Tommy Robinson | Full Address | Oxford Union

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

One of great video of Tommy Robinson Tommy Robinson is a great guy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Markbrenna ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Hero, should be knighted

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AltandF42 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
good evening everyone and thank you for coming here this evening I will just run you through the format of the evening mr. Robinson will be doing a speech for the first 40 minutes and then we will be followed by a question a Q&A session so please do um get involved and sort of ask questions without further ado mr. Tommy Robinson hey first of all I'd like to say is a privilege and honor to be standing here today this is a long way from the streets of Luton Town to now be at the Oxford Union I think it's a good day for freedom of speech you've all heard with us I was getting called a little fascist a lot of walking in here there's protests outside from unite against fascism ooh the definition of fascism is trying to stop people have a difference in their opinion of you which is what I have something the shadow self suffers fascist a lot to Franklin others believe in a backlash against the Union for inviting me here today it's been a good day for freedom of speech but also a bad day I had a speech prepared thought I was going to come here and talk about everything I had prepared to say I was visited four days ago by probation and I was warned about my license on an early release from custody someone a license and certain things I was going to say would result with me getting recalled back to prison now even though which I said obviously I haven't got the same freedom of speech as what everyone else has got then they said no not was not whilst you're unlicensed I was going to expose certain things about the police but they left to hold now what I want to do is I want to take you all for a journey of my life and talk to you about life stories growing up in Luton by the end of it I want you understand where I come from Who I am and why I think why is the major question why was the English spinning defense league a phenomenon why was it born in Luton why was it started what the reasons that brought it there I talked to you about Lewin I was born in 1982 when I was born in 1982 we had one mosque I'm just wanted to understand the demographic of the town in 2014 we now have 30 mosques the projected government growth forecast for the Pakistani and Bangladeshi community of Luton by 2030 is to increase by seventy to seventy seven percent this would not be a problem if we didn't experience the problems we see related within the community at the same time as I'll talk you through this I don't want for one minute to you for you to think I'm tiring all Muslims as bad I'm just giving you a projected view of my life I want you to understand the stories that have happened I'll start with my cousin Jeanette or my cousin's cousin she was sexually abused she was rooms it's what we now know is grooming she was raped she woke up one day she what she was found running semi naked from Barry Park Barry party's the area where a lot of the Muslims have congregated and live is where these 30 mosques are she was picked up by prostitutes in the street her dad collected her if I talked about the failures from the police when the family I wanted to understand and try and picture this as oh it's your family relative when the plea when the family were going to the police when they when the when the girl is missing for two days three days yeah and there is no response and up until the rotten report people wouldn't believe these stories because they are unbelievable they would say she's a drug addict because in the end she was a drug addict because she was hooked on heroin that they were given to her she would climb out of the bedroom window to get back to them for her fix the failures everyone now knows from the police force on these issues but I wanted you to talk you through when I was at school the high school I went to he had the Muslim playground and he had the non-muslim playground that's the same in pretty much every school in Lua it wasn't divided through racial lines its divided through religious lines we didn't cause that division my friend at school I was seeing a girl called Charlotte's from a beautiful white a lovely Irish family and I was 12 years old and my friend Breslin was seeing her friend Lisa I remember Lisa's Lisa phoning up Charlotte hysterical because maslin's family had all gone up to Lisa's house to threaten the family to say that they couldn't see or speak to each other as a 12 year old boy this was a light bulb moment for me to think what is this about there was another boy around the corner from work from where I lived called Jamie he went he fell in love an Asian go at school he got violently attacked for that when they went to six for looting sixth formers to cut them the main sixth form in luton town I could have gone to six for I've got eleven GCC's up on a mask five B's five C's as a young English lad in the town to go to that six for life to be prepared to look at the ground and I'm not prepared to look at the ground that's because there were Pakistani Muslim gangs in that sixth form extremists in that sixth form now they went to sit jameth this Jamie went to six form his girlfriend went to six one who's in luck who he's in love with they even acknowledge that they knew each other okay because of the fear of what would happen I had another friend John English on an island just taken two three stories John English his girlfriend's name was at VIN bar she was a Sikh actually but she was from Letchworth but we went out on a night out in Luton Town and these Muslim lads just come over from spats tray in our face so these are instances I'm not saying it's all Muslims I'm just talking saying there are problems I've seen them okay growing up through Luton and I'm asking that you all try and visit yourself take yourself out of where you've grown up many of you made growing up in working-class communities and towns but try and see it we talk about racial abuse then how many people have been a victim of racial abuse I was a victim of racial abuse at the age of 12 and I was attacked on the way home from a swimming pool by a Pakistani gang I was called a white pig my friend had his hat taken off him was spat in our face and slapped another incident twice in one night walking to the Nunda ins nightclub whilst I'm talking about racial abuse I'll talk about mark sharp mark sharp was murdered in 1995 any of you can google this murder yeah he was my uncle's friend his son was my age he was going to get takeaway he was in his car a van he was going to get take away when he a car braked in front of him he swerved around and he gave a hand gesture he was followed he didn't know he's being followed for Muslim Pakistanis were in the car they found for reinforcements more come he was not aware of this when he got outside the kebab shop he come out his sons with him they beat him they hit him so many times they're hitting him with bats with poles with sticks read the murder it will shock you hey he was not going down he would not go down one of them jumped up in the air with a knife and snapped it off in his forehead he lived he survived for three days and then he died many of his friends while trying to visit and ask you is that you just take yourself think of this this is someone you know in your family this has happened to the judge in court said you can take if you wish to vote a verdict of manslaughter of fact that he aggravated them enough to make a young Asian male act in this way they got four years in prison for that if you want to talk about justice that's not justice they were out within two years in the town of Luton Town most of people in Newmarket his friends left loot and after that incident I could stand there all day and talk about other instance who have gone on I'm going to show you a video now they ask you to watch a series of attacks on the homes of elderly people in Luton are racially motivated the victims fear the aim is to force them to stop and move