Holly Slams the Proposed British Burka Ban | This Morning

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at the moment we live in an environment where there is increase in an Islamophobic attack especially after bricks it personally I have faced many verbal abuses and even sometimes physical abuses in fact I did an interview with the BBC once and someone looked fearlessly of the camera and shout at me you're an F word bomber this is what happens in the front of the camera you can imagine what could happen behind it and for me it's quite difficult to take it's really painful because I'm actually not Obama I'm not a terrorist I'm molecular geneticist working in the lab trying to improve the life quality of cancer patients this is who I am yet there is a person in the street has the guts has the courage to call me urine f-word vomit so Kemp so can we the other sort of fundamental thing is why why do you wait why do you wear it I wear it because it's my own personal spiritual journey I believe it's my own way to connect with God it doesn't mean that I am undermining women who chose not to wear it or they wear the headscarf or they don't wear it at all it is just my own personal journey it's an act of worship I believe that I will be rewarded if I can wear it but also it has become part of my identity as well as my faith and also a symbol of resistance to all these stereotype and negative perception about Muslim women well we hear a lot of the time is that Muslim women is isolated is uneducated is failing to integrate but the truth is that they haven't really spoken to women like me because Muslim women who chose to wear it are actually minority within a minority so a lot of people did not have the chance to interact with veiled women and then they have this negative perception and and negative highlights in the media about Muslims in general and then they see me this in the street and they abuse me whereas dr. Tosh you say this is toxic ideology yes because it's got nothing to do with Islam for people to say this is part of the spiritual journey part of religion I have a very simple question for them way in this book in the Koran they actually say so no way in fact no way and this is the word the fact burka or niqab is not even mentioned in the Quran but on what the people who wear this don't tell the non-muslim public that is banned in Mecca the holiest place in Islam you can't perform the pilgrimage with your face covered this is not true there is actually a clear passage in the Quran is chapter an order which means if you want you wear where God says o prophet call your daughters and your wife's to lower down their garments the the thing is this this passage has different interpretation he interprets it in that way and I respect it and this is my own and twist I try to think in Britain isn't something that makes us great and brilliant and wonderful that we have choice and we have freedom to express ourselves to wear what we want and we have that choice it will never ever be told regardless of whether it's something to do with religion whatever it's to do with should we ever be told or you can or can't okay let's just mood argument further on then so we supposedly in the gender equal society am i right Lord apply equally to both men and women so how come this young lady another woman like her can walk down the street being publicly anonymous and I can't I mean either we have a society where both genders can conceal the identity in public or none no I mean I meet tomorrow would I know she's well yes cuz you met her today no I would not know what she is I'm afraid to in fact this is the same interplay this idea this idea that somehow facial concealment is a is required in this lab it's a nonsense number one number two it is not conducive to social cohesion in in Europe there are countries that have gone further down the line that have bantha that the the full-face in France many claim that it's made Frances social divide worse in Belgium women claim it's an attack on religious freedom in Bulgaria seen as part of a disturbing trend of intolerance xenophobia in the Netherlands women feel that they are like prisoners in their own home and in Austria it's seen as a reaction to the rising popularity of the far-right it has no benefit don't worry you might say for example why do you think a Muslim majority country like Morocco has banded or Chad a Muslim majority country has banded and Nisha and other Muslim majority countries abandon this idea that this this tribal gun somehow is representative of Islam how is this thing symbolic of Islam how I don't understand how I want to wear it is part of my official favor you know I you know what I respect his right to disagree with me you know he's got his own interpretation and I respect that but I find it difficult that a political party comes and superimposed their views and ban it and not only that trying to find me for wearing and exercising my right to express my faith and identity you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 3,805,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, debate, burka, religion, freedom
Id: EtPzU41og-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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