Found Tool Boxes on the Curb

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stuff is not light either [Music] good morning welcome to the strap and Palamon channel so what we're gonna be doing today is garbage you pick in and run around looking for good stuff maybe in dumpsters or on the curb no idea what we're gonna find today one thing I do know is that our journeys gonna start right now [Music] sit down and sit down let me tell you a day let me tell you a story right now right now there's a wandering ghost and she's coming for me so I got a package in the mail yep curious to see what it is I got an email to sender and I'm not gonna say the sender's name cuz I'm not sure if they're okay with me saying yeah [Music] but if they're okay with disclosing who they are they can let me in the comments but thank you look at these snippers wow there's a there's a coil to them the spring Tony extra magnet I thought it was stuck it's stuck because it's a neodymium magnet some scrap and pallet man colour gloves wookies man I should have Jesse over here just to hanging out with his friends down the street Wow I was just gonna buy a pair of gloves two more suckers yeah [Music] Oh Kirk plank I can't get off GOP so these is how forceful it is all right so we'll leave that be it's heavy [Music] I am now a microstrip er that's right it's time to take your stuff apart I mean anvil vise dude thanks guys seriously that's huge alright we are on our way to do some morning scrapping it is 5:11 a.m. on Wednesday morning so yeah I'm looking forward to do some script good day scrap us wood and a bunch of it and see the bunny rabbit is this our first catch of the day it is alright I like our clothes good stuff a little bit oh oh yes what is it oh good for a second I thought was plastic no three cents of steel I'll take it is that aluminum aluminum aluminum yeah I think it is regular old trash but there's something else in the yeah see some plastic what was this track lighting I don't even know four foot brushed nickel finish track brush - nickel so it might be stainless steel cuz Nicholas earth still to us Mikko and chromium and stuff in it what is that mr. styrofoam it tricked me what's a challenge I think regular I could cut right through it wouldn't it someone got some type of a table saw scrappage right yes and you guys are coming with me um it's us yeah it's a slider I'll break this later take it that it's like 500 pounds thud it's a double burger noob all right let's get out of here is it metal yeah good job good stuff yeah good I'm digging the scrap and ballot man colors definitely and my new snips is actually made by Crescent decent a very decent tooling company zigzag sideways and then ladder this way so be running this way and then basically this attention a ladder search who do in the Coast Guard try out my new snips for the first time yep cut just fine that's for sure what's your take is that bicycle on the curb that's a nice bicycle I have a feeling it's not but it's enough to where I'm gonna go up and ask ya I'm gonna go up and knock on their door so check this out I went up rang the doorbell met a nice lady and it turns out that the people that were walking their dog it was her bike yeah so it was not a abandoned bike or a free bike it was her bike I'm so glad I asked so I scrapped about I don't know 45 minutes with my son this morning then I took my daughter to school and I've been scrapping for I don't know another half an hour so and I have nothing to show for it so that's scrapping is a numbers game that we're out here sometimes we'll find stuff quickly sometimes we'll find stuff slowly but if you average it out over time there's you can get the numbers pretty good you can't judge scrapping by a couple of hours or even a couple of days so well yeah this morning turns out to be one of those low productive mornings which is it's normal but also yeah I don't like it all right change in my neighborhood here and now I'm gonna start a different route using my ride start my workout and plug it down here let's see what we can find [Music] hmm going on here that's enough for me to take a quick gander at oh I'm gonna grab that bicycle first see all right magna you're coming with me what else we got going on a bunch of nothing all right so just got that bicycle from over there yay it's a mental thing oh it's plastic power the ribbon cable well that's a big-screen TV they're gonna parts to it it's been scrapped out yeah it's been scrapped out okay I'll take the ribbon cable I'll be some molex connectors in there maybe tE Connectivity on top this is the same place that I was a while back so I'm gonna shut her down yeah I got the those um rotors from a guy over there with me like butter smooth like butter what is this whole thing it's shred that's what it is it's heavy - Wow your round right car tell you one thing having snippers that are sharp like this it really feels good it it doesn't hurt my forearms that are and have some tendonitis going on I think that I'll do it later I catch myself you're not doing it this part that saddens me yeah it does hey look I'm gonna take a can yes folks every now and then I'll pick up a can nice and dry yeah let's finish looking in here tables yeah Knick Knack e things lunch box looks like that a yard sale yard sale these stuff this does not look like trash bull ride oh is it Gramps what's having grandpa yeah this is the kind of stuff that best saddened me because memories you know getting messed