out this is the latest attack a beer keg thrown through the window of a 74 year old great-grandmother in the middle of the night it's the third time it's happened the last was on Christmas Eve you can imagine Christmas Eve and somebody bringing up brick through your window how it felt when you everything supposed to be jolly and happy you feel down any and they are throwing in brick through my window and run there are cowards in the next street another couple have been targeted repeatedly but nighttime I personally can't sleep and you don't know what next they will do you wonder sometimes if they're going to put petrol or boom are something through the letterbox and around the corner this house it looks and lived in in fact it's been home to one couple for sixty years now so terrorized they won't take down the board's because it always happened between about one and four o'clock in the morning and you were really worried sick wondering what was going to happen next because they weren't just little bits of stones of things that these were real house bricks lumps of concrete that they've thrown through the window meanwhile families are doing what they can to protect themselves more I am one of a kind determined black woman I am NOT going over here if they don't like me here they can go on quite happy where I am scared but most of all angry they're not moving now again maybe take it to the community you live in you know these people because I know the partners and I know the Howards yeah you can imagine eruptions this sort of it the sort of instance cause in your community there'll actually 30 people's houses that were attacked at these times there's 88 attacks before the police acted the way we see what we're seeing in the rubble and report is it shows the police inability conspiracy with the police and different organizations social services where they downplayed it and suppressed it because they didn't want to be deemed as racist yeah so crimes went up they facilitated the rape of a generation of kids for 20 years choose to not wanna be called racist similar things when the police haven't acted they haven't acted in towns and cities and communities like Luton for incidences like this that's why again when you understand is I know those families I remember these times when these things were happening and if that were if you watch the actual video the Howard's it was Muslims that offered them support it was most Muslims that offered them help I'm not painting a picture all Muslims want them to move out of that community I'm just want you to understand there are problems in these communities there's problems that need addressing any talking about okay now I'll play I want you ask yourselves as well do you think it's got barrel worse that was years ago seriously to think it's got better or worse it hasn't got bail okay I'm now going to show you a video from six months ago yeah just told me for you tell me spooky well and about five years ago I got rid of my car and yeah I became more prominent in the streets in room and I started noticing people get out lingers they would pass me or people were spitting very close to me and the streets and after after about a few months I realized actually they're spitting at me and I I faced quite a lot of a lot of anger I faced quite a lot of disagree ssin from from various younger Muslims younger Muslims in the community simply because I was a Jew or rather a conspicuous during the college and one time I I was cornered in the college I was shoved into a corner and I was made to justify the existence of Israel as well I've got post-traumatic stress disorder and I experienced a lot panic attacks yes so one it's yeah even living in a hundred by auto abuse and threats and intimidation for you yes yeah five years now and you know it's it's been it's been coming up for 300 incidence attacks and on me on my home and it probably wouldn't be so bad if I knew that you know maybe the authorities which would have my back but unfortunately they don't I do think every morning yeah I'm still here then I go to bed at night I live today you know I've seen I've seen the image of your property it's like Fort Knox now yeah yeah I mean my friends that I mean I had to stop my friends coming to my house because I couldn't guarantee their safety so I never have friends at the house I always meet my friends outside and I can't have found each other for me because it's too dangerous I I live in this is 2014 in a borough of London 2014 Joe it's like to see in a grown man brought to tears jomi families on me that I brought to tears in Luton in towns like that what the reason why I'm showing these videos I want you to understand this is real life this is not made-up when we're talking about issues and the reason why we're passionate about these issues we're not making it up and at the same time he's the first to say vast majority of Muslims are not involved in this in any way but there is a problem the reason why I met him I've been talking to the five years a lot of people in with the English Defence League then go to the police anymore in towns where I live and they contacted us to talk about the issues to talk about what's happening with their families how they're feeling persecuted etc I want to meet him because he's moving to Israel because he feels he has to move to Israel if he wants to be safe his only crime is that he's Jewish and he's living within a Muslim ghetto and now as we're talking through who all members September I think everyone should remember where they were on September 11th I was at Luton Airport on my apprenticeship I remember everything and then I remember getting a phone call again about Luton 6/1 from a friend who was at the sixth form that's the age I was at was probably 18 but going back to then saying that Muslims were cheering and celebrating a lot of these things may sound unbelievable yeah when I then went to the more local shops in my estate I see magnificent 19 posters across the estate yeah glorifying these people on the first anniversary we saw in my hometown of Luton imagine this is your town where you live you've got posters glorifying terrorism you've got billboards as you walk up your street the billboards are now painted over anything showing a woman's flesh is covered up this is all to fit in with Sharia and it's from certain sections I'm not a minority but a dangerous minority within the town I want to take you through and what you try and understand as me growing up the changes I've seen they're not for the good okay they're not for freedom so here's this will just show some posters that's the covering up and billboards right the Magnificent lion posters on a foam box at the same time they ignored high school many of may remember the girl who warden a cabinet their full base found in the cab to school Cherie Blair represented her yeah when she left there but she got kicked out of that school for doing that she went to the school I used to go to Patridge but her brother was part of al-madinah extremist organization I used to protest outside the school all the time this ignored high school they then had at this at the same time every year at they're outside the school handing out leaflets and Christmas is a sin children are just trying to go to school trying to paint a picture that things are going on across the town at this time now I'll show you now this is a newspaper article if you if you want to take one of them and pass them around people can read them themselves this I feel is very important I think it's very important to show you where we were out in a town this newspaper article is from September September 2004 look I'm about ten years okay I was 21 years old anti-terror rally I organized this rally when I was 21 years old I made these leaflets okay this will show you that the English Defence League may have been born in 2009 there's a reason there's a history behind it when the bedlam massacre remember the bedlam massacre the schoolchildren were lined up and murdered by Chechnya terrorists they skipped killed loads of kids in front of their parents I remember watching that and then I remember watching an interview of a Muslim from Luton his name's Saif al-islam it means sword of Islam he was part of this