People Throw Away Good Stuff

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was that a catalytic converter [Applause] what do you guys think is that a catalytic converter hmm I think it is I think this is probably worth more than my entire load just right there [Music] good morning welcome to the channel so it is Tuesday book drop my book this is the book for my my recovery group yeah it's just a little workbook that we just walk through questions its yeah so it's Tuesday morning which is a really good garbage morning here in my area because there's five well Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday so they're all chopped up into five different areas that they pick up trash the next on Fridays there's two areas that pick up trash so it tastes Tuesday we're gonna run off and go garbage picking that's my favorite I don't it's my favorite I know a lot of people love the dumpsters and that's yeah looks like we got a few things here steering column Wow does this thing even for that's I've never seen anything like this I'm okay [Music] does anyone else ever see anything like this big long cable that's for sure yeah this isn't even my well it is my first stop but it's like this wasn't even a planned area for me to stop this looks aluminum you know I don't know this erosion on us what might not be so yeah definitely not a bad first up yeah that was aluminum what is this stuff break it something Wow if aluminum to that even got a fit I have put you in last [Applause] okayhow fire this up once to get everything loaded up it is how to bend up a few things get it loaded up and whoo that was a workout so now I'm gonna run over into this neighborhood and there's the neighborhood racks right in here then I'm gonna go - all right all right I know ten minutes in the scrapping already gotten some good stuff all right springtime means the smell of trash not fun not fun [Music] I'm not yeah I'm gonna put this in the trash keep the cord it's a cord as well take a look in this trash at least probably not metal enough if it's more plastic than metal I'm not grabbing it it's just it's just not a good product to sell to buy his grab your you know my scribe error does accept no plastic and wood whatever wit within their shred yeah but do you look at that it so yeah it's just not the best thing to me someone it's you know are they gonna make money off would know they can make money off plastics and other stuff no so I I just want to be you know decent why scrap very much scrap her to be decent to me so someone was talking about I had a comment that when I grabbed those up there was a Rubbermaid bin inside of here they said there you go again Paul stealing and in my area the waste management on the recycle they only take glass paper consumer plastics you know milk jugs and it's like that and aluminum cans so if there's anything other than that in those recycle bins the waste management will just throw it into the trash so hopefully that helps out a little bit exactly sure what this is are you vinyl patio door hmm now I'm telling you the amount of stuff that people throw away it's amazing like this stuff this stuff is just gonna get thrown into the trash consumers type stuff this stuff will be recycled cardboard too in cardboard paper glass aluminum and that consumer grade plastics that stuff gets recycled here I'm not sure what happens in other states other municipalities or other countries for that matter all I know is that we have a pretty long way to go when it comes to how we sort our stuff here in the US I know China's not over excited about our sorting abilities and they're turning away a lot of a lot of recyclable stuff cuz they do they don't want our garbage in with recyclable stuff China on a bone I wouldn't want to be dealing with another country garbage mixed in with product and being sold as if it was that product oh that make sense nothing like the mellowness of the drive-in trash bacon now what do we have here I see some stuff sticking out of that trash can't quite tell it's metal or not fishing poles and some aluminum hockey sticks that's wood over there that's aluminum or fiberglass I can't quite tell I guess I could take my file to it I can find it fast enough my files alright that's five of us yeah I'm gonna take some beat-up sticks to the thrift store and put those on consignment what do you think old fishing poles I don't know anything about fishing even though I was in the US Coast Guard and I was on fisheries patrol for years my entire 20s basically I don't know anything about fishing I don't but could be leaving a bunch of money what's your stuff I don't know and sleds well guess it's the end of the season yeah alright I'm moving on to the next Turner place yeah you guys been watching Tucker uppers Channel I enjoy it oh I see yeah I'll see you back and clear out there of course while I grab my snips snip it up looks like they're home do a couple of things in here isn't that churning want it up bring it yeah this stuff is buried in here and if I pull this back and clean her out all this stuff's gonna come out with it can I get this out hello hi papi I want to get a dog one last chord I see yeah I meant to do that wire run yesterday on Monday but didn't get around it to it around to it minds me of a joke alright it's not bad it's 50 cents to a dollar heard there yeah that last little bit of footage my cameras pointed in the wrong direction the plastic is plastic I thought it was metal but there is metal here that's for sure TV tray that's kind of buried in there [Music] that's another huge that garbage NORAD's looks like yeah my camera wasn't pointed in the right spot hopefully it wasn't super bad footage will we'll see in the editing process I remember these Christmas lights yes please a little rolodex like this I'm not sure that's called a rolodex one more insulated copper wire tonight