with 9 'then you see and that's a movie Tupac yeah I mess with those some kid made this I make it [Applause] I hear a bunch of kids mostly playing in one of those garages that yeah there's a bunch of kids in that garage that's funny because there's no cars no cars strange yeah it's about it hurt except I'm looking for wrapping it up right before your left side or open up this can is full it's full full that's nice little binder in notebook the resort intervals it's not a bad scratch pad right there I like it I'm gonna take just a couple of chords in here I will snip him now you know each it though these are both garbage cans I can just transfer right to the other one it's a brand new something I don't know what it is I don't know I have enough stuff at the house just yeah I don't have my have a new for selling because my thrift store was awesome because I didn't have to deal with finicky buyers and buyers that don't show up and things like that I mean I don't want their money back and obviously that doesn't happen that often what happens often enough to work I don't want to go in that direction Wow a whole bunch of kitchen stuff yeah some of that thrown out or moved out and left their stuff alright I'm not digging any farther like there might be something over here see sheet rock kids toys and nope bummer yeah so I was just lon stuff like in these bags kids toys whatnot it looked good from afar okay let's go find some stuff all right so Matt my ride says I can hang a right I have not been down that way and look at that big piece of scrap I found hey that's a nice piece of scrap just kidding hello-oh easier screen how are down oh you're the recycle dude you're good we good all right the app called map my ride says that I can go and make a left or make a right or go straight I've not been to any of these so I'm gonna make a left cuz there it's saying that's a cul-de-sac yeah boy been this neighborhood like three times so we'll see now I got a message from jackpot digger because I haven't checked out his channel definitely go over there and check out he's a fantastic scrapper one of the best in the world but he had a reply on my my video from yesterday and he says Paul check the payload of your car by looking at the nameplate when you open up your door of your truck so I'm gonna go ahead and do that here a little bit and then and then I'll know so it looks like metal do you mind if I recycle your metal alright thank you sir yeah right right on have a good day yep as I'm talking about that's delivery that's scrap delivery oh there are these notices I gotta take a look at that it's a waste management notice all right let's look at it together says please contact your Alderman to keep waste management as your hometown solid waste service provider no way this is lame waste management of DeKalb has been proud to be your hometown service provider for the last 25 years on Monday June 25th which is in five days DeKalb City Council will vote on a potential change in the solid waste haulers as the current contract between the city and waste management expires August 31st Wow okay here is their names with sincere appreciation waste management of DeKalb team hmm all right so they're wasting paper and stuff to write but hey I get it they're a business they is a business okay looks a little promising let's go take a look looks like I see some stuff hanging out over there the dumpster the bin it's vinyl that's aluminum it's all over of their guns I'm working here repaint it's the brand new mirror goes random air that was rained on we have going on here hello just untwist it does yeah that this is a wire some sort it's not I see a bed frame yes I will take it well but it's nice and dry being out here in the heat so this bed frame probably should take these off so it folds up yep around grab my tools and take care of that [Applause] all right now come apart and hopefully come apart bash me in the head see how I'm here honestly cleaning this up have just the just the aluminum it was a window frame that was I think it was my last video or a couple videos ago that had these steel pieces in between holding it together and you just all I did was band so I definitely Golding home my handle that later I think it is so I was checking out the numbers hey here's a bicycle I was checking out the numbers in my last video oh really snowing that to do and the video that I made that was 11 minutes long got like 15 percent of the recommended see how do i free it's called an impression YouTube will promote someone's video is called an oppression it's how many times it shows up and someone's recommended or or you know in the recommended or the next video whatever really this goes give me a hard time and so my 10 minute video only got 15 percent of the impressions that my older or my longer videos get so I was really surprised that YouTube did not promote my 10 minute video or 11 minute video because I put a lot of time into that video too all right I'm just gonna get my zippers out I put a lot of time into that video of editing out all the strange parts or cringy parts or awkward parts where it was just action and and I was really proud of the editing in that 11 minute video but YouTube wasn't too impressed they did not promote it so it got it still got good watch time and and subscribers watched it you know but it was not promoted alright so I'm gonna get that bicycle out I'm gonna grab my grabber yes thanks to the viewer that sent this to me well