organization called al madina and he said what happened at that school was justified and it's justified if it happens in a school in England that is when I started reading learning and looking into who this group were Alma's redeemed I doubt many people in 2004 had heard of them remember this is before 77 this is before terrorist atrocities on our shores I found that Omar battery in Abu Hamza we all know who they are now they were based in my town in Luton they were based there their head office was on biscuit road I started looking researching what I found terrified me and once my eyes were open I couldn't close them to this issue I made these leaflets in these leaflets it's clear leaflets circulating Luton before the demonstration which started at 1:00 p.m. described it as a peaceful protest to stop terrorist recruiting in the town headlined Luton Taliban no thanks it said Luton residence demand the police and council act now close down Alma's Ardennes head office in biscuit Road stop Islamic extremists recruiting in the town centre on Saturdays clamp down on racist attacks on white and black lads by Muslim gangs the leaflet claimed Islamic extremism is running out of control in Luton Muslim fanatics celebrated September 11th outside the galaxy singer Alma's Ardennes supporters of global terrorism are based on biscuit road loot loot and Muslims are attending Afghan terror training camps magnificent 19 posters glorifying suicide murderers churches are being firebomb beatings and stabbings of young whites are going on all the time the demo literature also claimed that members of a Muslim gang the Gambino's are more interested in making money from drug pushing and pimping but they are becoming increase silly clothes too religious extremists this was in 2004 if you want to research and go on Google you will find a national newspaper run an article called chemical jihad which they actually named that same gang it five years later saying that they are linked with al-qaeda they are using heroin as a jihad against non-muslims what I want you to read by that and understand by that Alma's reading are Isis that is Isis that same mindset that is terrifying the world now the Home Secretary said four days ago Isis is the biggest threat to this country in our history okay there's the same threat I may not have said it in a posh voice I may have said it in a different way we understood who these people were what their forts were and how dangerous this ideology was you have to remember that this was before seven seven seven seven the terrorists collected their bombs in luton I want to bring it home through again just a this is your town they collected them from suspected al-qaeda operative called Q who works in a chicken shop in our town center he was also the main mind behind the fertilizer bomb Club I want you to realize that we share a space in lieu okay if we have terrorists enough millions of miles away we have to live with them the Stockholm bomber come to Luton from Sweden as an innocent Muslim he was targeted at Luton University by this group who we've been warning about now for 10 years he was targeted he was radicalized and he set off and blew himself up in a free doors from my army that group of extremists I'm talking about we run Luton universe in freshers week you're at university many of you first time away from home when people are vulnerable they're weak you have organizations playing on them to manipulate their mind change their whole direction in their life and turn them into killers in this lethal I say the council and the police of doing nothing that was your warning in 2004 if we want to talk about what's happened in between er many things have happened in between we had a soldier's homecoming our soldiers homecoming parade which most people see is the catalyst for the EDL what want you to realize is there's a lot that's going on before this that forms your view and forms of narrative and makes you realize how deep this problem is in your hometown the town that you love and now when you remember that I'm telling you stories is Tommy Robinson or Stephen Lennon for every time an obvious honesty melรฉndez one of me there's people in every town and city across this country who are feeling and seen these things so we have a soldier's homecoming Scott mantra JH dies is from the estate I lived up lived in when I was younger 26 years old Michael Swain was 19 he lost his legs now our soldiers returning I've gone to pay my respects that day because they they've sacrificed that for us as residents of Luton they've gone there to fight for us for our freedoms I've gone there that day and the first thing I've seen is a large police presence then seen Saif al-islam I've seen groups of Muslim extremist around the town I've seen 30 women together in burkas it's quite a sight but all of these things I thought what's going on and then I saw this group of protesters a group of Muslims taken through my town home so taken from my town hall and then like the souls of soldiers marched past they were called baby killers murderers rapists butchers of Asura's they Scott they spat in the lads face one of the soldiers mums faces okay that wasn't this group done this because bear anymore we know this group I've looked into this group I understand their hate I understand where it's coming from one of them that group main ginger one big ginger one with a big beard he's a convert called woodshop now calls himself Ibrahim are you staying around him when I was younger one of the other lads in the group two years above me at school this is not a million miles away from us we get it yeah was the fact that they were allowed to do it the police facilitated them in doing it the council now knew they were going to do it they leaflet at every mosque in the town tell them they were going to do it intelligence showed that 360 Muslims were arrested attempting to come in to loot in that morning 360 70 percent of their births were in countries outside of the UK what we saw was an attack on our armed forces I want to ask you what would you have done that's your town okay what would you have done at that time because I contacted the council I set up a website called save lutein I documented that all the continuing things that this group have done in our town I explained that when Jews remember the Holocaust outside our Town Hall they had to barricade himself and lock themselves inside the Town Hall because this group of large Muslim fanatic halls were trying to attack them in this video there's a five-year-old girl who's screaming and crying they attacked the multi-faith March every year now in in Luton an estate in towns like Newton when two kids continually cause a disturbance or a nuisance you get an ASBO yeah you guys buy them from hanging around together you ask Boden from an area of the shops okay what we did is we set up a petition asking for this group to be as both quite reasonable that's what you should do that's what we did five years later you now senior talking about as Bowen Terrace exactly what we're asking them to do before any protests before we took to any streets now we know the police suppress what's going on in a town we know the Labour councillors you've seen it with Rotherham are hiding the facts we know what's happening now in town as I've said we've foreseen Isis we're for seeing all these issues that are going on because we're living we're living amongst it were breathing it's where we live and we decided then every community in Luton is allowed to celebrate their identity in their culture we have solution day when it's Paddy's day my mum as a paddy book when it's Paddy's they have a free day festival we have when it's Eid flawlessly any Muslims come to Luton for Eid because you will have Fairgrounds you have the biggest celebrations everything some George's Day are they okay and I'm just trying to talked about how how we feel in the town so it comes to San George's Day ignored igneel school the same school the goat rides wedding the carb - sends a letter out so orders order parents if anyone brings in the emblem of son George on some George's day you'll see be suspended and sent home the same school and Pakistan won the cricket encouraged everyone to celebrate the Pakistani flags