too much time here we'll grab this with that garage door open there I'd know that they might feel a little uncomfortable I don't know but I'm watching more often than I realize I see a kitchen stuff is this for he's got a moth got to it a lot of that stuff is aluminum over there this is aluminum cup here pulling up it's so quiet here mmm plastic oh yeah that's plastic I can tell with the whole molding pieces bummer my change when I would go take a look at that cuz there might be some there might be some metal in there if they were doing some auto repairs yeah like this type of aluminum would not get recycled through my area wouldn't yeah it looks like they've been doing some work on their vehicles yeah and I get it you think that all plastic you recycle well which I think it is just that the level of recycling that my area does it's really it's low oh you to the molding process with this the over molding and the okay this is plastic or aluminum and it's looking like plastic yep it is just full gutter wilson bag scoping it with some mental a little bit of metal maybe you need to be aluminum check it out nope it's still alright that little load going here mostly metal think so that stuff's aluminum actually I know it is right after next little bit a metal Wow that's a beast of a chair that thing with side things on it Wow that's ripped okay try to close it it's going into the Shred hello-oh eater of scrap stay stay I don't know what direction he's going what are we gonna find around a corner here really some of the stuff that I say it sounds like it's set up it's not yeah I'm not gonna do that chair that's not metal enough but I am going to look in that garage now try to adjust the GoPro here so it's aiming down and it's nothing yeah this would not even survive another move so it is wood there's another garbage man two garbage trucks right now hitting this little neighborhood that's what I get for so I started at 8:00 and it's 9:15 right now pretty much wrapping up this morning you know I'm just grateful that I am able to you know spend that extra time with my kids and take him to school and pick him up from school and take him around appointments and going to the store and just whatever like I said yesterday I think I have the best job in the world she's checking her Facebook what's up buddy rabbit so yeah I think I got the best job so yeah thanks for coming along with me and thanks for all the support and the awesome comments and you know the the financial part of it just is awesome - yeah that's not in the best of shape that chest of drawers yeah I'm kind of blown away you know and not being a you know a money driven person you know which sometimes causes me problems I'm just not wired that way but I got some good suggestions you know to start an you know a small emergency fund you know or whatever fund you want to call it you know you put a little bit of money way yeah that'll just change some habits you know just like my eating habits you know just a slow slow change you know it's a consistent you know I did that with my wasn't a slow change a she's pretty abrupt the change of lifestyle almost eleven years ago from we have the lifestyle of drugs and alcohol and that crazy stuff too - how I live my life today so yeah I think I need to do that with with money as well so I just you know just be a better steward you know I'm talking about the resources provided to to us you know with it with recycle everything else money needs to be the same thing it's a resource it's a it's a tool and I need to be edge to a better steward of the tool a better caretaker of the tool that is that are provided to me hopefully that make sense you know in the first step in any issue is awareness just being aware that there is an issue leaving and there's a sign said no outlet down this road and it leads to this big I think it's a retirement community I've never driven down here I can't tell if the garbageman has already been here or not if they're on the left-hand side and pull over kind of tap the garbage can hear that hollow sound but it looks like this garbage can is all over fall so I think the garbageman has not been through here but yeah I didn't even know that this malaria existed yeah that's a little bit too much nonmetal and I'm not gonna tear it apart but when I see the garbage can when the lid is a little bit off it might be something oversized or metal in there so let's take a quick look Oh oh yeah come in with me see just two CDs just fell out of it cereal oh this up in a movie no their songs we sing of Christ nice I think Yeltsin here help this crash cool so I need to look in that CD changer and see if there's some more CDs actually I think there is that's gonna fall out the way it did see if we can find something else this would be a good neighborhoods you know these garbage cans dub style whatever there we mean we maybe why gotta do it today No so yeah so our I mentioned dumpster Marcus you know he was he was highly influential in my first few video not my first in my quest to make videos and you know and I initially started as just making some palette videos because that's kind of what I knew I didn't know anything about scrap and you know a lot of the hardcore scrappers would say yeah we know Paul we know you're not ever yeah so dumpster Marcus was highly influential what is that Splenda Splenda therapeutic nutrition so there's cases of it right there I'm not touching it because I don't know explorations and things like that so yeah so dumpster Marcus Tucker upper he definitely he inspired me on a level of you know what just be gutsy just go for it be you that that's where he inspired me and I still really enjoy his videos scrap vulture be very inspirational about just keeping that video going just hit the the next the next thing you know and also he he's been influential just in you know sending me