Record Breaking Scrap Day

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ooh i want it you know what i'm not sure if they're throwing this away seriously i think they used it just to bring it out to here you know that's just too nice all right i am not messing with that oh the conspiracy theory is coming out now what caught my eye was hurting my thumb what caught my eye was those shelves right there let's get that other one those birds it's like stereo you're getting me birds i don't know it's like three different types what's the frequency kenneth boop that sheltex looks really nice it is definitely is it's thick and heavy that might be a keeper i feel clumsy right now so hmm i see you lamp and a baseball dog toy whatever it is where are you gonna go um right there little bits of awesome wow lookie there wow it's a huge motor and a compressor work just fine but you work just fine too bit rusty do my elbow pop hopefully that wasn't a bad pop wow look at that it's a nice grinder i should put you back over there should put you on the shelf okay stay right there now let's get your brother this one is a pro force that works just fine sweet deal morning ralph good morning sam definitely taking it so that's steel kind of stutter there that's steel but this is most likely aluminum it's a hockey game all right oh it's a bit rusted out isn't it all right where are you going over here somewhere couldn't tell this cow was metal oh the g-man oh it's full of water and yuck hey yeah it's all rained on even though i like these totes um still really cool beyond cool it's so nice though it's almost chilly it's probably an aluminum top to it but aluminum it's really cheap right now hi good morning all right i think i can lift but i don't know i'm not sure if i want to risk my shoulder all right i got a mess started here don't i significant mess going so look at that scrap that's a new vacation destination scrap mountain and resorts that is so awesome all right what's the guess on the way 4 200 even even though i'm not gonna scrap half of it i'm gonna keep the shelf and the compressor and 4140 it's not very much actually i'm so i think they're not even supposed to be open yet it's only 7 48 in the morning i should drive very slowly was that a bike that i scrapped one time no actually i sold a bike like that for 20 bucks it was a yellow one um yeah for garden decor yeah a lot of scrap that i'm finding now i just listed as garden decor in it sells yep that's someone just like that for 20 bucks no okay now some people's like paul that's aluminum well with aluminum being um 15 cents a pound and half the weight and that's what it's not even 10 pounds let's say it is 10 pounds even though it's not so what's that a dollar 1.50 yeah i'm gonna say a dollar do i want to rip that apart for one dollar i would if i like tearing things apart you know but i don't bye bye barbecue bye-bye barbecue people call them girls i've always called them barbecues growing up in las vegas those are barbecues now this is probably this is aluminum breakage but for the same price it's going into that and let the machines deal with it keep um yeah these guys gotta go the lamps gotta go keeping you the license plate should we frisbee the license plate yeah so in yesterday's video i threw that frisbee actually or the the lid to a pot it went up and kind of disappeared out of camera um there's a mosquito flying around and what it did is it kind of went sideways and then like went off this way and it landed over there halfway between the fence and the train tracks yeah all right i think this will do the same thing try that better all right try not to fall out of the truck paul went pretty far what else this has got to go and these have got to go oh yeah i took my sign off the truck to paint it not for me to paint it for uh awesome to paint it because she is awesome yeah she saw that and she's like i need to i need to repaint that make the orange stand out more like all right i'm gonna guess 39.60 going out and i can't see anything because i can't literally can't this shelf is in the way i'll have to trust them all right let's see if this thing works hey has a handle didn't even know i like waiting for feeling for the handle over here okay [Music] wrong with the plug good now all right there's our switch i should turn off first all right that should be off zero is off okay pro force you're not gonna blow up on me are you [Applause] all right it's holding air 40 psi um hey change oh i had some fitting somewhere where i have them specialty box maybe yeah all this was found in the trash [Music] maybe it's in here nope maybe no i just want to see if that hose works this is holding air that's holding here so i don't see any reason why this wouldn't be holding air so i think we got a worker but i want to get that air fitting i'm gonna look around a little bit more i don't have any fittings for that air hose but i thought i did all right so you all look good is there any switch was this thing just gonna turn on and go gangbusters right off the bat i think it will so i'm going to turn my switch off then plug it in and then get out of the way i guess you know what i'm kind of out of the way here just have my face shield on just in case all right hang on guys hey it works not sure how strong it is dangerous let's all get out [Music] so there's no actual switch here yeah what do