the message this sends to our kids is they to be ashamed of being English they should be ashamed of their identity and who they are now this happened three weeks after and in the headline in our newspaper some George's Day Parade band it was supposed to have a parade for the first year band it was at that point that we said which again I'll ask you what would you have done okay what would you have done every time your towns name is dragged through the media in the press it's linked to fanatical jihad terrorism all the time this is our town it's where we love we want to feel safe this group when you read what they stand for they stand for the destruction of this they stand for the destruction of my family your family all of our families now dedicate every day and I'll try and change it for you two people to understand that 75% of Luton is non-muslim okay let's reverse the roles let's make 75 percent of the town Muslim 25 percent of the town white and in this complete white non-muslim community you have got hundreds of the world's most feared Nazis and they have got pace tables set up and they are promoting hatred against everyone that is not white okay do you think that they are a small group that's going to be ignored because that's all we hear no one listens to this group ignore them ignore them in fact sixty percent of the people in terrorism are ex-members of Alma's redeemed people do not nor them ignore them now dangerous now sooner or later you would see the hate coming out of that little CIM that little area and coming into your community you'd witness it that's what we're witnessed we have witnessed it we see the hey so all this time we set up a a separate organization called e the united people of Luton now when I've done this I named the gangs I named the heroin I named their shops that was 21 years old some people would say quite naive I was a 21 year old lad with an attitude about what I saw and I didn't want to back down to it I don't know how many of you have been laying in bed at 3 o'clock in the morning and heard the sound of smashing glass it's not nice and bricks come through your window in respond to that I was a target of all the major Pakistani Muslim gangs in my town I was living at my mother's house ok so when this happens soldiers home coming you asked why or people trying belittle me for using a different name covering my face I know what's coming I know what's coming for standing up against these radicals it's not the radicals that were targeting me Pakistani street gangs that were targeting me if you read the 2009 newspaper you'll realize why because the trade between the street gangs and the fanatical they're terrorists and the extremists it's combined the sale of heroin now we set up a group called upl maybe what would you have done again what would you have done bearing in mind the National Front and groups like this after the soldiers homecoming wanted to attach themselves to our town would you have made placards at red national front go to Hill that's what we done voters demand us and George's Day Parade I want you to understand what this was over what it was all over this was the start when we met when we mount this day for this demonstration it was the community my auntie's were there we were met by a police presence a heavy-handed police presence a horse flat and my uncle my other friend Isaac little black lad holding at one of these placards reading national front go to help a police officer on a horse knocked his teeth out okay he lost his teeth we wanted to get to the war memorial that's it we were prevented from the police from getting to the war memorial we were held in kettled for four hours my ani had to crouch and we in the street now I was there the day that mental him extreme is protest against our soldiers when we turned up we were made to line up against the wall we had cameras in our faces they put their hands in our pockets they made us take our shoes off names date of births addresses we felt violated by our own police force violated in a response where when Muslim fanatics were protest against our soldiers you didn't stop them I was there you didn't search them you didn't harassed him you didn't harass their women but you have us so this now become about what we saw as oppression we saw a two-tier policing system which we live on though where there is an Islamic community it's not maybe not the fault of the Islamic community but where there is insolent community the police tiptoe around certain issues we've seen it you've read it with the roughened report in that role from report you'll read incidences where two fathers went to get their daughters back because their daughters were in a house being piqued by Muslim men when they went to get their daughters back the police arrested the fathers there was five Muslim men sexually abusing an 11-year old child in a derelict house the police turned up and arrested the child for being drunk and disorderly these sort of stories could sound unbelievable but they're real and you need to understand these stories are happening across the board in towns and cities you need a report from robber and get a report for every town and city in the country because it's going on so we had our ups bearing in mind we've been asking for petitions to have this group has bowed what did the police do after our first eupl protests the police come to 14 of our houses my mum's was one of them I wasn't there the other 13 people who were arrested were given bail conditions not to enter the town centre seven days a week 24 hours a day for three months so we wanted these extremists radicals banned from our town and why would we want and banned from our town because our mums our sisters our daughters our families have to use that town centre and when you use that town centre this group every single Saturday have pace tables set up by Tom Miller's bakery and that part of town has become a no-go zone because people don't want to get harassed by these lunatics so we've had our first demonstration they've gave us bail conditions that's when people have seen our second demonstration people are wearing balaclavas I bought those balaclavas and I'll explain why I gave before on the balaclavas because the 40 the 14 people have been given bail conditions not turning a town centre we still all we wanted to do was walk through our own town get to our war memorial and show that the people of loot and support our armed forces that's all we wanted to do if the police would not prevented us on the first demonstration we wouldn't have the second one it wouldn't progress and you wouldn't see any English Defence League that's the reality of it but the reality is something like the English Defence League was always going to happen because there's these feelings it's been suppressed these things is anger so we're looking at this group how much our Deen of protest consult our soldiers I know their history I then look and see that they're doing is it an Islamic road show cross Britain their visit in every town and city I think this by now at what stage do you draw a line at what stage do you do something they attack your soldiers what's next a soldier's funeral we've seen the progression attacking soldiers set fire to poppies cut your heads off we've all seen what's happened so in Luton I ask you what what would you have done when this is going on in your town and the police are not doing anything no one's stopping this group they ran the closing they're converting their numbers are growing every year at what stages you you say enough is enough we have to highlight and tack with this group I'm now going to show you why the upl become the many of the people in that video are now fighting for Isis abroad what they're doing there is outside Birmingham bullring shopping centre they stopped in an 11 year old boy who's without his parents under a banner that says Jesus was a Muslim and they've converted him as we've all seen is there anyone in this room that thinks that's acceptable it's not acceptable could you imagine the reverse if hundreds of radical Christians converted in 11 world Muslim child walking through the city centre without his parents they would be uproar so I sat I watched this group do this and I waited and I