some private messages about st. Paul here here's a couple of things that you may have missed in your scrapping or a couple things you may have missed him and how you put your video together and thumbprint [Music] you know I've not seen too many of his videos recently but I I always enjoy his his video editing is just top-notch and he's such a good community I enjoy how he speaks and the manner in which he speaks and how he puts his his thought process together and you know and another one that that I think is underrated and just as an amazing youtuber and scrapper in me I don't know he might be the best is uber is amazin you know he's he's like the professor it might be the professor of scrapped videos the exhaust but like yeah there might be some other car parts over here was that a catalytic converter what do you guys think is that a catalytic converter hmm I think it is I think this is probably worth more than my entire load just right there all right that's secure yeah that guy right there I think I'm not sure I've never found a catalytic converter before you know what I can do is for some other stuff all right that might have been a good catch right there as I'm sitting here getting gas I got out taking my magnet and aluminum you know screws are loaning them lumen aluminum aluminum aluminum I already checked that one yeah all this stuff is aluminum I'm still curious about that I can't let gonna hurt her if that's it it is what is luminol Wow majority of that stuff was aluminum that I got from the feather or the very first stop Wow 42 bucks for 15 gallons of gas soit's okay alright I need to go separate my metals [Music] [Music] there we have it so I put all the aluminum that I got into this barrel and I'd rather just set it down as I'm driving so it doesn't fall over and I get the scrapyard I'll just take it out then got the shred now with this catalytic converter my favorite scrapyard they're only paying three dollars for a Cadillac convert so I'm gonna one hang on to it because I'm not gonna sell it for 3 bucks and then my saws off I actually dropped a big heavy piece of it was actually a piece of a safe and they actually cut the cord of my sawzall so I got to fix my sawzall so I tried actually cutting it with a hacksaw and yeah that's that'll take up a lot of time so I'm just gonna wait I'm gonna get my sawzall fixed and then I'll sell this to a scrapyard that'll pay more than $3 for a catalytic converter so alright let's go ahead and hit this cracker curious curious how much this aluminum is worth and so got that aluminum and then I got some shred and yeah I'm keeping that catalytic converter me it could be worth a lot more let's grab them yeah this sawzall out its stuff so I was I was reading through the comments of a couple videos ago and one person says yeah I don't believe in the steps of recovery because then those steps become your your new alcohol or drugs or whatever and that that couldn't be any worse advice that I've ever heard in my life you know having almost eleven years of sobriety in like a month so I've ten years of sobriety from crystal meth and drug soon I mean all the drugs and alcohol gambling and anger and all of us so here's there's the thing if someone's new addiction is recovery because because recovery and spiritual growth are the same thing they're identical so if you're recovering you are in spiritual growth if you are if you are following Christ or in spiritual growth you're following whatever your religion is it's leading to God it's leading to you are in recovery you're spiritually growing they're the same thing okay so if someone tells me oh you know your groups are now your new your new addiction well I don't know if my spiritual growth has ever landed me in jail my spiritual growth has ever had to be abandoned my children if spurs of growth has ever stripped me and isolated me into just abandoning life and goals and the dream that people talk about you're going after the dream addiction will strip you with them spiritual growth does the opposite of that recovery does the opposite that community does the opposite of isolation it's togetherness so yeah that that person and the person wanted to kind of argue back and forth in in the comments it doesn't it doesn't even sense and and you guys do so anyway I just wanted to just talk about that little bit you know that recovery and community and spiritual growth and all of that it's their inner wolven so all right something right now this was actually a real time how long it took me to drive to the scrapyard so it looks like I'm third in line here to get my nonferrous taken out of the back here and [Music] [Music] I got $15.75 for 35 pounds of extrude aluminum at 45 cents a pound and then at $145 in it ton yeah I'm at a traffic light so I gotta hurry up I got eight dollars and 70 cents for a hundred twenty pounds of that so a little bit more than seven cents a pound so God you are amazing you're awesome thank you so much for this time thank you for this beautiful day god you're amazing and God even though I'm driving I just want to praise you you know cuz cuz we matter to you God and thank you for reminding me and reminding us that we matter that you you knitted us in our mother's womb you knew us before we were even anything and God we matter I Love You God in the name of Jesus just continue to bless our days and when we have our troubles God then you just send your angels in there just to clear the path cuz God we we can't do it you can't do without your help and the name of Jesus amen [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 26,450
Rating: 4.8941798 out of 5
Keywords: Scrap, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Dumpsters, Dumpster Diving, Recycling, Jesus, Trash Picking, Scrap Wire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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