Plague Inc: The Cure - Prion Mega-Brutal Guide

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hello everybody my name is provis and welcome back to more play gank evolved cure mode it's time to move on to the prion and this is the first disease that i've run into that i have been genuinely struggling with like really hard i've done this for about 10 different attempts and only barely beat this on megaboodle one time there's a certain amount of luck involved with this disease and it is really rough do not be surprised that you're gonna have to do a lot of restarts and you will get frustrated the prion is tricky for a couple of reasons first off it is shockingly effective like really really ineffective millions of people will be infected very early on it is the worst i've ever played secondly it has almost a 100 lethality rate we're talking 99.9 so the odds of people recovering is pretty much nil if you get infected you're almost certainly going to die which basically means we have to prevent as much infection as possible asap because if we don't we are going to lose authority extremely quickly due to panic and the number of deaths however one weird quirk to the prion is it has a long incubation time so once somebody gets infected they have a few weeks to live before they basically just conk over dead so you have a bit of time in order to try and lock things down but once you see people dying if you haven't already got yourself in a pretty good position you basically just have to restart my strategy requires that this disease is contained to one continent for the most part and even then it is a rough one if it gets into a second content you might as well just restart i hate giving you guys a luck based strategy here except we're getting into the heart of disease types on mega brutal at some point luck was always going to be a factor this apparently is it now i am going to change my task force a bit we're gonna use crisis manager so our field operatives can slow the authority loss in a specific country mainly because once the origin country gets uh infected it's gonna get about half of its population dead this is a good way of trying to salvage some of that authority as long as it wasn't an amazingly uh highly populated country strategic fundraiser since i am counting on this disease being contained to one maybe two continents that should mean i can place down an hq and as long as it doesn't become infected i can get extra resources which i can use to keep my authority under control otherwise maybe global infection rate is better but this seems to have worked okay for me disaster manager reduced authority loss due to deaths there are going to be tens of millions of deaths so this can be helpful alternatively authority loss from panic can be important but there are other ways to try and reduce the authority loss from panic but there's no way to reduce authority loss due to death so that's why i'm going for this then we're gonna go for celebrity scientists and forensic epidemiologists let's give this one a go now as far as my hq location there are several good options uh mainly you want to keep it in a place that's a little bit harder for a disease to access that could be an island nation like madagascar the caribbean or greenland and i'm going to choose greenland here and the reason i like greenland is because there's only one seaport of access just like some of the other islands and both of those ports are in europe so if the disease is discovered in europe i can shut down the seaports and i should be safe in the hq should but maybe someone breaks quarantine for a half second and that's really all that it takes and you're screwed i don't know all right now that we're gonna get our field operatives with our standard opening moves we have to discover the disease fast and i mean really fast if we are not lucky on this front we're basically doomed with any luck it starts in a place like africa in a country like let's say morocco or central africa a country that does not have access to an airport or a seaport which gives you a chance hopefully to shut down the continent before it gets anywhere else so far not found here in africa it was in the uk that sucks and it's already another continents which means i'm just gonna go ahead and restart now the good news is if you're gonna have a luck based strategy at least it's one where you know that you're unlucky early on so you don't waste like an entire game just to realize it was already a foregone conclusion that you were doomed right so i mean that's a thing let's get down into let's say the uk we're still looking okay and good lord just like that it is already in another country you see the problem you see the problem here this is the problem let's try this one again we're going to start off in greenland go for our standard opening moves like so we're going to travel down to i don't care spain this is where having the faster emts is nice okay so far we know it's in europe it's actually gotten around in europe specifically okay so let's discover the disease pause okay country of origin is not going to be spain it might be france since it got here immediately though we are going to go ahead and go to europe and we are going to shut down the air and sea access to try and prevent it from getting into another continent asap now we need to try to get at other countries and see if we can confirm that yes indeed this is the origin point not france possibly italy it got around super quick notice that notice that what is in my throat excuse me all right let's try over here in greece not in italy it was not in greece look how fast it got around other countries we are only a few days in okay it looks like we may have discovered it in central europe okay so it was in europe hopefully this means it has not had a chance to go anywhere else because we've shut down the ports completely already except for apparently norway and sweden they're not playing ball we are now going to have to go for a total lockdown and then we are going to go for as much of our non-compliance reductions as possible we need to keep everyone under quarantine willingly if they are not we are basically screwed looking around through the rest of the continent we want everyone to be compliant that's why i have to discover these countries also we can get some extra points by simply finding out where the disease was located let's get down to turkey and see if it got it down here as well it did this scares me a little bit hopefully it did not get into africa please tell me it didn't i'm not seeing evidence that got into africa that's good okay let's go for some more non-compliance measures we need this under control so we're going to keep everyone compliant also important to make sure that no one is not compliant so you don't lose authority because every bit you lose is going to matter like a lot a lot we probably will need to lock down the land borders of europe next to try and prevent this from getting into asia it did somehow manage to get into brazil even though we shut down the ports because somebody in france decided not to play ball it is also located in asia dear god okay well we may be in trouble but we're going