thought let's see what politicians please someone's got to do saying nothing happened then as a group of lads from Luton Town we decided to leave Luton and go to the bullring in Birmingham with placards that read what about Sean's rights Sean was 11 years old we had placards at red Muslim no problem extremist Muslim big problem we had one demonstration no Press reports no media we put it online we decided to go back because we still felt people need to talk about this this Islamic Roadshow had more dates going around the country this has to be stopped when we went back subsequently you can all research this as well we were locked in a pub for four hours when we come out they put us on coaches to get us out of the city centre we didn't know why as they drove us out I saw debris everywhere bricks bottles everything had been smashed up Muslim youth Pakistani Muslim youth had been rioting for hours little did we know that Sami yaqoob politician had riled a crowd of a clenched fist where she said we must smash the BNP we must smash the VMP Muslims then run through the streets attacking non-muslims it later turned out that the local Imam had had told them as they moved to come out of confront us we was only against an geum Chaldees group at this stage okay who was coming out to attack us mainstream politicians on you at that when we went to Berman there were Nazis that turned up there were dr. mines and to us from Luton anyone know Luton it's a multicultural town a very mobile called family you won't find an artsy loon you can't find my we've never had racial tensions we have religious tensions so for me we've gone up there to highlight this issue come under attack from everywhere I'd ask what would you do in response to Nazis turning up on the streets with you a message to run jog wheel especially at this stage not really much a mention of Islam because we oppose names I'm proudly in his group that's it that's our tactics now we have Nazis on the streets we need to let the known are not welcome on the first Birmingham demo 5 Nazis were getting on the got put on the coach with us one of them going to Hitler salute as he got on it kicked off when he got to the top of that coach with Lutins lads yeah so you have to realize which I'll show you a video in a minute we're all his friends are talking about this fight that incurred yeah and it's a fight that incurred because we don't tolerate oh we would not tolerate that extremism coming from our community but we see it tolerated many communities now when we set fire to swastika but may have a groups have done that not me our groups have really put it on Nazis when this happen I had a phone call from a man called not Nazi Nick a German good old Google him yeah I had a phone call when I was told to hand over the control of the English Defence League hand over the web sites and of it is I didn't know who he was I told him in nine certain terms that it was not going to happen he had an argument on the phone I'd highlight myself to some of the world's most feared nasties I didn't know who this man was only later my friends when I was telling him about this nasty Nick time fella from Germany he said you know who he is I said no he said he tried to overthrow the South African government that's my thought damn ha I just put it on him and from that you can see this although if you want to read that so the English Defence League since the formation of your organization your alliance with external enemies designers you have blinded the disgruntled youth as a day with your bastardized concept of nationalism our concept of nationalism was anyone is welcome to it white black anyone Muslim Christian feel proud to be English you're proud of the laws in this country you're proud of our freedom you are welcome you have attacked lone white nationalists they wasn't on their own but this is all about Birmingham see the press would not tell you that when there's trouble at the demonstrations in the early days it's us out route in the extremists you have burned our swastika video and a 10 anyway I'll carry on in a minute you'll see this is quite awkward view so could you imagine as I walked in this building all I've been called is an RC okay we've softened what Nancy means we've softened what a fascist means we've started called in anybody who was critical of Islam in any way gets called a Nazi or a racist or a fascist it is so frustrating I'm lucky I'm from Luton Town because everyone in my town knows me prior to the English Defence League they know there's not a racist bone in my body or an extremist bone in my body we are witnessing I'll ask you and witness in my town it's from a young lad from a young age I'm witnessing changes I'm watching things I don't like to see I'm now going to show you one more video I'm sorry this sorry about showing the videos I want I want everyone to have a perspective on where I'm coming from why this happened yeah why it spread the way it did why it was a phenomenon which it was it spread across Europe people were too scared to talk about this issue okay is there's not much that's good that's come from this for my family or for myself but this had to happen certain things had to be said I'll show you this video now this is a four-minute video it's quite shocking the viewing though streets close to East London mosque the police closed in but it was a scuffle with two men that brought things to a head one in a blue shirt the other in a red jacket told them they weren't wanted in the area as a police officer filmed proceedings Kevin Carroll claimed he was punched and then he appeared to retaliate Tommy Robinson looked on from the sidelines I was embattled it but I'll ask you to view that yourself Scot on YouTube putting Tommy Robinson charity walk what that just showed you is nothing like what happened and Channel 4 News had the full footage of that incident so why when they pause it and freeze it on Kevin Cowell looking the aggressive violent one I'm saying you need to look beyond the headline most of you may judge me on headlines none of you obviously know me judges a lot on headlines show you another headline on armor Tuesday Remembrance Sunday clearly they will not search before that demonstration in the same way that we are clearly has had lot canisters of lighter fluid some of the country's most radical Islamist terrorist advisors and supporters on Armitage Day around the corner from a remembrance service doing this hey I was there that day and I said I'm going out to a peace officer how how is this being allowed she'd seen the public's face and reaction to what's going on there British soldiers burn in hell British soldiers burn in hell the BBC you want to talk about propaganda the BBC did not report this but one BBC news station aboard this I was arrested at this demonstration I'll show you what I was arrested for I was arrested for assaulting a police officer and you'll watch the video which the police did not know I had a video of you can see the video here as a protest in Kensington a group calling itself Muslims against Crusades was faced with a counter demonstration by the English Defence Force or a police officer needed hospital treatment for head injured oh it wasn't serious the police later gave the Muslim protesters an escort to a local tube station a black flag that I grabbed we will now know to be symbolic of voices at that time it's a black Fagor jihad it's what these radicals if you see anyone get their head cut off beyond that black flag so I jumped over a fence I saw a crime that's been committed on our streets burning of poppies police were allowing it again so I made a decision to try and prevent them I was arrested for assaulting a police officer when I get out guess what headline went across the BBC not just in Bedfordshire it went half a chi Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire it went everywhere a do leader arrested for assaulting police officer okay that's the propaganda when I was taken to court for that I was given when I produce that video if I helped I didn't have that footage you know we'll be talking about another you know know of another conviction I'd have and it would be for a someone a police officer because that's what they that's what the officer said I done I