Piers Morgan Clashes With Guest Over Dress Code Sexism | Good Morning Britain

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sexist dress codes in the workplace are forcing women to dye their hair wear high heels and keep reapplying makeup and that is according to a new report out today well Nicola Thorpe was sent home from work for not wearing heels she began a petition that was signed by over 150,000 people and led to an inquiry into workplace dress code yes this isn't just any report this is the petitions committee and women and equalities committee this is a very significant report triggered by your petitions and they have agreed that it is sexist to require women to wear heels to work why did you not want to wear heels to work because it ended up with you getting the sack didn't it yes I lost my job as a receptionist and I didn't want to wear heels first and foremost because they were going to be painful I would be working walking for nine hours a day 40 hours a week escorting clients from the reception to their meeting room so that first of all was a physical thing but when they insisted that I wore them what kind of company was it it was an accountancy firm as PwC and did all the guys wear suits mainly in there actually and PwC not all the guys do you wear suit so if that client facing that they do and I will be see which so that so my question to you would be when it's client facing like you said the men I would imagine it's almost probably a contractual thing to they have to look the part to meet clients right if you look be able you fuel the gatekeeper to those meetings in your teak taking very important clients to meet the suited guys or women or whatever in in the in the business end of the company is it is the actually sexist for the company to say to you we'd like you to look fantastic as well and to look glamorous and to wear heels and really set a kind of whoa well that's the last bit isn't it to look professional Yeah right not to look glamorous or to have to be to your hand and you said it men will be playing a part and you think that a man wearing a suit and smart flat shoes is playing a part what kind of part are we telling women that they need to play if their partners are men okay if your part includes wearing lipstick wearing heels which change your physicality they were designed to make women look sexier not more projector whirring what lipstick you as a receptionist accompany like that I would have Jax have been told no I have to yeah absolutely don't think there's any presentational requirement on people who are there the front people the companies you wouldn't have to wear lipstick but if I went in sort of unshaven and I was working for a top legal firm or a candidacy firm or this show if I just came in and hadn't bother saving somebody would tell me to shave and that would be a requirement of my job so I just wonder whether I get that point you're making I don't think women should be ever forced to do anything frankly but I do think certain jobs and certain positions in the jobs if you're the face of that company taking in clients I don't think it's massively unreasonable for them to say we don't really want you in flats walking these guys or women where is the line between smart requirement for everybody in this particular job and the line then but from smart to glamorous yeah blurring that line slight slightly and then from glamorous to sexy and you know that's the kind of worry isn't it that not sexist because there's a certain requirement in order to look more attractive if I didn't wear a tie I think one of my bosses might go something employee to work you late what they what the image they want to portray is and if they're saying to me all I've ever been told is as a receptionist we need to look smart and professional if I was told we wanted to look sexy and attractive and fit the stereotype of a female as we see it as we've seen it since the 1950s and that's what women are worried is the message that is being sent when they are told they are of course a lot appropriate right and they'll be actually be damaging to your ability to do your job but if you presentational kind of job male or female can be a male receptionist you know he has to wear a smart suit or whatever if that is what the company would like to exude is this image yes I would happily wear the female version of we're not saying we have to wear exactly the same it's an equal item of clothing I would happily wear a female brogue the same and are you then saying that your shoes no but if I was if I started coming in high heels like six-inch LaBute ons for example somebody would say to me piers I have a bit of a problem with this can you stop wearing the high heels that would be reverse sexism it would be reverse sexism but unfortunately we're as we always have been the ones that disadvantaged and where the ones who are trying to get up to your level we don't want to bring you down British Prime Minister who's a woman that you are quite as disadvantaged perhaps as he would like you think because you've got a female Prime Minister at all but what a massive leap sure incredible absolutely incredible leap but look at that how much pressure is put on serezha mate how much talk there is around her appearance she's just a photo shoot for Vogue USA heels quite deliberate others debate Theresa made deliberately wears very quite exotic ly coloured heels to make a statement that she's not a drab boring politician now she does that and she talks very openly about it I have no problem with that she has no problem talking about it some other women and you've just been one of them look at that and say it's totally wrong she'd get some job at all I think it's bad that the papers objectifying don't talk about her policies as well he wants to be objectified as well as talk about her policies what's to be objectified as a woman I think she she has her personality and she portrays herself as a glamorous woman and that's absolutely her choice and long may she be able Kate can I be a mousy woman and interrupt because frankly I can't get that image of piers and heels out of my head [Music] you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 2,053,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, morning breakfast show, itv morning, morning show, piers morgan, susanna reid, nicola thorp, sexism, piers morgan sexist, discrimination, women, women's march, ldsmusic, ldscl
Id: ENAiUoupRM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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