save your game you don't know yet more transmissions will be unlocked as we go symptoms we start off with mandibular strain and drooling and these basically both effects the brain and kind of you know you've become a slack-jawed idiot and if you don't already know enough about the scenario basically the goal is we are going to revert humanity back to Neanderthals there's an ancient prehistoric disease that we know existed during the and earth all at times so we're going to make Homo sapiens disappear and go back to being a bunch of cave-dwelling rocks bumping slack-jawed the end result that's the goal and kind of like the nur X worm if you can get to that point you don't need to kill anybody as long as the world is infected and you can turn them at the nfl's that is a win alternatively we go down a lease ality roots heading through cysts and anemia I don't think we're going to go down this route honestly I find that severity if it gets too high can really screw you over so for now we're going to try to go down for neanderthal now as far as abilities we start off with three levels of cold resistance 30,000 years of surviving beneath layers of ice have completely solidified viruses lipid covering ensuring survival at sub-zero temperatures this means that we have no problems at all spreading through excuse me spreading through Russia scan maybe a Greenland Canada and so on but the warm climates that's going to be a problem now we also have DNA repair level one initial repair of low level protein strands damaged during dormancy restore ancient symptoms and ability to stabilize in warmer environments there are several levels to this which one of the reasons who grabbed the path of stasis because this is absolutely required and each one of these functions as a gating mechanism so as we grab let's say DNA repair level 1 we're going to find oh look more options in the symptoms tree in fact we can go ahead and pick up one of these right now in dental ism severe gum infection cause speed to fall out now that's a lot of severity but it's also a ton of infectivity in the early game which is why I'm grabbing it we also see we have access to amoeba 2 virus manipulates a meeple DNA allowing host amoeba to thrive in warm body parts of animals increasing infectivity and this will lead to several different forms of animal transmission which we will use to our advantage we also unlocked a level of heat resistance and as we continue to work down we'll get drug resistance more heat resistance more symptoms and more transmission options all things we're going to need actually also we get any more transmission options I stand corrected on that one fact check on that I think I'm pretty I'm pretty sure we have all the access to all the transmissions we're going to get at this point and we're going to focus very heavily on the transmission game early on let's grab amoeba level 2 you can see we now have access to Byrd's rafts livestock insect and amoeba 3 which will unlock level 2 of each of these respectively so that's something we'll have to worry about for now we're going to go for rural and the reason being you want to have as much early transmission in your host country as possible in this case Russia which is cold humid and rural rural it also be quite useful as far as getting through Africa and other places like that now we'll go for a level of bird to give it some level of land transmission and then we will go for insect I just saw a pop about rural livestock regulations we already have a level of livestock so I'm hopeful we'll be ok but we will get two levels of it eventually anyway festival of love in Kazakhstan ok not bad not bad let's go for a meal level 3 now one of the problems are starting off in Russia and having terrible heat resistance is that Saudi Arabia ends up effectively being the gateway into the rest of Africa and down to Madagascar and can seriously screw you over if you are not lucky but this whole scenario it's really about speed we need to get around to get as much DNA going as possible as quickly as possible because the genetic drift is going to make everything ridiculously expensive and we are going to get royally screwed over I did go for a level of livestock level to so that we can get our rural transmission going much much faster Saudi Arabia I'm a little bit concerned about I am going to get a level of heat resistance right now just kind of speed things up in Saudi Arabia but no we can Madagascar and the Caribbean are the ones that traditionally have been screwing me over a big time as we get a level of bird transmission level pursuit we also could go for a level of insects again so insect level 2 and that might go out really well for us as well how much does that constant twenty five now in order to beat this on mega brutal I highly recommend knowing how many points you need for the next thing you want to evolve and standing immediately no time can really be wasted this really requires a lot of luck as far as mutations as far as a genetic drift now that's all the transmission we're going to do for a little bit now we are going to focus on getting some new resistances I'm going to start with DNA repair level two this unlocks a drug resistance level one which we will need eventually if we can go for DNA repair level three as well though this will unlock the next level of well slack-jawed I guess as opposed to drilling mental issues this actually has been more severe and lethal this top path but it all adds up to neanderthal here in the middle but if we unlock this next level then we could mutate this and save ourselves from DNA at the same time we also get screwed over and get too much severity and they close down their borders early which has been happening to me a lot lately so yeah I don't know I've been really frustrated with this so far and I don't feel like this I don't feel as much I'm doing wrong I think there's just a lot of luck involved but alright we're gonna go ahead and grab some DNA repair level 3 and another level heat resistance as quickly as we can again just trying to stack that up in Saudi Arabia wherever we can South America I want to get Mexico as infected as possible in Saudi Arabia as infected as possible both have a chance of getting a boat into the Caribbean and Madagascar respectively I'm not saying that the Saudi Arabia can get into the Caribbean that's not my true but yet I mean New Zealand also can be a bit of a problem if we're not careful too so yeah let's be careful about that all right let's go ahead and grab DNA repair level 4 that unlocks drug resistance level 2 which is starting to get progressively more expensive as time goes on we