attacked him you saw it didn't yeah so that's what most people you judge on headlines I'm asking that you look beyond the headline there's usually a different story to what's going on a lot of the time I was subsequently taken to court that when I produce the video charges were dropped they come back to my house eight weeks later Andrea arrested me again I got charged with course in causing those Muslim men I caused them alarm and distress I intended to cause a malama distress that they were caught they were causing i entire nation alarm and distress and they were being allowed to do so I received a fine seven times worse than the fine given out to them for burning our puppies this I could I don't have to take up to us I could continue all day showing you unfair treatment which you have to understand when you're talking about tensions or community cohesion all these sort of issues you don't talk about communication you've got 1,400 goals in rudram that have been sexually abused and raped they've all got two or three four family members in that small town you've got 10,000 people they're affected by that same in luton but III know countless girls that there's happened to countless girls and the two-tier policing system for example when they take me to court for those sort of things and all the people who are following me or sympathetics what I'm saying when they're watching all these things play out when there is such a blight and two-tier system let me show you this video try not to cheer anyone you well we're going to talk to you about well I'm about to talk to you about well I'm about to talk to you about yeah so why don't you say it now what want me to say yes ideology he's got no place it's got that place buff oh well you sure oh you like Rob you got 100 you in a minute you look chief if can chief prick you see that is that is his huh I don't know why I call him a chief but he was not arrested for I went out on Channel four national TV you tell me why wasn't arrested I'd have been arrested we all know what have been arrested okay arrest if I drop a bit earlier as we walk out that door he was not arrested for attacking me I could tell you countless other times like this my cousin they follow to my family's home I got a phone call saying that all of this group amounts on my family's home I've rushed up to the home I've jumped out on my car police have turned up I was arrested my uncle was arrested my cousin was arrested 20 Muslims outside a house yeah after 36 hours because I got an extension and I got to interview I was what did you find I thought they all gonna have weapons in their cars so what'd you find I could tell straight away by the police officers face they leave in search and then even search them so there is a two-tier system ugh men even may not I could show you countless different things I'm going to show you now that video first which I thought I was on it's a 4-minute video this is a young girl with many of you may know Stacey Dooley pretty ginger go she has her own program she's from Luton Town I grew up with Stacey so when Stacey come back she's obviously come back to her spirits what's going on she left Louann eight nine years ago was she's done quite well for herself I'm Stacey Daly and this is Luton where I was born I went to school here I even worked at the airport and then I moved away but now I'm coming home to find out if it's true that Muslim extremists are taking over my town it didn't take long to witness firsthand the extremism I've been hearing about I wasn't sure what they were marching for but tensions were running high your for someone of your mother well in the day they take a woman it turns out the demo was in response to the arrest of local woman Moana thorny whose husband set off a bomb in Stockholm in 2010 everyone's got a right to protest but I found their chanting provocative and extreme stop a pushin police Manning how rich police burn in hell yeah because I will mess up wants anyone to burning hell you can choose you can why don't you come on believable you just believe in you and I know you don't make no Street diamond a kids doing really myelination you 22 geez I once went to seduce me and I'm not trying to seduce anyone you shouldn't judge me how I try not to judge you you are just setting my trying to seduce no one but I don't judge you because I'm above there excuse me Costco's how you choose to live for now you to suggest like that I choose to dress like this you don't know don't you - this is my home as well okay I'm walking oh I can see why one okay I was just in a way right away you're not scaring babies no I'll try my hardest to sympathize with people you're naming different to me and it's a tiny minority the player who you trying to seduce and put some folks are we let nature such a shame so you think it's bad you should say British police need to burn in hell in Islam doesn't it say that you have to respect the law of the land that you're living in I thought it did what's the solution you know it's Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes you know no one's above the law if the law of the land is Islamic we respect the law of Allah but if it's nice nice timing in the law of the land and those are making to go to hell for honestly because I wasn't in chapter 33 verse 1 he said I'll pop it here on that and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites it's done the camera Muslim or disbeliever guys I can't take on captain Kahn he's only gone a bit so he can go to hell as one of the other leaders let me summon up your bow your only rights are the Hellfire because you are non-muslims Muslims are destined for the Hellfire yes and you will be fuel for how fires over the fact is that you have an opportunity Angela that has me to think that you think that maybe because you don't really know me a few times but that is probably you so you said you're not Austin so that's enough for me to know that you're not Muslim so you're not missing your dusted off unless you change I find it sad that anyone would preach such a damning message it's a summer from words even to tell you how I'm feeling right now feel completely gutted gotta set this is happening so much this is you're bored to tears again I'm not trying to portray all the Muslims in Luton I like this trying to show you there's a problem okay it's a problem where we live she says this is my town as well it is her town okay we should not be seeing that how much of that should we tolerate when people come out and protest against that far-right racist thugs there's an issue many issues he saw the madrassas undercover madrassas where we see children being things beaten into them my friend silly as a Muslim mums black kenyan dads Christian that's very rare expect someone else but that that's rare in loon he went from the dresser he come to our school then when he was 12 and he told us that he had to leave his school because they started teaching him that his dad had the devil in him because he wasn't a Muslim now Sully went on to join the war the war Navy he is a loyalist Queen and country he hated the English Defence League yeah many of my friends didn't like the English offense now I'm trying to bring you into the personal story of my life because it's not as black and white excuse the pun is it what everyone wants to pretend it is I'm not from this white area and white community I didn't just wake up one day and think you know what I hate Muslims because I don't there's been an issue there's been a story there's a reason for a lot of this in 2010 I set up a meeting with trees and made obviously not to meet me she didn't think she was meeting me she thought she was meeting one of our constituents I turned up instead I turned up I bought a laptop with me and I spent 20 to 25 minutes grilling her you can read the story because the Daily Mail straight away she must have some link it got leaked straight away the EEO leader ambushes treason me now when I sat down very explained her to her my fears in luton about Islamic extremism because that's what they are their fears that's scared is ideology scares me I've got three young kids there's different sorts of fears I've been in some bad situations I got put in Woodhill prison category a prison where for