let's grab a bicycle let's see it does around my lady right here only yanked that bike out yeah so I like I said I was really proud of that 11 minute video but YouTube was not impressed all right bicycle but yeah so regarding that video that had 15% and the reason why I say 15% is because literally 15,000 impressions on that video and 3,000 views so that means 15,000 times YouTube presented my video in front of someone you know the thumbnail in the description like in suggested or in recommended videos or up next or something like that so that's called an impression and mine the video before that which was the video with the sword the samurai sword it got 100,000 impressions and got 5,000 views so it's about a 5 percent click-through rate they call it and you guys remember this is University Village where we just got tons and tons of stuff where can I do I mean just so much stuff but they're done with all the construction so they repaved the place and you know yeah all the sidings done when those are all replaced it looks really good I thought I'd do a drive through here so anyway yeah my so my longer videos get um well I don't know if that's the cause it seems like that's the cause is the longer videos get in recommended videos more often to viewers that aren't subscribers and some you know to people that haven't seen the scrap and pallet man channel so in the recommended videos there might be 10 videos what makes my thumbnail more click worthy than the other 9 so so that's why our thumbnails have to be you know appealing and and I don't know though I don't know the the formula for that that's for sure but I put some effort into trying to make them appealing and make a crisp clean description you know not just saying update on my day or something vague I want it to be specific you know dumpster-diving on Father's Day with curbside scrap or something specific where you can tell what I'm doing and then the thumbnail and with an office bright too much information but with my videos what I try to do is I try to take the most exciting part of my day it's what I think's exciting and I take the little snippet of that and I put it right in the very beginning of the video so you guys can see you hey this is this is what I what I really liked hey the Popo that's what I really liked about the video you know and then then I you know have an introduction and then we just start our our journey so that's my recipe for a video yep that's definitely there for us scrappers to come pick up unlike that bicycle earlier so you think it's a little armor steel aisi aluminum cuz it's light tink oh very far alright just as I was getting ready to quit and go home and separate my stuff I just rolled up on something that I'm really excited about I think he will be too hard so far away you okay if I recycle your metal thank you my back the truck up oh wow fifty pounds mmm that's no joke [Music] stuff is not light either I should make some room first [Music] is this it's a type of saw that looks neat yeah that's gonna go on oh is it broken I can't tell quite sure a crowbar band what one of these I think one of the viewers was talking that I should get a crowbar thanks God oh it's vinyl this is the thing that I hit with my lawnmower was laying the grass really flat and wrecked that first lawnmower look at this that thing's been used Wow clang clang but someone might want to use these I don't know what do you think stay thought this was mental it's not that is scarecrow pitchfork push bloom yeah is there any of the metal that you want me to take for you is there any other metal you'd like for me to take away for you okay thank you have a good day love these guys one two three four believe this I think someone might want to use them pretty more valuable as someone that wants to use them okay the size of this beast Wow yeah I'm about 10 years ago those were the in thing but Stephanie worth grabbing the court and no no one's gonna wanna own that yeah you know 15 years ago that was the in thing right yeah yeah you know I got one with a friend of mine and it took two of us and we had a rent a truck and it was just a little bit bigger than that and it was about ten years ago I think I saw some chain-link fence or chicken wire or something it is channeling all right you my friend aren't coming with me oh so it's been sitting here a while turds going to that scrap yard whoo okay I got a few minutes before I have to take my daughter there go get with our from from school so I'm gonna pull up through these things the truck I don't understand it but I think it's Swiss designed interesting just interesting all right so that's rustic enough to wear that's gonna that's not getting tossed and I want to take a look inside of those two metal toolboxes so let's take a look at those yeah my grandfather and father had metal toolboxes it's and that won't you all right let's take a look at him grab a couple of bins this guy died dumped it actually dumped it in the back of my truck he got 95% of it our I don't know what's in here I really don't oh it's a baby ball-peen hammer it doesn't look broken cool yeah that's definitely keep all right I've got my keep bucket got some other buckets well you know this stuff is part of a channel that's definite I don't know you know any any tool that looks like it's still gonna be a tool that's some brass right there it still be a tool you know what this is what it's cool that chisel thing Wow grab them something big spark plug