to try for this anyway let's shut down those land borders so we are going hard on the quarantine here we're also going to go ahead and shut down the airports in south america hopefully preventing it from going too far into brazil it is now in north america as well okay this is starting to look bad and somebody sent a plane anyway they didn't shut down fast enough okay okay okay well we're gonna try this anyway let's see what happens we're gonna go for border monitoring to try and slow this down a little bit more we are gonna have to go for some more um authority non-compliance measures here with the 18. we are wanting to get things like infection control we're also going to have a couple of special abilities here we need namely reassure the infected reducing authority loss due to panic because once people start to die like as soon as people start to die which will happen pretty soon we are going to have people freaking the heck out where is this going to be the worst it's going to be in central europe let's get there and try to use the infection control to try and reduce the numbers here a little bit also the authority loss since this is the country that's going to struggle the most uh reassuring the infected is what i'm going to do right now since we're not currently having non-compliance issues most of the world is sort of okay we're gonna need some more quarantines in north and south america look how fast this has spread and now it's in africa this is an absolute disaster i'm telling you this is rough deaths are now starting to be reported okay um not a lot i can do we don't have enough points to actually get around and do anything here we're gonna shut down north america since i think they're gonna run into some serious issues soon we're gonna shut down south america next we're gonna try um if we cannot get under control with this soon we're already dead um the good news is the compliance was taken care of pretty quick we're having issues in the baltic states and poland okay uh let's go for a lockdown in asia try to prevent this from becoming an issue there if two we are mostly keeping on top of central europe the deaths are bad but not the worst let's take a look at our authority loss the disease spread is what's scaring people because it got around to a lot of countries very quickly and that's that's what's killing me here that's what's going to kill me uh we need to get some more compliance measures i'm also going to need to get some authority so let's build that up what we could do with an emergency situation is use censorship to freeze the authority for a month but the problem is it increases your non-compliance which ends up being a major issue i do need to get the national stimulus i also need to get reassure the infected if people would respect these quarantines we might actually somehow be able to pull this out but it's going to be rough i'm going to go ahead and put africa and quarantine at 13 points in just a moment because i can't afford to let this spread anymore anywhere so the entire world is now in quarantine but some countries are going to be a problem relatively soon the good news is in europe are actually on top of this a lot of people did get infected it looks like ireland in particular seems to be struggling but they're all dying and as long as they're dying in their homes that means they're not infecting other people which sounds really horrible i know i don't disagree but there you go let's go for a measure of contact tracing too just so that hopefully we can prevent the spread any further than this alright so the world is currently losing infections quite a bit and that's just because people are dying in their homes instead of infecting their neighbors good for them they are the heroes of the situation i may need to go for reinsure the infected two because panic is now starting to become a problem look at that look at the lethality go up yup yup yup the spread is starting to seriously hurt let's go for reinsure the infected didn't do a whole lot did it no no it did not okay uh we can start working on the cure do we have any non-compliance issues right now for the most part it's okay i take that back russia's gonna be an issue we have to go for this if we get non-compliance on top of everything else we're dead uh let's see so central europe is mostly fine we need to move our guys to reduce the authority loss somewhere it could be the uk maybe russia i'm looking for anywhere with really high population that's been highly infected um it looks like it's going to end up being either the uk or the baltic states i'm going to go to the uk since they have quite a few people who are infected let's go for some more compliance that before russia becomes a problem because i can't lose any more authority we are scraping by sort of kind of maybe a little bit um okay with everyone on lockdown i'm gonna go ahead and grab some larger lists testing capacity so that the large outbreaks can be under control and people can prevent them from spreading it any further uh beyond that now we need to go for the vaccine research it's going to take some time with any luck my authority is mostly going to even out and if everyone keeps under quarantine the deaths should start to even out simply because there aren't enough people to infect now hopefully let's go for that vaccine we're gonna get started there vaccine is ready to research keep an eye on that authority we might have to buy another level just to stay alive i cannot believe so far that i've mostly stabilized despite the fact that most of the continents have been infected that has consistently been a problem for me uh i'm going to go ahead well let's see i would like to get field research what we could do what was the country of origin again central europe what we can do if we can get europe uk under control and it looks like we have we can go ahead and move our guys here with the field research and get the vaccine going faster that said i'm seeing other places getting infected like uh korea colombia's looking pretty bad um the us is pretty bad where am i gonna have the worst in uh authority lost probably the u.s let's get over there right now we need to prevent that as much as we can uh let's go for some larger test capacities we also want to get some contact tracing we're holding together barely last time i got down to like 10 authority and then stabilized at the last second contact tracing just trying to prevent this from getting worse if people are going to die let them die all right the u.s is going to be fine mexico is looking pretty bad korea is looking bad let's get down into mexico next i may need to save some points to buy up some authority there we go numbers are starting to go down as the death rate goes up let's take a look at that uh death rate and see what's causing the authority loss right now uh is mostly due to deaths right now and disease spread 61 authority loss in total pretty nasty ain't it would love to go for the accelerated research um we could do that let's see is that the best choice right now i think it is i can't really take as much advantage out of field research as i would like and i'm not keeping my guys parked so yeah i'm gonna go