Muslims were in there who are in there for 30 years because they were planning to kill and blow us up yeah I've had some very difficult situations and that's a different sort of fear I can deal with that I can deal with a fearful walk down the street in ten Pakistani lads want to come over now I can deal with that there's a fear I can't deal with it's a fear when I look around the town I look around my country and I look at my kids now get this gut-wrenching fear they will not go away that's a lot of what drives it drives me it's a lot a lot of people say there's a fear there's a reason why people are doing these things now in 2010 I saw two reason me I explained to her about living in Islamic centre and the Imam called Kadir Basque odd they're part of my local council yeah living in harmony program in the - in the document that documentary proud and Prejudice that the Imam was portrayed as the moderate Imam from Luton I've been on his web site okay on his web site on the mosque website it says we should execute homosexuals a trap 12-page justification is why women should be last for adultery I knew he was a schoolteacher it was a so I warned to reasonableness in 2010 to 2014 let me play a video of a conversation between me and Qadir the problem I have is that can you blame us and we're seeing this then when we see a moderate imam put forward Luna's 30 mosques only one Salafi one Wahhabi you know who's the face all the time who's the representative that the council go to the newspapers go to the TV go to to get their view on everything the Salafi mosque the Salafi is Imam he has been him empowered by my counsel to be the face and he's not representative of the majority of Muslims in luton but that's what we see now when I left the English Defence League who did the radio station goes straight to again Kadir Basque moderate Imam as I was talking about Tommy ones and asking your questions about him he came knocking on our door and now he's sitting here in the studio with us he's joined in the studio now by Kadir batch from the Luton Islamic centre who we had as an arranged guest on this subject as well so we've ended up having a bit of a Barney ever helped all of this and just before the news Kadir you said that in an ideal society there would be punishments for example homosexuals and Tommy Robinson put the point to you that this is why he was concerned by your ideology which is why he was anti Islamic and interred in anti Islam as Asian and put Luton Islamic Center in that camp do you understand why Tommy Robinson might be concerned by Islamic ideology when even though you say we don't want it in Britain you do use phrases like in an ideal society and then come up with a segment like that yeah sure enough here is it every right to disagree and to criticize it because look you know you can look how the hell the Sharia is established in in Saudi Arabia for example do the people fear the [ย __ย ] out of fear actually actually you haven't said that haven't said that you know sometimes from from the the things that people fear is what keeps society in order like you know your fear going to prison you don't so you do not commit a crime you know it's similarly like that it's a deterrent the Sharia rules are deterrence they're not implemented how many hands get chopped off how many women get slashed lashed and it just doesn't happen very very very few say 40 mm okay in an ideal city at this level society these laws do not get implemented they're just deterrence okay final question for Miss Robertson that we have some calls and I want you to sort all this look indeed saying is a gay should be too scared be gay I have a problem when this man is a representative of the Muslim community in Motown have a problem have a problem when I first met him I called a meeting with him I went to meet him it's because all these tensions were in the town and he's the main face he's the main person I fought to see when he walked in he said Tommy Sharia law not come to this country in your lifetime probably not your sons but the generation after that so thank you for concreting why I'm resisting this to do now I've never understood the term I hate to say I told you so yeah but I now understand it because it's not a nice feeling we warned of grooming you read the rubber and report this is for 2000 2010 VIN England against the spread of Chiron will the spread of terrorism the spread of extremism Islam it is the Islamization so political wing of Islam that's what we're trying couldn't Muslim join the English Defence League course I could yeah course I could and yet you say you're not against Muslims they could join your organization but you are against Islam we're against Islam taken in its seventh century barbaric form well when train quotas I'm not against Muslims just Islam against militant Islam and when I say Islam taken in its seventh century barbaric form if Islam was so evolved which it needs to evolve to fit in with to fit in with Western democracy which is clearly not clearly there's a problem clearly the English Defence League is a phenomenon that swept this country and we've got with the issues I'm talking about Jeremy if I ask you do you know anyone who's hooked on heroin have sold to one Muslim gangs he probably don't I do johnny beautiful girls at you went to school if they're now wearing a burqa that don't see their family probably don't I do Jo anyone has been murdered by Muslim gang probably don't hydrogen only 15 old girls that you know you've grown up with that has been raped or pimped you don't try don't sneeze at all understanding these are all personal issues of yours personal issues in towns and cities like mine that are happening and they're not happening with the Sikh community they're not happening in with the juries to do they're not happening with most Muslims no there's better happening within the Islamic community this one said that it's an Islamic problem and when I'm just a simple person so I'm just a normal person but when I'm looking at I have to look for where this hatred coming from and rather and talking about these girls are there statistics they're not statistics these girls are well whose host daughters do you think these are whose sisters they're ours in working-class towns and communities and people have read up what's going on with it and is being ignored for 20 years ARCA are our counselors and the animal and the leaders near our community of conspired with the police to not deal with Muslim pimping gangs they've allowed systematic rape of our youth rather fact they've been scared to be called a rape or it's another quick video in competing using our whole system rather than deal with these gangs they would rather persecute us that people would highlight the issue and the fact is the police the council's of government everyone needs to wake up many of the issues when we for me do that I wanted to raise and wanted to bring to the surface I've been brought to the surface many of them if you wish to you can draw a graph on the arrests do it yourself look at the arrest rate for Muslim grooming gangs which is a big problem in many of our communities you'll see a line go straight across like this English Defence League forms the arrests go through the roof only when people took the streets only when they could not hide this fact any longer because they've hid it only when the world's media will listen to us talk about what's happening to our family members and the police are facilitating it did they do anything about it I tell you one story I stayed in Blackburn for the night before a demonstration I spent with the time of a family I listened to a horrific stories of what's happening to their 12 year old daughter she's going missing as well four days she's got a 19 year old brother in that room that's telling me the stories I mean horrific you hear these stories and you're having to listen to all these things that are going on it's going on everywhere the next day with the demonstration it's all kicking off I've gone down to the front where it's kicking off to try and calm people down who's at the front kicking off with the police oh brother there's usually a lot reason for the anger that people have seen okay to just label it and ignore it main reason I want