you think i think someone will want it let's try this spin spin [Music] a lot of people don't realize the reason why like our fans when you turn on like a desk fan or whatever it goes from off to high medium then low because it goes to high first so it has all of its juice to be able to start the spin that is some serious sturdy shelving [Music] check out what i acquired yeah it's a ramp so we'll see if it actually works on the truck to be able to get things that are heavy yeah the feeling it's not gonna work too well because of this this is actually going to catch things instead of me sliding but it might slide right on top of here so we shall see awesome it is still here i saw this 40 minutes ago and i knew my truck was full at least for that uh you know all those satellite dishes and um shelving and i'm like there's no way i'm gonna get that in the truck without you know just a chance of hurting myself so that was another reason why i'm like you know what let me try this this ramp see if this helps so it's a washing machine see is that that's the truck part right [Music] yeah let's see hey fly shoo go hey mister you gotta go thank you [Applause] get the water out those birds man all right let's get as much that yucky water out ah there's like no grippy grip i guess i can use that to grip i've never actually used a ramp before let's see it's going to be more hassle than it's worth so my guess is on its side keep pushing right what do you think is it better than lifting hey the sun just came out wow way easier i like that we've been telling you for years paul my buddy here at the greenhouse it says he has a stove for me somewhere there it is all right let's get it sit down sit down let me tell you a tale let me tell you a story right now right now there's a wandering ghost and she's coming for me so loud so loud [Music] and what if she hits this time what if she makes her mark where will my future be if she catches up with me i wanted to run away needed her to let me be but now i see i was trying to run for me do you see is she beautiful or is she make-believe what do you think am i a slave to this so can i ever be free i need to know now what do you say i need your help now can you scare her away small truck problems when in doubt definitely offload a lot of folks would offload at their house or their property or whatever but hey this is how they're counting it so i'm at 4140 again wow 4160 something like that so talk to michael um prices went up to 110 per ton so it is uh five and a half cents per pound for shred steel five and a half cents per pound people are dumping out here come on dump in there wow is that really aluminum copper right here that they just put shred pile whoa is that brass no it's rusty okay i'm like is that all brass yep so i'm pretty happy about ah 110 dollars per net ton definitely all right so i need to get the cords cut off of these there it is yeah my uh my barrel of cords is so your head is so heavy that i'm gonna have to uh break it up into two into two barrels still curious about that it's probably aluminum aluminum radiator not copper what do you think no that is definitely copper that's acr right there [Music] i am going to get it out of the way though just for the future scrapper i'm not throwing that into this red pile no way wait a minute is it jamming in there let's handle this right now all right we are good all right so we're 4140 going in and 38.80 going out so i just got a call from a maintenance guy at uh an apartment complex and he has a bunch of appliances he says for me so um he sent me a picture and it looked like three or four refrigerators and a couple stoves at least so i don't know how many there's gonna be so i called the big guns but before the big guns comes out with his mcdonald's breakfast um i thought i would say thank you i uh checked my p.o box and just amazing stuff um letters and uh cards and just really heartfelt things um and uh and i try not to mention stuff but yeah the uh youtube channel texas picker sent me some uh scrap and pallet man gloves yeah just amazing and also these are like it's like too much it's like elon musk gloves or something there's some serious design also you know thank you for the the paypal tip jar uh you guys you know you guys keep sending stuff i i've sold more mugs i think in june than i ever have coffee mugs so i might be selling more coffee mugs than i am scrap metal you guys are amazing so thank you for that i appreciate it um wow that's just amazing come on all right here comes the big guns they wasn't sure no breakfast they weren't nope was it too late yeah do you remember uh two and a half years ago when i first got my gopro no i picked you up from school yes and uh you know it was on my phone and i was like hey remember the gopro are you at mike look look for the gopro you're looking around for it that's a while ago now i'll go around this person so we're going to go to the apartment the maintenance guy at the apartments and i'm i don't know how many appliances could be five could be eight nine ten i don't know we've only fit four on this truck one time remember how he says ready hard as you can i think this is going to be three um truffles no he's not so got these three appliances and i think there's six more yeah there's no way i can get six in one trip [Music] all right 4460 but also i got 98 pounds in the passenger seat