for the faster vaccine research i'm probably gonna save up some points and get some more authority to be safe that's gonna take 13 points we're getting a good amount of resources in right now okay let's go ahead and buy that now get that back up so it is at 33 we may have stabilized there all right so there's a half a million people infected in the world right now korea is still the worst then japan everywhere else is mostly okay and mexico is looking all right too so let's get over to korea and see if we can get this back under control they're starting to dip back down japan actually is looking the worst right now we may want to move there instead then okay uh with the accelerated research i'd love to get field research i also will need to get the vaccine manufacturing of course but not right now not until this gets down to about 10 resources and cost otherwise it is simply going to be too expensive let's go ahead and move over to japan since they're the ones that are currently making issues i want to stabilize here before it gets a lot worse i am still barely towing the line when it comes to authority aren't i absolutely barely holding it we could go for the emergency care and that would help uh just to reduce authority also there's a special ability for the prion called neural enhancers now the one trick of the prion one i didn't mention is that it starts with insanity which means as it infects people their ability to work on the vaccine goes down by quite a bit so picking this up actually uh counteracts that so that even though a lot of people were infected you can have people still working on the vaccine i don't think this is absolutely crucial though because the people who were infected are already dead so yeah not not gonna help me in this case we're gonna ignore that one i think uh let's go for more testing capacity i'm just trying to get this under control please please please huge earthquake in france that's not my fault please don't get mad at me don't reduce my authority we have a hundred thousand people that are currently infected this is actually looking like we may have stabilized and we're okay barely we got a couple million people currently infected though um i need to go for this vaccine manufacturing at 12 resource costs right now i think that's fine let's go ahead and get started as soon as i get the point that's it right there perfect okay the vaccine is still slow and we're still losing some authority but for the most part we're gonna be all right now there is this weird thing about the prion it has one extra ability i haven't touched yet and that is extended incubation we use a special blocker injection to uh lengthen the incubation period which basically means that people aren't going to die as quickly now once people do start dying this isn't going to help you you're already going to have panic but i suspect because this exists it is theoretically possible to rush out the vaccine and distribute it before a single person dies if you pick up the incubation as well as focus hard on the vaccine and just ignore all quarantines everyone's getting infected we're talking like two billion people infected but with the neural enhancers plus all the vaccines plus the manufacturing speed plus the incubation to delay how long four people die plus you'd have to go down specific routes of the response measures to get the accelerated vaccine research and production i think it's theoretically possible i think it'd be extremely difficult and we're talking the stars would absolutely have to align just right i mean just right it may take like a one in 50 chance but i tried it a couple of times since i wanted to see if it would work and it sort of just barely did like i was almost there i got to like about halfway up the production chain before uh eventually the first person died and once the first person died you've already lost like it's over at that point it is completely 100 over so yeah i got really really close and i sort of suspect it could work we're working on the production as quickly as we can all right no point in going for things like field research now um we are actually looking okay right now and we haven't had a single compliance issue the world is so panicked that we're actually okay when it comes to compliance i don't have any issues yet when it comes to targeted economic aid so aside from looking for ways to speed up the manufacturing of the uh the vaccine i think the only thing we really want now is going to be authority three although as things are right now there are so few people infected now that it seems like we're actually doing sort of okay like maybe we don't even end up using the vaccine if we take a little bit longer we probably won't have it let's go ahead and grab that authority just to try and buy myself the smidge of score just a teeny smidge of score another earthquake in sweden what are the odds of that seriously though all the people who are infected are basically just dying that's really all it is they're not infecting anyone else they're just dying uh is there any one other country that's having some issues i don't see any that are really going up i think for the most part we are now fine so we've won we have one but you can see how stinking stinking close it got all right we're about to send out that vaccine let's go ahead and break the quarantine this is gonna refund a whole load of my points which i think does help come on a tiny bit for the score at the end of the day it also just eliminates the whole non-compliance issue entirely but yeah because this disease is so dangerous and spread so quickly i think that the panic levels are high enough that you really can get away with every single lockdown measure in the starting continent plus all these compliance measures and we didn't have a single country get updated really what are the odds of that only a thousand people left infected as a quarantine breaks we're gonna go ahead and send that out and try to save their lives just a smidge under three million people dead that is way better than my last attempt so okay it turns out you can have multiple uh continents infected i was wrong when i said only one and then restart but we did get lucky and that we had a chance to lock down europe before it went crazy everywhere else i don't know the prion is rough guys the prion is rough 421 days only 47 authority by the end of it that got really close 47 000 points and we still somehow managed to pull out two stars so we did it it can be done but it requires an unbelievably aggressive quarantine strategy if you can pull that one off and then really focus on the measures to and save your authority you can survive with the prion and that's where i'm going to end this one thank you all very much for watching i hope you enjoyed if so then i'd ask you hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe hit that notify bell and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 217,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, plague, inc, cure, mode, prion, mega, brutal, difficulty, guide, scenario, walkthrough
Id: S7O7-waKM1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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