to get across is why that's the point I'm getting to is why another point I'm making to you about prison I've been in prison would here is an Isis training camp that's it our category a jails now our radicalizing and radicalizing we've got 800 coming out a year when you go to jail you're weak you're vulnerable you're now being turned to hate the system hate the country hate everything about us and I'll make this claim now has some time the speech should we look back upon after a prison confort has come out maimed killed and murdered on our streets because it's going to happen there's nothing being done they're not segregated they're not isolated the 2012 I spent 20 weeks on solitary confinement these terrorists are not a solitary confinement there on the wings convert in making people take the Shahada converting them the Imams even in Woody were trying to do something they're not trusted they're not listening to their scene the Stooges people are not converting with the Imam they're converting with the radicals who are running the wings in 2012 I spent twenty weeks I flew to America on September 11th on someone else's passport pretty stupid thing to do yeah about ten months in jail for it I thought was quite harsh but about ten months in jail I spent 20 weeks on solitary confinement Silex confinement 23 and a half hours a day I was locked up for half hour day I got let out to walk around a cage on my own put back in meals brought your room they're not allowed to do that actually if you only allowed to do that for 30 days because your mental health it's not good for your mental health to get around that they moved me from Wandsworth Block Bedford block Wood Hill block one's worth book Wayland block I was not allowed out of my cell because I'd be killed my family noticed the difference in me as a person when they come to visit because of this you see fear is paralyzing and it's fear that paralyze problems police force it's fear that paralyze our politicians it's fear that has paralyzed the British public to put up and tolerate with many of the things that happen in this country I got my family contacted human rights lawyers they explained listen our son has spent 12 weeks in solitary confinement listen all the things all the human rights lawyers like this you've definitely got a case as his our border will get a judicial review he's a leader in English spenceley oh well I mean we can't we can't we can't represent him that's how top ticket it's become that's how powerful political correctness is my family then looked for who represented Jaime Bolger's killer child killer calf the penis of a child and fed it to him disgusting sick they contacted him went through the same scenario explaining the situation got to the fact that I was leading spenceley whoa can't touch him he represented a child killer he would not represent me that is the how toxic it become to speak out and be critical of what I've seen now we tried to get as bows we did contact the council before any street protests I'm not going to stand here and pretend I'm an angel so I'm far from it I'm not going to stand and defend the actions of every English defense new demonstration IVA because some of them are in defendable and I wouldn't want to anyway what would also point out Isis many Isis fighters fright is there's a lad but I know from Luton is Alif I'm from there coming back I draw the point they are following from Scripture from the Koran they practice from the same Koran that the Kurds who are fighting for freedom also follow so I'm not saying all Muslims are bad I'm saying what I want what I've tried to do today what I'm trying to paint a picture of is why I want you to understand why if we want to talk about my beliefs I Drive you heard my beliefs in my mouth I'll call far-right I'm putting a box as a right wing because it in this country we like to do that it makes it makes things less complicated many of my views are left-wing and liberal I just have a problem of what I see as fascism I have a problem which I see of extremism and any group but these clowns are outside today who are government-funded ok linked with trade unions it's their job to oppose fascism where were they where were they with the rise of what trees our main is now saying as the biggest rectus country's history my views are my views I'm entitled to them it's coming to an end now but what I want you to ask yourselves again is what would you have done on your soldiers homecoming what would you have done witnessing the things you have growing up what would you have done when you see your culture eroded due identity disappearing see Sharia patrols neighbors are being forced from their homes what would you have done as a young lad from Luton made the decision I've done what I did I'd done it and I want you to know that it was born out of passion for what was right wasn't born out of hatred to say this was all done out of hatred would be absurd I've put my life on the line and have many negative effects from that especially when we come down to the police I was talking earlier about freedoms I'm on a licensed condition I can't contact the EDL I believe that we should all be fearful if I went for a full story I'd love to come back and have time to talk about this now and run out of time I'd love to talk to it all about everything that's gone on with with the police because they can do it to me they can take away my freedoms I can do it too you should be a worry to everyone finally interfaith we have interfaith policies across this country rip them all up they're useless they're completely useless in my town you have seat leaders Muslim leaders Christian leaders twice a year take a photo which are put their arm around them stick it in the paper that's everything faith it's not doing anything it's no good people if we're serious and we want to solve this problem our country has deep wounds if we're going to solve these wounds now the people you need to bring together people on those EDL demos and the young kids being attracted to those is amiss organizations it's the only way any way is with with dialogue and if I'll talk about how many many times I say we need a revolution I don't mean we need a revolution we need a revolution within the Islamic community we can't solve this these problems problems will be solved on Muslims I've seen I'm having a meeting this week with Muslims in Luton who are running a campaign saying not in my name i watch the videos hour and 20 minutes it's good video by the imam niye sat down for this is what we've been asking for we've been asking we've been asking for Muslims to get as outraged as us what these fanatics are doing we've been asking for a clear wedge and a difference and a clear difference between your ordinary Muslims and these were Hobby Salafi extremists and for the first time I think I'm yet to be completely convinced but it is the only route forward and the only path forward that I see if we want to say hand down a safe and prosperous Britain I'd like to thank you again I hope this give you a better insight some of you may still hate me but I'd like to give skip a bit of insight into Who I am where I've come from the reasoning behind the formation of the English defense the officer left the English Defence League now and I'll try as best I can to answer any of your questions I wish I could stand there and speak freely but a certain topic so I can't really branch into because I will be recalled to prison I have three young beautiful children's Christmas is five weeks away and I noticed the massive effect it had on them when their dad was locked in prison so I spoke to you earlier about a year ago I would have stood up here and done what others said whatever the hell I wanted because I felt my freedom of speech was being eroded and I'm quite stubborn throughout the years but I can't I can't put my family through that so again thank you for inviting me you
Channel: OxfordUnion
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Keywords: Union, Society, University, Debates, Debating, Interview
Id: _YQ94jFg_4A
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Length: 68min 16sec (4096 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2015
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