you better get out of my way wait i think this tractor is closed off wow i don't remember being visible you don't no what are you talking about it's always this phone wait he's moving isn't he cool i'll let him move then wait so we dropped the top here yep it's the new way is that our that's our old bike it looks like it isn't it it's not though that looks identical i know alex i was talking about that earlier in my video [Music] yeah it's not though because i sold that one for 20 bucks unless they bought it for 20 bucks and took it to the scrap here no that's not it because you can see the front the actual uh part that the wheel connects to the actual bike yeah the forks yeah yep ready to just destroy this thing yeah yeah let's destroy it that's no good i'm really grossed out it is it's a lot of stuff i know it's aluminum but i don't care what there's glass in it oh you ready wanna grab that side jesse you know yes ready give me a moment all right i'm gonna get in and push it off all right go for it sweet now this thing oh close it oh that's so bad i do not want it are you out of the way okay go on this side push it all right that's fine just be out of the way here ready are you want to clip that cord and we'll be on our way four four six zero have you ever forgotten what your number was no all right what number do we have now four twenty four four zero all right remember what we did yep and we'll look together oh all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little change of plans so we got another load of these so this is the third one my buddy virgil he came driving by my dude got some stuff for you so he was able to get seven appliances in here that would have been two or three more loads so all right gentlemen see you guys later take care all right yeah man that's good stuff [Music] no literally i stopped at the mini mart and i saw virgil like virgil need your help scrappers we need your help no i said virgil need your help oh all right so let's go uh take this all right let's hit the scrap yard wait so you want me to punch it punch what the scrap yard no you can't hit it i can do it we are 44 20. all right and then she's going to press that button what's up brother does she all right man what if she wants me in the video i think we need to go in and cash out these appliances yes what do you think about that jesse i think it's a good idea catch out yeah all right hopefully it doesn't fall yeah let's just hope it is a prank wow a lot of stuff ben was here well he was right here you see all those motherboards no bunch of them come on gopro let's go yeah it looks like eway's ben was here it is a lot what do you think yep those are definitely boards ready one two three all right let's do this make sure it's on the tailgate before you really kick it off good question keep going keep going all right 40 20. all right four zero two zero now you want to explain what happened to your finger yeah just trying to pick up a piece of glass because i wanted to drop it and then i cut my finger you know it went right through the glove and luckily um i have a first aid kit that some awesome person sent me and uh we're able to see the yeah the one right through that glove and it did cut his finger decently um but a little bit of alcohol you know what let's go inside and let's cash out how much you weigh 120 seconds ago over here this time all right let's try it 120. that's me walking across you coming in [Music] hey i'm just gonna cash out the last three from those appliances there was four of them four okay four see you later michael 85 dollars it is mighty this truck is mighty you don't believe how much this was eight dollars all right that's better so 110 dollars a ton oh i thought you said we got 110 dollars no that's about to start tripping um but each one so 440 was the first load 400 second load 440 for the third load second 280 yeah 280 for the last one or maybe a 280 was the first one huh yeah 280 was my first one yeah okay i got the background 280s when i had two appliances myself and then i did three appliances with you three trips here for a total of and 80 cents so that's a scrap load right there 85 and 80 cents i'm happy with that so you get 25 five five i'm kidding i don't know how about how about how about you get i get this and you get that i mean that works because i did do more just a little bit yeah so this is the for the two things would help seriously appreciate it oh yeah we're not allowed to shake hands anymore your hands are getting bigger now your hands are still significantly bigger than mine this is what you need to be scared of thank you god for this day thank you for this time thank you for no injuries lord thank you for no injuries oh low low injury is good yeah thank you for low injuries god um i take that back lord um thank you for a good time thank you for letting me hang out with my son lord because i know that you sacrificed your son for us and i can't imagine having to do that god that breaks my heart lord help me help break my heart for what breaks yours god let me see things from your perspective in the name of jesus amen amen having fun all right let's keep going
Channel: undefined
Views: 150,422
Rating: 4.8815269 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: gCojN4gOi7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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