that's crap I don't this is what I just really like about scrapping just finding stuff like this now this guy I have not even opened so I took this right from the curb put in the back of my truck and have not open it one bit a lot of spider eggs so all right let's take a look no clue what's in here none Wow this is an actual toolbox though that's a metal ruler rockford life insurance company Wow I don't know what's in there there's a screws and nuts and bolts and things this goes into a light bulb you plug the plug in there [Music] but some snippers that are a little rusted lots of drill bits hey look it's the Union Pacific train in my backyard rail back batteries yeah straight into the trash can some type of a screwdriver set look at the paint coming off that means that got heated up somehow maybe even not calliper for measuring this is a sharpening stone yes it is [Music] that is awesome my dad had tools like this alright let's see what's in the bottom half of this faucet leak was a little cool thing was a big old crescent wrench tools that's an old-school level right there boy we're only getting this bag seems like years a voltmeter I've been looking I came so close to buying one so close to buying one thanks God hooked me up with a voltmeter all right I'm gonna go test this out here shortly oh that reminds me I was supposed to look at the payload of this truck on the door plate hey so gross vehicle weight is 4,800 pounds I don't know what this is I can't quite tell tools here the working man right here we're gonna leave it in here stay works Montgomery Ward Wow leVoir actually I need some of those from my house actually friction tape this friction tape well that's a screwdriver [Music] for drilling up your nose with a nose lots of files good stuff alright I need to go pick up my daughter then we'll wrap this stuff out because it could possibly rain I don't want raining well it's already rusty but you get I don't know anymore let's see if this guy girl have these things actually sideways that's the neutral side up neutral side this is the hot side yep no I didn't moved in it saw the orange red I can feel it buzzin yep that's what's saying 115 all right a quick rundown and what I found on that curb so 150 pound thing I don't know what that is it's got files and a ball peen hammer and bunch of other files things like that cool specialty wrenches and a hole yeah voltmeter that I was actually getting ready to purchase and I just tested it and it works some of the screws nuts and bolts on a whole bunch of drill bit bunches and bunches of drill bits like a caliper and some linesman's pliers that yeah they're pitted and stuff but it looked I think they're pitted from being smacked and yeah just a whole bunch a little specialty metalworking yeah look at this beast Wow regular this somehow [Music] yeah there's tons little stuff while sitting on the curb and the people were out looking at it throughout and they said yeah you can have whatever you want I said thank you driving go pick up my daughter and I was just thinking that those tools that were on the curb that part of town which I was driving towards my house that's not even garbage day so it's just more scrapp kingdom was right that to be scrapping through the neighborhood supports it's not garbage day is it's a gold mine [Music] it's just confirmation that I should be looking around not just the predictable patterns oh it's garbage morning let's go cruising sir even though it's that this is a successful way of doing it there are other ways as well I'm excited a bunch of was on the curb I'm generated go pick up some a waste friend of mine has a couple computers that she has so I'm gonna wrap up this video but before that I want to tell you a little story about my haircut yeah probably noticed so I go to this this brand new barber in between big Shane and non-ferrous Rick's house yeah there's a brand new barber shop so went there met the guy super nice guy Shane got a fantastic haircut so I sit down tell them what I want you know I just want to be kind of kind of tight I have a fade going and a tape or whatever I want to call it and I call her backwards so he does you know it was awesome I mean he took the hot lather and a straight razor and got really nice and showed me the mirror to it have you seen Rugrats you know the movie or Rugrats from the 80s or 90s cartoon yeah that was my haircut it was like a fat mohawk buzz all we have to here and then this patch of hair on the top I'm looking and he went way too far up here on the sides I mean like really far not I mean I looked like a baby with a big old patch of hair and I paid the man went home and took the Clippers to the little pageant here hold up my head so anyway you guys just just be awesome and stay awesome and do your thing and you know what let's just remember to make the rest of our lives the best of our lives I'll talk to there you you
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 84,895
Rating: 4.8141546 out of 5
Keywords: Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, River Diving, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, cleanout, house cleanout, forclosure cleanout, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, Daily Diver, Speedy Diver, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: C69UlG7ubbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 21sec (3201 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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