did get in lesions which is very infective DNA repair level 5 will lead to heat resistance level 3 which we also will need that costs 35 DNA see how expensive things are getting right now this is sort of the problem of scenario and by the way they're curing up very fast were already up to 50% it's ridiculous I'm telling you now this is special this is ice resistance pathogen able to survive and spread and clip some crystalline seawater when ice melts increases infectivity by sea and is harder to detect reducing severity increasing infectivity getting it getting us a much better chance to get on to a boat and it's not super duper expensive 24 points as opposed to the 35 before so yeah I'm hoping to use this to great effect before the Caribbean or Madagascar chefs down there ports or New Zealand for that matter and yes those are in fact the three islands that I am currently missing so that's a bit of a problem yeah in the meantime as we're mutating depending on if we get lucky or not we are we're going to get more severity that could kind of screw us over here so I may want to go for a level of water transmission but if they're already at sixty percent cure progress I don't think I can afford it so let's grab carnivorous the den tickle a shoe and I'm hoping that we evolved the bone dysplasia fairly soon we got to the Madagascar that's good can we please get into the New Zealand and into the Caribbean I need those islands in maturity just mutated that shouldn't slow down the Cure a little bit I'm holding on to points right now because I don't want to evolve some lethality that screws me over but I think we have to go for water transmission to increase our odds we got into the Caribbean between please get into zeal and don't let me down don't let me down really really want to get in there right now and go ahead and grow evolve full DNA repair only cost seven points thanks for the path of stasis and that will unlock the ability to get the Neanderthals my only concern is one newsela and to having enough DNA to actually get down there which is a bit of a problem so please get a boat into New Zealand now please please do it please if I go through the Falla D I'm afraid they're going to shut it down but I don't think I have much choice alternatively I go for water too but that's 40 DNA can't afford it it'd have to go for the bone dysplasia lethality we'll get me some more DNA please get a boat please get a boat yeah yes okay okay okay we're missing Morocco but that's okay right now we need to get up our DNA we need cranial elephantitis before the lethality and that will lead to the Neanderthals there has a 90% okay we got into Morocco please mutate mutate for the love of God muting on I can't stand it I can't afford this is what I'm talking about though with the frozen virus you need the mutation to work in your favor and it didn't we got in all the islands and there's the NFL regression so we're still we're still missing a few healthy people I don't think we can reinfect them though Wow actually we mutated all the way up this path instead I've actually never seen that happen huh well technically the cure has been set back I don't think it matters I'm pretty sure people have officially been cured but sure would have been nice wouldn't it wouldn't it be nice if this game didn't hate me there aren't wait there are no healthy people left in the world we did manage to entrie affect those people once I did that genetic reshuffle I think we just won but I don't know if I got three stars at Serie C downer this virus begins to new Neanderthal era every human on earth has regrets physically and mentally to a Neanderthal State Homo sapiens is no more well that's pretty freakin awesome so even though we got to 100% cure and they started fixing people we managed to given the a default regression which once they're all Neanderthals they can't research anything and by doing a genetic reshuffle and buying myself a teensy bit of time we actually made it now here's the thing in order to beat this and get three stars you need to have beaten it within one year if you go beyond 365 days you do not get three stars period so what did I get two stars because it took 397 days at this point I'm just going to go with that because three stars is really freaking difficult now I think the overall strategy that I took will work for you just fine but again it requires one lots of the genetic drift doesn't screw you over to luck to get into the islands before they close their ports and they can close it down very early depending on how the mutation works which leads me to number three mutation mutation mutation you want to save on the BNs all regret the antal regression you want to save on the cranial elephantitis on the bone dysplasia these are things that cost a ton of DNA that you can't really afford so really in the early game it's all about going for that transmission as quickly as you can you want to get let's see what order do we do things first we grabbed a level of the full DNA room the DNA repair then we went for when one of those symptoms but we went for amoeba that we went for rural than birds and insects rural to bird to insect to we use water out of desperation because we weren't getting into some of the islands once we had all the transmission figured out so we could spread as quickly as possible then we started rushing out our resistances as quickly as possible starting with some heat resistance then drug resistance and kind of going back and forth as needed once all that was set it was all about saving your DNA to go for the Neanderthal regression as quickly as possible have the mutation not screwed us up there we might have actually been able to get this within 365 days so I'm slightly missed about that but at the end of the day we won and considering how many attempts I've had to do on this so far and I'm not kidding over a dozen on mega brutal um I'm going to take it I'm just going to work with it we beat it on mega brutal it's pretty good uh and it was a pretty interesting twist getting cured and actually still winning so there you go thank y'all very much for watching I do hope you enjoyed if so then be sure to hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe let me know if you guys have found a better strategy because I'd love to know and I will see you guys next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 748,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Plague Inc (Video Game), Frozen, Virus, official, scenario, guide, walkthrough, mega, brutal
Id: z23vBBNhrnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2017
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